Huo Zhenfeng looked at Ye Nanxian and said with a smile, "that's right. It's really a hit."

Because of his admission, Shen mange's face is not very good, but because the other party is the father she hasn't seen for many years, she just hummed and said goodbye to show her dissatisfaction.

Huo Zhenfeng naturally saw it, and some of them wanted to laugh and said, "mange, don't you think this is a good plan?"

"The plan is good, but it's not very human."

Shen mange can't say anything against his will. He wants to bring out the people behind the scenes. Their scheming is really good, but obviously they don't consider the feelings of women.

Well, she's not a great person. She's just a little woman. If you want to see problems, you can see them macroscopically, but you can't feel them objectively.

Ye Nanxian looked at his father-in-law with some admiration.

Huo Zhenfeng really has a way to make Shen mange angry, but not too angry, because from a macro standpoint, their plan is right.

Shen mange is not a woman who knows right from wrong.

Huo Zhenfeng sighed and said: "war is cruel. Although in your eyes, this may not be a war, but people behind the scenes want lanchen's heart to live forever. Why do ordinary people want lanchen? What are the causes of gene Frenzy? What kind of disaster would it be if the frenzy factor was used in the military? It's not going to be like this. What kind of disaster will the war bring to the people? Since ancient times, the biggest victims of war have been the common people. Once a war starts, there will be corpses everywhere. Now there are more modern weapons and equipment, and the lethality is much greater than before. "

When it comes to war, no one can experience the sense of life and death better than Huo Zhenfeng. If he can, he would rather be a painter who writes all over the world, and travel all over the world, rather than be a soldier, who is full of blood and blood in the hail of bullets and wars.

Huo Zhenfeng's eyes crossed a trace of pain.

He said in a low voice: "I know that our plan will make the girls who love Qianyu and lanchen sad, and may even do self harm. But compared with the rest of the world, compared with the seriousness of the consequences of lanchen, we can only take it lightly. Qianyu is a soldier. He has an unshirkable mission. Although lanchen is not a soldier, the crime of huaibi is inevitable. If we don't plan, we are really waiting for the day when lanchen is furious. Isn't the woman they love the most hurt? By doing so, we can make this happen ahead of time, but we can restrain the greater harm. This will happen whether you understand it or not. Man Ge, we also hope that you and other girls can live freely in peace years and peaceful times, but it needs someone to maintain peace, do you understand? "

Shen mange heard Huo Zhenfeng's words and didn't know how to refute them. She couldn't even retort.

She knew that from the standpoint of her military sister-in-law and her military dependents, she would unconditionally support all the decisions made by the soldiers, which might be aggrieved, sad and incomprehensible, but it was something they had to bear.

At this moment, Shen mange deeply felt the difficulty of soldiers.

The anger in her heart was instantly dissipated a lot.

"Dad, what about you? After all these years, you are also a soldier. What are you protecting? What do you insist on? What's more, you were taken away by Ye Zhiqiu and taken as the object of study. It was said that you were dead. How did you escape from death? "

Shen mange looks at Huo Zhenfeng. She really wants to know.

Huo Zhenfeng looks at Shen mange and smiles, but there is a trace of bitterness in his smile.

"If I tell you that the person being dissected is not me, do you believe it?"

This words immediately let Shen man Ge be stunned, not only she, leaf South string also be stunned.

Ye Nanxian won't believe Ye Zhiqiu is such a stupid person, but

Huo Zhenfeng looked at their unbelievable eyes, took a deep breath and said: "when ye Zhiqiu took me back, I hurt my face because of the bombing of shells, which was so bloody that people couldn't really see. At that time, no one thought that my signalman would follow us all the way to the isolated island. "

Recalling the past, Huo Zhenfeng's eyes are a little ethereal.

He still remembers the appearance of the signalman. At the beginning, because he was about the same height and height as himself, he chose him. He wanted to let the signalman take his place when there was an urgent task. That is to say, he was a stand in.

It's also a coincidence that the two people look a little similar, but they just have similar eyes, but that's enough.

Once upon a time, they cooperated with each other all the time. Because they wanted to go out on a mission, they could confuse each other just because of the stand in, so that Huo Zhenfeng could freely shuttle through the enemy's rear area and complete the mission very smoothly. It's just that he didn't expect that the day when he was caught by Ye Zhiqiu, the stand in messenger also followed him.

