I haven't seen Shen Luoluo for a few days. He's too thin. His eyes are sunken, and his lips are not bloody.

Shen mange's tears fell down immediately.


She called softly. She didn't know why. She didn't dare to speak out, as if she was afraid of waking her unconscious daughter.

Seeing Shen mange coming, Mrs. Ye stands up and pats her on the shoulder. She goes out without saying anything and takes Ye Rui away by the way.

At this time, what to say is feeble, no mother can listen to the words of comfort at this time.

Shen mange comes to Shen Luoluo's bed and gently holds her daughter's little hand.

Shen Luoluo's hands are very cold, there is not much temperature, and even the breath is so weak. If you don't listen carefully, you may feel that Shen Luoluo has gone.

This feeling of losing her daughter anytime and anywhere grabs Shen mange's heart. At this moment, even if she hesitates, some want to say that her love with Ye Nanxian can't be exchanged, but when she sees Shen Luoluo, everything doesn't matter.

Luo Luo is the child she gave birth to with all her life. From the day she was born to now, Shen Luo doesn't even know what the outside world is like. How can she be willing to leave the world when she is so young?

Every bit of the past five years reverberates in Shen mange's heart. So naive and lively, so sensible, now she is not angry at all, but she can't do anything as a mother. Now the only one who can save Shen is in front of her. What is she hesitating about? What don't you give up?

Shen mange gently touches Shen Luoluo's hair. Her hair is withered yellow, no other people's children's black, which is particularly malnourished.

Such a small child, but to bear so much suffering, her tears like a broken line of beads fell down.

Maybe it's the feeling of Shen mange's coming that Shen Luoluo wakes up.

She looked at Shen mange's tearful face and opened her mouth weakly.


Shen mange quickly dried his tears and faced his daughter with the most brilliant and beautiful smile.

"Darling, is there any pain?"

Shen Luoluo shook his head, looked at Shen mange and asked in a low voice, "is daddy coming?"

Shen mange's heart suddenly pulled, but said with a smile: "Daddy has something to do temporarily, and can't come back, but daddy is very concerned about falling, falling will be OK."

"Mommy, are you worried about me? I seem to have seen my brother. He said he would bring mummy back. I don't know if I'm dreaming. Suddenly I miss my brother so much. "

Hearing Shen Luoluo say so, Shen mange's tears are more fierce.

"Zi'an will be back soon. My family is the strongest child and the most sensible one. "

"Mommy, I'm cold. Will you hold me?"

The deep eyes twinkled with prayer.

Without saying a word, Shen mange goes to bed and holds Shen Luoluo in his arms.

Her thin skin and bones curled up in Shen mange's arms like a kitten.

Shen mange only feels that his nose is sour and his tears are dripping continuously. He can't stop it.

Shen Luoluo leaned against Shen mange and said weakly, "I really want to go to the playground. I want to go to kindergarten, too. Brother Ye Rui told me that many children in the kindergarten play with him and have a lot of fun. Mommy, do you think I can go

"Yes! As long as the operation is done, you can go anywhere. Mommy, why don't you take you to the playground? "

"There's brother and daddy, and brother Ye Rui..."

What Shen Luoluo said is very yearning.

For other children, such a simple wish is not a wish at all, but for Shen Luoluo, it is equivalent to extravagance.

Looking at the sunshine outside, she said in a low voice, "it's a beautiful day today. I don't know if the playground will be very busy..."

"Yes, I will take you!"

Shen mange constantly guarantees to Shen Luoluo, but Shen Luoluo never says anything to Shen mange.

"Fall, you fall..."

Shen mange gently calls Shen Luoluo's name, but finds that Shen Luoluo is in a coma again, but this time his breathing is weaker.


Shen mange cried heartbroken, and then suddenly thought of something. He covered his mouth and quickly put it on the bed. Then he turned and looked at the poem still in the ward and said, "as long as you can save my daughter, I will agree to any conditions, but I need you to donate your organs now, OK?"

Her heart was bleeding and aching.

I don't want to give up love to save my daughter, but in the face of depression, everything becomes so insignificant.

It's not that she doesn't love ye Nanxian, or that she doesn't want to live forever with Ye Nanxian, but if she can keep her love with her daughter's life, she can't!Whether it's Ye Nanxian or Shen Luoluo, she is equally distressed and reluctant, but she knows that ye Nanxian will understand her.

He's going to understand her, right?

