Don't say my script is fake.

Chapter 96 Eating fish is such a beautiful thing (first order required)

Yu'er Yushu is quite strange.

"Thank you, village chief, for informing me. I understand."

"It's still early now, so Your Highness and I will go investigate first."

The two stood up and prepared to leave. The village chief immediately stood up and wanted to go together, but Nangong Longwen hurriedly stopped them.

"It's going to rain heavily. If the village chief has trouble with his legs, there's no need to come. Your Highness and I will proceed with caution."

The village chief hesitated for a moment, but ultimately did not follow.

"Please be careful with those two envoys. The little old man is waiting for the two envoys here."

Soon, Nangong Longwen and Xuanyuan Wenyi left the stone house and disappeared into the heavy rain.

The two of them walked in the rain curtain, and after making sure that no one was around, Xuanyuan Wenyi spoke.

"It's a pity not to talk about your mouth in front of my father."

I thought that coming this time would be very troublesome, but Nangong Longwen's words made the villagers mistakenly think that they came specifically to solve the problem. They were extremely cooperative, and the village chief even knew everything he said.

It was easy to understand that this place was strange.

"Although I didn't come here specifically, I didn't say anything wrong, right?"

"No matter what the reason is, there must be a result for you and me to come here this time, and the result must be good for the villagers here."



Xuanyuan Wenyi blinked, as if he felt that he had something to say, but did not ask too much.

"Actually, you are quite smart. Although you don't have the big picture view of the eldest son, you are more sensitive on some issues. My father also knew about this and asked you to come."

"If you can use it in the right way, I'm afraid you will have a bright future."

Nangong Longwen smiled immediately.

"Ha, aren't I just using it for good right now?"

"Wen Yi, don't talk nonsense."

"But... I didn't know Wen Yi missed me so much. Oh, I suddenly feel so light. The rain seems wonderful."

"Brother is almost fascinated by you."

Xuanyuan Wenyi chuckled.

"Why don't you say this in front of your father?"

Nangong Longwen: "."

He immediately sneered: "Then it's better to say goodbye. I'm afraid that the king can't help but chop me down. If he does, you will lose a brother."

"Oh, you have a lustful heart but don't have the guts to be lustful."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, Wenyi. I have always regarded you as my sister, so don't let the king misunderstand you."

Xuanyuan Wenyi swallowed, suddenly feeling the urge to beat this guy up.

The two of them arrived in front of Yushu noisily.

"Is this the Yushu that the village chief mentioned?"

They looked at the jade tree. The tree was a thousand meters high, towering, with many branches, covering the sky and the sun, and even the rain was blocked by the tree trunks.

The whole body is crystal clear and has excellent texture. When you touch it with your own hands, it feels as warm and moist as jade.

"Fine jade."

"I have been playing with jade pendants for more than ten years, but I have never seen jade of such quality. This jade tree is completely natural and intact. If it is taken out, I am afraid it will attract countless people to fight for it."

Xuanyuan Wenyi replied casually: "No, such treasures will only go into my father's inner treasury and will not be fought over by others."

He won't even let it go to the treasury.

It's ridiculous, all the proceeds from the national treasury are used by all the people in the world, and the inner treasury of the king is a private treasury. How could her father let go of such a treasure.

Nangong Longhua: "What you said makes sense."

"But there doesn't seem to be anything weird about this tree. No matter how I sense it, I can't see anything wrong with it."

Xuanyuan Wenyi frowned.

This is the common jade tree.

Is there nothing wrong with this jade tree?

"Long Wen, what do you think?"

"Yeah, that's right. Haha, let's put aside the problem of this tree for now. Let's go to the river and have a look."

He smiled and walked towards the river.

Xuanyuan Wenyi was puzzled, but she still followed him.

There is a river south of the village, and there are many fresh fish in the river. Due to the heavy rain, it is difficult for the villagers to cultivate, so the villagers of all generations have to make a living on fish.

Villagers come here every day to fish and hunt.

When the two came here, they saw villagers fishing.

They used fishing nets to catch the fish. The river was not too wide, only about three meters, and the water was not deep. Moreover, even under such a heavy downpour, the river was still neither urgent nor slow, and there was no scene of the river mouth bursting its banks. .

Some villagers can even stand in the river and throw them upward one by one with their own hands.

And the fish was jumping alive, but even when it landed on the shore, it struggled back and forth and refused to accept its fate.

