"A mean thing?"

Ye Nanxian knows the dirty business in many big families, but he doesn't dare to talk about it casually.

Mochi said with a sneer: "yes, they gave the medicine to my aunt and threw it on the bed of the eldest son of the Zhao family, who was comparable to the Huo family at that time. My aunt was forced to break her body. Even the Mohists were afraid that the Zhao family would not admit it, so they blocked them in the room with people Hula after the event, and my aunt almost killed herself by biting her tongue at that time. "

Such a scandal makes Ye Nanxian a little reluctant to listen.

"Mo Shao, I don't want to know, OK? That I "

" want to quit at the beginning? It's late, ye Nanxian. Now that you know about the Mohist scandal, you have to listen to it and help me with it. Otherwise, I'll kill you. You know, the blood of the Mohists is cold. "

The sound of the ink pool doesn't have any temperature.

He is the prince. One day he will be in the top position. Now Mohism is in the hands of Mochi. What he said is not exaggeration.

Ye Nanxian is a little annoyed, so he shouldn't be curious, but there is no need to launch it now.

At the beginning, Mochi hoped to gather him in his hand, perhaps to prepare for his higher position.

A lot of people are staring at that position. It naturally needs some means to succeed. The brotherhood of that year alone was not enough to keep him alive. Therefore, ye Nanxian can understand some changes in the ink pool.

"You go on. "

after hearing what ye Nanxian said, Mo Chi's heart didn't know why it was bitter.

He knew that he could not go back to the past after all.

Mochi took a deep breath and said, "the Mohist family was afraid of her aunt's suicide, so they sent someone to put her under house arrest. At the same time, they sent someone to talk about marriage with the Zhao family, and even tried their best to collect benefits and dependence from the Zhao family. Perhaps at first, the Zhao family really wanted to marry their aunt, but the Mohist family was too difficult and put forward too much demands, which made the Zhao family a little dissatisfied. Although the wedding date was set, it was always delayed, and then the aunt became pregnant. "

"The Mohist girls got pregnant before they got married, which was a great scandal in the society at that time. In order to cover up the scandal, the Mo family didn't discuss with the Zhao family. They secretly sent someone to force their aunt to kill the child. At that time, my aunt almost went crazy. Fortunately, my mother gave birth to me, but my mother died of dystocia and massive bleeding. "

"My aunt just lost her child, and I lost my mother. She held me in front of her as her own child. The Zhao family helped the Mohist family through the difficulties, but they didn't mention marrying their aunt again, and the Mohist family, as if they didn't have it, had just stranded their aunt's marriage. "

"When I was five years old, the Zhao family married another woman, which was equivalent to giving up the marriage with my aunt completely. Aunt is like a person abandoned by the family and the Zhao family. No one cares about her life or death, and no one cares about her emotional belonging. Even they think it's best to have an aunt to support me. After all, my aunt is the Mohist family, and I am the eldest son of the Mohist family. But in that year, my aunt learned about Huo Zhenning. "

"I will always remember that day when my aunt was wearing beautiful clothes. She touched my head and told me that she was going to find her own happiness and the man who was so excited at the beginning. She told me that when she got married, she would come back with the man named Huo Zhenning and accompany me to grow up with him. But that time my aunt left, and there was no more news. "

Speaking of this, Mochi is very sad.

He whispered, "I thought my aunt had found her own happiness. I thought she couldn't come back to see me because she had to. Then I grew up and learned something. Only then did I realize that my aunt almost died, and the person who did these things was Zhao Yueming, the eldest son of the Zhao family. He robbed my aunt of her innocence, but he didn't want to marry her. He didn't want my aunt to find her own happiness. When I learned that my aunt found Huo Zhenning, the second uncle of Huo, he used his power to forge an order and launched an operation, which led to the disappearance of my aunt and Huo's village. The excuse given at that time was that the village had a terrible plague, which was out of control and needed urgent treatment. "

Mochi's words made the whole people of Ye Nanxian angry.

"What did you say?"

Ye Nanxian thought about the reasons why countless zhangjiazhais were exterminated, but he never thought it would be caused by personal feelings.

This Zhao Yueming is damned!

"What's the position of this man now? Where is it? "

All the calculation and conspiracy that happened around Ye Nanxian himself and Shen mange started from the extermination of zhangjiazhai. It was Zhao Yueming, the son of a bitch, who led to the extermination of zhangjiazhai!

For his own selfish desire, this man mobilized so many people, caused such a big injustice, and even involved three generations. If this man didn't tear him to pieces, ye Nanxian would feel sorry for himself.

Mochi said in a low voice: "Zhao Yueming is very cunning. He made such a big move. He knew that he could cover it up for a while, but he could not cover it up for a lifetime. So after finishing this, he directly applied for retirement, and then his family emigrated abroad.""Asshole!"

