No one saw that a line of tears fell from the corner of Han Xichen's eyes.

This is his father.

Ha ha Da!

Han Xichen's whole body is about to fall apart in pain. He even thinks that he is likely to die next moment. Unfortunately, the pain has been tossing him endlessly, making him unable to speak, unable to move his hands and lying on the ground like a corpse.

When I took the golden bug, I took a chance to think that I could bear the bite of the golden bug and completely remove the poison from my body. Henceforth, I was no longer manipulated and controlled by Han Xiao.

But he also knows that the golden bug is very overbearing. If he can't carry it, he will really die here.

These days, ye Nanxian and they all left. He made this decision with all his might. He didn't leave any way for himself. Now at the boundary of life and death, he actually heard Han Xiao's indifference and ruthlessness to him.

In any case, he has kept him for 30 years. Although the past 30 years did not do too warm feelings for him, but in blood, he still regarded him as his father.

Now the last trace of not giving up is cut off by Han Xiao himself.

He's his son!

For 30 years, even a dog should have feelings, right?

But he is like a rag to him, which can be discarded at any time. Even a coffin is not willing to give him, but let people throw him into the tank of the poisonous insects to accompany his long dead mother.

Is this really his father?

To him, what is he?

Han Xichen is heartbroken, but he feels relieved.

In this way, we really have to give up.

The love between him and Han Xiao is over.

Today, I owe him the debt of birth and breeding.

Han Xichen closed his eyes and let the tears flow.

Anyway, there is no outsider here, and no one will see his vulnerability and sadness. He doesn't need to wear a mask to be a man, and finally he can really cry.

Han Xichen felt very painful and cold. He was as cold as an ice cellar.

If he can't survive, he may really die here, and I don't know how Yao Luo is now, and whether he will make trouble to come back to him.

Thinking of the past between himself and yaoluo, Han Xichen really regretted it.

Over the years, Yao Luo has never been well accompanied.

He knows yaoluo likes to go out, but he has no time to take her out. It's not that there are no other women who want to stay with him these years, but he can't see Yao Luo sad.

He still remembers the time when he was hurt the most. Yao Luo cried and yelled, pulled him out of the dead, and then carried him to the town to find a doctor.

The doctor wanted yaoluo to save him at the cost of his body. It was yaoluo's first killing for him.

He still remembered Yao Luo's helplessness and sadness at that time, the sound of the doctor tearing Yao Luo's clothes, and even the appearance that Yao Luo's crying voice was hoarse.

But he could do nothing but watch.

Yao Luo picked up the scalpel and killed the doctor in front of him.

When the bright red blood splashed on his face, he saw yaoluo's trembling body and helpless appearance, but even so, she still found iodophor and medicine from the doctor's office and treated his wound bit by bit.

He didn't know how he survived. In those days, there were a lot of bullets and terrorists running around. Yaoluo and he stayed in which office for more than a week.

He has a high fever, Yao Luo holding him constantly talking. She gave him everything.

Han Xichen also from that time on, the real Yao Luo as their own woman.

Over the years, the two have experienced too much gunfire, but they have no children of their own. He owes Yao Luo too much, and he doesn't know if he will have another chance to shelter her. But with Ye Nanxian, yaoluo should be treated well.

Han Xichen felt that he was dying of heartache, and the sentry outside was removed. The whole ancestral hall was quiet, and he could hardly hear his breathing.

He suddenly felt sad.

Even if it's dead, no one knows, no one even knows where his body is. Maybe one day when he is found, he has only one skeleton left in the VAT.

Thinking of his ending, Han Xichen doesn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

After Han Xiao leaves the ancestral hall angrily, his subordinates send news again that Zhang Yin has entered the ancestral hall of zhangjiazhai. He hasn't come out for a long time and doesn't know what to do inside.

Han Xiao is a little worried.

"Take someone with you and follow me."

This time, Han Xiao decided to go out in person.

As long as you catch Zhang Yin and get the ancient book, you may be able to find the entrance to the vein.

Han Xiao's people Hula left more than half, the rest of the people are busy with other things, there is no one to take care of Han Xichen's life or death.Han Xichen is alive. That's Han Shao. Now he's dead. He's nothing.

When ye Nanxian learns that Zhang Yin has attracted Han Xiao to leave, he plans to leave alone to find Han Xichen. When he leaves again, he meets Shen mange and Yao Luo.

"How did you get out?"

"You can't get out without me."

