Although Tang Ziyuan was a little lonely when he came in, his handmade Italian suit still gave a clue to the sharp eyed women.

"Oh, sir, is this your first time? Would you like a drink or a single room? I'll take you

woman's pungent perfume reminds Tang Ziyuan of Shen Shen Song again.

But Shen always has a kind of unique fragrance.

"Go away!"

Tang Ziyuan pushed her away and came to the bar alone.

Seeing that Miss sang had been pushed away, her mother hurried forward to greet her.

"This is the first time, sir? It's noisy outside. Why don't I give you a single room? You can drink or play, and your privacy is also very strong. I think your husband should be a person with a head and a face. It's not good to make any news outside, sir. What do you say

Mom sang is really good at talking.

Tang Ziyuan is not familiar with this place either. When hearing what his mother sang said, he thought about it and said, "find me a more remote single room. The more remote the better. As long as no one bothers me, I won't lose your money."

"Come on! This way, sir. We have a remote single room on the first floor. It's close to the basement. There's usually no one to go there. You can go there. "

"Let's go."

Tang Ziyuan just wants to find a place to stay well, whether it's drinking or licking the wound alone. He doesn't want anyone to see his vulnerability.

All his pride is defeated in front of Shen mange. He doesn't want to let others see his embarrassment.

Mother sang is used to seeing too many people, such as Tang Ziyuan. At first sight, she was hurt by her love and came here to get drunk. She didn't want to be disturbed, so she quickly took Tang Ziyuan to a remote private room.

"Do you need special service, sir?"

Mother sang didn't forget her job and asked.

"No, get out of here! No one is allowed to come in without my permission

Tang Ziyuan threw out the dollars in his wallet.

Seeing that Tang Ziyuan was so generous, his mother sang went out with the money.

Tang Ziyuan looks at the decoration here. Although it is luxurious, it can also make people feel happy.

Spending money to get drunk is the most ridiculous thing he has ever done in his life, but so what? Who cares?

Shen mange is probably living happily with his son in Haicheng now.

The more he thought about it, the more miserable Tang Ziyuan was.

The waiter brought in the wine.

"Sir, this is the wine you want. If you finish it, we'll give it to you as long as you ring the bell at hand."

"I see. Get out."

The waiter went out.

Tang Ziyuan opened the wine bottle by himself, and he couldn't use the cup. There was no one here. Who would you like to show him elegant?

He looked up and poured a bottle of XO into his mouth.

The pungent feeling stimulated his taste buds, which made Tang Ziyuan feel unbearable, but he felt very refreshing.

He drank bottle after bottle, but he heard the woman's cry in a trance.

The voice is so familiar, it's a bit like Shen mange's voice.

Tang Ziyuan felt that he was really possessed.

Shen mange is now in Haicheng with her children. How can she be here?

He picked up a bottle of wine again and poured it into his mouth. The sound outside became more intense.

Tang Ziyuan was slightly stunned.

Why is the sound so similar?

He couldn't help but get up and open the door of the private room. The sound came from the basement next door.

Because I called the door of the private room, I heard it more clearly.

Who is that cry, not Shen mange?

In the past five years, Tang Ziyuan has been too familiar with Shen mange's voice.

Is Shen mange here?

Tang Ziyuan suddenly dropped the wine bottle and walked quickly towards the basement.

There was a guard at the door of the basement. Seeing Tang Ziyuan coming, he was full of wine. He thought he was going to the wrong place. He quickly stopped Tang Ziyuan and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, you're going to the wrong place. This is our basement. Your private room should go that way."

Tang Ziyuan was stopped.

Now his brain is very clear, and the shouting inside comes again. It seems that he is subject to criminal law again.

Tang Ziyuan was so anxious that he asked, "what's the sound? Crying and howling? What kind of service is there? "

The so-called kind of service refers to the more abnormal kind.

As soon as the gatekeeper heard that Tang Ziyuan was an expert, he quickly said with a smile, "Hey, what kind of service is there? These are all new people who bought them from China. They don't obey the discipline and are locked up here to teach them a lesson. Only when they are obedient can they come out to receive customers and sell money, right? "Tang Ziyuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Lesson? How to teach? Are you guys the first to taste it

"How can that be! We dare not touch the goods when they arrive. We have to rely on them to make money. No, there's a beautiful one inside. It's said that she's disobedient. She was sold to us by her mother-in-law. At first, she thought she was dumb and speechless, but she lost her voice temporarily. This beat down, listen to the sound, just listen to enough people ecstatic. If you are interested, please come here tomorrow. We are going to bid here. The one with the highest price will win! "

The gatekeeper talked endlessly with Tang Ziyuan.

