Ye Nanxian took out a dagger and stabbed at Shen mange's feet almost at the same time when Shen mange made a sound.

The feeling of the sharp blade penetrating into the skin made Ye Nanxian's face dignified instantly.

He thought about grabbing the man hiding below, but the other side ran away like a slippery loach, with blood rolling in the water and dazzling red.

Shen mange grabbed his clothes and wrapped himself up the first time he was free.

When ye Nanxian saw that she was dressed, he called Ling Qianyu.

When Ling Qianyu's people came, the blood in the water had disappeared, but Ling Qianyu had no doubt about ye Nanxian and Shen mange's words.

"Search me! Ling's old house is able to mingle with other people. I don't have to work for the security team leader. "

Ling Qianyu's face is very ugly.

If there is no Ye Nanxian around, Shen mange will come to take a bath by himself. I don't know what will happen.

"Xiaofei, ask your father if the hot spring is open to the outside?"

This hot spring is a natural underground hot spring. The spring is here, but it extends to the outside. In the past, Ling Qianyu only felt that no one dared to do anything to the Ling family. Besides, there should have been precautions here, so he didn't care much. Now if people didn't come in through the gate, they probably came in through the river outside.

Ling Fei calls Ling Yixuan quickly.

If Ling Qianyu's guess is true, then it's dangerous here.

Ye Nanxian couldn't wait for Ling Yixuan to give him the news. He said in a low voice, "I'll go down and have a look."

"Nanxian, I don't know how deep it is. You'd better wait for the news from master Ling."

Shen mange is very worried.

Just now that hand was cold without temperature. When she caught her, she felt like being caught by a ghost intuitively. Although she was an atheist, she was still a little scared at that moment.

Now hearing that ye Nanxian was going to go down, he could not help shaking his head.

Ye Nan Xian touched her face and said softly, "I'll be fine. Don't worry. You dry your hair. Don't catch a cold. Just wait for me here."


"Trust me."

Ye Nanxian's eyes are so gentle and firm that it's hard for Shen mange to say anything more.

"Be careful. I won't leave until you come back."

This is tantamount to threatening Ye Nanxian with his own body.

For Shen mange's childish action and tone, ye Nanxian smiles fondly.


He then looked at Ling Qianyu and found that Ling Qianyu was looking at him. He couldn't help but smile.

"I need a diving kit."

"There are. Ling Qianyu sent for it.

"Or I'll go down."

Ling Qianyu can see that ye Nanxian is really good to Shen mange. No one else can get in with their feelings. So even though he is uncomfortable because qingluan likes Ye Nanxian, he has to think about Shen mange at this time.

"No, I'll just go and have a look. You can take care of mange for me."


Ye Nanxian put on diving equipment and jumped down immediately.

Shen mange looks at the water with some worry and frowns.

Her hair was wet. Thinking of what ye Nanxian said temporarily, Ling Qianyu said in a low voice, "bring me the hair dryer."

Suddenly someone handed Ling Qianyu a hairdryer.

He turned on the hair dryer and gently blew Shen mange's hair, which made Shen mange startled. Then he was a little embarrassed and said, "brother, I'll do it myself."

"I'll come. I know you're worried about him, but although the water is deep, it's nothing to Ye Nanxian. Trust him. If you don't blow dry your hair now, you will catch a cold later. Don't you still have to involve me? From last night till now, it's all a luxury for me to want to sleep. Can you treat me as a heartache and elder brother? "

When Ling Qianyu said that, Shen mange felt embarrassed.

"Brother, I'm sorry that you can't rest well for that operation."

"Silly girl, what does it have to do with you?"

Ling Qianyu's lips are slightly up, and his hands are very gentle.

As soon as qingluan wakes up, she hears that there is an accident in the hot spring. She asks Xiaocui to change her clothes and rush over. However, Ling Qianyu gently blows Shen mange's hair and frowns slightly.

"What are you doing?"

Qingluan deliberately raised her voice very high.

Even if Ling Qianyu is Shen mange's brother, so many people are here, and Shen mange is not a child. Is it really good for Ling Qianyu to blow her hair?

And what do they think of Ye?

Qingluan thought so and went directly to them and said to Ling Qianyu, "give me the hair dryer. You are a big man with thick hands and feet. Don't hurt my sister-in-law."This words say of high sounding, but let Ling Qianyu slightly frown.

"Sister in law?"

"Yes, she's my elder Ye's wife. I don't call her sister-in-law. What's her name?"

Qingluan takes advantage of Ling Qianyu's blank, grabs the hair dryer directly from him. Although she doesn't want to serve Shen mange very much, she can still keep Ye's wife.

Ling Qianyu didn't say anything against it.

