After ye Nanxian comes out with Shen mange, he finds a secret place to hide. Shen mange looks at qingluan's room with some worry and asks, "are they really going to be ok?"

Although she hopes qingluan can find a good match and no longer miss her husband, she is really worried about qingluan in her heart.

It's not that you can see who is good with whom. It's just like drinking water. Shen mange hopes qingluan can find her own feelings.

Ye Nanxian said in a low voice: "Ling Qianyu's eyes on qingluan are different. He should like her. Besides, I asked the third uncle about his character. The third uncle said he could be trusted. Qingluan has been very hard these years. If she can find her own happiness, it's OK. "

"But will Ling Qianyu do anything to her?"

Thinking of Ling Qianyu's flattery, Shen mange is somewhat worried.

"Don't worry, Ling Qianyu doesn't want to do such a bad thing. At most, it's just to scare her. Qingluan has had a good time these years. With the support of qingtianmeng behind her, she naturally thinks too much of herself. Now it's good to have someone to frustrate him. "

Ye Nanxian can see this clearly.

"You put it on purpose?"

Shen mange looks at Ye Nanxian, more or less guessing.

Ye Nanxian said with a smile: "now you have become her intimate friend? Yes? Are you afraid your husband is missed? "

"You did it on purpose!"

Shen mange didn't care what ye Nanxian said. He turned and looked at the situation outside. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yu Feng left."

Ye Nanxian's expression was solemn.

"You stay here. I'll follow you."

"No, I'm going with you. Don't think I don't know you want to go alone. Yu Feng is now our common goal. "

He grabs Shen mange's hand.

Ye Nanxian looks at Shen mange helplessly and can only compromise.

"Yes, but you have to listen to me."

"It's like when I didn't listen to you."

Shen mange mumbles, this lovely little expression makes Ye Nanxian never tire of it.

He took Shen mange's hand and quietly followed Yu Feng.

Yu Feng walks towards the back, but the more desolate he is, the more remote he is. Shen mange and ye Nanxian are on the alert.

"Man Ge, listen to me. When you turn the corner in front of you, you leave and find a place to hide yourself. I always feel that Yu Feng seems to know that we are behind him. "

Shen mange also has this feeling.

This time, she did not fight with Ye Nanxian, but obediently disappeared quickly when she turned the corner.

For the disappearance of Shen mange behind, Yu Feng frowns slightly, and finally stops in the open space not far away.

Here is very open, there is no place for Tibetans, ye Nanxian subconsciously hiding behind the pillar, heard Yu Feng sneer and said: "come out."

Ye Nanxian walked out calmly.

"What should I say? Long time no see. Or are you all right? "

Yu Feng and ye Nanxian have been fighting secretly for some time. It's really a long time since we can talk face to face now.

"When did you find us?"

The leaf South string light of ask, arrive to have no any flustered.

Yu Feng took a look at him, looking at the man who was calculated by his father and uncle, but stood out, and had to admit that he was excellent.

But this excellent is his own enemy, a little bad.

"I knew it when you entered the third room. Or did you save Mo Yunqing? "

" how is it? "

It was at that time.

It seems that the infrared detection is really advanced. Unexpectedly, the military security system was used by founder to monitor his own people, but it also accidentally exposed the existence of him and Shen mange. Fortunately, now that Shen mange is away, ye Nanxian is more or less comforted.

Yu Feng laughs, and it's better to deal with Ye Nanxian than with Fang Yuan.

He calmly took out a cigarette to light, and even handed a very good one to Ye Nanxian.

"Do you smoke?"


Ye Nanxian looked around. He thought that the summit would set an ambush here, but he didn't expect that there was no one here, just like himself.

He has some guts.

"You see me alone? Are you not afraid that I will arrest you now? "


Yu Feng smoked a cigarette, light said, and then pointed to the side of the stone, he took the lead to sit in the past.

Ye Nanxian didn't show any affectation. He sat down after he passed.

