Don't say my script is fake.

Chapter 151 Human desires are innate, benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trustworthine

Regardless of the old man and the girl, the other people looked out the window.

"Haha. Now that the man has been found, which sister can give him a try?"

The man turned around, and the three women suddenly looked like peach blossoms, fair and rosy.

"For this kind of errand, it's my sister who should go ahead, and my two sisters should wait behind."

The woman in her early twenties was shy, as if she was about to go to Wushan with her sweetheart.

"Yake is a person who doesn't know how to show mercy to others. If my sister goes, I'm afraid she will suffer a lot. If not, it's my sister who has gone through hundreds of battles and will definitely protect herself."

The woman in her thirties had an outstanding appearance. She waved her hand gently, and the fragrant handkerchief hit the woman's face, and she easily snatched the spot.

The woman giggled.

"Can't the two brothers here satisfy my sister?"

"You girl, you are asking for a beating, but doesn't your sister also want to let you go?"

Tianya Ke is not outstanding. In the world of cultivation, where one is either a handsome man or a beautiful woman, he can only be regarded as average. However, the Yuanyang of the monks in the Four Realms has not been released yet. If he can win it once, he can It's worth it.

"Sister, it's the same. It's better for everyone to do it according to their abilities."

The two sisters looked at each other, laughed, and then started murderous intent!

The man thought for a while and suddenly said: "If the two sisters never come together, how about I go?"

Two sisters: "?"

The young man ignored them and came behind the young girl who had not participated in the fight. He picked her up and put her on the bed, sharing the bliss with the young girl and the old man.

In the early morning of the next day, Le Zhengyuan finished his homework and went to work early, while Tianyake stayed in his house and concentrated on practicing.

After fighting against the Young Palace Master of the Emperor Sword Palace and the Senior Sister of Yaochi Terrace, he realized that he had many shortcomings. He was not strong enough yet, but he could still be stronger.

He needs to recover from his injuries and improve himself to a higher level before challenging them again!

But suddenly, he opened his eyes.

The black eyes looked outside the house, the sword aura was filled with such domineering force that the whole house shattered into pieces.

An elegant woman in her thirties appeared outside the house out of thin air.

"The slave family has seen Guan Yun'e meet the young master, and asks the young master to calm down. The slave family is asking the young master to join me."

Before he could finish his words, the sword Qi came across. Guan Yun'e was startled and hurriedly dodged. The sword Qi cut through the ground easily, destroying all the walls behind him, and then disappeared.

Tianya Ke sat cross-legged on the futon and put down the knife blade at some point.

Just say.


Guan Yun'e took a deep breath and smiled again.


As soon as he opened his mouth, the air was filled with murderous intent, and the light of the knife stuck to his skin like a needle. His throat showed scars at some point, and blood overflowed. However, there was a struggle, and the next moment his head fell to the ground and his body died!

This person is serious!

If you don't leave, you'll die!

Shaking her fingers, she backed away slightly.

With a forced smile, he retreated to a safe area and quickly retreated.

She didn't dare to stay for a moment, and immediately came to the location of her companions.

They responded not far away, thinking that it would take some time, but they never thought that they just heard the noise coming from inside, and Guan Yun'e retreated.

"Why did sister come back so quickly? Could it be that Yake was a silver pewter spearhead?"

"How about that? What did Yake think?"

"Sister, have you finished?"

Guan Yun'e calmed down twice, then gritted her teeth.

"Shut up, mom, and don't make any noise!"

"The noise gave me a headache!"

The others looked at each other and realized something was wrong.

They were silent for a while, and then the girl said, "Could it be that that guy rejected my sister?"

"Well, that guy didn't even let me finish my sentence."

She briefly told what had happened, gritting her teeth, and it was obvious at first glance that she was extremely hateful.

It's no wonder that when he went to recruit, not only was he not taken seriously, but he was kicked out before he even finished speaking.

Overtly and covertly, this aspect has been completely lost.

She had never been so wronged in all these years.

Those stinky men are all fascinated by her, so this damn guy Tianyake doesn't even want to accept her, even if he sends her to her door!

The man laughs.

“It’s really not easy to recruit.”

"A guy who can compete with those disciples from the big sects is actually very capable."

"It seems like the honey trap won't work anymore. We have to think of other ways."

The others looked at each other.

"What else can we do?"

"You don't think about using food, do you? Although this is indeed a method, if the honey trap doesn't work, can eating really work?"

The man shook his head.

"That guy is definitely not someone who is greedy for sex, but we are not the only ones who use sex."

"He is also being targeted by others, we have to hurry up."

"Go back and discuss."


