Huo Zhenfeng slightly a Leng, see Xiao AI that suspicious eyes, the heart slightly some pain.

"Who am I in your heart?"

This sentence stunned Shaw.

Who is he?

He is upright and upright, adheres to ideals, has faith in his heart, and never bows to evil forces. These are the advantages that attract him. But why is Xiao AI so hot when Huo Zhenfeng asks him at this moment?

"I just think you look at him differently. Zhenfeng, I don't want to doubt you, and I don't want any estrangement between you and your daughter. LAN Chen is my daughter's good friend. What do you think of him? "

After so many years, Xiao AI doesn't know what kind of inhuman torture Huo Zhenfeng suffered on the island, but she understands that her own problems may hurt Huo Zhenfeng today.


"Don't apologize to me."

Huo Zhenfeng is a little sad, but seeing Xiao AI like this, his heart is not good.

He sighed, looked at the sleeping LAN Chen and said in a low voice, "Lan Chen is Lan Chuan's son."

"How can it be? When Dr. Fang caught his parents, the man was not LAN Chuan at all. And lanchuan at that time was... "

"I know."

Huo Zhenfeng's voice is a little low.

"At that time, what Dr. Fang caught was not LAN Chen's father, but his good friend, who took care of LAN Chen's mother and son instead of him. Later, in order to protect LAN Chuan's safety, he did not deny that it was LAN Chen's father."

Hearing what Huo Zhenfeng said, Xiao AI asked, "but Dr. Fang is engaged in gene research. Can't you find out that the man is not LAN Chen's father?"

"That man has the same blood type as LAN Chuan."

This sentence made Xiao AI understand in an instant.

"So it is."

LAN Chen's biological father has been dissected for Huo Zhenfeng all his life, and has never seen his wife and children until he died. Now LAN Chen is in such a situation, no wonder Huo Zhenfeng is desperate to rescue LAN Chen.

"So LAN Chen and LAN Yi are brothers?"


Huo Zhenfeng's heart is always blocked.

He once thought that he was omnipotent, but later he found out that he was nothing. Even the closest people and the best brothers could not be well protected. What else could he do?

Now that my good brother's son is like this again, how can he tolerate such things to continue to happen?

"I understand, but I still have a question. Why can Ling Qianyu's blood neutralize LAN Chen's fury?"

Facing Xiao AI's inquiry, Huo Zhenfeng said in a low voice: "Qianyu's blood is a little special."

"What do you say?"

Huo Zhenfeng has a cough. Xiao AI gives him a cup of boiled water.

He sipped a mouthful and said: "when Zhenning fell in love with Xiao Yao, his food was poisoned. Fang Zheng intended to use Xiao Yao to poison Zhenning to death quietly. Later, Xiao Yao didn't know how to know about it, so she gave Zhenning some antidotes, but before the poison was clear, Zhenning had an accident. Xiao Yao was taken back and found that she was pregnant I'm pregnant. Qianyu was born with toxin. When he was just born, he was blue and purple, and his breath was weak. Zhang Yin said that he might not be able to live, and Xiao Yao was almost crazy at that time. "

"Qianyu is the only child of Xiao Yao and Zhenning. At that time, Xiao Yao's all hope was to keep Qianyu, so she ordered Zhang Yin to steal an injection from fangzhengde Research Institute. It is said that it is a newly developed genetic reagent. At that time, Qianyu was dying. Xiao Yao was a living horse and became a dead horse doctor. He injected the injection into Qianyu's body. "

"It's just that Qianyu has come to life, and all the toxins in her body have been cleared. There's nothing wrong with it. Later, when time is running out, Xiao Yao sends Qianyu to Ling's home and secretly sends Zhang Yin to observe from time to time. He finds that the child is very strong in physical ability and his physical endurance is different from that of ordinary people. Xiao Yao has done experiments and has never found out where his bottom line is. Fortunately, apart from this, he had no other reaction. Later, when he sent Qianyu back to join the army, our country's scientific research doctor gave him a general examination, and even took his blood for testing and research. He found that his blood was completely OK, just like ordinary people. DNA was not affected, but his blood type was changed, becoming the only new special blood type in the world. But his blood type can neutralize the violent factor in LAN Chen's body. So I guess Ye Zhiqiu also contacted founder at that time? They both studied the gene data together, otherwise how could it be so coincidental? "

Hearing what Huo Zhenfeng said, Xiao aidun became nervous.

"If Liu Feng knows about it, isn't Qianyu very dangerous?"

"Yes, so no one can know about it. Qianyu can't do it."

Huo Zhenfeng's brows tightly wrinkled together, he whispered: "Qianyu in this life to live well, more careful to live, otherwise no one can give him blood transfusion. Many doctors are studying his blood, trying to figure out whether he can produce artificial blood, but they all failed. "Xiao AI's face was dignified.

