Xiao Zi's knife is heavy. Ye Nanxian passed out in a coma not long after she got on the plane.

Shen mange's hand has been holding Ye Nanxian's hand, and he feels that his body temperature is slowly falling, which is hard for a heart to say.

He saved her again.

Why is he a drag every time?

If her skill could be better, if she could be more alert, would it not happen?

Always said to stand by Ye Nanxian's side, to match him enough, but every time in danger, he block the knife for her.

Why are you so bad?

Shen mange constantly reproaches himself.

What did Yang Fan want to say? In the end, he didn't say anything. He quickly flew to Haicheng.

Shen Zian is unusually quiet, not even like a child.

His eyes twinkled with tears. He looked at Ye Nanxian without blinking, and even pulled Ye Nanxian's sleeve. The worried look made people feel sad.

Shen mange still remembers Ye Nanxian's instructions before he closed his eyes.

For the sake of falling.

But how could she not want him for her daughter's sake?

The plane soon arrived at the military hospital, which has been arranged.

Huo Zhenting's mood is very complicated when he sees Shen mange. Old lady Huo just wants to say something to Shen mange, but Shen mange can't care about it now.

She followed the stretcher straight into the hospital.

Xiao AI sees Shen mange like this and stops old lady Huo.

"We'd better go back first. I'm afraid she doesn't have time and mood to talk to us at this time. Now it's just that ye Nanxian is OK. I'm relieved to see that she's safe. "

Although Mrs. Huo is a little reluctant, she can't say anything. Besides, people are always tired when they are old.

Huo Zhenting stays here just in case, but Yang Fan gives Huo Zhenting Zhang Ma and Xiao Zi.

"Huo Shao, our master's mother said that the people of Ye's family in Haicheng haven't been cleaned up yet. I'll trouble you here. I hope they won't escape again this time."

"Don't worry."

Huo Zhenting really wants to stay and see Shen mange. He's worried that Shen mange can't resist such a big thing. But now about Zhang Ma and Xiao Zi, Huo Zhenting doesn't dare to trust others to do it.

He took Zhang Ma and Xiao Zi back to Huo's house.

The hospital was quiet again.

Shen mange looks at the light in the operating room and his heart rises.

The blood needed has been transported in advance. Now I don't know what happened to Ye Nanxian.

Shen mange kept walking back and forth, but he still felt restless in his heart.

In front of her eyes, the scene of Ye Nanxian blocking the sword for her always flashed.

With a bang, Shen mange punches on the wall, scaring Shen Zian.


Shen Zian called her uneasily.

Shen mange just reflected.

"I'm ok, but I'm a little flustered."

Shen mange doesn't like to talk to her son like this, but she can't control it. She even shakes her whole body.

The operation took a long time and the lights were on all the time.

Shen mange doesn't know what's going on inside. He just knows that his heart is going to be overloaded.

Just then, her cell phone rang.


Shen mange sees Mrs. Ye's phone call.

She answered quickly, thinking that Mrs. Ye was worried about ye Nanxian.

But Mrs. ye said in a low voice, "man Ge, there's bad news that you should bear."

"Ma," she said

"Luoluo suddenly fell into a coma, had problems with his body function, and began to have a high fever. The doctor said it was better to prepare for the operation now. When will you and Nanxian come back? "

Because Mrs. Ye has been paying attention to Shen Luoluo's affairs, she doesn't know that ye Nanxian has an accident now. At this time, Shen mange's hand almost didn't hold the phone.

"Can't Luoluo wait any longer?"

"I can't wait. The temperature of Luoluo's fever is so high that I can't talk about it any more. No matter what the situation is over there, you and Nanxian should come back as soon as possible. The doctor says it's better to operate within two hours. Otherwise, the child may... "

Mrs. Ye didn't finish what she said, but Shen mange knew it. After so many years, I can't afford to drag on.

What to do?

Ye Nanxian's operation is still going on. Even if he comes out now, he can't operate on Shen Luoluo immediately.

What can we do?

Can't she keep one of her husband and daughter?

She couldn't help but think of Xiao Zi's wild smile.

She said she wanted to make it hard for each of them, to make it impossible for them to get together!Shen mange now wants to kill Xiao Zi at Huo's house. Even so, she can't calm down, but she knows that she can't do anything now.

The most helpless thing in the world is just like watching your most important person lying on the operating table, but you can't help it.

If you can, Shen mange really hopes to donate all her body organs to Shen Luoluo. That's her life!

But she doesn't match!

