"Be careful!"

Ye Nanxian suddenly jumps at Shen mange, and the crossbow and arrow are wiped from his shoulder, and a trace of blood splashes out in an instant.

The warm liquid splashes on Shen mange's face, making her nervous.

"Nanxian, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine."

Ye Nanxian holds her and rolls on the spot. At the same time, the dagger in his hand flies out. Ling Qianyu and qingluan quickly take out their pistols and shoot at each other.

For a moment, the scene was a bit chaotic.

When the other side saw that the blow was not heavy, they quickly evacuated, but several lives were left.

The scene was a little intense for a moment.

Ling Qianyu took Ye Nanxian's arm and said, "you must leave here immediately. As soon as the gunshot rings, founder will naturally notice it. Maybe he will bring people here to express his sympathy. It will be bad to meet you at that time."


Ye Nanxian absolutely supports the protection of Shen mange.

"I will let Ling Fei pretend to be me and stay here to receive founder. After you and mange leave, if those people really come to you, they will follow you. I'm not afraid that they will be so arrogant when they leave the house, but I will be more careful when they leave

Ling Qianyu thinks that it's better to leave this matter to anyone than to come out in person.

"Be careful, too."

Ye Nanxian pats Ling Qianyu on the shoulder and then leaves quickly with Shen mange.

Fortunately, they don't have much luggage to pack.

Ling Qianyu has already started to gather hands. Qingluan stops him.

"I want to be with you, too."

"Don't talk nonsense. You are the fifth princess. How can Ling Fei explain that you were not there when Fang Zheng came?"

Ling Qianyu directly refused her request.

But qingluan said very strongly: "at that time, the person who asked me was not Ling Fei, but you. In founder's opinion, an assistant asked me for the fifth princess. What do I need to cooperate with Ling Fei?"

Ling Qianyu is a little stunned. Unexpectedly, his identity gives qingluan an excuse to fight back.

He looked at qingluan and said word by word: "today, even if you say flowers, I won't let you go out."


"Because ye Nanxian is too important in your heart, you will be desperate for him, so I won't let you out. When danger comes, you will only think of him but not yourself. I don't want to collect your body. "

with that, Ling Qianyu directly let people watch qingluan.

Over the years, qingluan has been alone, happy and hard. No one ever told her that she also needs to protect herself.

So when Ling Qianyu said these words, qingluan was stunned, even his eyes were warm.

This man is not that bad.

Green Luan thinks so, also did not continue to dispute.

Ling Qianyu took people out the back door.

After Shen mange and ye Nanxian left the Ling family, they asked anxiously, "do you want to go anywhere?"

"Not yet, but now we are not suitable to be too ostentatious. The founder may be here soon. Why don't we go to Fangyuan? "

Ye Nanxian is now planning to fight Fang Yuan.

Shen mange suddenly understood his meaning.

"You are really a chicken thief. Now when you go to Fangyuan, fangzheng will surely think that we are united with Fangyuan, and then the suspicion of cousin will be cleared."

"That's not enough. If we want to pick Fang Ze out completely, we have to start with him."

Ye Nanxian's words made Shen man's song stand still for a moment.

"aren't you? Do you really want to kill my cousin

"It's a show, but it's going to hurt. Go to Fangyuan first

Ye Nanxian already has a plan. Shen mange naturally implements it, but he is still worried.

"My cousin won't get hurt too much?"

"Don't interfere in this matter. I'll just come. Let's go to Fangyuan's villa first. It's said that he is not in the palace now, but in the villa."

Ye Nanxian's words make Shen mange a little stunned.

"How do you know? I've been with you all the time. You can't go out alone. I don't know, unless you have other people working for you here? "

Shen mange thinks Ye Nanxian is too deep.

Ye Nanxian just smiles and doesn't speak. She doesn't drink what Shen mange says for some things, so that she won't be afraid.

Seeing what ye Nanxian didn't mean, Shen mange didn't ask. In a word, it's comforting to know that ye Nanxian has other foreign aid here.

Soon after the two talents left the Ling family, a car came towards them.

"Sit down carefully."

Ye Nanxian looks at the back and tells Shen mange.Shen mange grabs the handle.

The car behind them hit them like crazy, and even the people inside blatantly shot them in the street.

Shen mange quickly fell down.

"There's a gun in the copilot."

Ye Nanxian said while driving.

Shen mange didn't have time to ask that the car was just driven from the door of Ling's house. How could he know there was a gun in it?

She quickly took it out and shot at the back.

The chaotic gunfight immediately attracted founder's attention.

"What's the matter?"

