"Ye Nanxian! What are you doing? "

Song Wenqi just learned about the relationship between Ye Nanxian and qingluan, and he got it by accident. Now he thinks that Shen mange is pregnant, and qingluan is with Ling Qianyu. He just wants to come to see Shen mange, but he doesn't expect to see ye Nanxian and qingluan holding each other.

It's too much!

Shen mange is just pregnant, and ye Nanxian wants to cheat?

And they all say that rabbits don't eat grass beside the nest. Ye Nanxian is involved with qingluan. Doesn't he know that qingluan is Ling Qianyu's wife?

Song Wenqi angrily comes to Ye Nanxian, but he scares qingluan.

Her tears are still hanging on her face. She looks at Song Wenqi coming towards Ye Nanxian, and subconsciously turns to block Ye Nanxian.

"What are you doing?"

Song Wenqi's fist is about to reach qingluan's face, but it stops.

"Get out of here!"

His voice was a little cold.

Even though ye Nanxian understood what he had misunderstood, he said in a low voice, "I have nothing to do with qingluan. She is my sister."

"Fart! I can see both of you holding each other. How can you stand up to mange? "

Song Wenqi gas jump feet, but qingluan block in front of him, let him have no way to teach Ye Nanxian.

Qingluan just reflected what she had just done.

"I'm sorry. I was in a bad mood just now. I'm excited. It has nothing to do with boss Ye."

Qingluan looks at Ye Nanxian awkwardly.

Ye Nanxian said, "I said, you are my sister."


"Song Wenqi!"

Before Song Wenqi's words were finished, he was interrupted by Ye Nanxian's voice.

His face was ugly and his voice was even colder.

It's not that song Wenqi has never seen Ye Nanxian like this, but at that time, it was all for the sake of defending Shen mange. Now he is treating him like this for a qingluan. Song Wenqi feels that his anger keeps rising.

Just as he was about to say something, ye Nanxian said to qingluan, "get on the plane and go. I'm worried about it. If you have anything, please consult Ling Qianyu. In F country, he can still be trusted, and I believe Ling Qianyu is not so shallow. If he is, he will not marry you. Don't think too much, go according to your heart. Qingluan, happiness is always in her own hands. No one else can give or help. You think about it yourself. If you really have to be Ling Qianyu in your life, you have to face some things. "

Qingluan's heart suddenly stopped for a while, then suddenly enlightened.


Now she is Ling Qianyu's wife, not the fifth Princess of F country. What if Fang Zheng is her own father? As long as Ling Qianyu believes in her and loves her, she will treat him wholeheartedly.

"boss ye, I know. As soon as I leave, I don't know when I will come back. Mange will ask you to take good care of me."

"Well, when you come back, we'll get together again. At that time, I hope you will come out of the Ye family and let Ling Qianyu give you a grand wedding. Our daughter of the Ye family can't tolerate his bullying."

Ye Nanxian's words suddenly let qingluan's tears gush out again.

"Boss Ye!"

"I'll call you brother later."

Ye Nanxian directly opens his arms, holds qingluan in his arms in front of song Wenqi's face, gently pats her on the shoulder, and says softly: "the Ye family is your mother's family. No one dares to bully you. Man Ge and I can't tolerate others to bully you. Remember, you will be called qingluan. You are my sister, my sister. "

Qingluan can't open her mouth again.

Song Wenqi touched his nose, how can he feel that this situation is not like cheating?

Ye Nanxian and qingluan did not pay attention to song Wenqi. Ye Nanxian sent someone to escort qingluan to f country.

When the plane takes off, ye Nanxian's face is not very good-looking and stares at Song Wenqi.

Song Wenqi touched his nose and said, "what's the relationship between you two?"

"Are you deaf? Don't you understand? "

Ye Nanxian said and pushed the wheelchair to go.

Song Wenqi followed him, actively pushing a wheelchair for him, and said, "it's natural for me to misunderstand you guys and girls holding together."

"So you're blind."

"Hey, ye Nanxian, almost got it. I thought I was afraid of you. Believe it or not, I'll tell mange to go. "

Song Wenqi feels despised by Ye Nanxian.

Thinking of Shen mange's body, ye Nanxian finally stopped and said, "if I had anything to do with qingluan, I would have had it long ago. I won't wait until now. Besides, I can't talk to mange about it. "

"Why? You must have a ghost in your heart, otherwise why do you keep it from mange? "

Song Wenqi's words make ye Nanxian really want to roll his eyes.

"I wonder why the song group didn't go bankrupt with you."

"Ye Nanxian, don't attack me personally. Don't think I can't hear you satirizing me. You don't tell me, how can I know what's going on? Mange is my sister. I can't ask you if you are holding a woman together? "Song Wenqi's righteous words.

For the sake of Shen mange, ye Nanxian tells song Wenqi about his relationship with qingluan, and about Ling Yixuan recently.

