Ye Nanxian suddenly turned back, but could not see where the eyes were.

He has always been a cautious and sensitive person. What he felt just now is absolutely right. If Shen mange hadn't reminded him that there were other people in the base, he might not have been so cautious.

But as soon as he came out of Yan Zhen's room, he noticed that he was being followed, which felt really bad.

Ye Nanxian's brows are tightly wrinkled together.

He is worried about Shen mange's safety, and even wants to turn back and say something to Shen mange, but at this time he can't help thinking of Shen Luoluo.

Shen's operation is still waiting for him. He has to go back as soon as possible.

Ye Nanxian takes out his mobile phone and calls Shen Zian directly.

He doesn't know how to contact Yang Fan, but now he can only let Shen Zian inform Yang Fan and protect Shen mange's safety.

Shen Zian sleeps in a daze and hangs up when he hears the phone ring.

Ye Nanxian is helpless.

This smelly boy may be sleeping soundly now. If he can, he doesn't want to disturb his son's sleep, but he has to.

Call again and again and again of think of, Shen Zi an is very depressed, directly opened answer key.

"Lao ye, what are you doing? It's not even dawn yet? "

"I'm in the base and I'm going to go back, but I'm afraid that something may happen to your mother. I can't get in touch with Yang Fan. You can call Yang Fan and ask him to pay close attention to all the movements of the base. It's the right way to protect your mother, you know?"

Ye Nanxian's voice is not big, and the sea breeze is whistling by the sea, so Shen Zian can hardly hear it.

"Aren't you at the base? Just let Yan Zhen protect Mommy. "

Shen Zian yawned, but still some did not wake up.

Ye Nanxian sighed and said, "one more person, one more force, one more guarantee. Hurry up."

"If you know, you will enslave me."

SHEN Zian calls Yang Fan after he hangs up the phone, but it's strange that Yang fan can't get in.

At first, Shen Zian didn't feel anything. He thought Yang Fan turned off the phone when he was sleeping, but after calling three or four times, Shen Zian felt that something was wrong.

All his sleepers were gone.

He quickly called Ye Nanxian, but strangely, ye Nanxian couldn't get through.

The base signal is blocked!

Who is it?

Who has the ability to block the base signal?

Shen Zian and Zeng de sit up and quickly turn on the computer to find the trace of Shen mange. Unfortunately, her tracking system is gone.

What's going on?

Shen Zi became uneasy when she settled down.

After hanging up the phone, ye Nanxian quickly pulls out a kayak from the warehouse and plans to leave here at night, but he always feels uneasy.

Right eyelid has been jumping to listen, I don't know if it's because I didn't sleep all night, or something really bad happened.

Ye Nanxian put the kayak into Houhai, quickly got on the boat, and directly drew the kayak out of Houhai with the paddle.

Not long after ye Nanxian left, Shen mange suddenly opened his eyes.

It's very quiet outside. It's a bit suffocating, but it's because of it that she feels a slight sound of footsteps.

It seems that more people are listening.

Shen mange quickly gets up, quietly puts on his clothes, and then comes to the window for the first time.

Outside her room is a deep mountain. I don't know what the consequences will be if I go out from here, but it's much better than staying in the room and being caught in a jar.

Shen mange gently opened the window, put a down jacket on him, quickly turned out the window, but did not run towards the mountains.

Instead, she climbed up to the roof. The whole person stuck on the roof like a gecko. She wanted to send a message to Yang Fan with her mobile phone in her hand. Then she found that the mobile phone signal was blocked.


There must be something wrong with the base!

I don't know if ye Nanxian has gone.

Although she knew that she would stay here as a bait, she didn't expect that the other party would come so soon. What she worried about most was the safety of Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian's skill will never suffer, but what if the base people are the people he trusts most?

Shen mange can't imagine.

The door opened with a click, and Shen mange's heart was tightly locked together.

Here we go!

Her nervous palms are sweat, even her breath is hidden as far as possible.

There were about three or four people coming. After opening the door, two people directly made the bed. They planned to catch Shen mange for the first time, but they were empty.

"No one?"

The other side's voice is a bit forbearing and deliberately lowered."The quilt is still hot. It must have just left."

"The window is open!"

Two people a word, quickly came to a conclusion.

"I'm running out. I'm still on guard."

Just then, the light in the room was suddenly turned on.

A man came in from the outside and spoke faintly when he saw everything in the room.

"It's worthy of being Ye Nanxian's wife. She is cautious and alert enough. Go ahead and get me back. You can't let her leave the base anyway! In addition, ye Nanxian just went out from the sea in a kayak. He is a man, but he is also very skilled. If you can let him go, let him go. Don't stop him. "

As soon as the voice came out, Shen mange was stunned.

