As soon as Mrs. Huo saw that Yu Weiwei fainted, she was so scared that she quickly found something to wrap her and had her carried to the hospital.

After the doctor's examination, she said that it was a tear below and she needed to rest for a few days. The main reason was that her mood fluctuated too much and she fainted.

Mrs. Huo is so distressed that she almost accompanies her bedside to look after her.

After ye Nanxian comes out of the hotel, he goes directly to find Mike. Without saying a word, he beats him up.

Mike also knows that he has been used, so he dare not fight back and let Ye Nanxian beat and scold him.

Ye Nanxian was tired before he said, "go back to the United States. There's nothing to do. Don't stay here."

This is him driving Mike away!

Mike was slightly stunned. He was more or less distressed.

How many years of brotherhood, actually so alienated, he is not quite reconciled.

"Ye ye, I know it's me who's bad this time. I've been used by others, but you have to believe me. I really didn't mean to hurt you. You should know that. Don't you know what kind of person I am when my brother has been here for so many years? "

"It's because I know that I let you go. If it had been someone else, I would have abandoned him. You know what Yu Weiwei will do to me, don't you? Do you need me to tell you that she pulled me out, lay down with me, and even got reporters to publicize it, which is known all over the city. You should know that mange GE has been wronged now and doesn't know where to hide. If she sees this news, how can I explain it? Will she believe it? If I didn't look at your face, Yu Weiwei couldn't live to now. For the sake of this woman, I've given you enough face, but your eyes are blind and your heart is blind. "

Ye Nanxian's words stunned Mike.

He guessed, but still refused to believe it.


How could Yu Weiwei, such a good woman, do this?

But would a woman do such a good thing?

She knows her feelings for her, but she still uses herself to make ye Nanxian look like this. Is it that he has not seen Yu Weiwei clearly for so many years, or is Yu Weiwei hiding too well?

"What else do I not know?"

"See for yourself!"

Ye Nanxian throws the U-disk of his mobile phone to Mike.

He's very angry, but he doesn't want Mike to be cheated by this woman in the future, so it won't be like this.

Mike's hand was shaking, and he was even reluctant to open it, but he was not a woman after all. He always had to face some things.

He took the mobile phone and inserted it. He saw how Yu Weiwei got into the hospital and how she started with Xiao AI. This scene changed Mike's face directly.

"She told me that Shen mange was going to kill aunt Xiao. How could she..."

"Man Ge killed Xiao AI? What else did she say about mange? Such a two faced woman, I don't know what you really like about her. Mike, I'm driving you away because you really put me in an awkward position this time. On the other hand, I don't want you to stay here and be taken over by her. I don't want you to get involved in my affairs with her. If there is another time, don't blame me for neglecting brotherhood. "

With that, ye Nanxian stood up and left.

Mike can't help but ask, "can I ask, what have you done to her?"

"I haven't done anything. I just let the media say that she took the initiative to climb into my bed to see if there was a small film maker who wanted to cooperate with her. Then I will give her a big hand. Yes? What else do you want to do? "

"No, I just wanted to ask, but I gave up. Even so, she did not send me a message for help, that is to say, in her heart, I am nothing at all. Such a woman, I grew up with her, I didn't see through her, I still like her. I'm really blind. No matter what you do to her in the future, I won't interfere any more. My father always intended to let me take his place, but I didn't strive to be a worthy woman. Now there's no reason for me to continue to be decadent. That's fine. I'll book a plane ticket and leave now. From then on, I won't care about her any more. It's just leaves. After this thing is over, I hope we can still be brothers? "

Mike is reluctant to let go of Ye Nanxian. '

no one can understand the brotherhood that crawls out of the trenches.

He is a friend of life and death. He can entrust his life to each other. Now, for a woman, Mike really feels that he has no face to stand in front of Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian didn't speak. In fact, he was reluctant. If it wasn't about Shen mange this time, he might not have done so much.

"Besides, have a good trip. I have too many things to see you off."

"No, you're busy. I know the way home."

Mike's trip to Haicheng is really sad.

He cleaned himself up, took a taxi to the airport, and had no reason to stay.Originally, he planned to go to Yu Weiwei to seek justice for ye Nanxian. Now, seeing that ye Nanxian has his own consideration and plans, he doesn't intervene. It's only Yu Weiwei who is responsible for it.

Watching Mike leave, ye Nanxian is relieved.

He went back to the hotel again. When he was going to take Yu Weiwei away, he heard that old lady Huo had come and picked up Yu Weiwei.

