There are a lot of people in the hospital. Shen mange hasn't been waiting in line to get the number for a long time. Now she suddenly returns to the group, but she thinks it's very good. At least no one can recognize her as Mrs. Ye.

In order to keep his identity secret, Shen mange doesn't use his real name, but uses Germain's name.

By the time her name was called, it was almost noon.

Shen mange walked in uneasily.

"What's going on?"

The doctor is about forty or fifty years old and is said to be an expert in this field.

Shen man Ge took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "I've been in a lot of mood recently, and I always feel aggrieved. A small thing is always infinitely enlarged, and I can't think of it."

Hearing what Shen mange said, the doctor was stunned for a moment, then looked at Shen mange and said, "you shouldn't come to see gynecology in this situation. Go out and turn left. Go to the neurology department on the second floor."

After listening to the doctor's words, Shen mange was suddenly depressed, but he didn't get up. He thought for a while and said, "I'm ten days late."


Seeing that Shen mange's skin was delicate, the doctor couldn't see exactly how big she was. Her face was really bad, so he asked casually.

"Married, with two children."

Shen mange didn't hide it.

The doctor gave a pause.

"I'm young. I got married early. I can't say anything about your situation. It may be caused by endocrine disorder or pregnancy. Well, you go to do a B-ultrasound first, and we'll have a look when you come back. "

Doctor's words are very obvious, is not pregnant to do a B ultrasound to know.

Shen mange nodded and went out with the list issued by the doctor.

After paying the money, I came to the B ultrasound room. When she saw so many people waiting, she was a little surprised.

I always thought it was very easy to do a B-ultrasound, but I didn't expect so many people to line up. Then she remembered that she had gone through the back door before.

Now Shen mange doesn't feel like urinating. She wants to drink some water to hold her urine. Although she can do it without holding her urine, she always feels uncomfortable.

Shen mange took a disposable cup, took a cup of hot water and drank it one by one.

Most of the women around them come to do B-ultrasound, and many of them are accompanied by their families. Seeing this, Shen mange feels lonely and aggrieved.

As for what she wronged, she didn't know very well. She always felt that the emotion was out of control recently.

Shen mange drank glass after glass of water, which made her feel uncomfortable. As soon as she wanted to go to the toilet, she heard the doctor call her name.

She quickly went in and lay down as the doctor said. At this time, I felt a little nervous.

The doctor saw that she turned pale and said, "don't be nervous. I think you still have a knife on your stomach. It's not the first child, is it?"


Shen mange nodded and answered.

"The second child is still so nervous?"

The doctor is smiling lightly, holding the thing that examine to bump into her belly, cool, but also let Shen mange's mood relax some.

She remembered that she was abroad when she was pregnant with Ye Zian and ye Luoluo. At that time, she didn't have a regular physical examination. After all, she didn't want to get into trouble.

Now think of these, feel like things in my last life.

The doctor didn't know what Shen mange was thinking. After walking in her stomach for a while, she said, "OK, OK. Congratulations. You're a mother."

Shen mange was knocked unconscious at that time.

"Doctor, what did you say?"

"I said you are pregnant, the child five weeks, at present, nothing, but your uterus is a little thin, had abortion before?"

The doctor looked at Shen mange. Shen mange was confused now, but nodded subconsciously.

"Flow through."

"Take good care of it. It's best to take care of it in the first three months. You have a poor foundation, if you want this baby."

Shen man nodded vaguely.

"The doctor, a gestational sac?"

Shen mange asked almost subconsciously.

The doctor was stunned for a moment, and said: "you are only 30 days pregnant now, and the embryonic tissue has not fully differentiated successfully, so you can't see whether you are twins or not. You can listen to fetal heart rate in 50 or 60 days. Yes? Do you have twins in your family? "

"Yes, my husband and I are twins."

Shen mange's words surprised the doctor.

"That's a good chance, but it depends."

The doctor gave the report to Shen mange.

Shen mange thinks that the whole person is so unreal.


Actually pregnant.

But didn't Ye Nanxian do ligation?

How did you get pregnant?

Shen mange came back to the doctor in a trance and gave the report to the doctor.After seeing it, the doctor said with a smile, "Congratulations, I'm going to be a mother again."

"Doctor, I have something to ask you."

Shen mange is a little hard to say.

"What's the problem?"

The doctor is not impatient.

Shen mange bit his lower lip and whispered: "my husband had a ligation operation. How could I be pregnant?"

The doctor was obviously in a daze.

"When did you do it?"

"It won't be long."

Shen mange's face turned red completely.