Shen mange can only comfort herself like this, hypnotist himself, but the pain in her heart seems to be sprinkled with salt, more and more painful, more and more uncomfortable, but now she can't fall down, can't let her sad, because Shen Luoluo is still waiting for her!

Xiaoshi is shocked by Shen mange's look.

She didn't know who her parents were or what it was like to be cherished. But at this moment, she was really moved by Shen mange.

If she had such a mother, would her life be different?

Even if it is poor, bitter, tired point does not matter, as long as the wisps of warmth.

Little poem quickly don't over head, touch a wet corner of the eye, whispered: "I promise you, I'll sign the donation contract right away."

"I will also find someone to write down our conditions, I will sign, I..."

"No, I believe you. A woman who can do this for her children should be trustworthy

Xiaoshi interrupts Shen mange, then turns around and walks out of the ward.

Shen mange quickly follows out, hands Mrs. ye in, looks at Shen Luoluo, and asks the doctor to prepare for the operation.

Mrs. Ye is a little confused.

"Didn't Nanxian come back to donate her kidney?"

Shen mange bit his lower lip and said, "Nanxian can't come. He is injured and still in a coma in the hospital."


Mrs. Ye almost didn't stand still. Thanks to Shen mange's help.

"I'm sorry, mom, I..."

"Well, is there a way to save Luoluo now?"

After all, Mrs. Ye has experienced strong winds and waves. Although she loves Ye Nanxian and worries about her situation, she is a woman. She knows that Shen mange needs her support at this moment, so she can only endure her grief and ask Shen mange in a low voice about the situation.

Shen mange said in a low voice: "just now the girl behind me has the same matching type as Luo Luo, and she is willing to donate her kidney. We went to sign the contract and began to arrange the operation."

"How old is the child?"

Looking at the poem not far away, Mrs. ye asked with some doubts.

Shen mange didn't know how to answer, but he still said, "eighteen or nine."

"Her parents agree? For such a small child, if she donates a kidney, great changes may take place in her later life. Is she short of money? Or... "

"Mom, I've already dealt with this matter, so you can leave it alone. I'm only concerned about falling now, and she can't wait. Besides, Xiaoshi is an orphan. "

Shen mange knows that it's not good to say that, but she's just a mother. She's really just a mother.

Mrs. Ye seemed to understand Shen mange's heart, sighed and said, "can I go and have a few words with that child?"

Shen mange nodded.

Mrs. ye came to Xiaoshi.

"Your name is Xiaoshi?"

Little poem was a little surprised by Mrs. Ye's arrival, but she nodded.

"Yes, you are?"

"I'm the lost grandmother. I heard that you volunteered to donate your kidney to save my granddaughter. We all appreciate you. No matter you need money or opportunity, we Ye family will take care of you as their own child in the future. I heard that you are an orphan. From now on, you will be a member of the Ye family. If you don't dislike it, I can take you as my adopted daughter and treat you like a daughter of the Ye family. "

Mrs. ye said these little poems in a daze.

The gold of the Ye family?

This identity is really good, but

She looked at Shen mange not far away and said in a low voice: "this matter will not bother old lady Ye. I have already agreed with Shen mange about the conditions. No matter what the consequences are, I will think about it. Thank you

"I mean it. If you save my granddaughter, I will treat you as my own daughter. Whether you want to continue to study, go abroad for further study, or start a business, ye family is your strong backing. "

Mrs. ye thought what she said was not clear enough, so she couldn't help saying it again.

In fact, Xiaoshi is moving, but she thought of Ye Nanxian's kindness to Shen mange in her mind. That kind of feeling and that kind of eyes made her not want to give up.

"Besides, Mrs. ye, I'll sign first. Otherwise, I'm afraid your granddaughter can't wait."

With that, Xiaoshi nodded to Mrs. ye, and then turned to leave.

Shen mange followed and said in a low voice, "Mom, I'll arrange it."

"Go ahead, I'm here."

Shen mange turns to leave, but his heart is heavy.Ye Rui has entered the ward, and Mrs. ye can't be outside for too long, so she has to walk back quickly.

After Xiaoshi signed the operation donation contract, the hospital began to arrange the operation.

Just in case, Shen mange finds the doctor he brought back from the United States. On this point, the hospital is divided, but Huo Zhenting arrived in time.

The Huo family's influence forced the president to compromise, and song Wenqi also used thunder tactics. People inside the hospital were immediately in a panic. They didn't know who song Shao was looking for or what he was doing.

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