Shen mange and ye Nanxian look at Ling Qianyu nervously.

I saw a little coldness between his eyebrows, a slight hook on the corner of his lips, and a little more bitterness in his smile.

"So ling Qianyu should die for his country."

This words a, Shen man song immediately relaxed a breath.

Fortunately, he thought the same as himself.

"But if so, qingluan will collapse."

Ye Nanxian also knows that this is the best way to protect Ling Qianyu, but at the same time, he has to hide the news that he is still alive, because once the news gets out, everyone's eyes will stare at qingluan. As long as she does anything, Ling Qianyu will lose all her previous achievements.

Thinking of the woman who doesn't eat or drink for himself, Ling Qianyu is heartbroken.

"In order to be with her in the long run, I can only hurt her temporarily. But I'll spoil her for the rest of my life. "

Although Ling Qianyu said so, he knew that the pain of bereavement was not something ordinary people could bear.

Shen mange is also sorry for qingluan's arrival.

Ye Nanxian said in a low voice, "have you ever thought that dad knows you're still alive? Do you want to tell Dad about this?"


Ling Qianyu shook his head directly.

"Uncle has been suffering for so many years, but he still doesn't change his mind. I know he will leave his favorite military region for me, and even do something to protect me, but this is not what I want to see. Uncle and aunt this life is not easy, they can be together, naturally enjoy the sweet after these years of suffering, there is no need to set up everything for me. This document is top secret. Since I haven't seen it before, I don't need to see it in the future. I, Ling Qianyu, am not a drag on the whole family for my own safety. "

"But my parents know that you are still alive. If you die, I'm afraid it's hard to say."

Shen mange's words made Ling Qianyu smile and said, "isn't this not gone yet? Uncle wants us to go back to the imperial capital together. If I didn't know anything before, I would go. But now my life is not my own. I have to clean up my father's body toxins, and I have my wife to take care of. So I can only be a martyr. As long as Ling Qianyu is still alive, it is a special existence and will be watched by thousands of people. Even my relatives and wife will live under surveillance. It's not fair to them. "

"Is that fair to you?"

Shen mange couldn't help but feel sorry for Ling Qianyu.

Ling Qianyu said with a smile: "it's not fair, but over the years, my cultivation has done my best. It's even."


Shen mange can't help holding Ling Qianyu's waist.

Ye Nanxian's brow is slightly wrinkled. He really wants to kick Ling Qianyu out directly, but Shen mange's face makes him hold back.

"How are you going to die?"

What ye Nanxian said is gnashing his teeth. His eyes stare at Shen mange and hold Ling Qianyu's hand. He can't help but make Ling Qianyu feel a little stunned. Then he understands that, and he can't help laughing.

This man is really jealous, but if qingluan is holding Ye Nanxian now, I guess his mood is the same as him.

"Well, I don't know how to be ashamed of such a big girl. It's said that men and women are different when they are seven years old. Do you have to worry about your husband's mood?"

Ling Qianyu's words make Shen mange a little stunned, and then he understands something. In a twinkling of an eye, he sees Ye Nanxian's embarrassed eyes and can't help laughing.

"Naive or not, this is my brother!"

"If it weren't for your brother, he would have been a flower fertilizer."

Ye Nanxian muttered.

"Well, I have to thank you."

Ling Qianyu glanced at him scornfully, then said: "as long as you don't leave here, everything is possible. Maybe I can discuss it with LAN Chen. "

"Blue morning?"

Ye Nanxian and Shen mange suddenly get nervous.

"Isn't LAN Chen furious now? What are you going to do? "

Ling Qianyu said in a low voice: "since my blood can make LAN Chen sleep temporarily, maybe he will recover his mind if he has more blood!"

"No way!"

Shen mange and ye Nanxian said in one voice.

"Are you crazy? Don't you know anything about yourself? How precious is your blood? No one in the world can give you a blood transfusion! If you are ischemic and your life is threatened, then you are not feigning death, you are really dead! "

Ye Nanxian really wants to pry Ling Qianyu's brain to see how crazy this product can be.

But Ling Qianyu said calmly: "if not, can you think of a better way to get rid of the shell? Unless I am as like as two peas, I will not be able to find a corpse that is exactly the same as mine. The most important thing is that the blood composition is the same.

With this, Shen mange and ye Nanxian are silent.Indeed, no one in the world will have the same blood type as Ling Qianyu.


"It's nothing, but if I don't, I'll be treated as a mouse forever, and even my descendants won't be safe in the future. In that case, how about a fight? I'll need your cooperation then. "

Ling Qianyu's words put a lot of pressure on Ye Nanxian.

"You never remember me."

