The people living in this village were very friendly. Whenever they saw Lin Yi and his friends, they would come over to ask about their well- being. But whenever Lin Yi wanted to ask about the village, the answers he got were surprisingly consistent - under the protection of the Saint and the Chosen One, the village was very safe.

Other than that, Lin Yi did not get any valuable information from them.

As for how the Saint and the Chosen One protected the village, they did not say it clearly, and always changed the subject to evade the question.

"I always feel that the reason these people told us this is because they want us to stay in this village.

Lin Yi whispered to Zhou Kai

"I feel the same way. Zhou Kai nodded.

"The Saint and Brother Lei said that everything the people in the village did was to take back everything that originally belonged to humans......."

When he said this, Zhou Kai looked around.

"However, we have been here for so long, but we have not seen any preparations for the battle."

"and......"Zhou Kai, do you think the people in this village are a little strange?" Lin Yi glanced at the person who was waving at him not far away. Lin Yi responded politely, and then continued:"I didn't pay much attention before, but after walking around the village for a while, I felt that the people in the village were a little hunchbacked."

The people in the village are hunchbacked, but different people have different degrees of hunchbacks.

Lin Yi didn't care before. After all, living in such an environment, it is natural to feel tired and hunchbacked.

"Brother Lei and the others are better, it doesn't seem obvious."Lin Yi continued

"However, the older the person, the more severe the hunchback."

"Including the Saint we met before."

Thinking back to when the Saint walked out of the ancestral hall, Lin Yi thought that the Saint was hunched over and trembling when she walked because of her age.

"Do you remember the family we just passed by?" Zhou Kai glanced behind him.

"While you were talking to that family, I took a look inside the woodshed."

"On the wooden board in the corner, there was a person lying face down on it."

Everyone has different sleeping positions, and sleeping face down is not strange.

But the premise is that the bed under your body is soft enough. If you lie on a hard wooden board, sleeping face down will be very uncomfortable.

"The man lay motionless on the wooden board. If I hadn't heard his heartbeat, I would have doubted whether he was dead."

"Moreover, hunchback is caused by the curvature of the spine. People with severe hunchback cannot sleep face down in bed."

"But the man did it, and when he was facing down, there was a bulge on his back."

"Could it be caused by mutation?" Zhou Yun asked in a low voice.

"Just like those little kids"

"It's not impossible.."Lin Yi thought for a moment and looked up at the ancestral hall in the distance.

"Let's go to the ancestral hall and take a look."

Lin Yi lowered his voice and whispered to Zhou Kai:"Let's eavesdrop on the saint in the ancestral hall, maybe we can find something."

"I thought so too."Zhou Kai's thoughts coincided with Lin Yi's.

They soon came to the location of the ancestral hall. In order not to arouse suspicion, they did not get close and always stayed within the range of Zhou Kai's ability.

Zhou Kai began to use his ability, and he listened very carefully, but after listening for a while, Zhou Kai shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yi asked

"Looks like he fell asleep."Zhou Kai replied

"The breathing sound is the same as the person who was sleeping face down before."

"The saint also sleeps face down?"When Lin Yi heard this, he felt something was wrong.

"Could it be that......What's on their backs?"

"Is the reason for sleeping face down because you are worried that the things on your back will fall down?"

"If they have something on their backs, what would it be?" Zhou Yun was a little curious

"......"Lin Yi thought about it and felt uneasy.

"Do you remember the information that Uncle An found?"

Lin Yi looked around vigilantly, then whispered:"The word 'alien' used in the information does not only refer to the monsters in the city."

"‘The word"alien" is a general term for all monsters."

Because the aliens that Lin Yi and his friends had only encountered were mantises, they ignored this problem.

Now thinking about it, I feel a chill on my back.

"You mean......Could these people be other kinds of aliens in disguise?!" Zhou Kai frowned.

He thought about it and his face became serious:"I was careless."

Zhou Kai realized the seriousness of the matter - the heartbeat frequencies of different kinds of aliens may not be the same, so his method of relying on the heartbeat to judge whether the other party is an alien may not work.

"But if the people in this village are also aliens, why don't they attack us?" Zhou Yun asked

"Are they like those aliens in the city, and will only attack us when we find out they are not human?"

Lin Yi shook his head:"It shouldn't be"

"Regarding the matter of"aliens", the aliens in the city never mention it on their own initiative, unless the humans who raise them reach a certain age, or discover their true appearance."

"Although I don't know why they are like this, they have always kept this way tacitly."

"However, the people in this village took the initiative to talk about the"aliens", and they even knew about the existence of"abilities"——"

When he said this, Lin Yi suddenly noticed a problem.

"Zhou Kai, you have seen an alien here......Are they the mantises in the city?" Lin Yi asked anxiously.

Zhou Kai shook his head:"Don't those alien species live in the city?"

"Their heartbeat frequency is different from that of humans. If they appeared here, I would not be able to hear them."

"No, I mean the body of the mantis"

"Corpse?" Zhou Kai was stunned for a moment.

"If the people in this village have been fighting mantises and have successfully rescued so many people, they must have killed mantises."

"So, how are they going to deal with the body of the mantis?"

Lin Yi turned back to look at the village:"If it were me, I could use the parts of the mantis to make weapons."

"The hard shell can be made into armor to protect the body, and the sharp forearms can also be made into knives."

"However, in this village, we did not see anything related to mantises."

"Will it be handled centrally?" Zhou Kai asked with a frown.

"After all, we only visited part of the village. Maybe Uncle An and Lu Linhai have made other discoveries."

Lin Yi didn't say anything. Although this was all his guess, once he had doubts in his heart, the village in front of him became different.

"Let's go back and see if Uncle An and the others have returned."Lin Yi thought for a while.

"If they don't find anything, we'd better leave here."

Just as they were about to return to Tian Wenlei's residence, a limping little boy suddenly came over from a distance.

The little boy had many small pimples on his face, which looked a little creepy.

After approaching, the little boy stared at Zhou Yun and smiled foolishly, revealing a mouthful of crooked teeth.


The little boy suddenly raised his hand, pointed at Zhou Yun and shouted,"Mom, I finally found you!"

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