Qingluan is trapped in the memories. The things left by those green years are enough to make her recall for a lifetime.

It's said that she regretted three years as a soldier and a lifetime if she didn't. She was glad that she met Ye Nanxian and became a soldier.

Those brothers who share life and death, even now, are as clear as yesterday.

Qingluan then found that Ling Qianyu's hand did not move. She thought that he was just tired of playing with her fingers, and now he was listening to her story, so she worked harder. Even her voice was a little smoky, and she still didn't want to listen to it.

But it seems that the temperature is a little high depending on one's own body.

Qingluan returns to her senses in a dream. She reaches out her hand and touches Ling Qianyu's forehead. It's very hot.

"Ling Qianyu! Thousand feathers

Qingluan suppresses her voice and shouts in a low voice, but Ling Qianyu doesn't have any reaction.

Ling Fei immediately opened his eyes.

"What's the matter, brother?"

"He has a fever."

Qingluan is very remorseful.

He has been at his side, face when he had a fever, when fainted do not know. She is too careless.

So careless she, so worthless she in the end what is worth Ling Qianyu so devoted to treat?

Qingluan is very sad.

"No, it can't be delayed. After taking off, Qianyu will die."

Qingluan's eyes are firm.

Ling Fei knew what she was going to do and was the first to stop her.

"Sister in law, you are my brother's life, you can live in him, if you have an accident, my brother will be abandoned. Maybe you don't know what my brother has done for you these years, but I dare say that you are the woman my brother loves with his life. So please take good care of yourself for my brother. I'll take care of it

Lingfei's words are very solemn, which makes qingluan feel bad.

She and Ling Qianyu can never be fair, because unconsciously Ling Qianyu has paid too much for her, and she can't afford it at all. But qingluan doesn't care. She has another lifetime to repay, doesn't she?

But now when Ling Qianyu is worried about her life, she is a little afraid.

"Ling Fei, you can't go. Since you call me sister-in-law, I can't let you go out and take risks. I'm important to Qianyu, and you're also important to him. Listen to me. I know how to avoid them. "

"No way."

Ling Fei strongly disagrees.

The two men suddenly had different opinions.

Just then, there was a gunshot outside.


Qingluan and Lingfei are stunned.

Many people came to listen to the intensity of gunfire.

Who is it?

Fang Yi's people?

Qingluan thought about it, then moved Ling Qianyu, put him in Ling Fei's arms and said in a low voice, "take good care of him."

"No, sister-in-law."

"Shut up

At this moment, qingluan is full of domineering, and her fierce momentum is matched with Ling Qianyu's.

Ling Fei was stunned.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, qingluan got up and came to a place.

Not long ago, she observed that it is relatively weak here. If you remove a few bricks, you should be able to see the situation outside.

Qingluan moved a little and saw many feet walking on the ground.

She looked out along the crack. There were many people coming, all in black and masked, and the weapons in her hand were also the most advanced.

Is it really Fang Yi's person?

Qingluan doesn't dare to act rashly, even if she is in a hurry now.

The other side's attack was fierce. They didn't care about the life and death of these soldiers. It was absolutely maltreatment.

Qingluan's brow slightly wrinkled.

It was Fangzheng who gave the order, but it was these innocent soldiers who lost their lives.

Therefore, it is really the sorrow of the people that the country does not have a good leader.

Green Luan's brows tightly knit together.

Finally, a familiar figure appeared in her sight with the man in black.

It's fonze!

Fang Ze was wounded and sent out. His face was grim, but he was also gloomy.

"Kill me! None of them

These people are the people who killed and bombed the Ling family. He won't let any of them go.

Ling Qianyu is his elder brother. It's hard for him to accept this. He even feels that he has some psychological imbalance.

From childhood to adulthood, he was forgotten and raised in captivity. Only now did he know that he had a half brother, but that man was all over the place. Even Xiao Yao had laid the groundwork for his safety.

Both of them are her sons. Why is the difference so big?

Fang Ze felt sad, envious, and even couldn't accept it. However, this man saved his life and even supported him to become the Lord of the country.So Fang Ze's mood is quite complicated.

He thought that he could have a lot of time to think about how to get along with Ling Qianyu, but he could use a lot of time to accept him, but when he heard the news that Ling family had an accident and Ling Qianyu came back, Fang Ze was not calm.

Is he crazy?

Fang Zheng killed Ling Yixuan and made it clear that he didn't want to keep the Ling family. Is he going to die when he comes back?

Fang Ze worried, worried for the first time for an unrelated person.

Yes, it's irrelevant.

In the past 20 years, he has never been in his life, has he? So it's not irrelevant. What is it?

