"Hello, you woman, you..."

Ye Nanxian feels that Shen mange has gone further now.

Shen mange shakes the phone and shows the screen to Ye Nanxian. It's really the number of 110.

"Will you go? No, I'm really calling! When the police come, I'll see what you say. "

Shen mange doesn't look like a joke at all.

Ye Nanxian suddenly remembers the words that he said not long ago and makes people wait. Well, he is really waiting, but he is the one who is waiting.

"Wife, I'm wrong."

Ye Nanxian holds the attitude of admitting his mistake first and apologizes in a hurry.

Shen mange sneered and said, "if Mr. Ye doesn't leave, I'll call the TV station. It's estimated that the TV station is very interested in your behavior."

Said, she took the mobile phone into the inside, and even the curtains are to pull up.

Ye Nanxian has been shut up. It's depressing.

He had to leave the room and go back to the car.

When Song Tao saw that he had come back so early, he did not dare to ask more. He just asked where ye Nanxian was going.

Ye Nanxian said: "where are you going? How do I know where to go? "

Now I know where Shen mange is. He doesn't want to go anywhere except here. Who knows that he has offended his wife.

When Song Tao saw that ye Nanxian was so upset, he could not help giving some advice.

"Why don't we buy a bunch of flowers for my wife? It's said that women like flowers. Maybe when my wife is happy, nothing will happen. "

Ye Nanxian looked at Song Tao like an idiot and said, "do you send her flowers? Are you afraid that others will not know that my wife is here at Song Wenqi? "

Song Tao didn't know what to say.


"What is that? I'm getting bored. "

Ye Nanxian, it's depressing.

At this time, Shen Zian's phone call came in.

"Lao ye, when you come back, I find something wrong."

"What's the problem?"

"About mommy's picture."

As soon as Shen Zian's words came out, ye Nanxian suddenly became energetic.

"Go, drive back to the old house."

When ye Nanxian said this, Song Tao immediately agreed.

Shen mange was waiting for ye Nanxian to say something nice to her. After a while, the phone didn't ring, wechat didn't move, and it seemed that there was no sound outside.

She jerked open the curtain, where is Ye Nanxian's shadow?


That's what this man does to her, isn't it?

Shen mange feels wronged to death.

She wanted to call ye Nanxian and scold him again, but she thought it was too cheap.

Cold is cold, who is afraid of who!

Shen mange thinks about it with personality, but he always feels that something is missing.

This woman is just like this. When she was sulky at the beginning, she didn't feel time hard when she ignored Ye Nanxian. Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared, I feel that life is like a year.

Ye Nanxian doesn't know what Shen mange is thinking. He drives back to Ye's old house. Shen Zian pulls Ye Nanxian into the house.

"Look, Lao Ye."

When Shen Zian enlarged the photo of Shen mange, ye Nanxian's face was a little ugly.

"Didn't I have these photos deleted directly? Why do you still have it? "

Although Shen mange's body has been mosaic, but his son saw his wife like this, ye Nanxian's psychology is still very uncomfortable.

Shen Zian didn't feel anything. Anyway, it was his own mother, and he couldn't see anything because he had been mosaic.

"Lao ye, don't worry about this. You can see where the place behind Mommy is."

"Behind you?"

Ye Nanxian has never thought about this problem.

After Shen Zian reminded him, he narrowed his eyes and looked at it. Although the angle of the photo was a little blurred, it didn't look like a serious room, but it looked like a warehouse or something.

Where is this?

Shen Zian enlarged the back part.

"I've searched and compared this place on the map of Haicheng, but I can't find the same one. Is it possible to say that this place is not a picture of mommy in Haicheng? But in the past five years, mommy has been in the United States. Can't she be photographed in the United States? That's absolutely impossible! And I found a problem

Shen Zian hesitated for a moment and said, "Lao ye, look here, it's like P's head."

This sentence makes Ye Nanxian slightly stunned.

If it's a general P-map technique, ye Nanxian has seen it for a long time, but the other side is very good. At the first glance, he makes people pay attention to Shen mange's body part, and makes people feel that it is real, so that people ignore other things.If it wasn't for Shen zi'an who had been looking for the flaw in this photo, it's estimated that ye Nanxian couldn't really see the trace of P in it.

"Why do you want your mommy's head on it? This is obviously... "

Ye Nanxian stops in time. He can't say in front of the child that it's your mother's body. Why do you still need p-chart?

This question has puzzled Ye Nanxian all the time.

"Listen first, but I'm looking for your mommy."

Ye Nanxian photographed the flaws in this picture.

