Ye Nanxian looks at Shen Zian. Shen Zian doesn't look at him.


He did it on purpose!

Who made Ye Nanxian so beautiful?

Even if I feel that ye Nanxian is a little better than godfather, he will not admit it now.

Shen Zian has such a small calculation in his heart, but ye Nanxian doesn't know it. He just looks at his own son with some depression and deeply feels that he still has a long way to go to let his son accept himself from his heart.

Shen mange didn't know when he would wake up. Looking at the quarrel between the father and son, he couldn't help feeling funny.

She never knew that ye Nanxian had such a childish side. She even fought with a four or five-year-old child. It really made her see.

Seeing that ye Nanxian was so angry, Shen mange finally couldn't help laughing.

"Mommy, are you awake?"

Shen zi'an hears Shen man GE's laughter and turns to look at Shen man Ge with concern.

"Well, wake up."

Shen mange finds out that Shen Zian has been holding her little hand in her palm in order to take care of herself.

"Is my arm numb? You child, why don't you take your hands back? Let mommy have a look. "

Shen mange quickly gets up and releases Ye Nanxian's hand.

When the source of warmth suddenly leaves, ye Nanxian feels a sense of loss, especially when she sees that Shen mange doesn't look at him after she wakes up. Instead, she focuses all her attention on Shen Zian. Ye Nanxian's heart is suddenly out of balance.

He is a patient, OK?


Ye Nan Xian coughs falsely, hoping to attract Shen man GE's attention and affection. Unfortunately, Shen zi'an has already understood his meaning, and quickly says, "Mommy, I can't move my arm."

"Well behaved, it's OK. Mommy will rub it for you."

Shen mange heard Ye Nanxian's cough. He had planned to look back, but when he heard Shen Zian's words, he rubbed Shen Zian's arm wholeheartedly.

In her opinion, Shen Zian is still a child, and she has just experienced such a terrible thing, and in order to take care of herself, she makes her arms numb. As a mother, she can't just watch it. And ye Nanxian is an adult, and there is a doctor, so there should be no problem.

Shen mange thought so, and naturally threw Ye Nanxian to the back of his head.

"Would it be better?"

Shen mange asks Shen Zian softly.

Shen Zian nodded and said: "much better, but it's still numb. Mummy, you can rub it for a while."


Shen mange dotes on Shen Zian and smiles, then says softly, "don't be so silly in the future. If Mommy falls asleep, you'll take out your hand. It's OK. Mommy won't wake up."

Why didn't she know what her son was doing?

It is said that women are mommy's little cotton padded jacket. In Shen mange's opinion, Shen Zian is her mink coat, which is warmer than a little cotton padded jacket.


Shen Zian smiles happily, and spits out his tongue towards Ye Nanxian, obviously showing off.

Ye Nanxian felt that he was really upset.

He was despised by his son.

Not only that, his wife didn't seem to realize that he was a patient.

"Oh, it hurts!"

Ye Nanxian suddenly frowned, covered his chest and hummed, his expression was very painful.

Shen mange turns around and sees that ye Nanxian's face is pale and his head is sweating.

"What's the matter? Is the wound splitting again? I'll go to the doctor. Don't move

Shen mange is so nervous that he turns around and runs out.

Her speed is amazing.

Shen Zian looked at Ye Nanxian with some disdain and said, "you are such a big man, and you still compete with me for favor, even with such poor means. Do you mean it?"

Ye Nanxian said with indifference: "the means are not bad or not, just easy to use. What about? Does your mother care about me most? "

"Cut! Childish

Shen Zian thinks that the position of Ye Nanxian just now should be changed.

This man is powerful, but he is a childish!

It's shameless to play with him as a child!

Ye Nanxian is not ashamed of it, but proud of it. Maybe he is really happy and sad. His chest is really hurt, and he immediately bares his teeth and cracks his mouth.

"It's time!"

Shen Zian said without any sympathy, then jumped out of bed coolly and said to the bodyguard outside: "I want to go out for a walk. You can accompany me for a walk."

He has been kidnapped, and now he dares not run around alone. However, when he stays here to watch ye Nanxian flirt with his mother, Shen Zian feels that he is not so strong.Simply hide out for a walk, so as not to be disgusted by the old man Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian thinks that this is definitely not his own son, otherwise how can he be so ruthless?

"Shen Zian, you smelly boy, you really don't care about me?"

Ye Nanxian did not give up his heart.

Shen Zian didn't reply and said, "don't worry, you can't die. It's said that disasters last for thousands of years, and your life is long. "

"You son of a bitch, you, ouch..."