The three religions and nine streams are mixed together, and a place like this is best for breeding filth. Apart from joining in the fun, the three religions and nine streams also have their own ideas.

Spread your own teachings, recruit more believers, and strengthen your own power.

Compared with those big forces, they are still very weak. Although their development momentum is strong, they lack a bit of foundation.

If you want to become stronger, you must seize the opportunity to get all the available power. If you can't get it, then destroy it!

Tian Ya Ke's reputation is rising. He has no family but is extremely smart. How can no one keep an eye on him?

Many sect forces even recruited him, but were rejected one by one.

The strange sex sect naturally didn't intend to let him go after finding this place.

Back in the house, they discussed.

"According to observation, that guy is very interested in strong enemies, and is devoted to cultivation, just to become famous all over the world. It can be seen that that guy has a heart of fame and fortune and a heart of strength. We can attack him with fame and fortune, using the strong as bait and fame and fortune as the fruit. We are not afraid that he will not take the bait."

"Although this is the case, where is our fame and fortune now."

"And that guy refused the Xuanyuan clan, Baihua Valley, Dragon clan, and Demon Country to recruit him. If he had a heart of fame and fortune, he would have agreed to it long ago. How could he wait until we came to use him."

"You don't understand, geniuses have the arrogance of geniuses. What he wants is not to enter that overnight, but to climb up slowly and slowly, relying on his own strength."

"Rely on yourself? Whatever you do, you don't rely on yourself. There are shortcuts to take, but you don't take them. What kind of diligence is it? It's boring, boring."

"So you are not a genius, and you don't understand genius."

The man waved his hand after talking for a while.

"I won't say so much to you. I'll go and prepare. By the way, sister, how strong is Tianya Ke?"


Guan Yun'e thought for a while and added: "Very strong."

"That kid's strength is not simple. Although he is in the fourth realm, he is not much inferior to the general fifth realm. I am not his opponent in front of him."

-referring to being almost killed in seconds.

"Geniuses are like this. They can challenge across levels. I'm afraid I'm the only one among us who can compete with him."

The sixth realm will be too obvious.

When you reach the Yin-Yang realm, you can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and gather the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth. You have the ability to change the world. Such strong people hide themselves and will not appear until the critical moment.

Then the only one who can deal with Tianya Ke is that man.

For Tianya Ke, the strangeness of the sect made preparations and were cautious, but all their actions were broken before they started.

When several people showed their malice and thought about making some things near Tianya Ke's house, an old man suddenly appeared in their house.

He joined in their discussion and even helped them perfect their plan.

Bi Ruo said.

"If that kid is not good, we don't need to say too much to him, just do it directly."

"What we can't get, others can't get it either."

"The formation must be arranged well, the manpower must be prepared, killing and setting fire, leaving the skin of the beasts, plucking the feathers of the geese, and getting all the good things that should be obtained."

This old man's methods are more cruel and decisive than theirs, and he is so skilled in killing and setting fire.

They seemed to have become confused babies, with a dull face.

It was not until later that they realized that there was an outsider among them.

"Who is it!"

The seven people immediately dispersed, but they surrounded him again.

The old man laughed.

"Why, the old man gave you advice, but you are planning to deal with him?"

"Isn't this a bit of a traitor?"

"That's not okay. Traitors will be punished."

"--Hehe, we don't believe in retribution."

The ugly old man chuckled, as if he was about to attack, but the man raised his hand in a hurry.


He stared at the old man vigilantly.

"Don't act rashly. Senior, we didn't know you were coming, so please forgive us for not welcoming you. I don't know why you came this time?"


The old man raised his eyebrows.

"There is such a person who knows the current situation."

"The old man won't make it difficult for you. As long as you listen to the old man, the old man will give you a way out."

"Come on, come here, the old man will tell you."

The old man told them his thoughts, and then they looked at each other.

"Senior. Is that really all?"

"The old man wouldn't lie to you juniors. Go and get it. By the way, show me some of your weird teachings. I'm very interested in your crooked ways. Are you competing with Confucianism? Hahaha, a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, and doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!"

The few people looked at each other and did it without hesitation.

Soon, the teachings of the weird teachings were placed in front of the old man, and the rest of the people followed the old man's instructions and took action.

This place became empty.

But as Guan Yun'e and the others left, Zhou Yushi appeared silently in the room.

"Teacher, is it really okay for you to ask them to do this? If the junior brother doesn't pass..."

"What junior brother? I haven't said I'll accept him as my disciple. Besides, if he can't get over this little problem, he won't be qualified to go to the inheritance place."

He snorted and threw the doctrine of the strange sex religion to him.

"Take a look at this, the doctrine of the strange sex religion."

Zhou Yushi took it and read it carefully.

