Tell Shen mange that he was murdered?

Although this can ease their relationship and even make Shen mange forgive himself, ye Nanxian just doesn't want to do it.

He doesn't want Shen mange to be frightened by such things, and he doesn't want her to be aggrieved by such things.

Shen mange said that he couldn't pass the emotional barrier, so he waited for her to walk slowly, and now it's not even.

No one knows who's behind her, and doesn't know if it's aimed at Shen mange. It's better to keep it from her.

Ye Nanxian's brain quickly turned for a while, and then said: "don't talk to her about this matter. It's estimated that she doesn't have time for me at the moment."

With that, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Sunan some do not agree with the said: "you can think clearly, your current situation can be big or small, I am sure you will not be treated here.". If you want treatment, you have to close it completely. If your wife can't find you, what do you say? "

Ye Nanxian looked out of the window, the sun is just right, but whether he or Shen mange's heart, it is estimated that there is haze.

"Then don't say anything. I'll arrange it. You just arrange a place for me, and I'll take care of the rest. "

"Cheng, think for yourself. I told you that your wife is not your accessory. I personally think you should let her know about it."

"Say it again."

Ye Nanxian is a little tired, and Sunan is not easy to disturb. Anyway, it's all their family business. He is just an outsider. It's good to give some advice, but how to do it depends on Ye Nanxian himself in the end.

When Sunan came out, the waiter was paralyzed because Bai Zitong had already given him the test report.

When he saw that it was sodium cyanide poisoning, he knew that the Crown Club was in trouble, because Xiaowei was in trouble.

"Su Shao, we will find this man, I promise."

"Go back and tell your manager that if you can't give me and ye Shao a reply within a week, we will make your club pay the price."

Sunan's words were not threats. The waiter knew that he was absolutely capable of doing it. He nodded and walked away.

Looking at Sunan, Bai Zitong said, "do you want to know where to let Ye Shao treat?"

"This matter needs to be sealed off. Although there are test results, they can't be disclosed. The Ye family is not peaceful now. I'll discuss a countermeasure with Nanxian. I'll embarrass you for the time being. "

"It's OK. As long as it's your business, I'm not embarrassed. I just don't want to talk about it with Ye Shao's wife?"

Bai Zitong is a woman. Naturally, she knows what women want to know most.

Sunan looked at the direction of the ward and said: "that elm head said he would handle it. After all, it's someone else's family business. Let's not interfere. I hope he won't regret it in the end."

"All right."

The two husband and wife separated and were busy with their own affairs.

After leaving from ye Nanxian, Shen mange goes back to Shen's home and explains to his parents why Ye Nanxian can't come to dinner for a while. Then he goes to the bedroom.

She quickly opened the note in her hand, which said, "come to Huo's this afternoon. If you don't come, what will happen to your grandmother? I don't know."

It's Yu Weiwei's handwriting.

Thinking of what song Wenqi said to himself, Shen mange hesitated somewhat.

How on earth should we solve this matter ourselves?

Go or not?

Does she want to talk to Huo Zhenting about old lady Huo?

Shen mange is still struggling, even without a thought.

She couldn't help calling Ye Nanxian.

No one answered Ye Nanxian's phone.

Shen mange is a little reluctant. She beats again, but no one answers. Her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.

Can't be angry, so don't answer her phone?

But shouldn't she be the one to be angry?

Shen mange calls Song Tao directly.

"Where are ye Nanxian people now?"

Song Tao is stunned by Shen mange's words.

"Madam, I didn't tell Mr. Ye where he was going."

"I see."

Shen mange thinks that he is a bit cheap.

Mingming can't get through that barrier in his heart. He still has a problem with him. Now he worries about him because he can't get through a phone call.

Maybe he doesn't know where he is.

Shen man Ge angrily threw the mobile phone aside, and his heart became more and more agitated.

When she came to the restaurant outside, she saw that Shen's father and mother and Shen Luoluo had finished the meal, so she couldn't help coming over.

"Wow, mom, you've made so many delicious dishes?"

Shen mange is really hungry.

Mother Shen said with a smile: "yes, you are thin now, and you don't know how to eat well. They are all the young grannies of the Ye family. Nanxian is not at your loss. How can she not keep well? Didn't you go to the hospital? How are you doing recently? Why don't they grow meat? "Shen's mother is very worried about Shen mange's body.

Shen mange said: "now many girls are losing weight. Look at me, how standard is the weight? Don't make me fat. What if I get fat and ugly? "

"This child, what weight loss does not lose weight, pure nonsense, I tell you, ah, you give me less to learn those girls outside, what weight loss. You should eat more quickly. In the past few days at home, my mother promises to keep you fat! "

As soon as Shen's mother's voice fell, Shen began to shout and say, "support me too, grandma. I'm thin, too. Look at it."