Ye Nanxian really hurt the wound this time.

He was sweating and covered his chest with one hand. The bright red blood seeped through his fingers again.

Ye Nanxian burst into a bitter smile.

A small wound, now actually let him so vulnerable?

I don't think I was so weak then!

Is it because of the special affectation of guarding the wife and children?

Ye Nanxian constantly reflects on himself. Shen mange has come in with the doctor and nurse.

"Doctor, please show him. It seems that there is bleeding."

Shen mange is very nervous now.

Ye Nanxian hurt her chest one after another. In her opinion, it's no difference to seek death. She has just settled her feud with Ye Nanxian. She hasn't let the children experience the taste of father's love yet. She can't let anything happen to Ye Nanxian any more.

If ye Nanxian knew what Shen mange thought now, he would be depressed to death.

Seeing that Shen mange's worried eyes are flowing on her body, she doesn't even notice Shen Zian's absence. Ye Nanxian finally tears open her lips and laughs.

"I'm fine. Don't worry."

"You laugh! From now on, you'll stay in bed honestly. You can't go anywhere or move without my orders

Shen mange feels that ye Nanxian has no idea.

Didn't he know how dangerous the wound could be in the position of his chest?

Besides, his blood type is so rare. What if something happens?

Seeing that Shen mange got angry, ye Nanxian said: "I promise not to move. Even if I have to go to the toilet, I will report to you first. If you don't let me go, I'll hold it. "

"Poof", the doctor and the nurse couldn't help laughing, which made Shen mange's face red to the root of his neck.

"Who told you that?"

Shen mange thinks that ye Nanxian is absolutely intentional.

How cold this man used to be, how unbearable he is now. She can't imagine that once a cold and indifferent man is tired of being crooked, how can he be separated?

Ye Nanxian is not the slightest embarrassed. He laughs foolishly and keeps staring at Shen mange. Shen mange can't bear his tender eyes.

"How is he, doctor?"

Shen mange can only divert his attention.

The doctor said with a smile: "it's OK. Ye always has too much activity. He suddenly pulled the wound and bandaged it again."

"Thank you, doctor."

Shen mange muttered in his heart.

He is lying on the bed well. Why is he so active? What did you do just now?

Shen mange subconsciously takes a look at Shen Zian's bed and finds that Shen Zian is gone.


She immediately became nervous and even wanted to turn around and run out.

Ye Nanxian quickly called to stop her.

"Zi'an goes out for a walk. There are bodyguards with you. You don't have to worry. After a while, Song Tao will deliver the food. He will come back. "

Listening to Ye Nanxian's words, Shen mange calms down.

"It scared the hell out of me."

"Don't worry. Under my nose, I won't let him suffer any more."

Ye Nanxian knows how much the loss of Shen Zian will hurt Shen mange. He says tenderly. The doctor suddenly feels that he is too much of an eyesore here.

"Mr. Ye, it's already wrapped up. Just don't do too much strenuous exercise. Let's go first. Something's teaching us!"

The doctor stepped back with a smile.

Shen mange suddenly felt that the doctor and the nurse were looking at her vaguely.

She wondered for a while, and suddenly remembered what the doctor said just now, don't do too much exercise?

Is there something wrong between the doctor and the nurse?

Shen mange suddenly reacts and blushes and says, "no, it's not what you think. What did we do?"

If she didn't say that, it was OK. The doctor and the nurse laughed more vaguely.

"Yes, we all do."

Then they quickly left the ward.

Shen mange felt that he couldn't wash himself when he jumped into the Yellow River.

"No, we really didn't do anything."She cried a little depressed, but let Ye Nanxian laugh.

"You still laugh, it's all you!"

Shen mange glared at him, biting his lower lip and looking very shy.

Ye Nanxian hasn't seen Shen mange like this for a long time. He suddenly feels that when he is tight, there is a small fire rising in a place, which is spreading rapidly to all parts.

"Come here!"

Ye Nanxian's voice is a little hoarse, and his eyes are a little dark. The suddenly shining eyes at the bottom of his eyes make Shen mange understand something.


Shen mange refuses directly, and even subconsciously steps back. At this time, she is like a frightened rabbit. As long as ye Nanxian makes a slight move, she will turn around and run away.

Ye Nanxian rolled between his throat and said in a low voice, "come here, I have something to say to you. It's about zi'an."

On hearing Shen zi'an's name, Shen mange suddenly stood in a daze and came over with half faith.

But before she comes to her, ye Nanxian's long arm stretches out and grabs Shen mange's arm and drags her into her arms.

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