"What are you yelling at? Shut up

The guard knocks the door across the door. The sound of the stick makes Chu Mengxi shrink involuntarily, and then quickly gets into Zhong suxue's arms.

"Help me, Ma! Get me out of here

See Chu Mengxi this appearance, Zhong suxue is very distressed.

She whispered, "listen to me. Here's a bottle of medicine that can make you temporarily insane. There will be a doctor coming to check you around eight tomorrow. Remember, drink it half an hour before that. This medicine can only last for two hours. You must hold on. Mengxi, as long as you can get out of here, mom will have a way to let you see the light again. Only when you get out of here can you do anything, you know? "

Chu Mengxi saw Zhong suxue give her a small bottle, psychological some uneasy.

"Mom, what kind of medicine is this? Will it do me any harm? "

"Don't worry. You were born to me. Will I hurt you? Think about Shen mange, think about your son. Do you really want to be a cheap son for Shen mange

"No! I don't want it! Ye Rui is mine! Ye Nanxian is also mine! The whole Ye family is mine

Chu Mengxi crazily hid the medicine.

She's desperate now.

Zhong suxue is right!

Only by getting out of here can she have hope.

Zhong suxue saw her like this, comfortingly patted her hand and said: "don't be afraid, I'm looking for the doctor who will come here tomorrow. No matter what she does to you, don't resist, just cooperate with it as much as possible."


Chu Mengxi has had enough of this place.

It's cold and humid at night. Although the guards outside won't do anything to her, she can't stand that attitude.

Zhong suxue still wanted to say something to Chu Mengxi, but the director outside knocked on the door and said in a low voice: "Mrs. Chu, you go quickly. If the people of Ye family know you are here, it's hard for me to explain."

"I see."

Zhong suxue looked at Chu Mengxi, the canthus of her eyes more or less moist.

"Mom will take you out tomorrow."

"I'll wait for you, mom, and I'll go out!"

Chu Mengxi has never been so helpless.

Zhong suxue left with her.

Chu Mengxi curled up in the corner like a child abandoned by northerners.

She never thought that she would stay here one day, and live a life worse than pigs and dogs. Shen mange gave all this to her.

Shen mange!

I will never let you go!

Chu Mengxi's eyes burst out a cold light.

Zhong suxue has just left here. Someone over there has uploaded the video and conversation in the room to Ye Nanxian.

It didn't even disturb anyone in the alert, including the security system.

Ye Nanxian looked at the conversation between their mother and daughter, and her eyes sank again.

It seems that Chu Mengxi doesn't know that ye Rui was poisoned. He has to let people know that.

He wants to see what Chu Mengxi can do for his son.

If Chu Mengxi really can be desperate for his son, maybe he will look at Ye Rui's face and open up to her.

Ye Nanxian thought so and called a person.

"Check who the doctor Zhong suxue is looking for, and pass the news that ye Rui's life is in danger of poisoning to Chu Mengxi, no matter by any means."


After hanging up, ye Nanxian stood by the window smoking.

As soon as he lit it, he remembered that Shen mange didn't like the smell of smoke on him. He subconsciously went out, but at the moment when he went out, he felt that he was too weak.

Why does Shen mange listen to her?

Ye Nanxian lit a cigarette again like a child, took a hard breath, but was choked and coughed.

He had to put out his cigarette and his chest was burning.

I know it's Zhao Ning's plot, but why doesn't Shen mange say she's not like that?

She told him that she was in trouble.

What kind of hardship can make her have another plan for him?

What Shen mange wanted most before was his heart and love of Ye Nanxian. Now he gave it to her without reservation, but she seemed to have something else to look for.

What does she want?

Want the whole Ye family?

Or Hengyu group?

This time, Shen mange came back as a designer of HJ group.

She has been with Tang Ziyuan for the past five years, and the Tang family has always wanted to develop ten nights abroad to China. Is Shen mange coming back for Tang Ziyuan?

At the thought of this possibility, ye Nanxian's psychology is even worse.His wife helps other men come back to calculate him and use him, which is really bad.

Ye Nanxian hit the windowsill with a fierce fist. His finger broke the skin and oozed blood, but he didn't feel pain.

If Shen mange had been around before, she would have scolded him for not cherishing himself.

But now even this kind of reprimand has become a soft sword, a little bit into his heart, let him some unbearable.

Naturally, Shen mange doesn't know how uncomfortable Ye Nanxian is. When she wants to call her cell phone again, her cell phone has been blacklisted again.

She couldn't help laughing bitterly.

At this time, ye Nanxian is really awkward.

She suddenly found that Shen Zian was the same way many times.

It's really a father and son!

