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Chapter 83 Buddha's Dharma Image! (Please collect and support)

The Six Ding Divine Fire is the fire in the Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace, and is the top existence among the currently known fire-related magical arts.

Red Boy's Samadhi True Fire was cultivated on the Flame Mountain, and the fire on the Flame Mountain is the Six Ding Divine Fire.

Therefore, the Samadhi True Fire is only a lower-level substitute for the Six Ding Divine Fire.

Why didn't Monkey King ask Guanyin to put out the fire when crossing the Flame Mountain? Because Guanyin's nectar in the bottle and willow branches were burnt by the Six Ding Divine Fire.

Only the banana fan that fanned the fire on weekdays can put out the fire.

Bai Mu strengthened the White Snake Emperor a little bit, and used a small cluster of flames of the Six Ding Divine Fire to refine the body. No more, more will become a roasted snake.

He is not Monkey King, who can burn in the Eight Trigrams Furnace for so long.

And now, with the help of the nine-fold strong wind and the Six Ding Divine Fire formed by nature, the White Snake Emperor forcefully trapped Fazang in the sea of ​​fire, and even the Bodhisattva Dharma Image that previously extinguished the Samadhi True Fire was helpless!

The wind borrowed the fire, and the raging fire burned the void, and the stars dimmed.

Even the many cultivators in the cultivation world felt dry mouth and sweat all over.

This cannot continue. If the Six Ding Divine Fire is allowed to burn, the entire cultivation world will be devastated and no grass will grow!

While Fazang condensed the Arhat Dharma to protect himself, he used his magical powers to fight the big monster.

The magic that is enough to kill thousands of monsters and flatten the four directions - slaying monsters!

The magic that is enough to call the sun and burn the evil spirits in the sky - calling the sun!

The magic that is enough to drive away immortals and gods and borrow the power of immortals and gods - driving away gods!

The magic in the sky is easy to use, and it falls on the body of the white snake, but... nothing can be done, nothing can be done!

Just nothing can be done!

Vajra is indestructible, with a copper head and iron bones!

Thousands of magic can't damage it!

"Useless, useless! What can such magic do to me?"

"Hahaha, Fahai, that bald donkey, trapped me for 300,000 years, imprisoned me in the pagoda forever, and burned my body with the Six Ding Divine Fire. Did you ever think that it would make me indestructible?"

"Monk! Come again! Come again!"


The rampant laughter spread across the five continents and four seas. It was thought that the White Snake Emperor was unable to compete with Fazang and would be suppressed by Fazang. However, it was never thought that even the Venerable Fazang, who was born with supernatural powers and was invulnerable to all magic, would be trapped by heaven and earth.

"To deal with the invulnerability, you need the power of heaven and earth, but we have seen the invulnerability before, and the power of heaven and earth should not be able to hurt him at all."

"Could it be that the invulnerability of Venerable Fazang is not complete?"

"What are you talking about? Your invulnerability is incomplete. Venerable Fazang's invulnerability cannot be incomplete. The White Snake Demon has so many magics and magical powers that are useless. Do you think the invulnerability of the other guys can do it?"

Not to mention the weak water in the sky, even the Samadhi True Fire can make them eat a pot.

"Ah, I have invulnerability? Really, brother? Are you really giving it to me?"

"Get out!"

Shangxuan Zhenren looked carefully and said, "It should be that the power of heaven and earth is too strong. Whether it is the Six Ding Divine Fire or the Nine-fold Gangfeng, they are the most evil and yang things in the cultivation world, with infinite power. Venerable Fazang has invulnerability, so he can protect himself in such a big fire."

"If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have been reduced to ashes long ago."

Reduced to ashes?

I'm afraid he won't be able to hold out until the Six Ding Divine Fire and the Nine-fold Strong Wind appear, and the Samadhi True Fire will be enough to burn him to death.

"Old Taoist, stinky Confucian, old bald donkey, who among the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism has this Six Ding Divine Fire? Is there any way to restrain it?"

The head of the Confucian school was silent for a while, shook his head and denied: ". We Confucians cultivate the righteousness, and we are good at the magic of drawing a circle to make a prison, and verbal battles. These magics that borrow the power of heaven and earth have nothing to do with our Confucianism."

The Supreme Master is the same.

"Our Buddhist sect pays attention to karma and fire, and practices the art of transcending the five elements and six paths. These magics are not owned by our Buddhist sect."

So, everyone looked at Master Shangxuan.

Master Shangxuan blushed when he was looked at by everyone.

He wanted to know what magical power could restrain the Six Ding Divine Fire and the Nine-fold Gale Wind, but he had read all the ancient and modern books, and had never heard of the Six Ding Divine Fire. The three Taoist ancestors worshipped in Sanqing Mountain only passed down the Three Pure Thunder Method, but there was no Six Ding Divine Fire!

"You couldn't go up when it was your turn. You usually boasted about the Taoist heritage and magical powers. Why are you a coward now? You are really useless!"

The owner of Tingyu Tower cursed in a low voice, and Shangxuan Zhenren was furious, but couldn't say anything.

What can he do? What can he do?

He has only seen the monster from 200,000 years ago now, how can he know more?

It's better to say that even the Venerable Fazang couldn't do anything about the Six Ding Divine Fire, so you ask me what to do?

Can I be stronger than the Venerable Fazang?

Now they can't do anything, so what should they do?

They can barely withstand such heat, but if they continue, the cultivation world will be completely destroyed.

Could it be that it is really like this?

Venerable Fazang!

They had no choice but to place their hopes on Fazang.

Fazang was also thinking, wondering what to do.

The Six Ding Divine Fire was extremely powerful, burning everything, and everything from stars to meteorites. If he wanted to extinguish the Six Ding Divine Fire, he had to use the wind blown by the banana fan, but now he had no banana fan, so he couldn't blow the wind or extinguish the fire.

Is this really the only way?

The Six Ding Divine Fire had become a raging force, and the cultivation world below had experienced a serious drought. If he didn't stop it,

Master, I am useless and have failed your expectations. I am not only unable to subdue demons and monsters, but also unable to protect the people of the world.

I'm sorry.

He lowered his head and cried, grieving his own powerlessness.

But suddenly, the Buddha's light shone.

Buddha’s light suddenly lit up between the collapsed pagodas of Sanyue Mountain and Jinshan Temple.

The gentle Buddha power moistened everything silently like spring rain, and was transmitted quietly.

The cultivation world that should have felt the heat was blown by a gust of wind, and then the heat was gone, and the sweet dew fell from the sky, and the heat of the Six Ding Divine Fire was completely blocked out.

This is

Everyone was shocked, not knowing why, and outside the Nine Heavens, Fazang heard such a voice.

"Good boy."

As if his head was gently stroked, Fazang looked up and he saw. Master.

The master was standing in front of him!

Behind the master were. The abbots of Jinshan Temple in the past!

Are they the ancestors?

"Don't blame yourself, kid. You've done a great job. The masters and your master have seen clearly that it's your compassion."

"Everyone, it's because I didn't get rid of this evil, so he can break the seal and come out after 300,000 years. It's all my fault. Please help me."

An old monk in a cassock with a kind face said Amitabha softly, and then the other old monks bowed their heads.

"Respect the master's order."

So, the relics that should have been dim regained their light. They turned into streams and flew into the sky, surrounding Fazang.

From the establishment of Jinshan Temple to Daoyu, there were a total of 108 abbots and 108 relics, which condensed into the final Dharma image.

Dignified appearance, one hand pointing to the sky, one hand pointing to the earth, the only one in the world.

This is the Dharma image of the Buddha!

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