Shen mange in a sunny afternoon suddenly began to have a stomachache, ye Nanxian whole people are nervous.

"Come on, come on, my wife is going to have a baby."

Ye Nanxian held Shen mange's hand tightly, and looked at her forehead sweating. Her face turned white with pain. She couldn't help saying, "no, mange, we're not born."

"Bah, what are you talking about? I'm nine months pregnant. When I get here, will you tell me that I won't have a baby? Ye Nanxian, you son of a bitch

Shen mange can only scold Ye Nanxian for her pain. It seems that only in this way can her pain be relieved.

Ye Nanxian doesn't care about these now. As long as his wife can relieve some pain, don't scold him. It's OK to beat him.

"What shall we do? What do I do now? You don't know how to deliver, do you? Is it hard to find a midwife for you now? "

The more Ye Nanxian said, the more outrageous he became.

Shen mange used to think that ye Nanxian was a person who had never changed his face after the collapse of Mount Tai. Now seeing him in a state of panic and tension, she suddenly felt that her spirit was broken.

"Ah! It's killing me! Ye Nanxian

Shen mange screams in pain. Ye Nanxian rushes forward, but Shen mange grabs her hair. Suddenly, ye Nanxian's facial expression is rich, but he doesn't dare move.

"Wife, wife, you shout, as long as you can relieve the pain."

Shen mange is really blind.

Mo Yunqing came first.

"Is it going to be born?"

"Yes, aunt Mo, what should I do? What can I do now? "

Ye Nanxian is totally out of control.

He never knew that a woman would give birth to a child like this. Now, with the company of these days, she clearly understands that it's not easy for a woman to get pregnant and give birth to a child. She can't help but cherish Shen mange more. However, he really can't help roaring at the sudden birth.

Mo Yunqing saw that ye Nanxian's nervous face turned white. He couldn't help laughing and said, "you don't have to do anything, just accompany mange."

"Come on, let him stay by himself. I'm afraid I'll faint before I give birth to him."

Shen mange panted and said, feeling the pain so fierce, more fierce than Sheng zi'an.

"How imaginative is the child? I feel like I can have it in the next second. The child began to go down

Shen mange's whole body is sweating.

Ye Nanxian saw that Shen mange's pain was like this, but he couldn't make any effort. He couldn't help being a little irritable.

"How can this make her not hurt?"

"Mr. Ye, this kind of time is a woman's pain. There is no way to relieve the pain of childbearing. The pain of giving birth to a child is equivalent to the pain of breaking ten ribs at the same time, but the woman has endured it. A woman will give birth to your men with her life. "

Mo Yunqing's words make ye Nanxian's eyes red and his nose sour.

"If I had known this, I couldn't have..."

"Shut up

Shen mange knew that ye Nanxian had to say that he had known so well. He couldn't have had the child at the beginning, but the child was about to be born. He, as a father, still said such words. What would he do if the baby heard him?

Ye Nanxian was scared by Shen mange's cold drink, and he didn't dare to say anything more. He quickly shut up, but he was still worried.

"Take Yunfu to the car and let's go to the hospital."

Familiar voice rings out, ye Nanxian and Shen mange are Leng for a while, see Bai Zitong push the door to come in.

"How is it? How are you feeling? "

Shen mange hasn't seen Bai Zitong for nearly a year. It's exciting to see her now.

"Not so good. I feel like the baby is starting to go down."

Although Shen mange was excited, it hurt. She was almost crying.

Bai Zitong held her hand tightly and said in a low voice, "don't be nervous. I'll deliver you."


Shen mange is a bit surprised. After all, she is still in the quarantine period with Ye Nanxian. She thought she would have a baby here too. Unexpectedly, Bai Zitong is here. Besides that, there are many nurses behind her.

Bai Zitong quickly gave Shen mange a check and said, "I've already had two fingers. The second child is born very quickly. It's estimated that it will be born soon. Man GE's first baby is a caesarean section, and it's a scar constitution. Normally, this baby should also have a caesarean section, but now it depends on the situation. The child wants to give birth naturally, so I need Ye Nanxian to follow me to the hospital. If you can, let him accompany me to give birth. "

Bai Zitong said it quickly, and Mo Yunqing immediately began to make a report.

Ye Nanxian has been holding Shen mange's hand, feeling that her palm is wet, and the helplessness of watching his wife's pain but there is no way to replace it makes him worry.

Bai Zitong is the president of the hospital of the military region. Now he takes over Shen mange's production, which is not to blame. When Zhan Yi learns about this situation, he immediately informs Huo Zhenxuan. Huo's family, Xiao's father and Zhan Yi jointly report to the higher authorities for instructions.Master Mo frowned and did not speak.

The ink pool opened the door and came in directly.

