"From now on, you'd better pray that mange can come back safely, otherwise..."

The following words Ye Nanxian didn't say, but it shocked Zhang Ma a lot.

"Why? She's just a woman! Besides, I didn't love her five years ago? She's the one who pesters you. The woman you like is not her, isn't she? Now she's just having plastic surgery. It's better than before. Do you like it? This kind of liking is superficial

Zhang Ma is not willing to clamor.

Ye Nanxian turned to look at her and said, "five years ago, I didn't know how to love, and I thought I didn't love her, but when I learned that she was pregnant with my child, do you know how happy I was? Did you know that I almost followed her when I knew that she was buried in the sea of fire? Some love, perhaps love at first sight, but there is also a kind of love, called a long time. My heart is not made of iron. Every night when I come back late, she is waiting for me. When I was drunk, she took care of me without sleep. I don't know when to start. I began to like her following my steps. I began to like to see her. As long as I see her, I feel peaceful in my heart, and I feel very happy alive. "

"But the fire five years ago took her away. I know there is something strange about it, but I can't find out. I always feel that someone is interfering with me, but I can't find the direction. In the past five years, if it wasn't for the purpose of investigating and dealing with a result, I might have been gone for a long time. But I never thought that you were the one who organized all this! Maybe that big fire five years ago has something to do with you, right? Five years ago, you were so kind to her. I always thought you liked her, but why are you so cruel now? Why? "

Ye Nanxian's question made Zhang Ma a little unbearable.

"Everything I do is for you. Five years ago, you didn't love him, but she was pestering you. What can I do? I can only help you get rid of her, but she has deep love for you. If you just let her leave here, she will surely come back to pester you! At that time, Chu Mengxi was pregnant with a child from the south. This child is the last blood in the south. For this blood, I can't let Shen mange occupy the position of young lady of Ye family! "

Zhang Ma's words hurt Ye Nanxian's heart.

So that's the truth.

It turned out that he had harmed Shen mange and the children!

Ye Nanxian burst out laughing.

"This is your love for me and the south! But what are you doing? Just because you are our nurse, can you decide everything for us? You're just a wet nurse, you're not our mother! Even our mother won't interfere in our affairs. How old are you? "

Ye Nanxian didn't want to hurt people so much, but he couldn't help it.

Zhang Ma's thought is just amazing.

What do you mean for his good, for the good of the south? After all, what is she?

Zhang Ma was shocked by Ye Nanxian's words, her face was pale and her body was tottering.

"Who are you? Ye Nanxian, I tell you, without me, there would never be you and the south in the world! "

"You take yourself seriously. I don't have time to talk to you now. Song Tao, take the people down to me and take good care of them. If you can't, send them to Huo's house and ask Huo Shao to take care of them. I'll find out who is her in Ye's house! In addition, book me a ticket to the United States, I will fly to the United States soon

Ye Nanxian said coldly, turned and left.

Song Tao quickly came in and controlled Zhang ma.

Zhang Ma is still struggling.

"You can't go! Are you out of you mind? How can you go to America when your body is like this now? Even if you have done it, no woman is clean. What do you want an unclean woman to do? "

"Bang", ye Nanxian's fist directly rubbed Zhang Ma's ear, hit the wall behind her, and the red blood oozed out of his fingers.

He said coldly: "even if she is unbearable, she is cleaner than you!"

"You will regret it! You'll regret what you did to me! "

Zhang Ma struggles, but she is still stuck by Song Tao.

Ye Nanxian did not dare to delay for a moment, quickly changed his clothes and rushed back to the United States for the first time.

Jet lag can not be reversed, ye Nanxian can only let Song Tao tell all the news to Huo Zhenting, hope Huo Zhenting help.

Song Wenqi heard that ye Nanxian had gone to the United States. He had planned to go together, but the news came from the temporary sanatorium that his mother had committed suicide!

He went to the sanatorium nonstop.

When ye Nanxian returned to the United States, his body was already overdrawn, but he did not dare to delay, nor could he delay. He quickly ran to the fallen heaven, but he was still a step late after all.

"I'm sorry, sir. Our auction is over."

After being told that this was the result, ye Nanxian almost went crazy.

"Who bought Shen mange? This is the woman! Tell me who bought her and I'll give her whatever it costs. "

Ye Nanxian takes out his mobile phone like crazy and tunes out the photo of Shen mange.

George looked at the picture and was surprised, but quickly covered up the past.In America, he didn't have the courage to offend Tang Ziyuan.

"I'm sorry, sir. We don't have such a woman here. Even if we do, we can't disclose the privacy of our guests. Please go back."

