Don't say my script is fake.

Chapter 129: Flooding Jinshan Mountain (Please collect and support)

The monkey demon laughed loudly and stood in front of the monsters.

"Haha, that's why I hate those so-called famous and upright sects, Taoist and Buddhist sects, who always talk about morality and justice. If you can't tell who is an enemy and not a friend in such a situation, then it's too useless!"

Shangxuan Zhenren smiled.

It's not that I can't tell who is an enemy and not a friend, it's just... as usual.

Only after asking can you admit that you are an enemy and not a friend. When we start fighting, at least we have the righteousness, right?

"Disciples, listen to my order!"

"Disciples are here!"

"This time, we will eliminate demons and defend the way!"

"Disciples have received my order!"


Not only Dongzhou and Nanzhou, but also Zhongzhou.

The Huaihe River monsters and water monsters divided their troops into three groups and attacked the three states in the southeast and middle at the same time.

As the saying goes, there must be monsters when there is a disaster from heaven. Previously, the monsters had not broken the seal, so they did not put pressure on many sects, but now... the monsters are here!

The three sons of Wuzhiqi were arrogant and conceited. They led many monsters to attack Huanglong, and a three-way war broke out.

Jinshan Temple, Sanqing Mountain, and Zhongzhou Imperial City all raised troops to meet the enemy.

For a while, the world was in chaos and the wind and clouds were surging.

Bai Mu's third move is here.

Famine and floods are all dangers for ordinary mortals. They are nothing to those who practice cultivation. Except for the efforts to save the world and fight floods, there is nothing else.

Is this okay?

This is not okay.

For Bai Mu, ordinary mortals should be targeted, and practitioners should also be targeted. This is considered healthy.

This Huaihe River water monster is the third gift Ye Feng gave them.

Can you eat hundreds of thousands of Huaihe River monsters?


"Old Dragon King, please be careful. This monster is not simple at all."

"I am afraid that the two of us are unable to fight again. We can only protect Jinshan Temple. I am really ashamed."

The Supreme Master and Shanshi were full of reluctance.

The old dragon king arrived with reinforcements from the East China Sea, but there was no one left in the Buddhist sect to fight against the enemy.

This guilt and unwillingness made him blame himself.

The old dragon king changed into an ordinary appearance and landed in front of the Supreme Master and Shan Ji, with his back to them.

"Although it is indeed surprising that your Buddhist sect is so useless, but... useless is useless, and the old dragon does not lack your monks and novice monks."

"Hehe, the old dragon is rich in the East China Sea and never fights alone!"

"Where are the soldiers!"

"——I am here!"

With the old dragon king's angry shout, many soldiers fell from the dark clouds in the sky in an instant.

They were all dressed in blue armor and held various weapons. Although they looked different, they were extraordinary and held their heads high. They surrounded the monkey in a circle.

Surrounded by the evil spirit, it vaguely formed a large net, trapping the monkey in the net.

"Form a formation!"


Many soldiers mobilized their demonic powers, and the surging water swept up in an instant. The formation changed the surrounding world as if it had the power to change the world.

Wu Shi watched quietly, and he appeared on the endless sea, with howling winds, thunder, and heavy rain pouring down.

Endless waves rolled up, like a scene of the end of the world.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals around had disappeared long ago, and they must have hidden in the formation.

And above the sky, the old dragon king roared.

——He never fought alone, and he never believed that the formation alone could trap Wu Shi. Therefore, he let many soldiers in the East China Sea form the formation, and he entered the formation to kill the enemy!

Wu Shi had never seen this formation before. Unlike the formation of subduing dragons and subduing tigers, this formation should be created by the dragon clan.

But the power was not as strong as before. He just glanced at it roughly and knew roughly what this formation was like.

It seems that this formation is mixed with something else.

Killing spirit?

Never seen magic before. Those soldiers merged into one, making tens of thousands of shrimp soldiers and crab generals become one. It has been a long time since the world has seen it, but some good things have been developed.

It's just right, let's try the power of this formation!

Wu Shi became a little interested and waved to the old dragon king in the sky.

——Come here!

Full of provocation.

But the old dragon king was not angry.

He knew that anger would only make him lose his mind. Facing such a strong enemy, it is best to stay calm.

So, the formation was activated, and the active soldiers hidden in the formation operated the formation. The huge waves surged from all directions in an instant, as if they were thousands of feet high and swallowed the world.

The thousand-foot monkey was very small in front of the huge wave!

