"Who are you? How did you get in? "

Fang Wu didn't hear what Fang Qian said. Instead, he was surprised by Shen mange's sudden appearance.

This is the secret room of Fangyuan. No one can get in except three little people. Who is this woman? Why did you come in?

"The one who wants your life!"

Shen mange then quickly gets up and directly attacks Fang Wu.

The other guards immediately let Fang Qian go and besiege Shen mange.

"Get her!"

Fang Wu is obviously the team leader. He also defends quickly when Shen mange attacks.

When ye Nanxian sees that Shen mange is out, he hesitates for a moment. After all, he can't see Shen mange being dealt with by so many people. He suddenly kicks a bodyguard in the chest and directly kicks him to the wall.

"The people of my Ye family can be insulted by you rats?"

Ye Nanxian's cold voice seemed to come out of hell, which made Fang Wu a little scared.

Fang Qian, however, has some complicated emotions when she sees Ye Nanxian. She even subconsciously puts down her long hair to cover her face.

Did ye Nanxian see the confusion just now?

How can ye Nanxian see her humble and embarrassed appearance?

Fang Qian is flustered and can't help thinking about what ye Nan Xian looked like when she was a child.

He surrounded her and called for her mother. Although she was not as kind and filial as the ordinary family, it was the child she was looking at growing up.

She can't bear children. For some time, she really raised Ye Nanxian as her own son. If it wasn't for the Lord's order, how could she have the heart to destroy her son? How can we abandon this love between mother and son?

But after all, she was wrong.

She thinks that she is from F country, and it is glorious to do anything for her country. She knows that some things are merciless and unforgivable. But in the face of national interests, she would rather abandon her feelings and conscience, but what has she got?

The country did not give her the honor she deserved, the reward she deserved, even the self-respect and freedom.

Here, she lives like a dog, even worse than a dog. But she spent two-thirds of her life in the Ye family.

She used to be the most respected Master mother of the Ye family, the most respected mother of Ye Nanxian, and the envy of all women. She herself destroyed all this.

Now it's her abandoned adopted son and daughter-in-law who came to save her.

Fang Qian has no face to face them at this moment.

In fact, she should have thought that at the age of 20, when she was sent to establish an intelligence network in country Z, the country leader poisoned her in order to control her. At that time, she was young. The monarch said that this was to ensure her loyalty and the smooth development of the intelligence network. She said that this matter was of great importance and had to be cautious, so she was wronged that she needed to report to the monarch every month in exchange for an antidote. She listened to the letter.

She didn't know what the poison was, but after taking it for a long time, she lost her fertility and the qualification to be a mother. So when Fang Zheng and Fang Yi told her that they wanted to introduce Zhang Fang into the Ye family and give birth to a child for the Ye family, she had no choice but to agree.

In fact, she really liked Ye Guohui at that time.

That man is very affectionate to her and even leaves the whole Ye family under her management. She really wanted to live with him forever, but she hurt him after all.

No one knows that the last thing she wants to do in her life is to hurt Ye Guohui, the only man she has ever loved.

She didn't know, really didn't know, didn't know that her body had been fed by Fangzheng's poison for so many years and had become a poison man.

She didn't know that she and her beloved man had sex, and doing the happiest things between men and women would poison him invisibly. What's more, she didn't know that every love between men and women made Ye Guohui closer to death.

By the time she knew it, ye Guohui was dead.

How many deserted nights, her tears wet pillow towel, looking at the empty room, thinking of Ye Guohui and his sweet days together, are heartbroken, heartbroken.

Later, Zhang Fang gave birth to Ye Nanxian and ye Nanfang, and she really treated them as her own sons.

After all, they are the children of the man they love most. Even if the child's mother is not her, they are the descendants of the Ye family.

When Fang Yi asks him to create public opinion and destroy Ye Nanfang, she moves her hand and lets Ye Nanfang be expelled from Haicheng but save his life. I thought I did it perfectly, but I didn't expect that Fang Yi and Fang Zheng knew it.

So in those five years, she was abroad, and everyone thought that she had gone away for ye NanFang's death, but no one knew that she had been kidnapped by founder.

The punishment she received in those five years made her shiver when she thought about it. But she couldn't say that she didn't even have an object to complain about.When ye Nanxian and Shen mange meet again, founder pays attention to Ye Nanxian.

Fang Qian had to be released again and continued to be a chess piece in founder's hand. Finally, ye Nanxian and Shen mange tear her disguise and show her everything in front of people.

