Don't say my script is fake.

Chapter 146 Understanding BOSS Becoming BOSS Surpassing BOSS (Please collect and support)

"No matter how eloquent you are, what you do is a heinous crime!"

"Don't even think about success!"

"Even if we fight to the death, we will definitely stop it."

The sharp blade pierces flesh. A sharp sword pierced Li Zhengzhi from behind, piercing his body. Magic power poured into his body, instantly shattering his heart and stopping the thousands of words that had not yet been uttered.

He opened his mouth and spat out blood, and looked back. His pupils shrank in an instant, and his face was filled with disbelief.

"Brother Gu, Gu."

"You are so brave, Brother Li."

Gu Xuyi. His sword pierced Li Zhengzhi!

"You, what are you doing? Brother Gu."

"Actually, I didn't expect you to be so stupid. It's really surprising that you believed me so easily."

He pulled out the sword blade and kicked Li Zhengzhi over.

"I don't know if you can't tell that my acting skills are so good? I'm from the same group over there."

Li Zhengzhi couldn't believe it. He and Gu Xuyi investigated Yang Zhu's theory and fought against the evil ways together. The two of them met each other late in life and hit it off immediately. These could be false, but this is actually all false!

"You are lying to me, right? You must be lying to me, brother Gu."

The people around couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, this kid is really stupid. He is still so naive at this stage. If the master is one of yours, then who are we? Have we become outsiders?"

"This is the wisdom of the headmaster. Without the headmaster, I am afraid that the guy from Zhenbei King would have succeeded. Although there was such a little guy in the middle, I have to say that with him here, we can better control the situation. I’m waiting for the plan to go ahead.”

"Thank you so much, kid."

They were all talking, laughing and sarcastic. Even if Li Zhengzhi couldn't believe it, he had to admit that he had been deceived.

I was deceived by Na Gu Xuyi!

"You lied to me, you lied to me! Gu Xuyi!"

"You are the leader of Yang Zhu's theory. This is all false. These are all false!"

"You, you!"

He yelled, but was stopped by a spell.

Spell - Speech Spell!

"It's a little noisy."

"After you have done what you should do, you should shut up. Don't make me angry. I will kill you right here."

"Well, now that the barking dog is gone, let's talk about our affairs."

"The lackey of King Zhennan."

As if entering the BOSS and defeating the protagonist, and about to usher in the final victory, the CG animation was forcibly turned on. Gu Xuyi looked at Ning Mofeng with a smile.

"I know that someone will investigate our school. The King of Zhenbei will never sit idly by and watch. Because I have someone teach the North on my behalf and show off in the market. Even if he knows that this is fishing bait, the King of Zhenbei will definitely send someone here."

"I followed quietly, watching carefully to see who that person was."

"During this period, many people were uncovered and dealt with, but I know those are just pawns, and the real big fish is still behind."

"Yulai City, I found you, and I am sure that you are the person sent by King Zhenbei."

"So I approached you, talked to you, and tried to get information. But you are so boring. No matter how eloquent and eloquent I am, you remain indifferent."

"They are similar to that guy from Zhenbei King. They are both cold and heartless people."

"Thanks to this person's appearance and someone acting opposite me, I was able to continue performing this play."

"Actually, you should know my identity. Maybe you don't know it either, but it's not important. Even if you are convinced that I am a student of Yang Zhu's theory, you will not take the initiative to tell me."

"Because you also need my information. You must feel comfortable using the information I revealed half-truthfully and half-falsely."

"I have gone through so much trouble to bring you here, and if I keep you until now, and let your intelligence information appease the guy from Zhenbei King, your use value is actually gone."

"However, I am a good person and cannot let you die in an unknown way."

"Haha. I am the contemporary headmaster of Yang Zhu Xue Xue, and everything is under my control."

"Everyone is just a pawn in my hand!"

"Neither you, nor King Zhenbei, nor anyone in the world can escape my hand!"

"This stupid man talks about benevolence, justice and morality, and has eyes for fame and wealth. Are you talking about me? In fact, he is the same, too? He just uses me as a springboard to become famous all over the world!"