Shen Zian looked at Ye Nanxian and said, "Lao ye, when will Mommy come back? I miss Mommy


Ye Nanxian feels that he has found a clue.

Anyway, let the children have an expectation.

Shen zi'an didn't ask any more. He knew that in this critical period, he couldn't come out to see mummy, otherwise it would bring inconvenience to mummy.

"You must take good care of Mommy!"

"I see."

Ye Nan Xian touched Shen zi'an's head and went out quickly.

"Song Tao, go back to the back door of the casino."

"Still going?"

Song Tao thinks that ye Nanxian is more frustrated and more brave, but what happened here?

Now he knows what to ask and what not to ask, so he doesn't ask much and drives Ye Nanxian back.

Ye Nanxian climbs onto the balcony again and finds that the door of the balcony is open and the curtain is open. Shen mange doesn't know what to do in the room.


Ye Nanxian came in in a hurry, but saw Shen mange look at him and said, "Oh, ye Shao is in the wrong place, isn't he?"

This sour not pull a few words let Ye Nanxian some depressed.

"You're still angry?"

"How dare I be angry!"

Shen man Ge said coldly.

Ye Nanxian, as if by magic, took out a rose from his arms and handed it to him.

"Look, I just went home and picked it for you from mom's greenhouse. Isn't it beautiful?"

Shen man immediately stood up after listening to the song.

"You picked your mother's roses? Ye Nanxian, you please girls, won't you go out to buy? Mom, those roses are all famous species. When they are precious like eyes, how dare you pick mom's roses? "

"What's the matter? As long as you like it, you'll be scolded by my mother."

Ye Nanxian's indifferent appearance really makes Shen mange speechless.

However, this is a Green Peony, which really makes people happy.

Shen mange's face somewhat eased. He hurriedly took the flowerpot and put the rose in.

Looking at her favorite appearance, ye Nanxian hugged her from behind and said with a smile: "well, don't be angry. I just went back to have something wrong. We found a trace of evidence. You see."


Shen man Ge is slightly a Leng, also didn't notice Ye Nan Xian's hand to put there.

Ye Nanxian Snickers and takes out his mobile phone.

"Look at the picture."

This is the first picture Shen mange saw in the media. Although the mosaic is big now, her face is not very good-looking.

Ye Nanxian said in a low voice: "if you take a closer look at the environment behind you, can you have an impression of where it is? Zi'an and I said that he compared all the buildings in Haicheng and didn't find this place. If it's a foreign country, he doesn't believe you can be hijacked abroad without knowing it. "

Hearing Ye Nanxian say so, Shen mange quickly takes the mobile phone and looks at it carefully.

"And here, your head is put up by P, which is really puzzling. The body itself is yours. Who is going to give your head to p? Originally, I didn't pay attention to this problem. If it wasn't for zi'an, I might not have found it. "

Ye Nanxian's words make Shen mange's eyebrows slightly wrinkle.

There was a flash of fragments in her mind.

"I seem to know where this is."


As soon as ye Nanxian heard Shen mange, he knew that he had a spirit.

Shen mange looks at Ye Nanxian, his eyes are more or less complicated.

"What's the matter?"

He didn't know what happened to Shen mange, but he suddenly felt that Shen mange was in a bad mood. For a moment, some monks couldn't figure it out.

Shen mange didn't speak, but stood up and pondered on the French window. The expression made Ye Nanxian more or less worried.


"It's OK."

Shen man Ge sighed and said, "I should know when I took this picture."


"Five years ago, before that big fire, before I gave birth to them."Shen mange's words make ye Nanxian's face slightly change.

"What did you say?"

"This place is the warehouse behind the gas station, but I was knocked unconscious. When I woke up, someone set up the camera and other equipment. I don't know whether I took the picture or not. It was rumored that I eloped with someone at that time? The evidence is solid. It should be the photos left at that time. And why do you want to drop your head, because my face at that time was not my face now. "

Shen mange's words make ye Nanxian's thoughts back to five years ago.

At that time, Shen mange disappeared and a fire broke out. The news the next day was that Shen mange ran away with another man. There were photos at that time. However, because of the shame of this incident, the Ye family immediately suppressed those photos.

At that time, Song Tao dealt with these things. He was completely immersed in the grief of Shen mange's death in the fire. He didn't have time to see what the photos were at that time.

Now the picture five years ago has been found. Who would have this picture?

Who was involved in that year?

But Chu Mengxi is dead!

So who else is going to take these photos and get into trouble again?

Zhang Ma's words, Zhang Ma has also been sentenced, now in the imperial capital's prison, so who else?

Ye Nanxian and Shen mange immediately fell into meditation, feeling invisible, as if the matter five years ago had not ended.

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