Shen mange was so happy that he quickly put down his chopsticks and went upstairs. He picked a dress from the clothes Xiao AI bought for her and put it on.

It has to be said that Xiao AI's eyes are very good. This dress is a bit of ink painting style. It fits Shen mange very well, and has a trace of artistic charm.

She looked at herself in the mirror and didn't feel like herself.

After Shen mange came downstairs, Xiao AI's eyes lit up and she thought it was very good-looking.

"It's beautiful."

"Aunt Xiao's eyes are very good. Thank you, aunt Xiao."

Shen manges is not stingy of her praise.

Xiao AI said with a smile, "can you drive?"


"Let's go."

Xiao AI gives Shen mange a handbag with a mobile phone that Xiao AI has prepared for her. Shen mange is very moved.

"Aunt Xiao, why are you so kind to me?"

If it's just pure warm-hearted, Shen mange thinks that a woman won't do it. She can't help asking.

Xiao Aiton said: "because of your relationship with the Huo family."

This sentence makes Shen mange stunned again.

Does this indirectly admit that Xiao AI and the Huo family know each other?

"Aunt Xiao, you and the Huo family..."

"I'll talk about it later. Let's go out first."

Xiao AI obviously didn't want to talk about it.

Shen mange lived with interest, and then followed Xiao AI out of the villa.

Over the past few days, she's suffocating. Now she's absorbing fresh air again. Shen mange feels like she's reborn.

Xiao AI couldn't help laughing when she looked at her breathing.

"You look like a child."

"Hey, hey."

Shen mange embarrassed smile, and then quickly on the car.

She found Xiao AI's car very expensive.

Shen mange didn't say anything. As soon as he got out of the car, he drove it.

"Aunt Xiao, where are we going?"

"To the embassy."

Xiao AI's words make Shen mange a little stunned.


"Don't know the way?"

Xiao AI takes a look at Shen mange and thinks she doesn't know the way. Shen mange shook his head and said, "yes."

She didn't ask any more, but she felt Xiao AI was a woman with a story.

The car came to the door of the embassy.

Xiao AI gets out of the car, but Shen mange doesn't get out.

"What's the matter?"

Shen mange looks at Xiao AI, some of them don't understand.

"I'll get off, too?"

"What else can I bring you for?"

Xiao AI thinks Shen mange is very cute now.

Shen mange hesitated.

"Aunt Xiao, I'm a black farmer. You're brave enough to bring me to the embassy. You are not afraid of... "

"What are you afraid of? Hurry down

Xiao AI said with a smile and turned to leave.

Shen mange saw that she was not joking, so she put out the fire and got out of the car. She was a little embarrassed and followed Xiao AI.

After Xiao AI came to the embassy, she was received by a special person. It can be seen that Xiao AI's identity is very high here.

Shen mange has some doubts, but he doesn't ask anything, so he quietly follows Xiao AI to an office.

In the office sat a woman about the age of Xiao AI. When she saw Xiao AI coming in, she quickly got up.

"Minister Xiao, are you here? This is... "

"This is a friend of mine. At present, there are some identity problems. Let's see if you can help to restore your identity."

Xiao AI's words stunned Shen mange.

Minister Xiao?

She's a minister!

What is the position of a minister in an embassy?

And she wants to restore her identity?

Shen mange felt like he was dreaming.

Which woman has a look at Shen mange, Xiao AI has already told Shen mange the problem.

The woman frowned slightly after listening.

"Minister Xiao, it's not easy to do this. How can we arrange the identity of a person who has already closed his account at home? It's really tricky. "

"If it is a certificate signed by the other party's parents, then the certificate of account cancellation is not tenable?"

Xiao AI's question made the woman shake her head and say, "that's impossible. Since it's not established, how can it be cancelled?"

"Is there really no other solution?"

Xiao AI asked reluctantly.

The woman thought for a while and said, "yes, but it's hard."

"What do you say?"

The rest, the woman took Xiao AI to another room to say, as if very confidential.Shen mange can't say what he feels now.

Xiao AI, whom she knows, is a minister, and seems to have great authority. This time, she wants to restore her identity. Regardless of whether it can be restored, Shen mange feels that she has nothing to repay for Xiao AI's friendship with her.

They talked for a long time. Xiao AI didn't look good when she came out. Shen mange knew that it was not so easy, but she was not discouraged.

She said with a smile: "aunt Xiao, forget it. I'll come back and find my own way about it."

"What can you do?"

Xiao AI sighed, very helpless.

It's no use staying any longer. Xiao AI leaves the embassy with Shen mange, but this time it's Xiao AI driving.