"You should also hear it clearly, then it's time to go down, Brother Li!"

Gu Xuyi said that he felt great. It was a great feeling to play with his ideas and plans and make everyone applaud.

In the past, Mr. Bai didn't understand why some bosses always liked to talk too much when they were about to succeed. Why didn't they just finish the damage quickly and completely eliminate the protagonist? Instead, they should give the protagonist a chance to cheat, shouting about friendship, bonds, etc., and rush forward. Kill the BOSS.

He was thinking at that time that if he were BOSS, he would definitely not be like this.

It wasn't until he blocked the enemy at the mouth of the spring, leaving only the bare crystal, but refused to dismantle it, that he understood what those bosses were thinking.

Understand BOSS, become BOSS, and surpass BOSS!

Gu Xuyi is now as happy as eating iced watermelon in the dog days of summer or eating spicy Huoguang in the middle of winter.

I really want to keep time in this moment forever.

But it’s okay, there are still opportunities in the future.

When he ascended the throne of the Nine-Five Lords, it was the time to declare victory.

Die, Brother Li!

The sword blades flew as he waved his hand, and countless spiritual swords turned into heavy rain.

Li Zhengzhi's eyes were sad and bleak. He wanted to be a hero and slay demons, but he died before he could accomplish his mission. Was he really not suitable for slaying demons?

He closed his eyes.

But. After waiting for a while, he didn't wait for the sharp blade to pierce his heart. He tried to open half of his eyes and saw that Ning Mofeng stood in front of him at some point, holding a red knife, wearing black clothes as black as ink, standing tall.

Dao, Taoist friend?

Ning Mofeng stood silently.

He was not a meddlesome person. He would not care about many things even if they were in front of him. However, he did things as he pleased.

Even if the prince ordered him to do something, he would not do it.

Now saving this person was just a thought in his heart.

Although this person had fame and fortune in his heart, he was also really a hero.

Knowing that this trip was full of dangers, he still risked his life and stood up.

——It is worth saving.

"Daoyou, you are really anxious. Why are you so anxious? If he dies, you will be the next one. It's just that. If you can't wait for these days, then don't wait any longer."

Gu Xuyi's face was fierce, and the long sword in his hand came out in an instant. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was mighty, and the huge magic power shocked the blue sky. When the sword fell, the blade seemed to be the creation of the world!

"Daoyou, die!"

How strong is Gu Xuyi?

Can it be called strong?

This should be taken for granted.

Gu Xuyi should be called strong.

Only the strong can be above everything.

So, how strong is Gu Xuyi?

Eight realms!

The falling sword blade created the world, and the surging magic power covered the sky.

He was high above, like a god overlooking all living beings.

He was indifferent to life and death, like a demon who was unscrupulous.

But he found the wrong person a little bit.

If it were anyone else, he might have to teach here.

But the people he was looking for were not simple.

Facing the rain of sword blades, Ning Mofeng just swung his sword quietly.

He did not do anything, just raised his hand and slashed horizontally.

The sword light penetrated the sky and the earth, and the sword rain was broken in an instant. Gu Xuyi was cut by the blade, and he felt that his head was chopped off.

In fact, it was true.

The sword light passed through his neck, bloodstains appeared, and the head fell to the ground. He held his head with one hand and touched the smooth wound with the other hand.

He put his head back on, the bloodstains disappeared, the wound healed, and then he looked at the man in black again.

The people around him were already stunned.

It was like a ghost seeing a human.

Especially those who believed in Yang Zhu's theory. They just felt incredible.

The headmaster was an eight-level strongman. That was a full eight-level strongman. If the ninth level did not come out, he would be the strongest in the eighth level. Looking at the world, how many people can have the eighth level.

That young man, Ning Mofeng, is just a lackey of the Zhenbei King. How could he have such strength? How could he have such a realm?

"I really underestimated you. You are not a military man."

The military man uses force to suppress others, cultivates the spirit of killing and the method of breaking the formation, so the strength of the military man is not strong. Even the top military man is the only one in the eighth realm, the Zhenbei King.