Ye Nanxian grits his teeth. He doesn't want to believe that the destruction of zhangjiazhai is due to the jealousy of a man.

"Was it zhangjiazhai where Aunt Mohist and second uncle Huo were at that time?"

Even if you guessed it, ye Nanxian still needs to confirm it.

Mochi nodded and said, "yes. Because zhangjiazhai is a village for generations, he just took advantage of it. Insects rarely appear in the sight of the living people. The panic and avoidance of the unknown make insects more mysterious. Moreover, the cultivation of poisonous insects is handed down from generation to generation, and outsiders don't know how to do it. Therefore, the poisonous insects they raise spread the plague, and people go crazy with them. If they can't control them, they will harm the surrounding stockade and even the whole area. No one will believe that they are exaggerating. So that fake order, zhangjiazhai was exterminated in the shortest time. But coincidentally, when they moved, the second uncle of Huo family and my aunt just left the stockade. At that time, the soldiers who took part in the operation were all children of large families. Huo family, Xiao family, Zhan family and Zhao family. Zhao Yueming's calculation is very good. Once the incident happened, the four families all took part in it. Even if they were investigated, they could not ignore the face of the four families. That's why we made that move. "


Ye Nanxian gas of a punch in the side of the stone, the back of the hand exuded blood, but less than his heart pain ten thousandth.

How innocent the people in zhangjiazhai are!

Just because it happened that Aunt Mohist and second uncle Huo were there, would the whole village bury them with them?

What did aunt Mohist and second uncle Huo do wrong?

In Ye Nanxian's mind, those images of memory Gu reappear.

Those old and weak women and children desperate for help, shouting, but one by one died under the gun.

Those unwilling souls are shouting and clamoring, and they are filled with Ye Nanxian's chest, which makes him irritable.

He wants to kill!

Bastard wants to kill Zhao Yueming!

But now he can only control himself.

Mochi knows what will happen after ye Nanxian knows about it, but he wants to let him know.

It has been so many years since this incident happened, and my aunt still hasn't come back. It's only in recent years that Mohism has noticed this incident and started a secret investigation.

When Zhang Ma had a problem and the Ye family asked for help from Mochi, the Mohist knew that it would be impossible.

However, Zhao Yueming's whereabouts are unknown and he has emigrated. There is no way to verify many things. Can only find the original order, but also because there is no file and not much value. Now the four families who took part in the original operation have become the mainstay, but they have been hoodwinked. They don't know that their task was Zhao Yueming's personal enmity. They still think that it was a real operation.

Mohism can't explain these things to the four families, and even try to cover up Taiping's mistakes. After all, it's been so many years, but the descendants of zhangjiazhai are not afraid of life and death for revenge. They try every means to make everyone don't know how to solve them.

Mochi's position is very clear. At the beginning, whoever did something wrong would have to pay the corresponding price.

Zhangjiazhai was exterminated for no reason. They owe zhangjiazhai justice for this.

Ye Nanxian is a descendant of zhangjiazhai.

No matter it's because of Zhang Ma's calculation or anything, this can't be changed. Now the golden bug representing the head of zhangjiazhai clan has entered Ye Nanxian's body. Ye Nanxian will know about it sooner or later.

Waiting for ye Nanxian to find out, Mochi thinks it's better to Tell ye Nanxian immediately, so that at least two people won't stand on the opposite side.

"Ye ye, I know how much impact this has on you. I also know that a word of sorry can't change anything, and it doesn't have any practical significance. What I'm telling you now is the truth. I want to find my aunt and Huo's second uncle. The information I get now is that the second uncle of the Huo family is still alive, and it's worse to live than to die. As for the exact location, I don't know. Some say he is in F country, others say he is near zhangjiazhai. As long as you find the second uncle of the Huo family, you can find my aunt. I also want my aunt to go home. After all, she is my mother to me

Mochi's words upset Ye Nanxian.

"I can't give you an answer now. I need to be quiet."

"I understand. I'll give you time. You can come to me whenever you think about it."

Mochi's words made Ye Nanxian nod.

"by the way, about the golden bug in your body, it does no harm to you. After learning about zhangjiazhai, I consulted some ancient books, and found that golden bug is a bug passed down from generation to generation by clan leaders, and is the king of poisonous insects. For ordinary people, it may be harmful, or even die suddenly. But for the heirs of the clan leader, because of the continuity of blood in their bodies, the golden bug is not only non-toxic, but also a great tonic, which can protect the clan leader. It's just that you may have just come into contact with it, and you haven't coexisted with his consciousness, so there will be some irritable emotions, which will be better after some time. "Mochi still tells Ye Nanxian about the golden bug, but ye Nanxian can't stop at this time. His mind is full of pictures of innocent people dying miserably, playing in his mind over and over again

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