Song Wenqi finally understands why Ye Nanxian wants to recognize qingluan as his sister.

Qingluan's position in the Huo family is too awkward at this time.

Although Ling Qianyu doesn't care about qingluan's identity, if ye Nanxian recognizes qingluan and qingluan becomes the daughter of the Ye family, it can ease some embarrassment.

"So it is. This girl is also very poor. If not, I'll take her as my sister. There's no one in the Song family. "

Song Wenqi's words made Ye Nanxian pause for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "do you think everyone can be qingluan's brother? Are you qualified? "

"Hey, ye Nanxian, you want to fight, don't you? Don't think you are a disabled person now, I can let you, I tell you... "

Song Wenqi is still talking, ye Nanxian has pushed the wheelchair away, but the corner of his lip is slightly hooked up.

Song Wenqi, as always, is hearty.

Shen mange doesn't know what the two men are doing outside. Hu Yaxin comes with a lot of nutrition, but he makes Shen mange embarrassed.

"What are you doing, sister-in-law? I'm just pregnant. Do you want to raise me as a pig? "

Shen mange's brows are all wrinkled.

Hu Yaxin said with a smile: "these things are bought by song Wenqi after my abortion. Now it's useless to put them away. You can help me solve them quickly. Besides, your health is not very good. It's good for you and your children to make up for them."

"That's too much."

Shen mange was depressed when he looked at the nutritious food like a hill.

"It's OK. You don't have to do it."

Hu Yaxin's words make Shen mange want to cry more.

It's not this that worries her. Well, it's eating.

How many days does it take. I have to be as fat as a balloon.

"Well, since you decide to keep the child, you should take good care of it. If you can't take good care of your own body, how can you nourish the child? Man Ge, I really envy you. Don't be in the middle of your fortune. "

Hu Yaxin's eyes were a little sad.

Shen mange quickly took her hand and said, "sister-in-law, three years soon."

"I know I'm lucky compared to women who can't get pregnant."

Hearing Hu Yaxin say this, Shen mange suddenly thinks of qingluan and lanling'er.

She said in a low voice: "qingluan has just left. I don't know if you have met her. I'll introduce you later. She's very nice


Hu Yaxin thinks it's nothing. As long as Shen mange feels good, he can do it.

Shen mange smiles, and they talk in secret.

Ye Nanxian and song Wenqi see they say happy, two people went to the study.

"How is your health?"

Bickering belongs to bickering. Ye Nanxian still cares about song Wenqi's body, especially when he heard Hu Yaxin say that he can't have a child until three years later.

"Still. You know, some poisons need to be cleaned up slowly. "

Song Wenqi's eyes are cold.

Yu Feng died so miserably, but it was not enough for him.

If it's not that he can't intervene, he would like to tear Yu Feng to pieces.

Ye Nanxian understood his feelings and said in a low voice, "Ling Qianyu's medical skills may be superior to those of Southern Jiangsu. If you look back, let him show you. Maybe it won't take three years."

"Just now that girl's husband, Huo Er Shu's son Ling Qian Yu?"

"Don't you know?"

"No contact."

Song Wenqi really has no contact with Ling Qianyu. If it wasn't for Shen mange, he doesn't know who he is.

Ye Nanxian said with a faint smile: "it doesn't matter if you don't have contact. There are plenty of opportunities in the future."

Song Wenqi suddenly thought of something and said: "Ye Nanxian, I'll say that girl is my sister. You still don't agree. If I'm ling Qianyu's brother-in-law, don't you need me to beg him? Maybe he'll cure me himself. Yes, I have to recognize that girl as my sister. It's not negotiable. "

Ye Nanxian looked at Song Wenqi like a fool and said faintly, "qingluan doesn't know you at all. You almost beat someone just now. Where do you come from so confident that you can recognize qingluan as your sister?"

This sentence immediately hit song Wenqi.

"Then I can get to know her again."

"Don't make trouble. It's better to toss your body around at that time. By the way, the recent performance of Soong group is not very good. What are you doing? "

Hearing what ye Nanxian said, song Wenqi was shocked.

"Why do you pay attention to us? Let me tell you, ye Nanxian, I'm your brother-in-law at least. You're not allowed to pay attention to our business. ""Idiot."

Ye Nanxian was too lazy to communicate with him. He was not on the way of thinking at all. He directly threw a file folder to song Wenqi and said faintly, "take a look at the land for this bidding. If there is any surplus fund, you can consider it. I got the internal information that the government will start planning next year. If you take this land now, I don't need to talk about it later."

Song Wenqi's eyes shine directly.

"I'll go. Will you tell me if you have any inside information? "I'll lend you the next hundred million. I didn't use it first."

Song Wenqi this naturally tone suddenly let Ye Nanxian's lip angle involuntarily took out.

He's so rude!

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