Only by relying on the Zhenbei Army and the Pojun Tanlang double swords can one match the ninth realm.

A ninth realm strongman is definitely not a military man.

And this person is full of vigor and vitality, like a bright sun, and his swordsmanship is upright and straight forward. It is also impossible to be a military man.

"Cultivating swordsmanship is so powerful. When did a sword cultivator have such a person like you?"

"The Zhenbei King, that cunning fox, really knows how to hide!"

Ning Mofeng did not respond, but stood silently with his sword in hand.

The two sides were clearly divided, and the magic power surged, as if they occupied half the sky.

Suddenly, Gu Xuyi swung his sword and went straight towards Ning Mofeng.

"Activate the formation!"

The Yang Zhu School of Thought came back to their senses from the shock, and immediately activated the formation without hesitation. Ning Mofeng's eyes moved and he flashed out, as if to block the formation, but Gu Xuyi directly entangled him.

The sword blade was flying, he held a sword blade, and there were countless spirit swords around him, as if they had self-awareness, cooperating with it. Ning Mofeng was entangled by it for a while and couldn't get away.

And at this moment, the formation was activated.

The light column shot up into the sky, the sky was surging, and the dark clouds covered it. There was a roar of thunder in the meantime, and the dark aura fell, as if the whole sky was about to collapse.

The huge mana fell into the earth, and immediately there were patterns emerging. The dense net spread from Tingfeng City to the five provinces and seventy-two cities in the north.

The people on the ground were confused about what this was and were shocked. At this time, the students of Yang Zhu's school who had been arranged in advance jumped out and said that this was a formation. They prayed for the headmaster and the heavens, and prayed that the people in the north would be immune to all poisons and free from diseases and disasters.

The people believed it and immediately knelt down to praise the headmaster's merits.

And in the seventy-two cities, there were also pillars of light rising, as if echoing it.

The formation corresponded, the light was overflowing, and the sky rumbled and shook, as if a disaster was destroying the world.

The King of Zhenbei sat quietly on the chair. He asked people to set up a table in the yard, and today he sat here to drink and eat meat.

The blood sacrifice formation, sacrifice blood and flesh to obtain luck, take away the spirit essence with living beings, and replenish the body.

This is an evil formation.

Yang Zhu's school wants to use the blood and flesh of many people in the north to create its own good fortune.

As long as the formation is perfected, they can easily break through the bottleneck with this blood and flesh, and leap over the dragon gate!

"Being strong now is nothing, you will die here in a while!"

"The headmaster is really the headmaster, he is smart!"

"Haha, you probably don't know, these formations were drawn by the headmaster himself. Of course, that guy didn't do anything, because the headmaster had already done everything to investigate that guy's name, but he was the one who placed the core bead in the end!"

"With the headmaster leading us, we must occupy the land in the north!"

"The north is ours!"

Everyone laughed and was very proud of Yang Zhu's theory, but just when the formation was about to be completed, the pillar of light that reached the sky broke?

The light of the formation dissipated, the dark clouds in the sky disappeared, and the scene that seemed like a catastrophe before was completely led away.

Everyone was shocked and puzzled why it happened.

"What happened? Why did the formation dissipate? Shouldn't this be successful?"

"The pillar of light in the seventy-two cities below is gone! It's the formation. The small formation over there is gone!"

The seventy-two city formation corresponds to the sky palace formation, and only when they are connected can it be a complete formation. As the saying goes, a single hair moves the whole body. This dissipation completely shattered the formation!

"You did it!"

"When we left, you secretly went back to destroy the formation? Did you know the formation existed from the beginning?"

Gu Xuyi was furious, but Ning Mofeng didn't find it strange.

Since you know that I think you are a Yang Zhu school, how can you be sure that I am not monitoring you?

Because I am not always with you?

"I really underestimated you."

"Are you guys still going to watch from the sidelines?"

"If we don't fight together, we can't beat this guy!"

"Fight together!"