She suddenly thought of something and said, "have you always been in touch with the military region?"

"Yes, because of my experience, it was decided to transfer me to the research group. Qianyu is one of the top secret protectors designated above. "

Huo Zhenfeng's eyes looked at the sleeping lanchen and continued: "and lanchen is another top secret protector. These two people complement each other. If they can lead LAN Chen to the right path, he may become a secret weapon of the country. "

"Lan Chen is not a weapon, he is a man! A living person! He has no choice. I've had no choice since I was in my womb. "

Xiao AI was suddenly excited.

"Is Lan Chuan a martyr? But did the state give him the status of a martyr? Is Lan Chen's mother military? Died so miserably, did the state pay for the contribution? LAN Chen is so pitiful. He was forced to accept all this when he was born. Now he is like this. Is it the hope that he can become a sharp weapon of the country? He won't hurt, won't he be sad? Is it not afraid to hurt the child's heart by doing so? "

Xiao AI's eyes were instantly moist.

Huo Zhenfeng saw Xiao AI's kindness and justice for more than 20 years, so he couldn't help holding her in his arms.

"How do you know that Lan Chuan is not a martyr?"

"What do you mean?"

Xiao AI looks at Huo Zhenfeng with tears in her eyes.

Huo Zhenfeng felt that his heart would be broken.

He didn't want Xiao AI to cry.

"After the explosion of Ye Zhiqiu's affair, I found the top and asked for the title of martyr for LAN Chuan. Because we didn't find lanchen at that time, and because there were still some things that didn't end, lanchen's pension had not been paid, but it was already in the fund. Even the state has made compensation to the LAN family. It's a pity that Lan Yi's legs have problems. At that time, I suggested that you bring Ye Hong back for cultivation. Anyway, Ye Hong and the blue family have some predestination. I shouldn't have told you these things now. I have to wait until it's completely over before I can say them. But I'm afraid there's a chance that Lan Chen is like this. "

Hearing what Huo Zhenfeng said, Xiao aidun became nervous.

"What do you want to do? Zhenfeng, I tell you, no matter what happens, you can't leave me alone to do dangerous things this time. "

Huo Zhenfeng laughed and said, "No. What's the matter with the toxins in your body? "

"I don't know. My health was not very good. Zhang Yin told me that I had cancer, and that's what she told my father. I don't know why she said that, but it's said that Zhang Yin worked for Fang Yi for some time, and I don't know whether it was forced or voluntary, so I think after I go out and ask Zhang Yin, maybe there will be some clues. She is Ye Nanxian's person now, so she should not cheat us. "

Xiao AI's words made Huo Zhenfeng a little heavy.

"Don't work too hard at this time. It's not easy to detoxify the poison in your body. I don't know if the new drug researched by Dr. Zhang has any side effects. You can hold on for a while."

"It's OK. I've lived so long. I don't have any worries and regrets to see you and your daughter well."

"Nonsense, we have lost too much time. You should live well for the rest of your life and experience the mountains and rivers with me. When these things are over, I'll quit my job and travel around the world with you. "

Huo Zhenfeng smiles very gently.

Xiao AI put her head on his shoulder and said softly, "as long as I am with you and the children, one day is forever for me."

"I'll be sorry for you. With me, I will not allow you to have an accident, let alone allow you to walk in front of me. I haven't seen what the second child looks like. Don't you want to meet your sister Xiao Yao? And your father, if he knew you were still alive, how happy he would be. "

Listening to the voice of her beloved, Xiao AI couldn't help laughing at the thought of the reunion soon after.

"Sometimes I feel that the rest of my life is really sweet."

"Yes. So don't give up. "

After all, Huo Zhenfeng is afraid Xiao AI can't stick to it.

Xiao AI couldn't help laughing.

The two people are very affectionate here. Ye Nanxian drags Ling Qianyu into his laboratory. Looking at the research equipment in the laboratory, he says in a low voice: "have you contacted qingluan?"

Ling Qianyu gave a little meal and then said with jealousy, "why do you care about my wife so much? Ye Nanxian, do you have any idea about my wife? "

"I miss your father! That's my sister

"She's your sister-in-law."

Ling Qianyu said with a smile.

Ye Nanxian felt his hand itching.

"I don't think LAN Chen kicked you enough. What's the matter? Shall I mend it? "

Ling Qianyu said: "no, I'll make nutrient solution for mange."Then he found some Chinese herbal medicine and began to stir it up.

Ye Nanxian has been staring at Ling Qianyu, the thoughts in his mind are running rapidly.

Ling Qianyu and LAN Chen have no relatives. Why can his blood neutralize LAN Chen's fury? What's in it that he doesn't know? And Ling Qianyu likes qingluan so much. Now he knows that qingluan almost died for him. According to the normal script, shouldn't he contact qingluan to explain the situation at the first time? Why didn't he?

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