But. The monkey did not move, standing upright here. The falling huge wave seemed to have encountered something, splitting in the middle without touching the monkey at all!

The huge wave was split?

What method did he use?

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals did not know, but they still activated the formation again, and the magic power in the sky condensed into a nine-headed water dragon, which swept up in an instant.

The monkey waved his stick, one by one, and easily defeated the water dragon, but the water dragon dispersed and condensed again. No matter how the monkey hit it, it could not defeat the water dragon at the bottom of the river.

If you want to stop the water dragon, you have to break the formation.

He looked around and raised his hand to hit a shrimp soldier and crab general.

The powerful method seemed to tear the sky and the earth apart, and the formation was faintly shaking violently.

The old dragon king had a bad premonition and took action immediately.

A deep white aura emanated from the old Dragon King's body, and his magical power froze the water dragon into ice. Nine ice dragons immediately rushed towards the stick and also resisted!

But. Even with the old dragon king's magic power, the ice dragon was broken into pieces, and the fierce attack went towards the shrimp soldiers and crab generals with unabated momentum!

They had no time to dodge, and they took the attack.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals vomited blood, and the condensed formation also dissipated due to insufficient magic power.

After a while, the ape reappeared.

All the shrimp soldiers and crab generals fell to the ground, but no one died.

Although it was not a full-strength attack, it was definitely not something these shrimp soldiers and crab generals could resist. Moreover, he attacked some of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, not all of them.

He seemed to understand something.

Many soldiers merged into one, with spiritual power, magic power, and thoughts. Even if they were hurt, the damage would be evenly distributed to everyone. Unless many strong men were defeated in one blow, otherwise, they would not die.

Fortunately, the previous attack was not a full-strength attack, and the old dragon king also blocked some.

Otherwise, they would probably die.

The human race has developed for so long, and it is indeed not completely useless. At least Wu Shi likes this formation method.

"Although the human race has declined a lot, some aspects are indeed unexpected. I am very satisfied this time."

"Then, to thank you for your help, I will give you one last chance."

"After enduring this flood, you will have some breathing space."

Wu Shi calmly retracted his thousand-foot body, and just waved his hand lightly, and the water level that should have dropped a lot surged up again.

The water around seemed to be controlled by something and rushed in crazily. The water level at the foot of Jinshan Temple kept rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It reached the mountainside in a short while, and it reached the top of the mountain in a short while.

By the time the old dragon king reacted, the flood had become a raging force! ! ! !

The old dragon king cast out a breath of cold air, and the water in the sky was frozen into ice. But the water was poisonous and corroded everything. The old dragon king's cold air could not last long. The huge ice block broke in an instant, and another huge flood came.

Wu Shi, that guy, wanted to completely submerge Jinshan Temple!

"The devil is one foot high, and the Buddha is ten feet high. How can Jinshan Temple be destroyed here!"

"High, high, high!!!"

The Supreme Master and the Buddha used their remaining magic power to forcibly raise the Jinshan Temple.

Monkey, if you have the ability, come and submerge my Jinshan Temple!

"Supreme Master, Buddha, we are here to help you!"

The other Buddhist disciples shouted loudly regardless of their safety, and fought against the enemy together with the Supreme Master and the Buddha!

Seeing this, the old dragon king also turned his huge body.

"Just keep going high, I'll find a way to deal with the flood!"

The Buddhists did their best to raise the Golden Mountain, and the dragons did their best to suppress the flood.

Both sides vented everything, and after a hard struggle, they finally stopped the flood.

As the huge waves crashed to the ground, they stopped working with all their strength, feeling a lingering fear.

If they were a little higher, with a little more demonic power, they would not be able to hold on.

But even after surviving this crisis, the old dragon king still fell to the ground tiredly, sitting down without any image.

Tired, tired old dragon.

Did the monkey leave?

They were relieved, but they couldn't help but feel a lingering fear. If the monkey wanted to kill them, it would be easy, but why didn't he kill them in the end?

What does the so-called satisfaction in his mouth mean?

For some reason, they always felt a little uneasy.


The crisis of Jinshan Temple ended with Wu Shi's voluntary retreat, and the wars in the other three states also slowly came to an end.

Like Jinshan Temple, Sanqing Mountain and Xuanyuan Dynasty both survived the crisis and withstood the siege of the Huaihe River monsters and water monsters.

But unlike Jinshan Temple, which fought Wu Shi alone, the other two places were all in full-scale war. Although they had been prepared for it, the Huaihe River monsters were extremely powerful after all, and the leading ape alone could suppress an entire state.

