" There are still fifteen minutes left before the end of the exam. Please pay attention to the exam time."

The sound of the radio woke Lin Yi up.

He opened his eyes and saw the test paper in front of him.

He remembered this test paper. It was the test paper on the morning of June 8th.

" ah--" Lin Yi was filled with anger.

He had finally made up his mind to survive, but he died in the end.

Not only that, this time he was killed by someone other than a monster, but by Zhou Kai, who was also a human.

" This examinee is prohibited from making loud noises in the examination room"

The invigilator came over, and the other students in the examination room also looked at Lin Yi.

"Get out of here!"Lin Yi yelled and stood up from his chair.

Looking back at the back row, Lin Yi saw the familiar figure.

" Zhou-Kai——" Lin Yi walked over, grabbed Zhou Kai by the collar and lifted him up

"What are you doing?"Zhou Kai looked puzzled.

" Candidate, please stop immediately"

The invigilator wanted to stop Lin Yi:"If you continue like this, I will cancel your qualification for the exam."

" I hand in my paper!"Lin Yi glared at the invigilator.

Even though Lin Yi knew that the invigilator in front of him was a monster, he was no longer afraid at this moment.

As long as he didn't reveal that he had discovered their true identity, the monster would not attack rashly.

At least not before June 10th.

"He handed in his paper too!"Lin Yi pulled Zhou Kai by the collar and walked out of the classroom

" Let me go!"Zhou Kai broke free from Lin Yi's hand,"Are you sick?"

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and came over, whispering in Zhou Kai's ear:"If you want to save your sister, just follow me obediently."

Hearing this, Zhou Kai's face darkened.

Lin Yi did not stop and decisively turned around and walked out of the classroom.

" Candidate, are you in trouble?"The invigilator asked,"Do you need help?"

Zhou Kai shook his head and said,"No, teacher, I'll hand in my paper too."

After saying that, Zhou Kai quickly chased after him.

On the rooftop of the teaching building, Lin Yi stared at the stairwell.

Seeing Zhou Kai coming in, Lin Yi rushed over without hesitation and raised his hand to punch him.

Unfortunately, this punch did not hit Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai's skills were much more flexible than Lin Yi had imagined. He just turned sideways and easily dodged.

"Don't hide!"Lin Yi steadied himself and said,"Stand there and let me punch you. You owe me this."

" What on earth do you want to say when you called me over here?"Zhou Kai's face was a little serious," What happened to my sister?";

" Wait until I punch you before you say this!"Lin Yi ignored Zhou Kai and rushed over again.

His fist was caught by Zhou Kai, who swept his leg and instantly pinned Lin Yi to the ground.

"Zhou Kai! Fuck you!"Lin Yi cursed.

He wanted to stand up, but found that he couldn't get away at all."Your sister's life is life, but mine is not life?";

" In order to save your sister, can you kill me without hesitation?";

"Why? I finally mustered up the courage to survive the monster, but I didn't expect that I would die in your hands in the end!";

"What did you say?"Zhou Kai's face darkened and he pressed on,"What do you know?"

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and told them what they had talked about.

"Can't we talk it out of the blue? You stabbed me out of the blue. Do you know how painful it is to be stabbed? I'll stab you and see how it feels!"Lin Yi kept complaining, feeling very aggrieved.

Zhou Kai let go of his hand and looked at Lin Yi with half belief and half doubt:"Are you saying that my sister will be killed by a monster this afternoon?";

"How do I know" Lin Yi got up from the ground

" Anyway, that's what you said when you stabbed me"

" You said that after you finished your exam in the afternoon, you found that your sister had turned into a monster. You also said that you wanted to tell you this and that you must save your sister."

" I'm wondering, how do you know your sister turned into a monster? Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Zhou Kai frowned and said:"Heartbeat"

" Heartbeat?"Lin Yi was confused,"What does it mean?";

" Monsters and humans have different heartbeat frequencies" Zhou Kai continued,"My ability is enhanced senses. I can tell if the other person is a monster by hearing their heartbeat."

Lin Yi recalled that Zhou Kai and he were both on the rooftop before, but he could see his mother going upstairs, and even smell Lin Yi's scent on her.

The reason why Zhou Kai called Lin Yi on June 9 and told him not to go to the back mountain was because Zhou Kai knew that Lin Yi was a human, and the other students were monsters.

" In other words, after you returned this afternoon, you determined from your sister's heartbeat that she was no longer your sister?";

" That's not right" Lin Yi felt a little strange,"When I was killed by Gu Zijin before, she told me that monsters have their own preferences when eating people."

" Some monsters like to eat children, some like to eat adults"

" If your sister was killed by the monster, it means that they like to eat people of your sister's age. Then, shouldn't you be the first one to be eaten?"

Zhou Kai shook his head and said:"My situation is different from yours. The monster disguised itself as your parents and raised you, but I grew up in an orphanage."

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment. Thinking back, Lin Yi really didn't know Zhou Kai in front of him.

He didn't know his family background, his personality, but he was a loner.......Now there is one more thing, he is a sister control.

Come to think of it, if Lin Yi knew Zhou Kai well enough, he would not be stabbed to death by him.

" If it is a welfare home......" Lin Yi thought for a moment and then asked,"How can the monsters in the welfare home eat people?";

" For these monsters, the orphanage is their store" Zhou Kai said,"When I was very young, I discovered that I had special abilities."

" Through this ability, I discovered the existence of monsters, and also discovered that everyone who came to the orphanage to adopt a child was a monster."

" Their purpose is not to adopt a child, but to choose food"

Hearing this, Lin Yi thought of the child that Grandma Liu had held in her arms before.

Perhaps, that child was also brought back by Grandma Liu in this way.

"How did you survive until now?"Looking at Zhou Kai in front of him, Lin Yi couldn't help but admire him.

At least Lin Yi only had to face two monsters, his father and mother, but Zhou Kai, who grew up in an orphanage, was different. He had to face batches of monsters.

" Every time a monster came to the orphanage to select children, I would secretly steal my sister and I’s information, and then take my sister and hide temporarily."

Zhou Kai explained:"Depending on my ability, this is not a difficult task."

" After the monsters who selected the children left, I quietly put the information back to avoid being discovered by those monsters"

"Since you already knew about the existence of the monster, why didn't you take action earlier?"Lin Yi was puzzled.

"Action?" Zhou Kai asked with a wry smile,"How to act? Do you know how many monsters there are in this world?";

" Let’s not talk about other places for now, let’s just talk about our class. Except for you and me, everyone else is a monster! If this is the case in one class, what about other places?"

" After those monsters kill people, other monsters will take their place. Of course, not all people will be replaced. Some people will just die."

" No one remembered them. After being eaten by the monster, they disappeared from this world forever.......Never the same"

" Wait a minute" Lin Yi frowned,"That's not right"

He thought for a moment and then said,"Besides you and me, there should be one person in our class who is not a monster."

" Impossible" Zhou Kai shook his head

" How is it impossible? Lu Linhai is it."Lin Yi said

" Lu Linhai? No, he is also a monster"

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