Ye Rui is held in his arms by Shen mange, and he is crying fiercely.

He missed his mommy.

But Mommy is a bad guy!

Even more let the boss disappeared, now life and death, whereabouts unknown. He doesn't dare to mention mummy's name or think about her. He's afraid that he's sorry for the boss. But now facing Shen mange's tolerance, ye Rui doesn't know how to express his mind. He just feels aggrieved and wants to cry.

"Auntie, daddy must hate my mommy, right? I dare not mention it. I know she is a villain, but I miss her so much

Ye Rui is crying.

These days since the strong pretend, at this moment completely disintegrated.

Shen mange hates Chu Mengxi very much.

Without Chu Mengxi, Shen Zian couldn't have disappeared, and she couldn't have come back so long. But Chu Mengxi is Chu Mengxi, and ye Rui is Ye Rui.

In Shen mange's mind, ye Rui and Shen Zian are both four year olds.

The child is innocent, not to mention that he treats Shen Zian so sincerely. For Shen Zian's sake, he even does not hesitate to fight his own mother.

How can Shen mange criticize such a disposition?

No one can choose their parents, can't they?

Shen mange patted Ye Rui's back and said softly, "she has brought you life and brought you to this world. She is your mother and guide. You don't have to forget her. No matter what she did, she didn't lose the responsibility of being a mother to you, which is enough for you to remember him for a lifetime. Ye Rui, no matter whether she is good or bad, what she has done to zi'an and me, and even to others, you just need to remember that she is your mommy. Now she is no longer here. When people die and the lights go out, a lot of gratitude and resentment will dissipate. You can miss her, you can miss her, which is not in conflict with your friendly treatment of me, zi'an and Luo Luo. No need to blame yourself, no need to feel guilty, after all, it's not you who do wrong. Even if she is your mother, you don't have to atone for her fault. You are still a child. You should have your own childhood and grow up well. You just need to remember her kindness. "

Hear Shen mange say these, ye Rui some sob of rise.

"Auntie, don't you hate her?"

"Hate. Because of her, I've lost my son now. Because of her, my family is a mess. But ye Rui, as I said, if you are not her, I will not be angry. Even when I see you, I think of zi'an. If you like, I will be your mommy in the future, and I will treat you like Zian. "


Ye Rui's eyes look at Shen mange straightly, there is unspeakable desire and suffering in it.

"Of course."

Shen mange reaches out his hand and gently wipes Ye Rui's tears.

The child touched her too much, and he was kind-hearted. Just seeing his heart for Shen Zian is enough to let Shen mange treat him with his heart.


Ye Rui pours into Shen mange's arms and cries.

"The boss said let me take good care of you and be filial to you for him. The boss asked me to protect my sister. I can do it. Really, I can do it. These days I work very hard to learn skills with instructor Yan, I can't let you and your sister encounter danger again. But I really miss the boss. The boss will come back, right? He will come back for sure! He's my boss! He won't leave us alone! I'll call you mommy for the boss. As long as the boss doesn't come back one day, I'll be your son one day. In the future, you can beat me and scold me. If I don't do well, you can punish me. "

"Silly boy!"

Shen mange's eyes have been moist.

For ye Rui and Shen Zian.

That silly boy!

How do you think you'll be fine without Mommy?

How can you think that anyone can replace you in Mommy's heart?

Mommy just wants you back, back to me!

Shen mange's psychological pain is unbearable, because ye Rui's words and more Miss Shen Zian.

He's been missing for a long time. It's said that he lost a lot of blood when he disappeared. I don't know where the child is now. How is his life?

Why haven't you been home so long?

Isn't he a computer genius?

Doesn't it mean that you can quickly send positioning messages to adults?

Why is there no movement now?

Someone intercepted the signal?

Or did he never get a chance to send a distress signal?

Shen mange is really eager to have any news about Shen Zian now. She is uneasy, uneasy, but looking forward to it.

Her son is not an ordinary person, but why didn't he contact them?

Shen Zian knows her telephone number. Why don't you contact her?

Shen mange's psychology is in a mess, and ye Rui can't help crying. One big and one small two people have become tearful.After a while, Shen mange calmed down.

"Well, stop crying. You don't have to be filial to zi'an. In my mind, zi'an is zi'an, you are you. From now on, you are my son. Ye Rui, don't have any psychological burden. Mommy just wants you to live happily and grow healthily. "


Ye Rui hugs Shen mange tightly, crying out of breath, but it's calming down.

Two people said some words, ye ruicai whispered: "Mommy, my sister seems to be bad again."

"What's wrong again?"

Shen man GE's heart suddenly raised to the throat eye.