Nangong Longwen and Xuanyuan Wenyi did not come forward, but hid in the woods on the side and watched quietly.

"Why are you hiding? Didn't you say you don't have to hide?"

"Just think that I'm shy right now and don't want others to see me."

Xuanyuan Wenyi: "?"

The two hid here for a long time. After the fishermen left one after another, they walked out of the woods.

As soon as he walked out, Nangong Longwen asked: "Wen Yi, do you know how many fish they caught just now?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly?"

She was puzzled, but she still thought about it and replied seriously: "Including the fish that have been caught, there are roughly 234 fish. Each person is carrying at least ten fish."

At least ten items per person

"Yes, at least ten for each person."

"I have made a slight estimate of the number of people in the village before. The total number of children and elderly people, totaling more than a hundred people, is equivalent to a family of three, and three fish a day. Each adult and child has one fish each. The village needs more than a hundred fish a day. ”

"These fish are only enough to feed the village for two days."

"But Wenyi, do you think this river can support so many fish?"

As the saying goes, people rely on mountains to eat mountains and water to drink water. However, no matter how people rely on water to drink water, without farming and wild animals, even lakes will be eaten away, let alone this small river.

Xuanyuan Wenyi was stunned for a moment and then understood.

"You mean there's something wrong with this fish?"

"There's something wrong with this fish, and there's something wrong with the river where the fish are raised."

Nangong Longwen smiled.

"Let's go back."

go back?

Are they going back like this?

I just went over to take a look at Yushu Yu'er. Are you going back here?

Don't want to take a closer look?

"No need"

Nangong Longwen turned around and returned.

"There are no clues before or after. If you go beyond a hundred miles, the river will dry up and the fish will die."

"The fish and rivers here only appear here."

Like this downpour.

Xuanyuan Wenyi felt that she seemed a little too stupid. She was obviously acting together with Nangong Longwen, and what she saw and observed were exactly the same. How come he seemed to understand everything and be confident, but he seemed to feel that everything was unclear. Not found.

Could it be that she really couldn't do it?

Shaking her head, Xuanyuan Wenyi hurriedly followed.

Not long after the two left, fish appeared one after another in the quietly flowing river, and they opened their mouths and made sounds.

The sound that can be made is not the sound that a fish should have, but the sound like a bird or a mandarin duck.

The sound of mandarin ducks was passed quietly in the rain curtain.

But what's even more strange is that the fish has a human face

Nangong Longwen and Xuanyuan Wenyi returned to the village chief's house. When the village chief saw this, he immediately stood up to greet them.

"Two envoys, you are back, what have you gained?"

"The two of us went to take a look at the jade tree. As the village chief said, it is really invulnerable to fire and water, and is invulnerable to swords. Looking at the dense white bones from a distance is shocking."

Nangong Longwen sat down and said: "Your Highness and I also used some methods, but we couldn't hurt the tree at all. We just wanted to have more, but there was nothing we could do."

"If I want to know the truth, I'm afraid it will take some time. I don't know where this tree came from."

The village chief immediately comforted him: "Messenger, please don't be anxious. We have been waiting here all our lives. It's just a little while. Don't be anxious. Don't be anxious. I will search for the origin of the jade tree again and I will definitely find it."

"Messengers can live here with peace of mind."

"The two envoys must be hungry after a hard day's work. Old lady, is the fish stew ready? Bring it over quickly."

The old woman's voice came from the kitchen.

"Okay, okay, I've been fine for a long time, but the messenger never came back, and the old lady is still warm."

"Here comes the fish soup."

The old woman served the fish soup and took out the bowls and chopsticks.

"Two envoys, this is the only one we have here. I hope the envoys will not dislike it. You can try it. It tastes great and delicious. You must try it."

The fish soup is thick and the fish meat is pure white. Even if you just look at it with your eyes, you can understand how delicious the fish soup must be.

"Okay, then His Highness and I will be disrespectful."

Nangong Longwen and Xuanyuan Wenyi looked at each other. They filled the fish soup with fish meat, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and ate the fish soup under the watchful eyes of the village chief and the old woman.

As soon as the fish soup entered their stomachs, a burst of deliciousness burst out. The unprecedented deliciousness made their eyes light up.

Although both of them were of high status, they could taste any delicacy from the mountains and seas, even the meat of the monster beast, they could also get it.

But this delicious food almost made them addicted to it.

“This fish soup is really delicious!”