Shen mange is going crazy.

Now where can I find a match with Shen Luoluo?

Mrs. ye said that the doctor said it was best to operate within two hours.

Two hours?

Even if it is two days, she may not be able to think of the best of both ways.

Shen mange's eyes are red.

She went back to the door of the operating room.

The light in the operating room is still on. I don't know if ye Nanxian is also fighting against death. Now if he is sober, he may be desperate to lose his kidney.

But what did he do?

Besides, he lost so much blood that he could not afford an operation.

Shen mange only feels that his heart is about to be broken.

Oh, my God!

Do you really want to take away my most important people?

Shen mange's mind screamed, and his body fell to the ground.

"Mommy! What's the matter with you? "

Shen zi'an saw Shen mange like this and was so scared that she went up to help her.

Seeing his son like this, Shen mange can't help but shed tears.

"Zian, Mommy is so sad."

She hugged Shen Zian's small body, although it didn't have much effect, but it still let her have a short-term dependence.

She wants to cry now, but crying can't solve the problem.

Every bit of Shen Luoluo's life in the past five years is springing up in his heart. What would Shen Zian do if he knew that his father's life and death are uncertain and Shen Luoluo would soon die?

Shen mange doesn't dare to say, let alone say, but she has no way.

This is the most worrying problem.

Shen Zian thought that Shen mange was worried about ye Nanxian. He patted Shen mange on the shoulder and said, "Mommy, I'm very sad too, but you can rest assured that daddy will be fine. He's so good, so strong, he'll always survive for us, right? "


Shen mange nodded and his voice was hoarse.

How can she tell Shen Zian that even if ye Nanxian survives, they are likely to face greater sadness.

There is really no way to get there.

Shen mange is tearing her heart and lungs in pain. She wants to go back now to see how Luoluo is, but she can't go. She can't go!

The boundless despair surrounds Shen mange tightly, just like a vine, tightening tightly, and tightening again, she is about to be out of breath.

At this time, Yang Fan came in from the outside, quickly came to Shen mange's side, and said in a low voice: "mother, someone is looking for you outside."


Shen mange doesn't want to see anyone now. She just wants to stay here, guard Ye Nanxian, guard her sadness, and digest it silently.

But Yang Fan said in a low voice: "the bearer is a girl. She said that she can solve your mother's current difficulties."

"What's my problem? I'm just... "

Shen mange's words haven't finished, suddenly raised his head.

"What did she say?"

"She said she could solve her mother's current difficulties."

Yang Fan repeated what he had just said.

Shen mange frowned slightly.

Her current difficulties are nothing but ye Nanxian and Shen Luoluo.

Ye Nanxian has been rescuing, no matter what, there will always be a result, but Shen Luoluo is an unknown number, even a trace of despair.

Is it for the sake of falling?

Shen mange's heart suddenly mentions, quickly asks a way: "god horse kind of woman?"

"I'm not old and pretty. If I know you, you just need to go out."

Yang Fan some not quite at ease, and then said, "mother, do you need people to follow you?"

"No, I'll go out and have a look!"

Shen mange cleans up his mood and tries his best not to be seen through by others.

Shen Zian some not quite at ease said: "Mommy, or I accompany you to go."

"You need to stay here and watch your daddy. I don't know when your daddy's operation will end. Mommy will go out for a while and come back immediately. Don't worry. Mommy will be fine. "

Shen mange touched Shen Zian's head and felt that his son was too sensible.

Shen Zian is still a little uneasy.Yang Fan said in a low voice, "or I'll go with you?"

"No, this person calls for me. I don't want to be seen by others. I'll go by myself. Don't worry. I won't go too far. I'll definitely let you know where I am."

Shen mange knows that although Zhang Ma and Xiao Zi are arrested, there are still some forces outside. Now she is not very safe.

But for the sake of Shen's illness, she can't care too much now.

No one knows who is coming. How to guard against it?

What if people really come to talk about terms and help them?

Shen mange thought a lot.

Although Yang Fan still wants to say something, Shen mange has to give up his resolute expression.

"You and zi'an stay here and watch Nanxian well. Call me whenever you have anything."

Shen mange looks at the light in the operating room and instructs Yang Fan.

"OK, I see."

Yang Fan nodded.

Shen mange turned around and walked out of the hospital.

She didn't know who was looking for her, but since she was able to find her here, she had some skills.

Shen mange has done enough psychological preparation to go out, but when he sees someone coming, he can't help but be stunned.

How could it be her?

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