Xiao AI's driving is not fast, steady and even slow. I don't know if she is thinking about something. She doesn't speak much.

Shen mange thinks that Xiao AI has been very good to herself. Two people who are not related to her have not only saved her, but now they are still working hard for her affairs. There is no need to make Xiao AI feel bad about it any more.

"Aunt Xiao, everyone has his own destiny. I think there will always be a way. Don't feel bad. "

Xiao AI looked at her and said nothing.

As they passed a construction site, Shen mange saw the workers pull up the banner, as if they were fighting against someone.

"What's the matter?"

Xiao AI seldom takes this road. Now she's driving. I don't know how to get here.

Shen mange looks out. The four characters of Hengyu group are so dazzling that she can't help shouting.

"Aunt Xiao, stop the car!"

Xiao AI quickly stopped the car.

"What's the matter?"

"This is my husband's company. It should be my husband's accident site."

Shen mange really wants to go down and have a look, but she can't.

It's a state that makes her sick.

Xiao AI looked outside and asked in a low voice, "this is what you said, the site where the man fell to death?"

"I think so. I've heard about it, but I haven't seen it. It was so urgent, it happened so fast and so suddenly that everyone was unprepared. The Ye family is going to lose money, but it's obvious that the other party is biting hard, saying that there is something wrong with the fortification, and all the suppliers are defecting now. It's the responsibility of Hengyu group to replace inferior products with good ones that leads to this accident. "

Shen mange doesn't know much about it either. It's all from Song Tao's mouth.

Xiao AI didn't know much about these things, but she also knew the seriousness of the matter.

Shen mange sees Ye Nanxian at this time.

He was surrounded in the central position, obviously a lot thinner, but that cold face as usual.

Shen mange never found that he missed him so much.

It's like a lifetime if I don't see you in a few days.

Now seeing him in such a mess, Shen mange wants to get out of the car and rescue him.

Song Tao has never been around Ye Nanxian to open the way, but there are too many people blocking them, and they are all honest workers. In this way, Song Tao is also embarrassed to die.

Shen mange is anxious to get off the bus, but is stopped by Xiao AI.

"It's no use going down now."


"Nothing but, look at the woman opposite!"

Xiao AI points to the crying woman not far away. She is dressed in white and falls down on the construction site, and the body of the worker is still in front of her.

"There is no natural reason. Is there no natural reason in this society? You Hengyu group sell inferior goods and kill people. Now you plan to buy our people with money. What's the reason? "

Women cry very sad, there are a few side echo, it seems to have been more than a day or two.

Shen mange found that there was something hidden in the crowd not far away. The flash was clearly aimed at Ye Nanxian and Hengyu group.

Shen mange is worried to death, but he has nothing to do.

"Aunt Xiao, what should I do now?"

"Stare at that woman."

Xiao AI's words make Shen mange a little stunned.

"But she was crying all the time."

"When your husband leaves, she won't cry."

Xiao AI leans back on the chair and looks very confident.

Shen mange was a little surprised, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing ye Nanxian's tighter and tighter lips from the window, Shen mange knows that ye's patience has almost reached the top.

Song Tao spared no effort to pull Ye Nanxian out of those people, quickly got on the car and left with Ye Nanxian.

The woman is still crying, but the voice of crying is much smaller, and finally directly fainted.

People around her with all hands and feet will carry her on the stretcher, quickly toward the side of the car.

The car started. Xiao AI is here. It started the car.Shen mange didn't say anything, so he followed the woman's car and walked slowly.

After getting off the highway, the car turned into a remote road and soon came to an abandoned factory.

The woman got out of the car without crying and fainting at all.

She looked around. The driver got out of the car and hugged her.

"Come on, baby, let brother kiss one!"

The driver was impatient to kiss the woman, but the woman dodged.

"Oh, what's your hurry? What's to be done now? Didn't you agree? As long as we file a lawsuit, the other party will give us a million dollars. Now we have done what they said. What about the money? Where is the money? "

The impatience on a woman's face.

The driver restrained his action and said, "isn't this a lawsuit that hasn't been accepted?"

"Is that our fault? We have filed a lawsuit. What does it have to do with us if the court doesn't accept it? Lao Li's body can't be stored for a long time, otherwise it's easy to expose its flaws. "

Women are in a hurry.

Shen mange and Xiao AI quietly get out of the car and find a place to hide. When they hear the woman say so, Shen mange's body is slightly stunned.

Will the body show its flaws?

What's wrong with Shenma?

Didn't that old Li fall to death from the construction site? Or is there something else in between?

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