"Listen to this voice, there are more than one or two people. It seems that there are more than ten people. It's not the one that qingluan hall leader left to pick us up, is it? If so, it's big enough. "

At this time, Mo Yunqing is still joking.

Shen mange's face was a little low.

Mo Yunqing looked at her and said in a low voice, "do you want to call your Ye Nanxian? This time, he should have just left, and he will be back in time. "

Shen mange looked at the bracelet on his hand, slightly shook his head and said: "no, if he comes back, he will be completely destroyed. I never wanted to be buried here with him. "

"But are you going to bury yourself? You should know that the jealous woman is the most terrible. What if that qingluan doesn't want to kill you, but torments you? "

"She shouldn't be like that."

Shen man song's tone is firm, can't help but let Mo Yun Qing Leng a few minutes.

"You have a good impression of your rival."

Shen mange has a bitter smile.

Indeed, despite her love for ye Nanxian, Shen mange admires and likes qingluan, but they have different standpoints.

Although I haven't met her, Shen mange thinks that if qingluan wants to get rid of herself, she must be clean and tidy. She can't do anything to torture her.

She will give her a good time.

This feeling comes suddenly but quickly, but Shen mange firmly believes it.

From ye Nanxian's description, Shen mange can see qingluan's character. She has a clear love hate relationship and is as crisp as a man.

Such a person should be the help of Ye Nanxian, not the enemy.

Shen mange and Cindy go back and forth for thousands of times, but Mo Yunqing doesn't understand. He just whispers, "what do you say now? The people on the opposite side seem to be getting closer and closer to us. "

Shen mange couldn't help thinking too much. She grabbed Mo Yunqing's hand and said in a low voice, "follow me."

"You know this place?"

Shen mange didn't speak, but quickly took Mo Yunqing to hide.

Her hiding place is very hidden, even Mo Yunqing didn't think of it.

"How do you know there's a trash can here?"

Mo Yunqing used to be a very particular woman, but after being imprisoned for so many years, no matter how particular she was, it was not important to protect her life. So when Shen mange pulled her into the garbage can, Mo Yunqing didn't hesitate.

Shen mange said in a low voice: "when I just got off the bus, I looked around and found that it was very open. The only place I could escape was this garbage can. I just didn't expect that there would be less garbage at this time."

"Fierce, just got out of the car and observed. You were wary of that qingluan from the beginning, and didn't trust her. But didn't you appreciate her before?

Mo Yunqing still remembers Shen mange's high praise of qingluan, but he just can't understand how she suddenly changed her attitude. What happened in these three days that she didn't know?

Shen mange outside the observer said in a low voice: "aunt, how can you see that qingluan is interested in Nanxian?"

If ye Nanxian didn't explain this to her, she wouldn't think about it. However, Mo Yunqing seems to know it from the beginning. Every sentence is for her sake, which makes Shen mange feel a little sad.

Mo Yunqing said faintly: "this qingluan is very obvious. You didn't find it. From the beginning, when ye Nanxian asked her to protect me, I realized that her feelings for ye Nanxian were not right. If it's really just subordinates, for the sake of my brothers, nothing will leave me. But she compromised in the face of Ye Nanxian, and even took such a big risk to bring us to the palace. It's either sincere, or it's something else. I can see from the a Qiang around her that she has a good way of managing people and can make people die willingly for her. In this case, it should not be difficult to send us away. At that time, the blizzard had just started. If there was someone outside to cooperate, she would have a good chance of seeing us off. However, instead of doing so, she sent us to the danger center. There was a possibility that she wanted to kill us with a knife. "

Hearing Mo Yunqing say this, Shen mange sighed and said, "aunt, why didn't you say that before?"

"That qingluan is Ye Nanxian's most trusted person. Isn't it a bit of nonsense for an outsider to say that? I haven't lived enough

Mo Yunqing has seen the warmth and coldness of human relations over the years. If it wasn't for Shen mange's being Huo Zhenning's niece, she might not even have said these words to her.

Shen mange always thinks that he has experienced a lot and should be able to see through a lot of things, but he doesn't expect that he is inferior to Mo Yunqing in his life experience.

"But if my aunt is right, how can Nanxian not guess?"

"That's because the other party is Ye Nanxian's most trusted subordinate, or brother of life and death. He doesn't think that way at all."

Mo Yun's guess is that it's all right.Shen mange nodded slightly and said, "yes, she once saved Nanxian's life."

"I see."