Yao Luo looked at Ye Nanxian and said in a low voice, "only I know how to get out of the Yin Yang eight diagrams array, and where I can enter the secret passage of the ancestral hall."

"But your body..."

"I'm fine."

Seeing ye Nanxian worried, Shen mange said, "I will take care of Yao Luo. Nanxian is worried about Han Xichen just as I am worried about you. It's a torment for Yao Luo that you ask us to stay and wait for news. Why don't we go with you, and I promise not to delay you, or let Yao Luo be discovered? "

She looked at Ye Nanxian, a face of request.

How does Ye Nanxian have the heart to make Shen mange sad?

"All right, but it's up to me."


The three left Zhan Yi's camp again.

Under Yao Luo's leadership, ye Nanxian and Shen mange come to the secret path of the ancestral hall again. However, Yao Luo is in a hurry this time.

She is very upset, always feel depressed, as if something is going to happen.

"Yao Luo, you slow down, you pay attention to your body."

Shen mange is very worried, but now Yao Luo can't listen to anything.

Ye Nanxian's fast pace is not very good.

When the three people came to the ancestral hall, they saw Han Xichen lying there, as if he had no breath.

"Han Shao! Han Shao

Yao Luo quickly ran in the past, directly rushed to Han Xichen's body.

His body is cool, immediately Yao Luo scared to cry directly.

"Han Xichen, Han Shao, wake up! Are you okay? Wake up

When ye Nanxian and Shen mange heard the cry, they couldn't help but feel stunned.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Nan Xian flies over and directly probes into Han Xi Chen's breath. That weak, almost imperceptible breath makes Ye Nan Xian's heart thump.

"How could that be? When he left, he was still well. Did Han Xiao ignore him? "

"I've said that Han Xiao doesn't care about his life or death at all. You think tiger poison doesn't eat son. You always think I'm alarmist. Now that he's dead, are you satisfied? "

Yao Luo's tears flooded like floodwaters.

Holding Han Xichen in her arms, she cried and said, "what about having children? If the child needs you to leave us as a price, I'd rather not. Han Shao, since I was 18 years old, I have known what my mission is. I'm your rite of passage, your bodyguard and your dead man. Now that you're dead, what's the use of leaving me and the baby out of shape? Who told you I would live without you? Who allows you to arrange my life like this? When you get up, what do you want me to do? You have to tell me yourself. What's the matter with other people's message? As you said, I'm your rite of passage. I only listen to you. If you want me to live or die, tell me yourself. As long as you tell me personally that you want me to live, I will live with my children. But I don't listen to what others say. I don't listen. "

Bean big tears fell on Han Xichen's face, but Han Xichen did not move.

Shen mange was stunned. Looking at Ye Nanxian and Yao Luo, she took a deep breath and said, "is Han Xichen really dead?"

"There is also a faint breath, but..."

Ye Nanxian's words can't go on.

Shen mange is the calmest among them.

She whispered, "let's take him. Ruirui should have a way to save him. He must have been seduced. When we left, we were still in good condition. How can we be like this now? "

"He has poison in his body. After so many years of trial and practice, how can we not leave poison behind? I always knew he was gambling. Every time you succeed in practicing Gu, you have to pay a price to escape from death. If you can't control the poisonous insects in your body, you will be killed by the poisonous insects. Everyone who practices Gu will be protected by someone, but he doesn't. So I never knew when he would have an accident. When he assigned me to you, he should be aware that his health is not good. Whether the child in my stomach can be born is still unknown. Even if it is born with so many poisonous effects, I don't know what kind of child it will be. Will it be born with defects or toxins? So I'm not as optimistic as he thought. He wants this child, but I just want him to live well. "

Yaoluo's words surprised Shen mange a lot.

She thought it was a good thing for yaoluo to be pregnant with Han Xichen's child, but now she doesn't know what to say.

"No matter what, let's take him back and let Ruirui have a look. There will always be a way. Isn't he still alive? As long as there is a breath, we have hope, don't we? Besides, we can ask Ruirui to contact Zhang Yin. Zhang Yin is from zhangjiazhai. She must know how to detoxifyShen mange's words suddenly let Yao Luo's eyes across a glimmer of hope.

"Are there any descendants in zhangjiazhai?"

"Yes, and it's in zhangjiazhai. Let's take Han Xichen first. Even if you die, you can't die here. He's my elder brother, ye Nanxian. He shouldn't have died here so quietly. "

With that, ye Nan Xian went up to hold Han Xi Chen, but at the moment when he was close to Han Xi Chen, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

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