Said she also pinched his chubby face to explain, the family happy moment happy.

"Good, good, good. Eat quickly. "

Father Shen smiles and looks at Shen mange sitting down. He doesn't know what's going on between her and ye Nanxian. He wanted to ask, but seeing his daughter in a good mood, he still shut up.

Shen mange, who had a meal, called it a comfort. It seemed that those warm days that had not been seen for a long time had come back again.

Only after experiencing life and death can we know that the happiest and happiest thing in the world is that the closest people around us can eat and chat together.

After dinner, Shen mange helps Shen mother clean up the dishes and chopsticks. Shen mother takes Shen Luoluo to take a nap.

Seeing that Shen mange had something on his mind, Shen's father asked with a smile, "talk to my father?"


Shen mange looks at Shen's father in a coquettish way, but she still enters the study with him.

"What's the matter? What happened? "


Shen mange nodded.

"There's something wrong with the old lady of the Huo family, but I haven't told the Huo family about it yet. I've been hesitating about it."

Shen mange can't find Ye Nanxian. Now in front of Shen's father, he is helpless like a child.

When father Shen heard these words, he was stunned. Looking at Shen mange, he said, "Why are you so tangled? Is it because what Mrs. Huo has done to you before makes you cold? "

This sentence is to the point.

Shen mange's eyes are moist.

In front of others, she can pretend not to care, but in front of her father, the grievance still came out.

"Well, she was very aggrieved and cold hearted. She said that she didn't want me and that I had nothing to do with the Huo family. Then why should I care about her affairs?"

"Then why are you still so tangled? Why do you want to be in a bad mood because you are so indecisive about it? "

Shen's father looks at Shen mange's grievance and feels a little distressed.

Shen mange was speechless all of a sudden.


Why did she hesitate?

Why is it tangled?

No, because I can't put it down?

Looking at Shen mange, father Shen said meaningfully, "don't say that she is your own grandmother, you are connected by blood and bone, just say that she is just an outsider, but she is the family member and widow of the martyr. Without the sacrifice of the Huo family, how can we live now? Even as an outsider, you should inform them, shouldn't you? I know that Mrs. Huo's way of doing things makes you feel aggrieved and chilling. You don't think she should treat you like that, but man Ge, everyone in the world has different views and ideas. You can't let everyone go according to your ideas. Maybe she is just confused, temporarily can't see your good, but one day she will understand what kind of good child you are. Don't argue with others, be yourself and keep your heart. If something happens one day, you can live up to your conscience and won't regret it, then it's OK. "

Hearing Shen's father say so, Shen mange's mind suddenly brightens up.

"Dad, that's very kind of you!"

Shen mange hugs father Shen and acts like a child.

Father Shen patted her on the shoulder and said with a happy smile, "I can't be better than Nanxian."

Shen mange's body can't help pausing.

"Dad, why did you say that all of a sudden?"

"I know there's a contradiction between you and him. As for what it is, Dad won't ask. But what Dad wants to tell you is that the couple live together, just like the pot lid and pot, inevitably bumping. No one is a saint. Everyone has done something wrong. I can see that this time, Nanxian may have done something wrong, which makes you unhappy. But you should also think more about his kindness to you. He's dedicated to you. I don't believe you don't realize it. "

Shen's father's words make Shen mange's heart feel worse.

"Dad, you don't know what he did, so naturally."

"What's bigger than life? As long as it's not life-threatening, everything can be discussed. Besides, I always feel that no matter what Nanxian has done, the starting point should be for you, for the family and for the children. Maybe he is more overbearing and radical, but you should also know that he has been a commanding person since he was a child. Who is he? He is not a common man. He is Ye Shao, the former successor of the Ye family. You may not agree with the means and methods he used to act, but you need to see the intention behind him, right? "After listening to father Shen's words, Shen mange was somewhat shaken.

"Dad, I'm your daughter. Why do you always say he's good?"

"If he treats you well, your parents will be relieved. After all, your parents don't spend as much time with you as he does. Family harmony is the best. Listen to Dad. If you can do something, just go. After a while, I'll call Nanxian and ask him to come back for dinner. What's going on

Shen mange saw her father's expectant eyes and thought about what he said. She was really shaken.

Otherwise, I'd better call ye Nanxian later.

She thought so, some can't wait to go back to the room, pick up the phone to call ye Nanxian, but didn't expect Ye Nanxian to take the lead in calling.

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