"Come in, don't you know how to knock? Now there's no rules? "

There was a trace of severity at the bottom of master Mo's eyes.

Mo Chi looked at him lazily and said faintly, "sign. It's a big deal to have a baby. Besides, the Ye family, the Huo family and the Xiao family have paid so much. Are you going to chill their hearts? "

"What nonsense! Ling Qianyu's life and death have not been understood. Don't you know the importance of this? "

Master Mo's voice suddenly rose.

Mochi calmly said: "is life or death that important? Life or death, what do you think the Huo family will do to us? The old general of the Huo family died in battle, and two of the four sons of the Huo family were defeated. The Xiao family's achievements are outstanding. How many battles did the Xiao family fight? And the Cham family, these merits are not enough to replace Ling Qianyu? "

That's a bit sharp.

Master Mo's eyes suddenly became cold.

"In his position, Ling Qianyu is in charge of his politics."

"He's dead! It's been almost a year since I died! What are you looking for? What do you expect? Just for a dead man, do you want to stop Shen mange from having a baby? Shen mange is not in good health. When she gave birth to zi'an, she fell ill. In fact, she is not suitable for pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, I heard from Sunan that Shen mange still has scar constitution. If she gives birth naturally, she will die. You'd better think clearly, if Shen mange has a mistake, what will ye's family, Huo's family, Xiao's family, Zhan's family, and even Su's family, and the power behind Liang Shaojing do. "

Mochi's words made him very uncomfortable.

"Are you threatening me? Or is that what they mean? "

"I mean. Your seat will be handed to me sooner or later. I don't want you to cause me any mess. These people were all my help, but now if your decision makes them my hostility and resistance, I don't think it's a good thing for me. "

Mo Chi coldly said, did not hide his ambition for that seat.

The mo old son is tiny a Leng, immediately tiny Yi Mou son.

"You are so confident that I will pass this seat to you? Our country is not hereditary. You are too arrogant. "

"You don't have to worry about that. But you can't deny that with these help, I have a great chance of winning. "

Mochi's words made Mr. Mo feel thoughtful.

At this time, Mo Yunqing called again.

"Brother, if I had not had Ye Nanxian and Shen mange, I would have died long ago. Maybe my life and death had no influence on Mohism, but I hope that my brother would have paid me back for the sake of our milking compatriots, OK?"

My sister said so, and master Mo finally nodded.

"All right, send them to the hospital for production, and remove their quarantine. This is the end of Ling Qianyu's business. But you still need to send someone to make a secret investigation. In case he's still alive, it's best to recruit him as a confidant. "

"I see."

Mochi went out with a cold sweat on his back.

This is a game, with their own future and career to do the game, fortunately, he won.

Ink pool quickly to Mo Yunqing to the phone.

"Aunt, it's not convenient for me to go there. Take good care of them for me. Call me whenever you need anything


After Mo Yunqing hangs up, Shen mange's pain accelerates again, and Bai Zitong is sweating.

"Your quarantine is over. From now on, you are free."

When Mo Yunqing said this, Shen mange cried directly.

"It's over. It's over at last."

Ye Nanxian only cares about Shen mange's body.

"Can I go to the hospital now? Come on, my wife can't hold on. "

Bai Zitong quickly sent for a stretcher and sent Shen mange to the ambulance.

Ye Nanxian holds Shen mange's hand, listening to her cry, the whole person is about to faint.

Bai Zitong has been pacifying Shen mange.

When they arrived at the military hospital, they were directly pushed into the delivery room by Bai Zitong.

Shen mange wants Ye Nanxian to stay outside, but ye insists on accompanying him, and Bai Zitong doesn't stop him.

Originally, Shen mange was going to say something, but a new wave of pain made her unable to speak any more.

"Come on, get ready. The pregnant woman may be giving birth soon."

Bai Zitong checked Shen mange and found that Shen mange had opened six fingers in a short time, and the child's body was in the basin.

She quickly put on sterile gloves and began to help Shen mange, but the child seemed to be stuck in the pelvis, and the situation was in danger.

Shen mange was so painful that he wanted to faint directly, and his face was even more pale and terrible.Ye Nanxian has no master.

Even in the face of hundreds of millions of contracts, he is not nervous now.

"What happened to Zitong? Man song doesn't look very good. "

Bai Zitong looks at Shen mange like this. Now it's too late to use the knife. She ponders for a moment and says to Shen mange, "mange, I need to put my hand in to help you. Can you help me?"

Shen mange is slightly stunned.

"What do you mean?"

Is that what she meant?

The trough!

Can't it be true?

Just when Shen mange was in a daze, Bai Zitong stretched out his hand directly and went in from below. Ye Nanxian's eyes suddenly widened. It was as if he had been pointed. He even forgot to breathe.

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