He doesn't do hair blowing very often.

Seeing that qingluan took over her work, Ling Qianyu stepped back and said, "don't call her sister-in-law."

"Do you care who I call my sister-in-law when you are in charge of heaven and earth?"

Qingluan is a little angry.

Listen to small Cui said that he fainted, she thought of the reason and Ling Qianyu about a belly of anger, now see him is feel very uncomfortable.

Shen mange really wants to pull his hair back.

The smoke between the two men was so strong that she was afraid of the fish disaster.

But before Shen mange spoke, Ling Qianyu said in a low voice, "I'm mange's brother. You're my woman. You call me sister-in-law. What are you going to call me?"

The green Luan that this words says is directly on fire.

"Ling Qianyu, shut up! When am I your woman? You're talking nonsense. Believe it or not, I've ruined you. "

Ling Qianyu said calmly: "isn't it my woman? Would you like me to tell you where your birthmark is? "

This words a, the facial expression of green Luan suddenly red.

No one knows about her birthmark except Xiao Cui. How do you know about this product?

Think of the memory of the two years that he lost, qingluan's face is not good-looking.

What Ling Qianyu said is so informative that she knows her most secret birthmark. Has there ever been any relationship between them?

After all, the birthmark was on her ass.

With this thought, qingluan's heart was in a mess. Naturally, her hand was shaking. The hair dryer suddenly stirred into Shen mange's hair.

"Hey, it hurts."

Shen mange's tears are coming out.

These two people are too much! Actually taking advantage of Ye Nanxian is not so cruel to her.

Green Luan this just returned to mind, see hair stir in, can't help but have some flustered mind.

"What shall we do?"

He took out a pair of scissors and cut off his hair.

Shen mange, who regained his freedom, quickly got up. After Taoli and them, he looked at the hair in the hair dryer and said: "if you two want to fight, can you stop talking about my hair? I want to tell Nanxian that you two bully me! "

Shen mange's heart aches to death.

It was her hair that she managed to raise, and it was cut off.

As soon as qingluan heard Shen mange Tell ye Nanxian, she threw the hair dryer in her hand into Ling Qianyu's arms and said, "it's none of my business. It's Ling Qianyu who made it. You can see that the tools of the crime are in his hands. Besides, he cut your hair with scissors. The culprit is him."

Ling Qianyu looks at qingluan and shakes his head, but there is a trace of doting at the bottom of his eyes.

Shen mange hasn't seen qingluan's ability of telling lies with her eyes open like this. Now it's really an eye opener.

"Five princesses, you are really a talent!"

After Shen mange finished, he rubbed his scalp and said in a low voice, "well, you two can do whatever you want. Please stay away from me. I won't blow this hair any more. Thank you both

Then she stepped back two steps.

Qingluan is a little depressed.

"Shen mange!"

"Stop. Just stay there. Don't come here."

Shen mange stops qingluan.

It's so tense that they've made nothing of it.

Ling Qianyu was relieved to see that the two of them got along well. He thought that Shen mange would be angry because of qingluan's thinking about ye Nanxian. Now it seems that it's not the same thing at all.

Or does Shen mange not realize what qingluan means to Ye Nanxian?

Ling Qianyu's brain is running fast, but he doesn't say anything. He gives the hair dryer to Xiao Cui.

Qingluan gives Xiaocui a wink. Xiaocui immediately understands and quickly takes out the hair in the hair dryer, so that ye Nanxian won't say anything when he comes back.

Shen mange looked at the calm water surface of the hot spring and asked in a low voice: "brother, you said that even if you could go outside the hot spring, would the Ling family have thought of this at the beginning, so what kind of security settings were installed? How could it be so easy for people to touch it?"

"I'll find out about it. You'd better not come to the hot spring before the result."


Shen mange has a shadow in her heart. Even if Ling Qianyu doesn't say it, she won't come back."What was the matter just now?"

Qingluan only knows that something has happened here, but she hasn't had time to ask. Now she can't help but ask after listening to Shen mange.

Ling Qianyu said the matter again, and qingluan immediately sank her eyes.

"It's not a change, is it? Hiding under the water, but grasping mange's feet, is it for peeping? Man Ge, won't you be seen out? "

This words a, Shen man song immediately feel very bad.

Just now patronizing scared, didn't think of this, now was green Luan said so, can't help but think of the scene just now, can't help angry face red.

"I must find that man and dig his eye."

Good boy!

How did she know that there were other people below? Just now, she was with Ye Nanxian because she was a husband and wife. Who could have thought that there was still a man hidden under her hand?

I don't know whether this person is a man or a woman. In case it is a man

Shen mange feels uncomfortable when she thinks about it.

Ma Dan!

She's been seen all over!

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