She really doesn't want to talk about such a private matter, but she's pregnant now! But ye Nanxian also had that kind of operation. Can she make it clear?

The doctor gave a little pause, then said: "this kind of operation has a certain probability of recanalization. Your husband didn't go to rehab? "

"I don't think so."

Shen mange believes that.

Ye Nanxian is very worried about her health, so she would rather not have children than suffer any more. So he would never go to recanalization after the operation.

The doctor saw that her answer was firm, and then said: "how can there be other situations. Some people have more than one vas deferens side, there is a certain probability of two, surgery generally did not consider this, so pregnancy is also possible

Shen mange was completely stunned.

Is that ok?

So she won the jackpot?

Seeing Shen mange's stupefied appearance, the doctor is not sure whether she wants the child or not, but taking Shen mange's physical condition as an example, the doctor gives advice.

"Your physical condition is not very good. You've been hurt. Now you haven't recuperated much. It's not very wise to be pregnant at this time. Maybe it will drag you down. Compared with the whole pregnancy, you should not take into consideration the damage to your child

Shen mange understood the doctor's words.

She had heard these words before the last child was exiled, but the doctor was not the one in front of her.

Now there is one or even two little lives in his body. Shen mange absolutely doesn't want to lose them.

Ye Nanxian is still pregnant after her operation. This is the gift from God, so she won't give up.

Shen mange's hand involuntarily touches his stomach, and his eyes are unspeakable tenderness.

"Doctor, what do I need to do if I want to keep this child?"

Her eyes were firm, and her mother's eyes moved the doctor.

"Then you may have to work harder. In the first three months, it's better to stay in bed. You can't be tired or have too much emotional fluctuation. Otherwise, you may not be able to take the child. You now have a very thin uterine wall, everything should be careful, maybe you have a sneeze may knock off the child. I'm not exaggerating at all, but if you wait until three months to have a miscarriage, then it won't hurt you at all. "

"I see. Thank you, doctor."

Shen mange nodded, picked up the B-ultrasound, raised his foot to go, but heard the doctor say: "if you really want to leave this child, then your wound will heal automatically, don't take anti-inflammatory drugs."

Shen mange remembered that he had taken anti-inflammatory drugs when he was injured. He couldn't help worrying.

"Will my children have an impact?"

"Fertilized egg implantation time is not long, you take this medicine should have no effect, but later to pay attention to."

"I see. Thank you, doctor."

Shen mange was overjoyed.

She put the courage of B-ultrasound into her pocket and raised her mouth slightly.

She's pregnant!

Mom again!

It's a gift from God, isn't it?

In such a tense and exciting situation of country f, she didn't have a miscarriage. She should be thankful for God's protection, but also afraid of her own willfulness.

Thinking of his emotions, Shen mange turns around and walks back.

"Doctor, my recent mood swings are quite big, and it doesn't affect the children, does it?"

"That's the natural reaction caused by your pregnancy hormone, but try not to be too happy or sad. If you can't control your mood, you can try to listen to some light music or find something to make you happy, so as to divert your attention. It will be better."

The doctor's words made Shen mange very useful.

It turned out that her menopause was not advanced, nor was it because of anything else, but because she was pregnant.

Shen mange can't wait to Tell ye Nanxian the good news, but after taking out his mobile phone, he suddenly remembers the lesson of last time.

Ye Nanxian will never let her keep the child.

Wasn't that the last child?

In the choice between the child and her, ye Nanxian will always focus on her body.Think of here, Shen mange holds the hand of mobile phone tight tight tight, at the same time, make a supernatural move of direct shut down the mobile phone.

She can't let Ye Nanxian know!

But do you want to be like five years ago, when you become a father, you don't let him experience his father's happiness?

Is this fair to Ye Nanxian?

Shen mange hesitated.

Her mind is very confused and tangled. That the joy of pregnancy and now is about to face Ye Nanxian's hesitation pulling her, let her be very upset.

There is a dessert house not far away.

Shen mange didn't like desserts very much before, but now he has an impulse and desire to go in and eat something.

She simply put aside all her troubles and went into the dessert house.


The girl's voice in the dessert room is very sweet and comfortable.

Shen mange found a place to sit down, ordered a few desserts and sat up to eat, completely leaving everyone behind.

This dessert is delicious.

She only has such an idea in her mind. She looks like a child, but she doesn't know that the whole Ye family's old house is going to turn upside down.

Ye Nanxian almost went out to find someone in person when he learned that Shen mange was missing and his mobile phone couldn't get through.

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