"Good things are naturally left to my wife. What do you remember? You're not my wife. "

Ling Qianyu's words made Ye Nanxian speechless.

Well, it's him.

Shen mange is still worried.

"Brother, let's think of a separate way."

"There's no time. It's going to light, and everything will be late."

Ling Qianyu decided directly.

Even if Shen mange still thinks it's a bit wrong, he doesn't dare to refute it at will. After all, Ling Qianyu's words are all true.

Ling Qianyu left from them, and Shen mange's heart was pulled up.

"Nanxian, do you think my brother's plan will succeed?"

"You have to succeed, or it's all over. If he doesn't succeed, I'm afraid his plan will be known to all. At that time, it will attract attention and even suspect dad. "

Ye Nanxian thinks more and more far.

"Then what? This must succeed plan is to make my brother pay the price of bleeding. So much blood, I don't know how much it needs to flow. If you want to be doubted, unless you can find a lot of blood in my brother at the scene of the crime, but the blood in a person's body is limited. Even if the blood can be replenished by itself, it also needs time and buffer. I'm really afraid of... "

Why is Ye Nanxian not afraid?

Since Shen mange can think of these problems, Ling Qianyu must also think of them. His brows wrinkled tightly.

"I'll call Zhang Yin and ask her to make some blood tonic drugs. As long as Qianyu's side is implemented, I'll let Zhang Yin take over Qianyu. It's better to let Fang Ze arrange a place for Qianyu to recuperate."

Shen mange is worried about Zhang Yin.

"My mother was poisoned at the beginning, but she was diagnosed with cancer. This conclusion was given by Zhang Yin. I don't know if she's trustworthy. Nanxian, Qianyu and my mother are all my most important family members. I.... "

"I understand, but don't worry. I don't know how Zhang Yin used to be. I'll ask about my mother-in-law, but she will never betray me now."

What ye Nanxian said surprised Shen mange.

"Are you that confident?"

"It's not that I'm confident, it's that my brother has tricked her."

Ye Nanxian has never told anyone about it. Now Shen mange is worried about it, so he says it.

"Big brother Han Xichen?"


Ye Nanxian nodded.

"He also has your worries. He's afraid that Zhang Yin will follow me and have another plan, so he has tricked Zhang Yin. If she is really not loyal to me, she will die miserably."

Shen mange doesn't know much about insects, but since Ye Nanxian says so, Shen mange believes it.

"OK, let's move separately. I'll call my second brother and you'll call Zhang Yin to get everything ready."


The couple moved quickly.

This night is destined to be an extraordinary one.

At about 4:00 in the morning, the laboratory closed by LAN Chen was kicked open again. LAN Chen ran out in a frenzy, killed the guard of the guard, and ran all the way to the periphery of the black forest.

Huo Zhenfeng and Xiao AI get the news and chase them out, while Ling Qianyu also runs out in front of them.

"The researchers come with me with the tranquilizer!"

Ling Qianyu's words let researchers keep up with Ling Qianyu.

Xiao AI was a little worried and said, "why is the sleeping time so little this time? I woke up in two or three hours? "

Huo Zhenfeng's eyebrows are a little more dignified.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid LAN Chen can't control it."

"What about that?"

Xiao AI knows how much pressure Huo Zhenfeng has and can't help worrying.

"Bring back LAN Chen first."

All the people went out and were led out by LAN Chen.

Shen mange is left here because she is pregnant. Ye Zian is afraid that Shen mange is worried by herself and comes to accompany her.

"Mommy, don't worry. Uncle lanchen will be fine."

Although he was young, he knew it was beyond his ability. Now he only hoped that these words of comfort would be useful to Mommy.

Shen mange nodded, held Ye Zian in his arms, and said in a low voice: "with zi'an, Mommy is not afraid."But Shen mange's heart is always hanging.

It's a thrilling plan. If it fails, all of them will die.

Shen mange doesn't think that all the people here are Huo Zhenfeng's confidants.

Huo Zhenfeng has been trapped on Ye Zhiqiu's island for so many years. Where is his confidant and influence? I'm afraid all the people here are the people sent by the top to assist Huo Zhenfeng in his research.

So ye Nanxian is right. Today's plan must be successful.

Shen mange is waiting anxiously, and Fang Ze is also afraid to relax. He sends someone to find a secret residence to arrange for Ling Qianyu, but finds that no matter where the arrangement is, it can't be safe.

When the chief bodyguard saw that he was in such a hurry, he couldn't help saying, "Lord, I have an idea. I don't know if it can work?"

"Say it! As long as you do this well, I promise you a prosperous family

For Fong, nothing is more important than his family. His only remaining relatives are qingluan and Ling Qianyu. He is willing to let him hand over the title of Lord of the country.

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