In fact, he had known the doctrine of the strange sex religion for a long time. With such a big commotion in the west, how could the old man of the Li family send a copy back to the capital for them to see.

So these were all known a long time ago.

But there are still some things that he hasn't seen.

For example, these few sentences.

"Nature is like cypress and willow; righteousness is like a cup. To regard human nature as benevolence and righteousness is like to regard cypress and willow as a cup."

"Nature is like a turbulent stream. If it is diverted to the east, it will flow east; if it is diverted to the west, it will flow west. Human nature is neither good nor bad, just as water is neither east nor west."

"Food and sex are nature. Benevolence is internal, not external; righteousness is external, not internal."

Oh, it's really a heresy!

"Comparing human nature and righteousness to willow trees, distorting the facts, is really a disaster for the world!"

Zhou Yushi snorted coldly.

This sentence translates to human nature is like a willow tree, and righteousness is like cups and plates; making human nature into righteousness is just like using willow trees to make cups and plates.

That is to say, human nature is separated from righteousness, so that people no longer yearn for righteousness.

And the latter is to compare human nature to a torrent of water, which flows eastward if a gap is opened in the east and flows westward if a gap is opened in the west. It is said that people have no fixed nature of good or bad, just like water has no fixed direction of flowing east or west.

These words are really a complete heresy and are completely inconsistent with Confucian righteousness.

"If the world believes these, I'm afraid that chaos in the world is not far away!"

In the debate between Mencius and Gaozi, the second sage personally asserted that Gaozi's doctrine is a doctrine that harms the world.

It is a natural opposite to the second sage.

The two statements that the Second Sage disliked the most were the theory of human evil and Gaozi's doctrine.

Fortunately, the Later Sage and the Second Sage were not from the same period, otherwise the two would probably have quarreled to the point of chaos.

"Don't just look at the surface of this theory. You have to go deep into it and explore its deeper theories."

"Food and sex are human nature. This is indulging in one's own pursuits and is the beginning of evil."

"But deeper. It is indeed an exploration of nature and self."

"You still don't look deep enough. This theory abandons moral judgment and looks directly at human nature, thus forming the theory that human nature is neither good nor bad, so there is a theory that human nature is like flowing water."

"The nature it talks about is actually the meaning of life, not the moral meaning. Therefore, the basis of its theory is all about the satisfaction of life and the flesh, without involving moral judgment."

"Okay, okay, a good food and sex are human nature!"

"This theory, I, Confucianism, will never recognize it no matter what!"

"It's just that the profoundness of the theory, the complexity of the concept, and the countless people who choose to abandon morality and satisfy physical desires. Confucianism is facing a big challenge."

The weird sex religion, Yang Zhu school, and the devil religion are all indulging the world and promoting themselves. If they unite, can Confucianism compete?

"Teacher, don't worry. When the day of inheritance comes, with the protection of the sages, Confucianism will definitely overcome the difficulties."

"The world must have benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness!"

"If one of the heavens is lost, there will be chaos!"

The old man nodded.

"Well, that's enough. Go and do your thing. I don't need you here yet."

Zhou Yushi nodded.

"Yes, teacher."

"I'll leave this town to you."

With a great man in the ninth realm suppressing it, this town can't cause any trouble.

It's true that those weird sex cult guys are really stupid. They can find out where Tianya Ke is, so how can they not find other places.

Why don't they take action?

Why do they have to wait until they arrive to disturb Tianya Ke?

It's really nonsense.


At night, Guan Yun'e and others gathered in the room, looking at Le Zhengyuan.

"He is our next target?"

"Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"No, there is only one Confucian scholar in the whole town, there is no other."

"I don't know why that old thing, senior, wants to attack this Confucian scholar."

"Who knows, maybe he offended the Confucian scholar."

Several people discussed how to attack Le Zhengyuan as if nothing had happened, and did not mention the previous plan to leave.

They had a clear understanding of their identities. The strange sex religion was a school that was born to be opposed to Confucianism. If they were discovered by Confucian scholars, they would have no choice but to die. It would be good if they were not broken by their words.

They didn't know who the old man was, but they could run away.

Can't afford to provoke, can't afford to hide?

So they prepared to flee immediately after leaving the door, but who knew they really couldn't hide.

No matter what means they used to leave the city, they would eventually come back, as if they were imprisoned with shackles and trapped here.

Taoist magic.

Draw a prison on the ground.

Of course, it could be other magical powers.

But no matter which one, since they have been targeted, there is no reason to leave.

They had to come back to discuss the action.

Guan Yun'e took a deep breath.

"A stinking Confucian scholar, I don't believe that this stinking Confucian scholar can withstand my attack!"