Seeing this, the two old men smiled one after another.

"As long as the two envoys are satisfied, that's fine."

"Drinking soup is a beautiful thing."

"Messenger, there are more here"

The old woman even tried to get up and take out the remaining fish soup in the kitchen.

But Nangong Longwen and Xuanyuan Wenyi just took a bite and stopped moving their chopsticks. They just looked at them with smiles.

There was an inexplicable meaning in those eyes.

The village chief and the old woman suddenly felt uneasy, and they couldn't help but become nervous.

"Two envoys, what do you think we do?"

"Why don't you eat? Is it because you have a bad appetite? Or does it just not suit you?"

The two of them didn't speak, they still smiled and never moved their eyes.

Being stared at seemed a little unbearable, as if all their secrets were revealed, their emotions couldn't help but change.

"This, it all depends on what I do? Two envoys, drink, drink, drink while it's hot."

The sentences were broken and broken, and when she couldn't say any more, the old woman immediately got angry and started clapping the case.

"Drink, why don't you drink! Give it to me, old lady!"

"Don't drink, don't drink, right?"

"Do you think you can leave here without drinking?"

"You also have to stay, and you have to stay with me!!!"

The old woman's face suddenly became ferocious, fish scales appeared on her body, and her ricket back became straight. Although her limbs had not changed, she was already lying on the ground and walking on four legs.

The fish's tail is long and slender, sweeping around and making a cry like a baby.

This is no longer a human race.


Xuanyuan Wenyi was shocked, but then she was stunned again.

"No, is this a demon? There is no demonic aura on it and what's going on with this fish? Will it look like this after eating that meat?"

"Is it the existence behind this fish that makes it rain every day in this village?"

"Long Wen, you already knew this?"

Nangong Longwen faced the village chief calmly, thought for a moment, and said, "Let's make a little guess."

"So, where should I start?"

"Wenyi, I sorted out the information you gave me and determined one thing. There must be something somewhere, either a sealed demon or an abnormal power. You once said that someone is here. Drink water, but those who eat the water will explode and die, and the water taken out will return here. "

"So I thought, if eating the water here will kill you, why won't the people living here die?"

"After all, village chief, the people here have been isolated from the world for thousands of years. If they were really mortals, who would know about the dynasty? Who wouldn't want to leave? Even if they are far away from their ancestral land, they would not want to live here."

"——Without the sun all year round and continuous heavy rain, no matter how strong a person is, he will soon die."

"Mortals are actually very fragile."

"When the village chief mentioned fish, I thought this might be the answer."

"There is a steady stream of fish, heavy rain, and residents who have always been here."

"All this may be the answer."

"The water is the water here, and the fish is the fish here."

"——If you eat the water here, you can only live here."

"——If you eat the fish here, you will become such a monster."

"Village Chief, in fact, there is no so-called past generations here. You have actually lived here since then and have been staying here. From the beginning, it has been just you."

"How long have you lived?"

Xuanyuan Wenyi could have expected the previous words, but the last words really caught her by surprise.

People here never change?

When did this village appear? When did it rain here?

Not clear. No one ever knows.

If they really haven't changed, how long should their years be?

Two hundred thousand years?

The village chief was silent for a while, and then he couldn't help but sigh.

"You are very smart, young man. You have doubted us from the beginning, and even doubted whether we survived for a long time."

"At first, when you asked the little old man how long he had lived, you were probably testing him."

"How long has it been since the little old man even forgot about it?"

"One thousand years? Two thousand years? Three thousand, four thousand?"

"The little old man is just an ordinary person. He has never experienced the grace of an immortal. He doesn't know what time is and doesn't remember it. If I ask how many years it has been, I really can't answer it."

"But that's not important, is it?"

"Old lady, put away that look, there's no need to be like this. No matter how much they eat, they will eventually eat the water and fish here, and they are already the same as us."

"You can't get out either, you can't get out either, young man, why don't you stay and come with us, hehehehe"

The village chief smiled and smiled, the wrinkles on his face turned into scales, and the fish soup on the table gradually changed.

The fish head that was originally placed in the middle of the casserole began to gradually change.

The fish's appearance faded, and a human face slowly emerged.

"Haha, look, look, what a beautiful fish, eat it and live forever with us!"

Xuanyuan Wenyi: "!!!"

Xuanyuan Wenyi's scalp was numb and her hairs were standing on end. What she touched just now felt extremely delicious. This was it! ? ? ?

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