Tang Ziyuan was very worried and said, "let me go in and have a look. If it's a beautiful one, I'll be worth coming tomorrow. But if it's an ugly one, I'm not blind."

"It's absolutely beautiful, sir. Don't worry!"

"If you say it's beautiful, it doesn't mean I'll be beautiful when I see it. Let me have a look. I won't hinder you. I'll have a look. If it's really good, I can't do without your benefits."

Tang Ziyuan took out a stack of dollars from his pocket and handed them to him.

When the goalkeeper saw so many dollars, his eyes became straight.

"Yes, sir. Just have a look, and don't get involved in it. Don't worry. We've been in this business for so many years. We know what hurts the most when we hit people. We can't damage our appearance and lose our capital. Don't worry. You can't fight to death. It's painful and you dare not move all night. "

The more the doorman said that, the more anxious Tang Ziyuan was.

"Hurry up, let me see clearly, so that I can go back and prepare the money."

"Cheng Cheng, this way, sir!"

The gatekeeper looked around and found that no one paid attention to this side. Then he opened the door of the basement and let Tang Ziyuan in.

As soon as I opened the door, a bloody smell came.

The sight of the dungeon is not very good, but Tang Ziyuan can see that there are several pillars in the basement, on which women are bound, all kinds of them. In front of them, there was a big man with a whip dipping in the water basin to beat them.

The bright red blood soaked their clothes, making people look startling, shouting is one after another.

The whip throwers laughed and said, "cool? I tell you, tomorrow I'll give you a good performance. If any childe takes a fancy to you and buys you, it's your good fortune. If you are despised by others, you have to go out to meet me when you come back! Otherwise, I'll beat you every day. If I can't beat you to death, I'll make your skin open. I can't beat you to death! If you come here, you will accept your fate! No matter who you used to be, what identity, here is only one identity, that is goods! We bought you from home at a high price. If you don't make enough money for me, I will never let you die! "


As soon as the man finished, a woman spat on his face.

"Kill me! I'll tell you, I'll never let you kill me! "

The woman's voice has been hoarse, the whole body is scarred, little blood drops along the body drop by drop in the feet, has gathered a lot of blood.

Tang Ziyuan's heart suddenly tightened.

That's not Shen mange. Who is it!

Why is she here?

As soon as Tang Ziyuan wanted to step forward, the man slapped Shen mange in the face and said, "Stinky bitch, your mouth is very hard. Believe it or not, I'll be on you now! "

"Stop it

Tang Ziyuan suddenly made a sound and woke everyone up.

Shen mange suddenly looked up and saw Tang Ziyuan standing at the door of the dungeon looking at her.

She never expected to meet Tang Ziyuan here.

Is this God's favor for her?

So she's in America now?

Shen mange was a little happy. Her eyes were filled with tears. As soon as she was about to say something, she heard Tang Ziyuan say, "you beat her up. Tomorrow, it won't sell at a good price. I like this woman, and I like it very much. No matter what the price is tomorrow, I'll take it. From now on, you can't hit her again. If I see where she's hurt tomorrow, don't open your shop! "

"Who are you? How did you get in? George, you're bringing people in again

The whipping man yelled at the gatekeeper, George.

George scratched his head a little embarrassed and said, "boss, they are customers. Don't I get them in advance?"

"Fart! Do these girls still need to solicit visitors? Are you stupid? "

No matter what they said, Tang Ziyuan looked at Shen mange with a trace of worry and eagerness, but said harshly: "I say again, don't beat her, do you hear me?"

"Who are you? Dare you command me like this? Do you know I'm very famous in this area. My name is... ""I'm Tang Ziyuan! As long as you want to stay in the United States, be obedient to me. If I see another scar on her body tomorrow, don't blame me for being rude. "

Tang Ziyuan directly revealed his identity.

As soon as the other party heard Tang Ziyuan's name, it immediately withered.

"Tang, general manager Tang?"

"Do you hear me?"

"Yes, yes! Promise not to fight. I'm staring at Mr. Tang. You'll come to meet me tomorrow. "

After all, who dares to offend the Tang family.

Looking at Shen mange, Tang Ziyuan said painfully, "wait for me, I'll come and take you tomorrow."

Shen mange nodded.

Every time she was most embarrassed, Tang Ziyuan appeared in front of her. How could she repay this kindness!

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