"Que Shou Unit?" Lu Linhai glanced at the information, with a hint of doubt between his brows.

"Quail, one of the twelve zodiac signs, represents the twelve natures of human beings." Zhang Cheng heard Lu Linhai muttering and explained casually:

"The"Quail Head Unit" mentioned in the information should be the hawks and dogs trained by the slave owners. It is a unit specially used to deal with aliens, and......"

"And the beastmen used to suppress the resistance."Lin Yi continued Zhang Cheng's words.

The number of aliens and beastmen must be thousands of times that of slave owners.

If the aliens riot and the beastmen start to resist, the slave owners will be torn to pieces.

In order to prevent this from happening, they must have corresponding countermeasures.

For example, solving the problem from the root - erasing the truth of this world, fabricating and spreading false history, brainwashing beastmen and even aliens, making them absolutely surrender, or keeping them in the dark and living in a false world.

However, there will always be people who discover the abnormality, and then start to look for the truth and stand up to resist.

At that time, it is the turn of the slave owners' henchmen to appear on the scene.

"Being able to wipe out an entire city of aliens, could the people in this army all be God's chosen ones with abilities?" Zhou Kai, who was standing by, listened carefully and couldn't help but frowned.

"If this is the case, wouldn't our situation be quite dangerous?" Lu Linhai echoed.

"You think too much." Zhang Cheng shrugged, seeming to find Lu Linhai's words a little funny.

"First of all, regarding our situation, when do you think we have ever been safe?"

"Even if we didn't discover these things, wouldn't the final result still be that we were eaten by the aliens?"

Zhang Cheng's state might be the most relaxed among them, and he was even a little excited.

Zhang Cheng was different from Zhou Kai. Although they both noticed the existence of aliens very early, what Zhou Kai wanted was a stable life.

Zhou Kai didn't care what the truth of this world was. He just wanted to find a safe place where he could live peacefully with his sister.

In Zhang Cheng's heart, there was more of a curiosity about the truth, an exploration and pursuit of the unknown.

Zhang Cheng looked up at the sky and said softly,"Maybe from the moment we were born, our destiny has been arranged by that group of self-righteous slave owners."

"but......"Zhang Cheng did not continue speaking, with a faint smile on his face

"However, why should we let others decide our fate?!"Lin Yi seemed to have guessed what Zhang Cheng was thinking.

Compared with them, Lin Yi felt more unwilling.

He was unwilling to let others decide his fate.

When the words fell, Lin Yi suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body.

They had finally escaped from the city, but they met new aliens.

It was not strange to feel tired and sore after a long period of running and fighting.

However, his reaction was keenly captured by Zhang Cheng on the side.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, I have a question."Zhou Yun glanced at the burning village and asked in a low voice,"How did you lead the mice and strange birds in the forest to the village?"

An Chengdao and Zhou Kai were also curious about this question.

"The smell of blood." Zhang Cheng said casually,"Didn't the people in the village say that those mice and strange birds are very sensitive to the smell of blood?"

"But where did you get the blood?" Zhou Kai asked

"You should not be a match for those aliens."

When Zhou Kai thought about how he had to use all his abilities to defeat Tian Wenlei who was controlled by the aliens, he really couldn't guess how Zhang Cheng, who had no abilities, did it.

"I am indeed no match for those aliens." Zhang Cheng's smile was full of pride.

"So, I just need to choose an opponent who is not an alien."

"Not an alien?" Zhou Yun glanced at Brother Lei on the ground and asked,"Isn't he the only one in the village who has not been parasitized by an alien?"

"There are also those children in the village, right?" Lin Yi looked at Zhang Cheng and continued Zhou Yun's words.

""Child?" Zhou Kai was stunned for a moment, seeming a little surprised.

"So, you killed those children and used their blood to attract rats and strange birds to the woods?"

"In order to prevent you from accusing me of being cruel, I have to make a statement in advance."Zhang Cheng said

"Although those children were not completely controlled by the aliens, they had eggs in their bodies, and even larvae of the hair-like snails that had hatched but not yet grown up."

"Even if Zhang Cheng didn't do it, they wouldn't live long."Lin Yi sighed.

"The information states that the hair-like snails lay their eggs in organisms that are weaker than their own bodies."

"Being weaker than the original body helps the larvae train their cilia, allowing them to master the cilia and absorb nutrients."

"Larvae do not require as much nutrients as adults, so young children are the most suitable subjects."

"So, the reason why the children in the village look so strange is because of the alien larvae in their bodies?" Zhou Kai guessed

"Not entirely."Zhang Cheng shook his head," Before the larvae master the cilia on the body surface, they may stimulate the wrong nerves, causing hormone secretion disorders in the child's body."

"For example, when the growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland is disordered, it cannot promote the growth of bones, internal organs and the whole body, so these children look like they have strange development."

"As for the others, it is also partly due to the environment they grow up in."

Children's skin is delicate. If the environment they grow up in is too bad, they will develop skin diseases with different symptoms.

This village full of strange creatures is obviously not an ideal environment.

"and......"When he said this, Lin Yi sighed again.

"The minds of these children were also influenced by the aliens, so in their eyes, being eaten was not a terrible thing, and they even found it interesting."

"You did the right thing." An Chengdao on the side clenched his fists, his face gloomy and a little scary.

There was a hint of anger in his eyes, but it was not directed at Zhang Cheng, but at these aliens and Brother Lei lying on the ground.

Or, it was directed at those so-called"real humans".

Lin nodded, he also felt that Zhang Cheng did the right thing.

He still remembered the painful look on Tian Wenlei's face when the aliens separated from him.

Not only Tian Wenlei, but all the parasitic people in this village are the same.

When the aliens change hosts and leave their bodies, these people will not die immediately.

They will die slowly in despair with pain and the emptiness after the excessive secretion of dopamine.

So, rather than saying that Zhang Cheng killed those children, it would be better to say that they were relieved.

"but......"Zhou Kai thought about it and continued to ask

"Lin Yi only found out that these children had worm eggs in their bodies after reading the information. So, when did you know about it?"

"Besides, how did you get these notebooks in your hand?"

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