Luoluo soon fell asleep.

Ye Nanxian covers her quilt, and then quietly leaves the ward. He sees Ye Rui standing in front of the window of the corridor, secretly wiping tears.

He sighed and came to Ye Rui to pick him up.

"Think of zi'an again?"

Ye Nanxian's words make ye Rui cry on his shoulder.

"Daddy, do you think the boss will come back? Where did he go? Why is there no news at all? There are so many channels in our Ye family, why can't we find out where his information is? I'm so afraid, daddy. What if the boss doesn't come back? "

Ye Nanxian's nose is sour.

He pressed Ye Rui's head tightly on his shoulder, and his eyes were moist.

"No, zi'an will be fine. He will come back one day."

"But I miss him so much. Luoluo's sister is going to have an operation. The boss is always concerned about her illness. Why doesn't he come back at this time? "

Ye Rui's weeping little body was shaking.

Since Shen Zian's disappearance, ye Rui seems to have changed his personality. Apart from smiling in front of Shen Luoluo, he makes people feel sad at other times.

Ye Nanxian's psychology is very bad, but he can only comfort him and say: "when Luo Luo's illness is cured, let's go to find zi'an together. Don't cry. You are the big brother. You must believe that zi'an will come back. I believe miracles will happen. God will not be so cruel. "

He doesn't know whether he is talking to Ye Rui or comforting himself. At present, this kind of feeble feeling really drives him crazy.

Ye Rui cried on Ye Nanxian's shoulder for a while and then fell asleep.

After the child came to the United States, he didn't have a good rest. He always worried about the depression and strained his heart too tightly. Now after venting, he was exhausted and gradually went to sleep.

Ye Nanxian takes him back to the ward and covers the quilt with Luoluo.

At this time, the doctor gave Ye Nanxian the news.

"Mr. Ye, I have something to discuss with you."

"Is it about falling?"

Ye Nanxian's heart suddenly tightened.

The doctor nodded.

Ye Nanxian asked the bodyguard to take care of the two children, and then he followed the doctor into his office.

The doctor said that the door was closed and handed a copy of the information to Ye Nanxian.

"What is this?"

"This is the voluntary letter of kidney donation we received a few days ago, and the other party has sent her own bone marrow matching. The other party has repeatedly stressed that you are not allowed to donate your kidney, but we have checked that her matching is not appropriate."

The doctor's words made the whole person of Ye Nanxian feel stunned.

"Who is it?"

The doctor shook his head and said: "the other party's identity is very mysterious, but it seems to have a very strong background. I don't have the qualification to investigate, but the other party has been emphasizing that you are not allowed to operate. I wonder if it will be your relatives or friends?"

Ye Nanxian was stunned.

Who's going to stop him from having surgery?

He thought of his mother for the first time, but he thought about it carefully. In order to obtain evidence, he called Huo Zhenting. The news was that his mother was swearing, saying why she wanted to donate kidneys to strangers.

Ye Nanxian frowned again.

Since it's not Zhang Ma, who else can it be?

He opened the consent to donate the operation, but was silenced by the signature on it.

It's his mother, Mrs. Shen!

Ye Nanxian was shocked beyond comparison.

He always felt that old lady Shen didn't agree with him and Shen mange, and even didn't say much about Shen Zian's disappearance. He didn't expect that she would donate her kidney for Shen Luoluo's illness.

Ye Nanxian's eyes suddenly a little wet.

It seems that his mother knows his every move.

"I see, doctor. I'll go out and make a phone call."

Ye Nanxian's mood is somewhat unstable.

The doctor nodded and called Mrs. Shen after going out.

The phone answered quickly, and there was a lot of noise around, as if old lady Shen was outside.


After ye Nanxian called out the word, he suddenly wanted to cry.

He is not a coward. On the way of his relationship with Shen mange, he always feels that he is carrying a heavy load. No one around him understands him, and no one agrees with him. He always feels that he is walking alone. But now when he learns about Mrs. Shen's behavior, he suddenly thinks that he is a little vulnerable as a child.

His voice trembled violently, even with an imperceptible cry.

Old lady Shen sighed and said, "how old are you? They're all the fathers of the children. Why are they still so childish? "

"Thank you, mom."Ye Nanxian knows that mother and son don't have to be separated in this way, but over the years, ye Nanxian and his mother have not been very close to each other. Especially after ye Nanfang was driven out of the house by his mother, he suffered misfortune, and he was even more disgusted with his mother. Now hearing his mother's action, ye Nanxian feels that he is unfilial.