Ye Rui sniffed and said, "I don't know. When I was in St. Petersburg hospital, my sister was very weak. Later, my father didn't let the doctor give her an injection, and asked me and my grandmother to take my sister out of the hospital, but those people just didn't let my grandmother and sister leave."


St. Petersburg hospital is Tang Ziyuan's hospital. Over the past five years, he has taken good care of Shen Luoluo. According to Tang Ziyuan's idea, isn't it more pleasant for ye Nanxian to take Shen Luoluo away?

Why don't you let Luoluo leave?

Shen mange suddenly remembers those words that Tang Ziyuan said before.

Tang Ziyuan's anger at her is really to do what?

Shen mange's heart is tight in an instant.

"Do you know where the doctor's office is?"

"Yes, I'll take Mommy!"

Ye Rui jumps out of the chair and takes Shen mange's hand to the doctor's office.

A big and a small walk light, no one found them.

Soon, ye Rui brings Shen mange to the door of the doctor's office.

The door of the office was not closed tightly, and the conversation between Ye Nanxian and the doctor came out from time to time.

"Mr. Ye, Miss Shen is too dependent on the original drugs now. It's not easy to eradicate them completely. However, if you continue to use the original drugs, Miss Shen may not be able to survive in her whole life. Moreover, the kidney failure is so fast that it's hard for the immortals to save her."

The doctor's words let Shen mange cover his mouth.

How could that be?

Isn't Tang Ziyuan responsible for the original medicine?

Why did ye Nanxian change his dressing?

What does the doctor mean?

Ye Rui wants to open the door of the office, but Shen mange shakes his head to stop him.

The two of them stood at the door eavesdropping.

Ye Nanxian's brows are tightly wrinkled together, which is very difficult.

"Is there no other way?"

"Now Miss Shen's body appears spasm, which is like a drug addiction attack. If you don't use the original drugs, I'm afraid Miss Shen's body can't bear it. If you're a normal person, it's OK to give up compulsively. But now Miss Shen's body is too weak. I'm afraid... "

The doctor's words make ye Nanxian's eyes suddenly narrow.

"What do you mean? Do you mean there was something in the original medicine that made Luoluo dependent? What is it? "

He grabbed the doctor's collar, eyes slightly cold, hand is slightly trembling.

The doctor is Michael's man. Naturally, he knows the relationship between Ye Nanxian and Michael and tries his best to see Shen Luoluo. Now seeing ye Nanxian like this, he sighs and says, "Mr. Ye, I found morphine in Miss Shen's blood. This thing is used for analgesia at the beginning, but the general hospital will not use it for children. But Miss Shen's body is full of this kind of substance, which has been accumulated for many years. Now I've heard that Mr. Ye has invited experts from all over the world to diagnose and treat Miss Shen. I hope that experts can give Mr. Ye an accurate answer at that time. "

"Morphine! Do you mean that bastard Tang Ziyuan injected morphine into my daughter since childhood

Ye Nan Xian's voice suddenly raised.

Shen mange's heart was stabbed in an instant.

Tang Ziyuan?

It's Tang Ziyuan!

Once he was his benefactor, he rescued her from the fire, and gave Shen Zian and Shen Luoluo the best care and arrangement. He even did a lot for her in the past five years.

Although the kidnapping incident let her see the unknown side of Tang Ziyuan, she still naively thought that she gave Tang Ziyuan the illusion that she could not respond to Tang Ziyuan's feelings, which made Tang Ziyuan out of control.

In his heart, Shen mange doesn't intend to blame Tang Ziyuan. He even feels that he has hurt Tang Ziyuan.

But now what did she hear?

Tang Ziyuan gave Shen Luoluo morphine!

And it's been more than a year.

That is to say, Tang Ziyuan didn't intend to let Luo Luo live from the beginning, did he?


Why is that?

Where's the man who was perfect enough to make her feel dirty?How could he be such a demon?

Shen mange can't believe it, even more. If what the doctor said is true, who is the person who caused the present situation?

It's her!

It's her failure to protect her daughter. It's her right to hurt her daughter!

But she never knew that she might even be the accomplice of Tang Ziyuan!

At this moment, Shen mange could hardly stand.

Is that why Ye Nanxian has to leave St. Petersburg hospital with Luoluo?

She thought of Tang Ziyuan's words again.

He said, "Zian is missing and probably dead. No matter whether the operation is successful or not, he wants her to spend the whole life with him, and then give birth to their children. "

It turns out that he's not really talking about it.

It turns out that for so many years, he never really took Luoluo and Zian as his own children. How can he bear the sound of Godfather and expectation?

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