Tianya Ke is a sword cultivator, domineering and determined, so this Confucian scholar has no magical power and literary spirit, let's see how he can hide!

So, that night, Le Zhengyuan, who had just closed his shop, packed up his things and went back to the house, but saw a woman in her early thirties on the side of the road.

I don't know if the master is a little busy these two days, so Le Zhengyuan hasn't seen the master, but although the master has not come, he still has to do his daily homework.

He thought about going back to read by lamplight at night, but there was a woman lying on the ground pitifully on the empty road.

She sat sideways, lowered her head, her eyes were watery, and although they were big, they were full of outstanding grace and charm.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Le Zhengyuan just stepped forward to ask, the woman looked up, then quickly lowered her head.

"Sir, I sprained my ankle, it hurts so much."

The words were tender and the look was pitiful. Although she didn't say anything else, it was full of temptation, making people feel distressed.

What a seductress.

"Miss, you sprained your ankle? Can you still stand up?"

"Yes, it hurts a little, I."

He thought for a moment, then said sorry.

So he helped Guan Yun'e up and said, "Miss, I'll take you to the clinic. Be careful. I'll help you."

"Thank you, sir. I accidentally fell down. Thank you for helping me."

"No need to thank me. This is a kind act."

When he was responsible for Guan Yun'e to come to the clinic, the old doctor had already rested, but he still knocked on the door and called her.

Seeing him, the old doctor was speechless.

"Young man, you have something that you can't come during the day, so you have to come at night, right?"

"You are young and you are not afraid, but I am old and I have to rest early."

Le Zhengyuan scratched his head, embarrassed.

"Doctor, this girl sprained her ankle. It's not easy for me, a man, to do it, so please help me."

The old doctor glanced at Guan Yun'e, squinted his eyes, and then nodded.

"Send her in first, I'll take a look."

"Please, doctor."

Helping Guan Yun'e sit down, the doctor took a look and found that her ankle was a little red and swollen. It was obvious that she had sprained her ankle for some time, but fortunately, it was just an ordinary sprain.


Such an injury, let alone for the 15th level Baoyang, even the 1st level body forging can easily deal with it.

Can this be called an injury?

The old doctor raised his head and was about to say something, but suddenly saw Guan Yun'e's black and white eyes. At that moment, he seemed to be dazed. He was in a trance for a while, and then he stood up and said: "This girl is fine, I will apply some medicine for her."

As he spoke, he applied the medicine, and Le Zhengyuan outside also breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, the old doctor applied the medicine and asked Le Zhengyuan to come in. However, as soon as he came in, he saw Guan Yun'e bending over. Although she was dressed decently and did not reveal anything, her figure was still reflected. Le Zhengyuan was stunned for a moment, and then stepped forward.

"Is the girl feeling better?"

"Yes, much better, thank you, sir."

"Since the girl is fine, I will go back first."

He was about to leave, but Guan Yun'e suddenly grabbed his sleeve.

There were tears in her eyes.

"Sir, I, I actually escaped. I was originally a courtesan in the Qingyue Tower in the imperial city. I was sold there when I was young and grew up there. I was favored by the young master of the Zhou family and wanted to take me back. Although I didn't want to, the old lady didn't dare to offend the young master of the Zhou family, so she planned to knock me out and send me away, but I heard it, so I barely escaped."

"All the money I have earned over the years has been placed in the old lady's cabinet, which is considered as my own redemption. But now I have nowhere to go. I don't know where I can stay in such a big world. I hope you will have mercy on me and take me in for a while."

"Sir, I am willing to pledge my love to you and serve you in the future."

As she said this, she actually knelt down, hoping that Le Zhengyuan would take her in.

Guan Yun'e laughed in her heart. Her method had fascinated countless people. No one would refuse a person with a miserable life, especially those men, who like to persuade people to be good and drag people into the water.

This move of hers... a sure kill!

No one can escape from her charm.

A mere child who has never tasted meat, isn't it easy for her to catch him?

Little Confucian scholar, take him down!

In the final analysis, Confucianism, benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness are nothing more than that.

The so-called talent is still the same when he gets there.

Even Confucianism cannot completely eradicate human nature.

Human desires are innate, who can really be pure and free from desires?

She couldn't help but sneer.

But Le Zhengyuan reached out and helped her up.

"If the girl doesn't know where to go, then I can ask the shopkeeper to let the girl rest in the inn for one night. If the girl is penniless, then I can give her some money."

"The world is so big now, there must be a place for the girl to stay."


She was shocked and looked sad.

"Sir, do you dislike my purity, so you don't want to take me in?"

"I, I."

Like a deflated balloon, she lowered her body.

"I understand, I'll leave now."

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