"It seems that there was a shooting near Ling's home. Our people said that they saw a car going towards the Ling family, but they were attacked before they got to the gate of the Ling family's old house. The attacker is unknown. "

The report made Fang Zheng's face condense.

"Who is the driver?"

"We tuned the surveillance video. Although we couldn't see it clearly, there was a man and a woman, like Ye Nanxian and Shen mange."

These two people have always been Fangzheng's troubles. Now when he got their news, he couldn't sit still.

"Take our people to Ling's old house, just to protect Ling Shaozhu and the fifth princess."


The subordinate immediately went to do it, and founder also tidied it up and planned to go there in person.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and asked the bodyguard: "what are the two princes and the three princes doing?"

"The second prince is in the palace at present. The third prince just left the palace and went to his villa outside. He doesn't know what to do, but our people follow him."

Fangzheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The second one didn't contact anyone in the palace?"


Keep watching. Report to me if you have any information. "

" yes. "

Fang Zheng left the palace thoughtfully.

"Have you found the people who are after ye Nanxian? Who is it? "

"I don't know, but it looks a bit like Prince Yi."

The words of the bodyguard made Fang Zheng frown.

Fang Yi hates Shen mange and ye Nanxian to the bone. He knows that, but can't he wait for the situation now? Or tell him.

In his eyes, is there still his elder brother and the Lord?

Fang Zheng is very upset, but it's too late to contact Fang Yi.

They went to Ling's old house.

Shen mange and ye Nanxian always evade the pursuit behind them, but it seems that they will not stop until they are killed. No matter how many people are lost, they don't care at all. What they have clear goals are Shen mange and ye Nanxian.

Shen mange took time to look at the road and found that ye Nanxian was going to the palace. He couldn't help asking, "don't you mean to find Fangyuan? How did this enter the palace? "

"You can't go to find Fang Yuan so blatantly, otherwise how could the old fox Fang Zheng be deceived? We can see our motives at a glance. Now we go to find Fang Ze. If necessary, I will give him a shot. At that time, we will leave here and report to Fang Yuan. Even if Fang Zheng doubts Fang Ze, we will dispel that suspicion. "

Ye Nanxian's thinking is clear and his goal is clear. Shen mange nods. Although he is worried, he doesn't ask anything.

As if afraid of Shen mange's doubts, ye Nanxian continued: "the car parked at the gate of the Ling family's old house was driven out of the palace by my people. The people in it are similar to us in dress, height and face shape. I specially asked them to paste dark window paper on the glass, so that when they see it, they will think it's us, and they will think it's us naturally It's from the palace. It won't involve Ling Qianyu. "

Hearing that ye Nanxian has arranged things so properly, Shen mange is very warm.

"You've taken the trouble."

Shen mange knows that if it's not for her brothers, ye Nanxian doesn't have to work so hard.

"I'm your man."

Ye Nanxian's words suddenly made Shen mange smile.

Yes, he is her husband, the man of Shen mange.

A sense of pride arises from the bottom of my heart.

Two people quickly opened to the palace gate, where someone has been waiting for them.

"Ye Shao, are you here? Come with me

The other party was dressed in the bodyguard's clothes. They looked very familiar and ordinary. They couldn't recognize who was who when they were thrown in the crowd.

Shen mange subconsciously looks at each other and finds that after he doesn't know each other, he doesn't ask anything. Instead, he follows Ye Nanxian and goes to Fangze's palace quickly.

Fang Ze heard his own people say that ye Nanxian came with Shen mange, and he couldn't help but feel stunned.

"Go out to meet them, and find out where the people my father left behind are? If you can, let Ye Nanxian get rid of them. Forget it, our people don't go out. If ye Nanxian comes, my father's people will naturally shoot. At that time, we will attack Ye Nanxian inside and outside to completely destroy these bastards. "Fang Ze's eyes were fierce.


His people didn't move. The people who were watching Fang Ze outside were not calm.

"Aren't Ye Nanxian and Shen mange outside? Why did you come to the palace? "

One of them asked.

"Who knows, but if we can kill them, we'll make a contribution."

The other man was shot.

After Shen mange came in, the bullet was loaded, and the bodyguard who brought them in turned a corner and disappeared.

Ye Nanxian quickly said: "when you see the people at the gate of Fangze, you will shoot. It should be Fangzheng who left to monitor Fangze. Is it OK for those people outside to give them to you?"

"No problem. Where are you going?"

After Shen mange asked, ye Nanxian's eyes flashed and said, "assassinate Fang Ze."

With that, the two men moved separately.

Shen mange is very hard to deal with the people outside. He only hears a "bang" shot inside, and then comes the scream of the maid.

"The second prince was killed! Come on! Come on

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