The rest of the Yang Zhu school looked at each other. The formation was broken and they lost the opportunity to become stronger. So now, do they still have to compete with this guy?

The strongest headmaster can't last more than a few moves, so what about them?

What will happen if they fight against that guy?

I'm afraid they will be easily killed.

They won't stay here to fight with others.

A battle that can't be won cannot be fought!

A few smart people fled without hesitation and went their separate ways!

If anyone is caught up, it is bad luck, and no one else can be blamed.

But. The blade flashed past, sharp, domineering, and unstoppable.

The fleeing people were separated from their bodies and turned into flesh and blood, and their three souls and seven spirits also disappeared.

Those who were ready to move, wondering if they should flee too, immediately calmed down and knew that if they couldn't beat this guy, they would not be able to escape!

"There are so many of us, and there is only one guy. Even if we attack together, it is impossible to kill all of us!"

"Let's go together!"

One hundred and twenty-five people. Oh, now there are one hundred and eighteen people, and everyone rushed forward.

Ning Mofeng raised his hand quietly and waved his knife.

Fight with them.

On this day, there was a loud thunder in the sky above Tingfeng City, blood clouds appeared, and the rumbling sound was endless. Many people took refuge at home and prayed that God would bless their families.

The thunder continued until the evening, and the setting sun was not as red as the clouds.

When people walked out of their homes, they looked at the sky full of blood clouds and were terrified.

What happened up there?

When Ning Mofeng silently put away his sword, 118 people, except Gu Xuyi, all fell silently in a pool of blood.

One man, one sword, slaying the Yang Zhu School!

"I thought that no matter how powerful you are, you can't defeat so many people. I still underestimated you. It's not unreasonable that the King of Zhenbei asked you to come alone."

Although Gu Xuyi is not dead yet, he is almost dead.

His arm is broken, his heart veins are broken, and his magic power has been abolished. He can't even use the art of gathering qi and dispersing his form.

In theory, he has lost, and he has lost completely.

But he is still laughing happily.

"Those guys, I thought if you can't resist, I have to kill a few of them secretly. You are also the inheritor."

"You also got the inheritance!"

"The inheritance of sword cultivation? How enviable"

"But do you think you have won? You may think so, but I don't."

"You haven't won yet, and you won't win."

"The King of Zhenbei won't win either."

"The only winner in the end is me."

Perhaps in response to this, the formation that should have broken suddenly lit up a little bit of light.

The sky palace covered by clouds and mist was completely revealed, and the appearance of what happened in the palace was also displayed in front of the people of Tingfeng City by the magic Xuantian Mirror.

Gu Xuyi became indignant in the blink of an eye, and would rather die than surrender.

"King of Zhenbei, do you think that killing us can stop the awakening of the people of the world!"

"The people have awakened, they are no longer puppets who obey your orders!"

"They will think, understand, and know what the future path is!"

"Even if you kill me, our will will not disappear!"

"Wait, one day, the people of the world will overthrow this corrupt world!"

"The world belongs to everyone in the world!"

After saying that, he laughed loudly, his body turned into a light spot, dissipated between heaven and earth, and the light fell along the clouds and mist, falling on the people of Tingfeng City.

Before they could react, they only felt a burst of sadness.

It seemed that something had happened.

"Is everything that's said there true?"

"Who was that just now? What's going on there? So much blood and so many corpses"

"Wait, I just saw the headmaster among the corpses. Is the headmaster dead?"

"How is that possible! The headmaster has great magical powers and boundless magic power, how could he be killed! You must have seen it wrong!"

"No, the man just said it was the King of Zhenbei, right? What if the King of Zhenbei attacked the headmaster?"

"No, no way, King Zhenbei. How could he do that?"

"Yes, it must be the King of Zhenbei. They were afraid that the Headmaster would lead us to take back what belongs to us, so they killed the Headmaster!"

"Previously, the headmaster didn't show up, so he was hiding from King Zhenbei. Now that the headmaster felt safe, he came out to teach us Taoism, but the evil King Zhenbei took the opportunity to kill him."