Two people finish saying these words, those footsteps have already arrived at front, they can only forbid sound.

From the gap, Shen mange sees two pairs of bodyguards, who should be responsible for security. They look at each other, then quickly turn to the roads on both sides and walk away separately.

It seems that they are not here to kill them, but they are not here to pick them up.

In order to prove his guess, Shen mange said in a low voice, "aunt, can we stay here a little longer?"

"I don't care."

Mo Yunqing takes things as they are,

SHEN mange turns off the switch of the bracelet. Can't help but let Mo Yunqing slightly a Leng.

"You're going to take risks on your own. You don't want Ye Nanxian to take part, do you?"

"Between me and qingluan, I believe Ye Nanxian will choose me, but because of this, I can't let him tear his face with qingluan now. As long as I haven't found it, qingluan and ye Nanxian won't oppose each other, and even have a thought. But if I know my exact position, I'm afraid qingluan will attack Nanxian. "

This is Shen mange's worry.

Ye Nanxian is very clear about her feelings. If her position is open all the time and makes Ye Nanxian aware of her position, she is bound to ask qingluan why. If qingluan admits that she wants to let him die at that time, ye Nanxian is likely to fight for her own life and will not break up with qingluan.

That's not what Shen mange wants to see.

Mo Yunqing is a little stunned, some can't understand Shen man's song.

"But you just give ye Nanxian and qingluan the time to get along with each other. You are creating opportunities for your rival. Do you know that?"

"I believe him."

This sentence is sonorous and powerful, but full of confidence.

It's the first time that Mo Yunqing looks at Shen mange so carefully. She can't help thinking of another woman because of the brilliance of this beautiful and weak woman.

Xiao Yao!

She remembers that after Huo Zhenning disappeared, she met Xiao Yao. At that time, she hated Xiao Yao for harming Huo Zhenning and wanted to kill her. However, Xiao Yao saved her and told her that she believed in Huo Zhenning. No matter how many years she waited for him, she had only him in her heart.

at that time as like as two peas, the face of Xiao Keyao was exactly the same as Shen's song.

Mo Yunqing didn't know what kind of feelings would make each other so confident, and would make a woman still believe that her partner would not betray, compromise, or even sell her soul in order to survive.

It turns out that Xiao is right.

Huo Zhenning is still alive, and the secret Fangzheng he wants to insist on does not know. She can imagine the pain Huo Zhenning has suffered over the years, but he still successfully received what he wanted to protect.

Is it because of Huo Zhenning's love for Xiao Yao?

The bottom of Mo Yunqing's heart is a touch of pain.

She found that both the Huo family and the Xiao family were poisonous.

Shen mange didn't hear Mo Yunqing's reply and didn't say anything. She looked outside and said in a low voice, "if qingluan really sends someone to pick us up, it's almost time."

"You're still dreaming."

Mo Yun is smiling coldly, but he hears the sound of footwork coming from outside. It should be a person.

She was a little flustered.

Shen mange's eyes have been staring at the outside, she saw a maid sneaking to this side, looking around, as if looking for something, and as if waiting for someone.

Is it the one qingluan sent to borrow them?

Shen mange thought in his heart, but a male bodyguard came out immediately. When he saw the woman, he asked in a low voice, "Xiao Cui, what's the princess's order?"

"The princess asked you to look for two women, not from the palace. They just came in from outside the palace. If you find them, kill them directly, and then throw them into Yu Feng's palace."

Xiao Cui's voice is very low, but because it's very close to the garbage can, Shen mange and Mo Yunqing can hear it clearly.

What a trick to kill with a knife.

It seems that she guessed wrong after all. Qingluan still wants her to die.

Mo Yunqing is right. She calculates the patrol time of the bodyguards here. She sends Ye Nanxian away in advance, leaving herself and Mo Yunqing waiting here. If they are found by the patrol bodyguards, the bodyguards will catch them as intruders, or even kill them directly. If they are still alive, this little Cui will be in front of us This man will take care of both of them.

Shen mange's body is slightly cold.

To this has never met but to her has already killed the heart of green Luan some exasperation, but also know oneself now is not the time to vent anger.

The man looked around and whispered, "it's very empty here. Where can they go? Won't they be taken away by the guards? ""No, I just saw the bodyguard come all the way. There is no one here. Maybe they are hiding. The princess said that we must get rid of them before they are found

Little Cui's voice was cold.

Shen mange's eyes narrowed slightly.

She was there just now, so she was right.

Qingluan, qingluan, you really make people happy and sad.

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