In order to prevent qingluan from saying something misleading, ye Nanxian quickly took the lead and said, "qingluan, what's the good news? It happens that your sister-in-law is also listening. Now it's snowing and we're happy to say it. "

This words say let green Luan tiny a Leng.

Is he afraid that she will say something in front of Shen mange?

Qingluan is humming coldly in her heart. She wants Shen mange to know everything, but she also knows where ye Nanxian's bottom line is. Since it can be said that this is a hidden warning, he is warning her for Shen mange!

This makes qingluan very sad.

But she said, "well, it's good news. Fang Ze, my second brother, has just been here. It seems that he is under house arrest. I don't know what the Lord means, but it's not a good thing to let him out at this time. I know that my second brother and sister-in-law are cousins, so I'll give you a call in advance to make you feel at ease. In addition, he also sent me a bodyguard named Zhang Yu, who's boss ye? "

Shen mange is very worried when he hears Zhang Yu's voice. Just as he wants to say something, he is covered by Ye Nanxian.

"It's my man. Take good care of him. He's very kind to me."

Ye Nanxian said so, looking at Shen mange staring at him, but he had the appearance of issuing a voice, and could not help sighing,

he knew that he was exposed.

Qingluan doesn't know what happened to Ye Nanxian. When she heard Ye Nanxian say so, she was a little happy.

"I knew that it was Ye's stratagem that he was interrupted at the beginning. Since this man can be so cruel to himself for Ye's plan, I will save him. Don't worry."

"Well, thank you."

With that, ye Nanxian hangs up the phone directly and releases Shen mange at the same time.

Shen mange is not stupid. Ye Nanxian always knows about it. She just shows her innocence to herself. But when something happens, she can quickly and sensitively detect it.

Looking at Ye Nanxian's helpless indulgence, Shen mange slowly puts down his doubts.

"Come on, what's going on?"

Shen mange sits down and finds some dried fruits to eat and listen to the story.

She really doesn't look like a woman who has a premonition that her husband is cheating.

Ye Nanxian shakes his head and takes the fruit opener to open Shen mange's dried fruit automatically.

Shen mange looked at all this and said in a low voice, "it's said that the man who stole fishy food from outside is very kind to his wife when he comes back. It seems that what he said is right."

Ye Nanxian's hand was slightly stunned.

"Mange, qingluan and I haven't seen each other for several years. I've been here with you this time. It's snowy outside. How do you think I can cheat on her?"

"Is it true that spiritual infidelity is not infidelity? There must be something between you and qingluan. "

Shen mange is very sure, that pair of beautiful big eyes straight looking at Ye Nanxian.

The leaf South string immediately distressed level.

The last thing he wants to see is that Shen mange is sad.

"I really have nothing to do with her. If there is anything, maybe it is the rumor that I want to marry her."

Even if Shen mange is sensitive, when ye Nanxian just covers herself and doesn't let her say that Zhang Yu is her person, Shen mange finds that ye Nanxian is protecting her and Zhang Yu, and qingluan's tone to Ye Nanxian is a little bit flattering and joyful.

It's not the subordinate's attitude towards the boss. She is a woman. Naturally, she can hear the admiration of qingluan. At this time, she can't help but feel a little stingy and ugly when she hears the rumor that ye Nanxian said he was going to marry her.

Ye Nanxian said: "things are not what you think, man Ge. Can you listen to me slowly?"


Shen mange is really good and tolerant to Ye Nanxian. As long as he is willing to say, Shen mange will not worry about that moment, but his disordered heart is more or less uncomfortable.

She has always known that her men are very successful and excellent, and there will be different women coveting them. In the past, there were little poems, Yu Weiwei and other women, and there will be no less in the future. Thinking of this, Shen mange calms down a little.

Seeing that Shen mange's mood has calmed down, ye Nanxian tells the story between himself and qingluan.

There is no partiality and heartache in his words. He just talks about one thing, which makes Shen mange feel better.

"She hurt her uterus to save you? No more motherhood? "


"Does the Lord know about this?"

Ye Nanxian gave a little meal and then shook his head.

"For so many years, I've been asking Yinhu to find a way to cure her. Naturally, I won't talk about it. In the past, I was followed by brothers of life and death, so it won't go against my meaning. At present, no one knows about it except you, me, Nanfei, Yinhu and qingluan."The words of Ye Nanxian make Shen mange fall into meditation.

It's really a mountain of gratitude.

This kind of feeling is very bad, but Shen mange can only face it. She always believes that the method is more difficult than the difficulty. Besides, although Ye Nanxian tries to hide it, she can see that ye Nanxian cares about qingluan.