Is it Yan Zhen?

How could it be him?

In this base, Shen mange can guard against anyone, but he didn't expect that the person who betrayed Ye Nanxian would be Yan Zhen.

She was so shocked that she even wanted to send the news to Ye Nanxian immediately.

What did Yan Zhen say just now?

Ye Nanxian has left here in a kayak, hasn't he?

As long as he leaves.

Be sure to Tell ye Nanxian the news, but Shen mange also knows that it's not the right time.

The people in the room quickly backed out and chased back to the mountain, but Yan Zhen didn't leave.

He stood in front of the window, looking at the dark road outside, not knowing what he was thinking.

Shen mange was freezing to death on the roof.

The wind is really cold in the early morning.

But now my heart is colder.

Yan Zhen and ye Nanxian's relationship can be said to be a life and death friendship. They are climbing out of the dead on the battlefield. How can this emotion deteriorate?

Or is Yan Zhen not ye Nanxian at the beginning?

Who does he obey?

Zhang ma?

Or Uncle Ye?

Shen mange can't understand it. Now he can only reduce his sense of existence as much as possible, but he doesn't know how to get in touch with Yang Fan.

She never thought that person would be Yan Zhen.

Now the signal has been cut off, she is like an isolated goose, can only fight alone.

The roof can't hide people. As long as it's light, she will be found. If Yan Zhen doesn't leave the house all the time, how can she leave here?

Shen mange feels that he is approaching a dead end.

She got the news she wanted, but she also put herself in such a desperate situation. She didn't even have to think about it.

While Shen mange was thinking hard, Yan Zhen suddenly sighed and said to himself, "where are you in such a cold day?"

Shen mange dare not go out for a moment, for fear that Yan Zhen will find out where he is hiding.

Fortunately, Yan Zhen stayed in the room for a while, and was not at ease looking everywhere. After he didn't find Shen mange's figure, he left the room.

But Shen mange doesn't dare to come down easily. She is afraid that Yan Zhen will kill him temporarily. With Yan Zhen's mind, this is not impossible.

Sure enough, Yan Zhen left and came back soon.

He walked around the whole room again. He didn't find Shen mange's shadow before he left again.

Shen mange is frightened, but he is also afraid.

What should we do?

Now how can she not be caught by Yan Zhen?

Shen mange's limbs are stiff with cold, and she doesn't dare to move, for fear of making any noise.

After staying on the roof for about half an hour, the East has turned pale. In less than half an hour, the sun will rise from the horizon. At that time, don't say she wants to hide. It is estimated that she will be discovered at the first time.

What's more, there is monitoring. As for the dead end of monitoring, she doesn't know at all. After all, her time here is too short.

This is Yan Zhen's territory.

Shen mange feels that he is about to be forced to death.

After biting her teeth, she finally decided to climb down. As for where to go, she had to choose deep mountains.

Although Yan Zhen and people can meet, but also more opportunities, after all, the area of the mountains is very large, hiding a person can.

Unless there's nothing on her.

Thinking of things, Shen mange thinks of his tracker.

Yang fan can find her through the tracker, but Yan Zhen will not find her through the electronic system. Now she can only give up.

Thinking of this, Shen mange took down his tracker and crushed it under his feet for the first time.

If she wants to break, she will break so that no one can find herself.

After finishing all this, Shen mange quickly ran to the deep mountain.

She didn't know what was in the mountains, and whether there were traps under Yan Zhen's men. She just ran aimlessly.As she ran, she found herself lost.

This was not the place she was familiar with, but now it was like a blind man crossing a river. Unconsciously, Shen mange came to a cave.

If it wasn't for Shen mange's fall, the cave would not have been discovered.

It's covered with grass. From the outside, there's nothing here, but Shen mange accidentally falls and falls in.

The cave is very humid. It makes people feel cold as soon as they come in. It's very uncomfortable.

Shen mange quickly stood up and found his ankle sprained.

It's a real leak. It's rainy.

She secretly scolded herself for being too unlucky, but she didn't dare to stay here for too long. At present, she had to walk into the cave. As for what was in it, she didn't notice at all.

As she walked, Shen mange felt that someone was talking. She stopped and even bent down. She felt nervous and her heart could jump out of her throat at any time.

Who is it?

Who's in there?

Isn't this an abandoned cave?

Thinking about this, Shen mange feels that her voice is getting closer and closer, and a string of footsteps are coming towards he

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