Looking closely at Yu Feng, I found that he was actually a little similar to Fang Zheng, but because of his mother's family, his appearance was not so outstanding. But a man's appearance is not a decisive factor in his ability. If Yu Feng is kind, he should do something. It's a pity.Seeing that ye Nanxian was observing himself, Yu Feng didn't stop him. Instead, he said faintly, "in fact, you are pitiful. Why don't I? You are calculated by Fang Qian. At least you still have someone to protect you when you grow up. What about me? I have a father and a mother, but I live as an orphan. Even my surname has to be hidden. You are the young master of the Ye family. You don't have to worry about food and drink. But after hours, I have to fight and fight with others for the sake of stuttering. I'm black and blue all over. I'm more pitiful than you, ye Nanxian. "

"Not the same. You and your father calculated everything for me. Originally, I could have a beautiful family and a sweet life, instead of being in the midst of this treacherous struggle. But because of you, I lost all this. Your father and uncle gave you your grief, and you suffered it for yourself. If you don't have malice in your heart, you can be regarded as a son of the world. How can you live such a humble life? You have to blame your father and founder for all this. "

Ye Nanxian speaks without any respect.

Yu Feng Leng for a while, then said with a sneer: "it seems that you are not going to reconcile with me?"

"Reconciliation? You have done so many wrong things, how can you think I can reconcile with you? Let's not talk about my personal feelings, let's talk about my identity, and my duty does not allow you to escape the punishment of the law. Don't think that you can escape if your true identity comes out. Your nationality is in our country. What you've done is a big sin. Now you feel that you are back home, back to your hometown, but in fact, Yu Feng, you are a traitor, unforgivable. My task and duty is to extradite you back to China, accept the trial of the Chinese people, and accept the punishment you deserve. "

Ye Nanxian is a man of faith. What's more, Yu Feng must give an account of what he did to Shen mange and to the Xiao and Huo families.

Yu Feng's eyes are a little cold.

"I thought I could have a good chat with you. If you know the current affairs, I can give you the position of the elder cabinet of F country. Don't you think about it?"

Ye Nanxian suddenly began to laugh.

"The position of the elder should be very high? As far as I know, the acceptance of this position needs the consent of the Lord. How? Are you so sure that founder will let me be the cabinet elder of your country f? "

"He? Ha ha. "

Yu Feng said with a sneer: "my grief is all caused by him. He said that it is to compensate me and my father. But what can compensate me and my father for everything they have lost in recent years? My father could have been a prince, carefree in the country has the respect of the people, but he abandoned his identity to be a Han Xiao. Let my mother serve people like Ye Zhiqiu. Whatever his purpose, he shouldn't use our family like this. The three members of our family have been used by him all the time. It's not certain who will be the leader of the country. "

From these words, ye Nanxian hears something. Yu Feng is afraid that he really wants to seek power and usurp the throne.

"But your father did all this willingly, didn't he? It's founder and your father who have coveted our country's mineral veins that have made such a sacrifice. What are you doing? "

"Willingly? Who told you my father was willing? All this is forced by founder! At that time, I was not born, but Taiyi had diagnosed that I was a boy. Fang Zheng forced my father to leave home with my life, and had to give up his throne and go to your Z country to find wealth. But after I was born? In order to make use of my mother, he sent me to the orphanage of Z country and told my mother that only when she went to Z country could she find me, which made my mother have to give up her status as a princess and go to your country. If it wasn't for his calculation and coercion, how could the three members of our family not get together for so many years? Now that my mother is dead, she never saw my father before she died. But my father has not returned to his hometown all these years, which is the result of founder. Now he's still saying, "make it up to me and my father?"? What's the compensation? Can a title and a bit of honor make up for what our family has done over the years? This f country was carried down by my father and my mother. If my father hadn't given him a steady stream of wealth these years, could he have today's status? This should have been my father and I! Waiting for my father to find the entrance and method of the vein, founder will not have to stay. As for his children, I will not keep them, especially Fang Ze! "

Speaking of Fang Ze, Yu Feng is full of violence.

It's this bastard who cuts his mother one by one. He must take revenge. He also wants Fang Ze to taste the pain of being beaten by Wan Dao!

Ye Nanxian wants to laugh.

Is this what founder calls "brother concentric"?

It turns out that once people have no faith, they can really be evil to the point of making people angry.

Yu Feng is thinking of each other. What's wrong with Feng and Fang Yi?

He is definitely not as kind as he seems.

Ye Nanxian's mind is rolling rapidly. He suddenly feels that Fang Yi and Yu Feng's resentment against Fang Zheng can really pull him down. Moreover, his children may not know what Fang Zheng has done in recent years, but Fang Yi definitely knows.

As long as Fang Yi can give evidence, Fang Zheng can't escape. It's just that the current situation makes him a bit embarrassed. What can he do to stir up the struggle between Fang Yi and Fang Zheng?

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