Shen mange throws her cell phone aside, and Song Tao tells her that Zhong suxue has gone to visit the prison.

She sprang up and went downstairs.

"What's the difference?"

"No. Zhong suxue just went to the prison and did nothing else. "

Song Tao was surprised at this. Is Shen mange's guess wrong? Is everything just a coincidence?

Shen mange is also doubting himself.

But she didn't let her guard down.

"Keep watching. Report anything to me at any time."

"Yes, ma'am."

Song Tao went out to make arrangements.

Sister Liu cooked the meal and asked Shen mange to eat. Shen mange didn't have any appetite. Now it's strange that she can eat.

"I won't eat any more. Let Song Tao eat when he comes back."

Shen mange enters the bedroom again.

Her brain is in a mess, but now she can't do anything.

Zhao Ning does not let go, Chu Mengxi pretends to be a fool, and ye Rui suddenly has a problem. Is this a coincidence? Or is there a connection between them?

Shen mange couldn't figure it out.

Who did all this behind the scenes?

The more Shen mange thinks about it, the more confused he becomes, and the more confused he becomes.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

Shen mange thinks it's Ye Nanxian and answers it quickly.

"Nanxian, do you want to hear me explain?"

"What do you want to explain? Beauty, you really hurt my heart. I haven't heard from you these days. You don't know. Give me a call and ask if I'm dead? "

Song Wenqi said wrongly to Bala, with a thick nasal voice.

Shen mange is somewhat disappointed, but he also hears song Wenqi's illness.

"You have a cold?"

"Beauty finally remembered to ask me. Yes, I've caught a cold and got a very serious illness. I'm going to die. 1 "

" Song Wenqi, I'm bored now. I'm not in the mood to joke with you. "

If it is normal, Shen mange and song Wenqi play harmless jokes, but now, her head is full of Ye Nanxian's shadow, and she is helpless about the cold war between them. She is so anxious that she can't make a fuss with song Wenqi.

Song Wenqi hears Shen mange's irritability and asks anxiously, "what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing. If you are ill, have a good rest and drink more water. If you can't, go to the hospital. I'm a little busy here. I really don't have time to accompany you."

Shen mange knows that she is not good, but now she has no energy.

Song Wenqi recognized her fatigue and said in a low voice, "well, I'll take good care of my illness first. You'll be happy. When I get well, you'll invite me to dinner."


Shen mange's reply is perfunctory.

Song Wenqi is somewhat lonely, but he still doesn't want to make Shen mange uncomfortable, so he hangs up.

After hanging up the phone, Shen mange really feels that there is space in the room. The shadow of Ye Nanxian is everywhere, and his breath is everywhere. How can she not miss him?

But now ye Nanxian got into a dead end, and no one would listen to her. What should she do?

Shen man Ge sighed. When he turned on his mobile phone to watch the news, he found the news of the turmoil in the management of the down group.

What happened to Tang Ziyuan?

But why didn't he call himself?

Shen mange finds that he hasn't talked to Tang Ziyuan for a long time.

She felt so hateful.

Shen mange dials Tang Ziyuan, but the phone there hasn't been connected.

She was somewhat disturbed.

Shen mange calls the Secretary again.

"Secretary Zhang, what happened to Mr. Tang? What happened to the group? "

When the Secretary heard that it was Shen mange, he quickly said, "designer Shen, Mr. Tang is besieged by the board of directors. They said that Mr. Tang has been ignoring the company for personal reasons this year, and they want to replace Mr. Tang. ""What? Ziyuan does his best for HJ group. Why do they want to replace Ziyuan? "

Shen mange doesn't know that Tang Ziyuan is suffering such a battle without smoke of gunpowder, but she is not by his side.

The Secretary whispered, "designer Shen, don't you understand? If it wasn't for the parents of the Tang family, how could the board of directors target Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang is now under house arrest by the old lady of the Tang family, and all the communication equipment can't be contacted. But don't worry, Mr. Tang has already arranged for Miss Luo to take care of her every day. She will be fine. "

At this time, Tang Ziyuan is still thinking about Shen Luoluo. Shen mange is so moved.

"Why don't you tell me?"

"Mr. Tang doesn't want to talk about it. Mr. Tang says it's the business of the Tang family. You have a lot of things to do yourself. You can't trouble yourself any more. Besides, you still have a cooperation project with Hengyu group. No matter who the Tang family is, they dare not embarrass you. Mr. Tang said, "don't interfere, just do what you want to do."

The Secretary's words made Shen mange feel very uncomfortable.

Five years ago, if it wasn't for Tang Ziyuan, she and her children would have died long ago, but now they think that she let Tang Ziyuan be besieged by his family and bear the criticism that should not belong to him. How can she be so selfish?

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