"His name is Lan Chuan. He is Lan Yi's uncle. Our ancestors used to have some relations with the Huo family, but they didn't get along with each other after five clothes. But we didn't expect that we would meet again in a hundred years and become brothers of life and death. "Thinking of lanchuan, Huo Zhenfeng's eyes are moist.

"On the first day when ye Zhiqiu caught me on the island, because I was in a coma and severely burned on my face, he was afraid of catching the wrong person, so he took my blood for DNA testing. After confirming my identity, he began to let people take my blood for experiments. At that time, I was in a daze and still had a fever. I just felt the needle stick on myself again and again. I didn't know where it was and whether I could carry it. Later, I was moved, and I'm not sure. When I woke up again, I found that I was in a closed space. There was no one around me, but there was a lot of food to support me for ten days and a half months. "

"Where I am, no one comes at all. It's like a dead sea. What I usually listen to most is my heartbeat. I don't know what it is and where I am until half a month later, when the food is finished, someone opens the door and comes in. That man looks a little similar to LAN Chuan. I'm even sure that they must be related by blood. So I asked him who he was. He told me that he was LAN Chuan's brother and LAN Yi's father, LAN Minghai. Ye Zhiqiu is also a little assistant to the doctor who came to study genetic transformation. "

"He told me that Lan Chuan burned his face and became the research object instead of me. It was LAN Chuan who asked him to save me, but the island was heavily guarded. He couldn't take me out for the time being, so he had to hide here. They used the sealed space for research, but it was abandoned because of poor air circulation, so I had a temporary shelter. At that time, I heard that I was going out here. I couldn't let LAN Chuan be a mouse instead of me, but LAN Minghai made me dizzy with a needle. It's been more than 20 years. "

Huo Zhenfeng's words surprised Shen mange and ye Nanxian at the same time.

"You've been in a coma for more than 20 years?"

"Yes, I've been sleeping for more than 20 years. I don't know what LAN Minghai injected me with at that time, but it did make me sleep for more than 20 years. When I woke up again, I was awakened by the explosion and the tongue of fire outside. Or maybe I couldn't wake up without the fire. Later, I woke up, opened the room and ran out, only to see Xiao AI running towards me with a corpse in her arms. Although more than 20 years have passed, that woman is my only true love. Even though she is old, I still recognize her. So I called her. At that time, Ai Ai was very surprised, but she didn't say anything. She pulled me and ran. Maybe I knew that the body in her arms was not me, so I threw it back. It was too late for me to stop her. I know which one could be lanchuan's body. My best brother died in my place

Huo Zhenfeng later heard Xiao AI talk about the inhuman sufferings that Lan Chuan suffered. He and Xiao AI set up this secret base and began to look for the people of the LAN family. They even searched for LAN Minghai, but found that Lan Minghai had been poisoned. At that time, LAN Yi and LAN linger were outside. In order that Shen mange was not in city B, they saved ye by chance Red, and brought it back.

Shen mange and ye Nanxian will know what happened later.

Shen man sighed after listening to the song.

The LAN family is really kind to their family. If it wasn't for LAN Chuan, maybe she would never see her father in her life.

"Dad, does LAN Yi know these things?"

"I've asked Ye Hong to tell him that the LAN family is my benefactor. As long as I have a breath in my life, the LAN family is my family."

Shen mange nodded, and she thought the same.

However, Shen mange didn't understand something and then asked, "my mother has loved you all her life, so it's impossible that she can't recognize you. When I saw my mother see the so-called body of you, the whole person collapsed. So is that lanchuan really like you? "

"Five or six."

Xiao AI came out of the kitchen, thought of everything before, and said in a low voice: "at that time, I missed him too much, and I didn't see him for many years. I thought he had changed a little. What's more, what's the place where he is? I know that good people will be tortured there. What's more, people like him? And he had the ring I bought for him, engraved with the names of the two of us. "

Huo Zhenfeng held her with some heartache and said in a low voice: "it was made by LAN Chuan. He always did everything to the extreme and the best, so that people can't see the flaws. In order to be my double, he used to learn my habits and movements very much

"I thank him. Although it's cruel to him, I thank him personally for replacing you. Zhenfeng, I'm a walking corpse without you. I don't want to live like that any more. "

"No, we'll all do well in the future."

Huo Zhenfeng patted Xiao AI on the back with a gentle look.

Shen mange really doesn't want to disturb them, but since the topic is open, she always needs to know something, so she coughed and asked again, "Mom and Dad, do you know who is behind the scenes now? Are there any suspects? "

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