This kind of care has nothing to do with men's and women's feelings. It's an instinct, a kind of maintenance between benefactors. Although he doesn't want to make Shen mange sad, some things can't be done by himself.

Shen mange knows that he is facing a powerful enemy.

This enemy she can't fight, can't scold, even can't have any dissatisfaction, just because she used everything as a woman to save Ye Nanxian, this kindness alone can be a good separation between her and ye Nanxian.

If Shen mange had hoped to enter the palace before, he would have rejected it now. She finally understood why Ye Nanxian had to send herself back before she came back.

In such a situation, it would be very difficult for her.

Even if qingluan does something to her secretly, she can't talk to Ye Nanxian, and even show her magnanimity. Otherwise, she is ungrateful and even implicates Ye Nanxian.

The big hat of kindness can really crush people.

Shen mange looks at Ye Nanxian. She believes in Ye Nanxian. If he is interested in qingluan, there will be nothing wrong with her now, but she is a little depressed.

"I'm sorry, mange. I didn't want you to know. There's nothing between me and her. Besides, we have children. I won't..."

"I know you won't. I never doubted you."

Shen mange interrupted Ye Nanxian's words and said with a smile: "since it's your benefactor, it's also mine. You can rest assured that as long as she doesn't do too much, I will treat her as if I don't know anything and won't do anything to her."

"I don't mean that. I mean that no matter when you are, you should ensure that you will not be hurt or wronged. Even if you will hurt her, that's my responsibility. I owe her. I don't need you to pay it back. "

The frown of Nanxian.

He didn't tell Shen mange because he was afraid that Shen mange was too kind-hearted. Because of his kindness, he wronged himself and came to f country. They were about to face a lot of danger and suffering. He didn't want qingluan to bring Shen mange.

"Listen to me. Don't let yourself be wronged at any time, you know? I don't mind being an ungrateful man if you let yourself suffer injustice and hardship. "

Ye Nanxian's words make Shen mange's heart warm.

She hugged Ye Nanxian with a smile and said in a low voice, "where am I so stupid?"

"You've always been silly. If you're not, how can you fall in love with someone like me who is in the calculation vortex?"

"I won't allow you to say that about yourself."

Shen mange covers Ye Nanxian's mouth.

Ye Nanxian embraces her and kisses her hot lips.

He has too much uneasiness when it comes out. He doesn't know what qingluan will do to Shen mange, but he's really afraid that Shen mange will be silly and give up qingluan for his kindness.

That's unfair to Shen mange.

But ye Nanxian thought too simply.

He and Shen mange are husband and wife. They are in the same body. Naturally, Shen mange won't destroy Ye Nanxian's kindness. Even if she finds a chance, she will pay it back for ye Nanxian, but she won't give up with Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian's demand is fierce. Shen mange knows that he is afraid, upset, and distressed. All kinds of emotions are mixed together, and he is constantly in disorder.

Shen mange responds enthusiastically, as if only in this way can ye Nanxian feel at ease.

Outside the wind and snow, wind general whistling, but the room warm, boundless spring.

Qingluan naturally doesn't know what their husband and wife have experienced. After putting down the phone, her lips are slightly raised, even with a trace of her daughter's shame on her face.

It's the first time that Xiao Cui has been with qingluan for such a long time to see the cold and arrogant fifth Princess show such a little girl's posture. She can't help laughing and joking and saying, "princess, which young master do you like?"

Green Luan tiny a meal, the facial expression also converged.

"No, what happened to the guard?"

"Our doctor has seen it. It's too seriously injured. Although he has saved his life, it seems that it will take some time to wake up and he can't move."

Xiao Cui is also the first time to see qingluan to a man like this. Is it because the princess has a crush on the bodyguard?

It's not right. The bodyguard's face is swollen. I can't see anything at all.

Xiao Cui guessed wildly, and heard qingluan's cold voice say: "pass my order, from now on, no one is allowed to get close to the place where the bodyguard recuperates. No one will be forgiven for killing anyone who violates it!"

This is the first time she has shown her strength.

Little Cui slightly a Leng, immediately some fear, shiver of say: "that in case is the country Lord?""Can't you understand anyone I say?"

At this time, qingluan's aura was so strong that little Cui fell to his knees with a slap and cold sweat came out.

"Princess, the Lord is your father! You're going to be scolded for that. "

"As long as he doesn't provoke me, I won't kill my father. If he does, I can't blame him."

Qingluan's eyes crossed a trace of violent and uncontrollable hatred. She didn't cover it up at all and released it wantonly.

The hatred is that she has been buried in her heart for so many years. Now that ye Nanxian is here, what else can she be afraid of and care about?

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