To the Ye family, ye Nanxian and Shen mange, she is a sinner and a traitor, but who knows the pain in her heart?

Back to the motherland, back home, but so cruel treatment, originally want to die, but Fang Qian found himself afraid of death.

Yes, if you are not afraid of death, how can you make such a choice in the beginning? How can they be willing to be the chess pieces of founder and Fang Yi?

This road is her own choice, no one can blame. She thought that she would die like a dog in this dark room for the rest of her life, but she didn't expect that ye Nanxian and Shen mange would come. She didn't expect that they would see her embarrassment.

Fang Qian doesn't know how to face them. She wants to escape, but she doesn't have the ability. She can only watch ye Nanxian and Shen mange subdue Fang Wu and bind them.

Fang Wu was a little afraid, but he clamored, "you'd better let me go as soon as possible. I've informed sanshao that he'll be back soon. I tell you that my grandfather is a meritorious Minister of protecting the country, and I'm sanshao's sworn brother. If I have something, sanshao won't disturb you."

"He talks nonsense! There's no way to get in touch with the outside world. "

Even if Fang Qian didn't want to speak, she did.

Ye Nanxian's eyes are a little cold.

He took out the dagger from his army boots. Fang Wu shivered with the cold light.

"What do you want to do? I warn you, I Ah

Before he finished, ye Nanxian took a dagger and cut off one of his hands. That hand was the one that slapped Fang Qian.

Blood with temperature spray on other faces, suddenly let their faces are white.

The sound insulation here is very good, which can't be heard outside. Originally, the square was designed to prevent it from being known and discovered by the outside world, but now it has become their purgatory place.

"Young master, please spare your life. We can tell you anything you want to know. Don't kill us! No

Today, there is a state banquet outside. Although they are the guards of the secret room, they also know that Fang Yuan is not in the palace at this time. Even if ye Nanxian dismembered them, no one would know.

So a few bodyguards were scared.

Fang Wu almost fainted in pain. Seeing several other bodyguards pleading for mercy, he yelled angrily.

"You bastards! You're traitors, you know? San Shao will kill you if he knows! "

"What a noise

Shen mange frowned and kicked Fang Wu's chest. That position was the place where he kicked Fang Qian.

Looking at all this, Fang Qian felt mixed emotions again, and then whispered, "this man's name is Fang Wu. He is the grandson of the most trusted bodyguard leader of Fang Zheng. He once saved Fang Zheng, so the whole family was given Fang's surname. The men in his family are basically responsible for the security system of the whole palace and f country, and several military talents hold important positions in the military region. Women were sent to various countries for marriage and became intelligence liaison officers, just like me. They always thought they were superior and noble, but in the end they were just slaves. Founder has never regarded us as the real Fang family, but we are just using the chess pieces. If you want the names of these military leaders in their families, or the women's lists of liaison officers in other countries, I can give them to you. "

At this moment, Fang Qian looks at Ye Nanxian and her eyes move.

Fang Wu was angry and yelled directly.

"Fang Qian, you bitch! How dare you betray your country? You're supposed to be dismembered and played by men to death. You Ah

Before he finished his words, Fang Qian slapped him in the past. The strength made her whole arm numb.

"Shut up

At this time, Fang Qian's eyes are full of hatred.

Her most trusted family and the country that gave everything were so cruel to her. What else could she not give up?

Only at this moment can she deeply understand who is the most important in her life.

Maybe it's really dying. The person Fang Qian thinks about most is Ye Guohui, and the days she thinks about most are those at Ye's home.

The so-called father gave her life, but also gave her a miserable life. She went wrong all her life. In the end, she knew what she wanted most.

She wants a family full of children and grandchildren, family harmony, and the occasional care of the indifferent Ye Nanxian, which is more warm than in this cold and heartless hometown.

It's a pity that it's too late. It's not too late.

As long as ye Nanxian wants, as long as she can do it and give it now, she can give it to him.

At this time, Fang Qian had a trace of the spirit of Ye's mother.When Fang Wu saw Fang Qian, she was almost beaten by her father and was thrown here like a dead dog. Therefore, Fang Wu always thought that Fang Qian was a weak person and could be bullied casually. Now when Fang Qian's momentum as a housewife comes out, he is ignorant and even can't react.

"How dare you hit me? You son of a bitch, how dare you Ah

Before Fang Wu's words are finished, Fang Qian grabs the dagger in Ye Nanxian's hand and cuts Fang Wu's tongue.

She Fang Qian has never been a good person. If she didn't want to, or if she didn't feel like death, how could Fang Wu bully her?

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