But the worry and worry made him unable to sit still.

These people are his cards. He will not use them unless he has to. In fact, he secretly planted a lot of people and cultivated some strength in these years. He intended to use it when he was fighting against founder, but he didn't expect to expose his strength in advance for Ling Qianyu.

Even so, he has nothing to regret.

It doesn't matter who takes the seat of Lord of the kingdom as long as it's not founder. He just wants to know if Ling Qianyu is still alive.

Fang Ze's eyes are red and wet.

Ling Qianyu, you must not die! If you die, I will never forgive you in my life!

Fang Ze said over and over again, as if only in this way can he firmly believe that Ling Qianyu is still alive.

"Look for it carefully. You can't let it go anywhere. I want to know exactly whether the Lings are alive or dead. "

Fonze's voice trembled.

His wound is in his heart, so his face has always been very pale. According to the truth, he needs to rest now, which is not suitable for such a big action, let alone such a toss.

Qingluan hides in the dark and sees Fangze's worries and tears. Her heart suddenly warms up.

This brother, who is related to her by blood, she really didn't pay attention to before. Although he is Xiao Yao's son, she just keeps him safe. She doesn't intend to be involved in other things.

But at this moment, because of the man Ling Qianyu, they had deeper contact and communication.

Qingluan suddenly found out that she was not an orphan. Anyway, she had a brother.


Qingluan's voice is not big, but Fangze hears it.

He turned abruptly, thinking that he had a hallucination.


It's qingluan!

She must have come back with Ling Qianyu.

Fonze was a little angry.

"Are you crazy? One by one, do you really think it's a tourist attraction, competing to come here? Is it too long? "

Fang Ze's angry appearance immediately warms qingluan's heart.

The battle outside is drawing to a close.

Qingluan moves away and turns to walk out.

"Brother, no, I won't call you brother from now on. I don't have any relationship with Founder any more. I'm not his daughter, and I don't recognize him as his father. So I'm just your sister-in-law from now on. "

Qingluan suddenly began to laugh.

What's it like for my brother to become my brother-in-law?

However, she has already identified Fang Ze as a relative in her heart.

Fang Ze is tiny a Leng, hear the words of green Luan, the facial expression is very not good-looking.

"No big or small, what sister-in-law? Even if you marry him, you are still my sister. "

"What about this generation?"

"What? I'm your mother's family. I won't change in my life. Are you stupid? Everything is in accordance with the rules of the man's side. There's no one in your mother's family. Don't you know? "

Fonze is still angry.

He makes his sister a sister-in-law. It's nothing.

Who does Ling Qianyu like? He has to like his sister. But he thought that qingluan was worth Ling Qianyu's treatment.


What a mess!

Fang Ze's brow wrinkled into a Sichuan character, looking at the direction of qingluan coming out, he asked: "is he in it?"

There was a tremor in his voice, an obvious fear and worry.

"Yes, I passed out, got shot and started to have a fever, so we need a doctor."

Qingluan felt very ironic.

The doctor doesn't treat himself. She knows this, but she didn't expect it to happen to Ling Qianyu.

Fang Ze quickly asked people to come and remove the stone.

When Ling Fei sees Fang Ze, he is stunned. He knows the relationship between Fang Ze and Ling Qianyu, but Fang Ze's attitude is not clear, so he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Qingluan said in a low voice, "it's OK. My brother is trustworthy."

At that moment, the worry in Fangze's eyes could not be disguised.

Ling Fei hears that qingluan says so, so he confidently gives Ling Qianyu to Fang Ze."Get the doctor, quick."

Fang Ze gave an order, and his men ran out.

Looking at these people for many years, brother Luan said in a low voice

"What do you want to say?"

Fang Ze did not deny it.

Qingluan looked at him and said in a low voice, "you have completely exposed your power. Fangzheng will not tolerate you."

"He used to hold me. Now that it's exposed, you can force the palace directly. "

Fang Ze's eyes were fierce.

He's going to reserve that seat.

Whether it's for Cindy or for his family, he has to sit in that position to protect them.

He doesn't want Cindy's tragedy to happen to other relatives.

Qingluan didn't expect Fang Ze to do this. She was stunned.

"Forced? Brother, are you serious? "

"What else? Instead of waiting for him to come up with a good plan to deal with me, it's better to give him a surprise. Has the final say to him what he is going to do to him? The world is always dominated by the strong. As long as I sit in that position, I say he's trying to make trouble

At this moment, Fang Zeqi is unstoppable. He is no longer the second prince who is humble and tolerant. His body with a trace of the supremacy of the superior, suddenly let qingluan surprised.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, she underestimated this brother.

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