Ye Nanxian sneered.

Sure enough, there is still a backer!

No wonder you don't go to Mike. In this sea city, Mrs. Huo is much easier to use than Mike.

Ye Nanxian is too lazy to pay attention to Yu Weiwei's life and death, and goes home alone.

Shen Zian looks at Ye Nanxian anxiously and asks, "have you found it?"

See son so ask, ye Nanxian naturally know Shen Zian know.

He pulled his son into the room and asked in a low voice, "besides you and grandma, do you know what sister and ye Rui know?"

"I don't know, but I don't think it will be long. Grandma won't even let us watch TV, which will make us more guessing. "

Shen Zian's words made Ye Nanxian somewhat sad.

"Sorry, daddy didn't find mummy, but don't worry, daddy will keep looking. Mommy is so smart, she'll be fine. "

"Find out who's hurting Mommy?"

Ye Nanxian shook his head.

He has no clue.

This night, all the Ye family did not sleep well.

Before dawn the next day, Yu Weiwei seduces Ye Nanxian and climbs onto Ye Nanxian's bed on her own initiative. However, ye Nanxian dislikes her. The topic of selling her to make a small film spreads throughout Haicheng.

Shen mange's hands trembled unconsciously when he saw the news.

The photo of Yu Weiwei and ye Nanxian lying naked on the same bed is so dazzling.

She felt as if she had been stabbed with blood in her chest.

She just left less than a day, ye Nanxian and Yu Weiwei sleep together?

Even if it is calculated by Yu Weiwei, the result is still unacceptable to Shen mange.

Why is it Yu Weiwei?

He knows that Yu Weiwei has something wrong with him. Why can he follow her way?

Shen mange feels that his whole world is going to collapse.

Or did ye Nanxian hate Guo Zhao from the beginning?

Shen mange's mind began to think wildly and couldn't control it at all.



She must have thought too much!

But the brain is constantly emerging out of that scene, people can not go away.

When song Wenqi came to deliver the food, seeing Shen mange like this, he couldn't help but feel distressed and said, "maybe this is a misunderstanding. I heard that all the reporters who went there were informed. It can be seen that they set a trap in advance. Maybe Ye Nanxian was just calculated. "

"He is a fox, how can he be calculated?"

Shen mange's voice was pale and powerless, and his whole body had no strength.

She felt that her head was heavy and her eyes were fuzzy.

"Man Ge, I don't know much about Yu Weiwei, but since Ye Nanxian can be calculated, there is something extraordinary. Don't think too much about it. Even if ye Nanxian really wants to find a woman at this time, she won't be so blatant, will she? Besides, at such a crucial point, it seems that he did not volunteer. "

Listening to song Wenqi's words, Shen mange didn't feel more comfortable.

Other people don't know that ye Nanxian would rather take medicine than touch her own business. It's hard for her to say about it. Now that such a thing has happened again, it's strange that Shen mange doesn't feel bad.

"Don't talk about him. Is there any news outside?"

"It's still the news. Although Yu Weiwei's news has reduced your news, it's only temporary. You know, people like Yu Weiwei are just watching."

That is to say, the storm of Yu Weiwei will be over in two days. At that time, everyone will pay attention to the follow-up development of her affair.

Shen mange only feels that his headache is about to burst.

She rubbed her head to make herself easier.

"What's the matter?"

Song Wenqi found that Shen mange's face was not right, and it was too ruddy.

He quickly stretched out his hand and touched Shen mange's forehead, but he was scalded by the temperature of Shen mange's forehead.

"You have a fever? Shen mange, you have a fever. Do you know? "

It's a fever!

No wonder it's so hard!

She said with a weak smile, "it's OK. It's just a fever."

"Is that all? What else do you want? Let's go! I'll take you to the hospital! "

Song Wenqi says that he is going to pull Shen mange, but Shen mange hides him."At this time, I can't show up. If I show up in the hospital with you, you will also be in the headlines."

"I don't care! I don't have a good reputation for song Wenqi. What am I afraid of. It's you. You're so sick, and you're still holding on. What should you do in case something happens? "

Song Wenqi said that he would not agree with Shen mange's caprice.

Shen mange waved his hand and said, "I really can't go out. The person behind me has not been found. If I go out now, everything will be in vain. Go and buy me some medicine for fever. I'll take it and have a good sleep. "

"You How come you don't know how to cherish yourself! How about just taking medicine? "

Song Wenqi was worried, but he couldn't help Shen mange's obstinacy. What's more, Shen mange is right. She's really not suitable to go out now.

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