"Shut up! Shut up!"

Zhang Cheng's words seemed to remind Lei Ge of some scenes that he didn't want to recall.

He struggled more fiercely, his eyes full of murderous light, as if he wanted to cut Zhang Cheng into pieces.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't care.

It's a pity that the content recorded in the notes is limited, and most of them are things that happened after Lei Ge escaped from the Oracle City.

Therefore, if you want to know the truth about this world, you still have to start with Lei Ge.

"What on earth happened in this world?"Lin Yi walked up to Lei Ge.

"Tell me! Why has our world become like this?!" Lu Linhai echoed

"Idiot." Lei Ge gritted his teeth and cursed viciously.

"A bunch of self-righteous idiots who were raised by aliens!"

"Aren't you the same?" Zhang Cheng smiled and gave Lei Ge a strange look on the ground.

"No, not exactly the same, at least we are not breeding pigs"

"......"Lei Ge's face flushed, his eyes widened, veins popped out on his forehead, and he was extremely angry.

Then, Lei Ge said:"The world did not become like this at all, it has been like this from the beginning!"

"You fart!" Lu Linhai didn't believe it.

"Something must have happened, so the world became like this"

"And those strange creatures, where on earth did these things come from? You'd better tell me the truth, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

As he said this, he took the steel rod from Lin Yi's hand and

"I think......"Lin Yi thought for a moment and said softly

"I think he might not be lying."

"Are you crazy?" Lu Linhai was stunned for a moment,"Lin Yi, you believe such stupid things?"

""Compared to the others, Zhang Cheng was obviously much calmer.

Or maybe, he had actually thought of this a long time ago, but now he got confirmation from Brother Lei.

Compared to the surprise in the eyes of others, his eyes were more curious.

"Why don't you believe it?"Zhang Cheng walked to Lu Linhai and was about to pat him on the shoulder, but Lu Linhai dodged.

Zhang Cheng frowned slightly, glanced at Lu Linhai, turned his head and continued:"My opinion is the same as Lin Yi's, this guy may really not be lying"

"At least he was right about one thing."

"We were all raised by alien species."

"What does this mean?" Lu Linhai was a little confused.

"This shows that the knowledge we have learned, our experiences, and our understanding of the world are all built on this foundation."Lin Yi continued Zhang Cheng's words and said

"That's right." Zhang Cheng nodded,"Then, here comes the question——"

"Is our understanding of the world true? Or how much of it is true and how much is false?"

"In other words, for these outliers, it is because of our preconceived ideas that we think they should not exist?" Zhou Kai interjected.

"What does it mean?" Lu Linhai didn't understand for a moment, and raised his hand to touch his head.

"Gorillas are slow to understand, so I understand. Zhang Cheng smiled and said something simple.

"If someone who has never seen a spider and does not know that such a creature exists suddenly sees a living spider one day"

"So, what do you think this person is thinking?"

"Spider?" Lu Linhai frowned. It seemed that he didn't like this creature.

"You will be scared, after all, spiders look......"

"Not necessarily. Lin Yi shook his head."He might be curious, after all, this is a creature he has never seen before."

"That's right."Zhang Cheng nodded and continued

"But what if the spider he saw was a black widow?"

"He excitedly took the spider home and showed it to his family who had also never seen a spider. As a result, his family was bitten by the black widow and died on the spot. What would this man be thinking at this time?"

"meeting......Scared?" Lu Linhai looked at Lin Yi and answered.

"He would think that this strange-looking creature he had never seen before was a monster."Lin Yi frowned.

If the spider was enlarged and then substituted into their bodies, it would be what happened between them and the aliens.

"We felt from the beginning that these aliens should not exist, because the knowledge we have come across never mentioned such creatures."Zhang Cheng continued

"However, these aliens have the characteristics of living things, whether it is the mantis in the city or the hair-like snail in the village."

"Moreover, the information found by Uncle An also clearly divided the different species into different types."

"this means......Our understanding of the world is not all"

"In the final analysis, all the knowledge we have learned was given to us by the aliens." Lin Yi added

"So, how did the aliens get this knowledge?" Lu Linhai thought for a while and asked.

Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction:"When the gorilla knew how to think, it meant that he began to evolve in the direction of humans."

"You are going to die!" Lu Linhai threatened, raising the steel rod in his hand.

"The knowledge that the aliens are exposed to may be taught by the so-called"real humans" in this guy's mouth."Zhang Cheng turned his head and looked at Lei Ge on the ground.

"What we think of as normal life is not actually normal. It is just a false world deliberately created by these"slave owners" in order to raise aliens."

"And now we are just beginning to get to know the truth of this world."

Zhang Cheng walked back to Brother Lei and continued to ask,"But there is one thing I don't understand."

"What is the purpose of these things done by the so-called 'real humans' you mention?"

"They go to great lengths to keep aliens in captivity and make them live like humans.——"

When he said this, Zhang Cheng paused, as if he felt that this statement was not appropriate.

"Of course, it is also possible that this is an alien lifestyle and we are the ones imitating it."

"However, this is not important. For the time being, let's talk about the human lifestyle."

"It couldn't be meaningless for slave owners to create a false world, so why did they do it?"

"I don't know."Lei Ge answered very straightforwardly.

"You better tell the truth, or I'll kill you!" Lu Linhai poked Brother Lei with the steel rod in his hand and threatened.

Brother Lei glanced at Lin Yi and the others and suddenly started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Lu Lin was confused.

"I laugh at your stupidity!" Lei Ge cursed disdainfully

"What makes you think I would tell you?"

"You destroyed the village that I worked so hard to build, destroyed the alien that I found with great difficulty, destroyed my revenge plan, and destroyed everything I had!"

"I wish you all would die! Die! Die!"

Brother Lei's emotions became more and more agitated. When he said this, he suddenly exerted force, and his head quickly moved towards Zhang Cheng, who was closest to him, and opened his mouth to bite Zhang Cheng's calf.

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