"Headmaster, Headmaster"

"King Zhenbei, you want to continue enslaving us. Do you think you can enslave us this way?"

"Although the Master is dead, the Master will remain in our hearts forever!"

"We will not give in! Never!"

"Yes! Never!"

The people of Tingfeng City were extremely sad, but the sky palace was already peaceful.

Gu Xuyi turned into a point of light and fell, but a corpse appeared in the light point.

The appearance is exactly the same as Gu Xuyi, but it has lost its vitality.

This should be the real Gu Xuyi

The person behind Yang Zhu's theory took Gu Xuyi's body, used his soul to perform a method similar to "resurrecting a soul through a corpse," and moved around in Gu Xuyi's name.

Now that his plan has come true, there is no need for Gu Xuyi's body.

Li Zhengzhi was finally able to speak again.

He came slowly, leaning on the pavilion.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for saving my life. I am deeply grateful to Brother Gu. I never thought that I would have already killed the thief."

"What's the next plan for the unknown benefactor?"


Ning Mofeng didn't speak, just turned around and left silently. He didn't seem to care about the palace in the sky and the corpses everywhere.

He walked away so naturally that Li Zhengzhi didn't know what to say.


Zhenbei Palace.

King Zhenbei drank the wine silently and smiled.

That's it. That's it. That's it. It's really a good plan and a good method.

That man has great courage and is indeed someone who can obtain such a legacy. He should not be underestimated.

There's going to be chaos in the north.


To the north, Guyuanling, Yunshan Cave.

Zuo Zhengxuan opened his eyes and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Although he had already prepared for his soul to be destroyed, when this happened, it still inevitably hurt his body.

He should have been crueler at the beginning, cut off half of the soul and let it control the corpse.

But it doesn't matter, the left and right plans have been successful.

He straightened his clothes for a while, calmed down his slightly depressed spirit, and then rang the bell.

The clear sound of the bell echoed in the cave, and the two guards guarding the door immediately came in.

"Headmaster, are you out of seclusion?"

"Well, I'm out of seclusion."

"The headmaster's release from seclusion is not a plan."

"Everything goes well. Let me send someone to notify you. Let's figure out what to do next."


The two looked happy, and one of them ran out immediately.

"Headmaster, I will inform the other adults right now!"

After a while, a group of people filed in.

They seemed to have already received the news, no matter men, women, old or young, their faces were full of joy.

"Headmaster! We got the news! Haha, we all feel the problem with that formation!"

"As expected of the headmaster, I know that if the headmaster takes action, he will be captured easily! How can the king of Zhenbei fight against the headmaster!"

"Fart, you were the least optimistic about the headmaster at the beginning, so you knew it was an afterthought."

"I want you to take care of it, you fool. If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute."

There are a dozen or so people here, some are as beautiful as flowers or gods; some are youthful and handsome, some are in their prime; some are tiger-backed and ferocious-looking; some are elegant scholars and jade-faced gentlemen.

They are all members of Yang Zhu's school. They have joined Yang Zhu's school before it became famous all over the world. They are Zuo Zhengxuan's carefully selected and absolutely reliable partners.

The people here are Zuo Zhengxuan’s true heritage.

It turns out that Zuo Zhengxuan couldn't help but start making calculations since he received the inheritance of Yang Zhu's theory and realized that this inheritance might be profitable.

He first went out to spread the doctrine as Gu Xuyi, and then established a 'base camp' with Tingfeng City.

Immediately he spread his theories and caused unrest, leading to great chaos in the north.

When he showed threats and attracted the King of Zhenbei to take action, he lured the King of Zhenbei to kill them all and wipe out all those who openly believed in Yang Zhu's teachings.

Those dead people shocked the people in the north. As a result, Yang Zhu's theory turned from bright to dark. Even if Yang Zhu's theory has disappeared, the legend of Yang Zhu's theory will still remain in the north.

The people in the north fought with the King of Zhenbei to contain the energy of the King of Zhenbei, and then they secretly accumulated strength and waited for the opportunity.

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