"Would you please tell me? I'll give you whatever you want! "

This is not Haicheng. Ye Nanxian gave all his money to George.

Seeing so much money, George was naturally excited, but he didn't dare to offend Tang Ziyuan. He just looked around and said, "it's an African oil tycoon who bought this woman. I don't know the details."


Ye Nanxian felt that the sky was spinning.

How could it be Africa?

If Shen mange is really taken to Africa, how can he find it?

After days of running and super intense flight, he finally couldn't support it and fainted in the dark.

The little nurse found Ye Nanxian and took him back to the hospital.

On the other hand, Tang Ziyuan went to the fallen heaven with a mask and bought Shen mange for 100 million at the auction.

When Shen mange learns that it's Tang Ziyuan, her whole heart is down, and she faints because of the tiredness and injuries she's had all day.

Tang Ziyuan took her away, took her to a place nobody knew and hid her.

When Shen mange wakes up, she finds herself in a strange environment. She wants to lift the quilt and get out of bed, but finds that her hands and feet are tied to the bed and can't move.

What's going on?

Shen mange was shocked.

Her memory has some faults, headache for a long time to the street.

She remembers that she was beaten. It was Tang Ziyuan who saved her and bought her at the auction the next day.

But how could Tang Ziyuan do this to her?

He's so gentlemanly, so beautiful, how could he tie her to the bed?


There must be something wrong!

Shen mange's voice is burning, even hoarse. She wants to shout, but she can't yell out. She is wet all over, especially uncomfortable.

The sound of footsteps finally came to mind outside.

Shen mange quickly closed his eyes and didn't wake up.

The door is gently opened, and the familiar sound of footsteps makes Shen mange's psychological doubts deeper.

This is clearly the footstep of Tang Ziyuan.

She's been familiar with it for five years.

But why?

Shen mange didn't know, but still closed his eyes.

Tang Ziyuan came to Shen mange and sat by the bed. Looking at Shen mange's sleeping, he sighed and said, "haven't you woken up yet? It seems that I have suffered too much along the way. But don't worry. From now on, I won't let you suffer any more. "

His hand gently stroked Shen mange's face, sketching her outline a little bit.

Shen mange suddenly opens his eyes, and what comes into his eyes is Tang Ziyuan's affectionate eyes.

She was stunned.

Is it really him?

Tang Ziyuan, however, was not frightened and laughed very gently.

"Awake? Do you feel a little hungry? The doctor said, you can't drink water, you can only moisten your lips gently. I've brought the best water, and I've also brought a cotton swab. Well behaved, bear with it, and it will be OK for a while. "

Tang Ziyuan said, gently dipping a cotton stick with some water, and then gently applying it on Shen mange's lips.

She felt that her dry lips were a little bit moist, which also made her fresh, but the state of her hands and feet tied made her very uncomfortable.

"Ziyuan, what are you doing with me?"

Shen mange asked hoarsely.

But Tang Ziyuan said with a smile: "don't worry, I tied you with the best silk in the world. I can't hurt you. You have a lot of injuries. The doctor said you need to rest. I'm afraid that you will hurt too much when I give you medicine, so I have to do it. When you're better, I'll let you go. "

His eyes are so gentle, like Shen mange is his favorite woman in general.

Shen mange struggles.

"Let go of me, I can't stay here, Ziyuan. I know you saved me again, and I owe you again. I will repay you for this kindness, but now I really can't be here. Ye Nanxian didn't know that I was sold here. He might be mad. And my son is missing now. I have to go back to Haicheng! Ziyuan, will you let me go back? "

Shen mange, ye Nanxian and Shen Zian, had deep eyes on Tang Ziyuan.

"Well behaved, you need to take good care of your body now. Everything will wait until you are well."

"Ziyuan, Zian is in danger now. I want to go back! Let go of me

Shen mange can't stay at all.

All her thoughts are on Shen Zian and ye Nanxian.If ye Nanxian knew that she was missing, he didn't know how to worry.

Zi'an has gone missing. Now she has an accident. How can ye Nanxian face it alone?

Shen mange's anxious appearance deeply stimulates Tang Ziyuan.

He threw the chopsticks to the ground and made a clear sound.

"Ye Nanxian, ye Nanxian! Is Ye Nanxian the only man in your mind now? Shen mange, you have to make it clear that five years ago, I rescued you from the sea of fire, gave you a life, and even let you give birth to two wild species. Don't you know what I've done to them in the past five years? Now I have saved you from the devil's den. Why do you only have ye Nanxian in your heart? Where did you put me, Tang Ziyuan? "

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