Mrs. Shen should be the one who suffered the most from ye NanFang's death, but he has been blaming her all the time.

The old lady's eyes were moist.

"Son and mother have nothing to thank. Mom is so old. In fact, the time when she really makes the decision for you is over. You've all grown up. Both you and the South have their own ideas. Over the years, I've been thinking, if you didn't drive the south out of the house because of that, is the South still alive? Fortunately, it's good to call my mother by my side. "

"Mom, stop it. It's all over. The South has never complained about you."

"But I blame myself! That's my son! So many years, I have been running away, I dare not go back, dare not return home, even dare not think of you, but I still can't help thinking. I'm sorry for the south. Life on your side is a mess, but I don't know what to do. When you married Shen mange, I didn't agree. I think the relationship is between two people. Although Shen mange loves you, you don't have her in your heart. Such a marriage is unfair to you. But if you insist on marrying, mom won't say anything. But after five years of marriage, you didn't let yourself understand your heart until the fire took everything and you. Do you know how sad mom is? I also want to go back to accompany you, but you don't need me. When I was a child, my mother was busy with the affairs of the group and left you to Zhang ma. When I grew up, I didn't need to intervene in the affairs of the group. I sadly found that you didn't even need me. "

"You always respectfully call mother to me. You never take the initiative to tell me what you need and what you want, but you tell mother Zhang everything. You make my biological mother feel that I am an outsider in the Ye family. After a lifetime of hard work, my son, who was born in October, became a stranger to me. I dare not stay at home, nor can I. But that doesn't mean I don't love you or the children. When I learned that Zian was your son, I even bought the best toys for him and wanted to send them back, but I was afraid that you didn't want them at all. I had known that the child would be like this. I would have handed him the toy if I had said anything. Now he doesn't even see my grandmother. "

Mrs. Ye suddenly choked and couldn't speak.

Ye Nanxian's heart is aching.

"No, Ma, I don't have a problem with you. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

Ye Nanxian's words made old lady Shen more excited.

"You never tell me anything, only about mother Zhang. I don't have to protect her. I just feel that in your heart, she may have replaced me as a mother. I'm not as sad as you. I don't want you to be embarrassed. Besides, everything she does is for your own good. She won't harm you. That's why I let her go. In the matter of Shen mange, it's my mother's fault. My mother didn't understand your mind at the first time. She knew that you had to be her. But my grandson, my mother, is in a bad mood. "

Mrs. Ye was sobbing.

Ye Nanxian never talked to his mother like this, and he didn't know that his mother's psychology would be like this. He choked and said, "Mom, I will get zi'an back. I will."

"Ma believes you, but you have to listen to Ma when it comes down. Mom is so old that she has already lived enough. It's nothing to give her a kidney, but you are still young. You still have a lot of ways to go. Listen to mom. Don't fight with her this time. Just let mom fight for my granddaughter. "

Mrs. Ye dried her tears, took a deep breath and said, "you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. You need to look for Shen mange, your son and your daughter. How can you have so much energy? Mom may be old now, so she wants to go back home to see you. She wants to have a lot of children and grandchildren. In the future, even if you drive mom away, she won't leave. "

"No, you will always be my mother. How can I drive you away?"

Ye Nanxian felt that her heart was suddenly warm, and the maternal love she had lost for so many years seemed to be suddenly filled.

Never lost, just he never knew.

After a few words with Mrs. ye, ye Nanxian said in a low voice: "Mom, it's not that I want to compete with you, it's that your matching is not suitable. So far, only I and Luoluo's matching is suitable, so my son can't escape."

"How can it be? I'm her grandmother

Obviously, Mrs. ye can't accept the news, and her voice can't help but improve.

Ye Nan Xian comforted and said: "Mom, not all relatives are suitable for matching."

"But mom doesn't want to look at you..."

"I'm a father, too, Ma. I feel the same about falling as you do about me. "

Ye Nanxian's words finally made Mrs. Ye collapse.

She took the phone and began to cry.

"Why not me? Why is my match different? Why? "Ye Nanxian feels sour and bitter, but she has to comfort Mrs. Ye. After a while, she stabilizes and asks Ye Nanxian to take good care of herself. The two hang up.

After a little recovery, ye Nanxian returned to the doctor's office.

"Doctor, take it as if it didn't happen. I'm still going to have surgery with Luoluo."

Ye Nanxian light said, but the doctor gave Ye Nanxian a report, let Ye Nanxian eyes suddenly narrowed a few minutes.

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