They were obviously not half-step into the Tao, but their strength was still far beyond the ordinary peak of the Tao.

Many strong men from Sanqing Mountain and the Imperial City Confucianism took action, but were easily suppressed.

When the strong men from all over the world arrived, the other side had almost won a great victory, and finally relied on five peak strong men to repel the enemy and barely win.

But even if they won, it was a miserable victory.

The imperial city was almost destroyed, and half of the imperial city was reduced to ruins. I don’t know how many soldiers died in this attack.

The top of Sanqing Mountain was cut off, and half of the mountain disappeared. If it weren't for the immortal Shangxuan who barely protected the Sanqing Temple, the Taoist sect would have fought to the death with the Huaihe River monster.

Once the Huaihe River monster appeared in the world, it dealt a heavy blow to the world!

After the incident, the three parties rested for a while, and the reinforcements from the four seas did not return to the four seas because they were on guard against the Huaihe River monster's attack again.

When the incident was almost over, a group of people gathered together again.

However, the Supreme Master and the Immortal Shangxuan did not come in person.

In this battle, the Supreme Master, Shanshi, the Immortal Shangxuan and the Taoist Shangkong were seriously injured and are still recuperating in the sect. Therefore, the Taoist representative is the Immortal Shangye and the Buddhist representative is Mingxingzu.

As for the Xuanyuan Dynasty

The Xuanyuan King and the Confucian Master are exploring the secrets of the town. The entire imperial capital is now ruled by the prince, assisted by the priest.

But the chief priest was damaged in his fight against the enemy, and his soul was half broken. Now he is lying in his mansion to rest.

The prince had no choice but to come out to entertain you.

But you didn't care whether it was the prince who entertained you. They came here to discuss how to deal with the monster.

Even the demon king came.

"Since you seniors are here, I won't waste any more time talking. Please pay attention to how to deal with the monster."

Everyone present glanced at each other inadvertently, and Shang Ye Zhenren immediately stood up and spoke.

"We are not facing the same monkey."

"Even if the monkey has the ability to reach the sky, as long as he does not enter the Tao, he will not be able to suppress the three states by himself."

"Besides, although the aura is the same, the character, means, ability, and behavior are all different."

Everyone has long known that the three states in the world were attacked, and the aura of the monster monkey was also remembered in their hearts. They compared the appearance of the monster monkey and knew that it was not the same monster.

It should be brothers.

But even so, the three monsters are still powerful.

Two peak asks can only be suppressed by force in the confrontation with the finger, and three peak asks can barely fight with it. If you want to win the battle, at least five people are needed.

Sanqing Mountain was able to repel the monster with the help of Yuntai Fairy and Dugu Jianlan, and the gathering of five top-level experts.

The Imperial City was helped by the Confucian priest, deputy headmaster, and other sects.

But even so, the Imperial City was destroyed, which shows how powerful the Huaihe monster is!

"What is the origin of that monster, Monster King?"

The Monster King shook his head.

"The monkey clan does not have a high status in the monster clan, and no powerful monsters have been born. I have read many books and have never understood it. Moreover, it is not just a monkey clan."

"That is a dragon horn."

"Although I did not participate in the battle, there is no mistake about the breath. They have the breath of dragons."

"Is it a relic of the dragon clan?"

As everyone knows, dragons are lustful and often like to leave dragon blood.

Tortoise, horse, lion, rabbit, tiger, bird, no matter flying beast, furry and scaled, as long as they feel it is possible, the dragon clan will step forward, and the monkey is not impossible.

But the old dragon king glared at the demon king.

"You mean, this demon is related to my dragon clan?"


You think it should have nothing to do with your dragon clan?

No, old dragon king, don't deceive yourself, the two dragon horns on the ape's forehead clearly prove that people are related to your dragon clan, no matter how much you deny, you can't change the whole fact.

Admit it, you dragon clan is like this.

Old dragon king: "."

Being stared at by so many Taoist friends, the old dragon king also felt a little embarrassed.

Blushed, no longer stubborn.

Damn it, next time I must restrain those guys, I can find them, why don't you let go of monkeys? Are you so hungry?

What's good about monkeys? He has never tried monkeys.

Next time I will put monkeys on the blacklist of the dragon clan, whoever dares to find monkeys, he will trouble them!

Oh, this monkey is older than him, it's because of the ancestors, then it's okay.

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