Shen man GE's action is tiny, at this time, the other party suddenly clasps Shen man GE's wrist, a feeling of numbness suddenly makes her weak.


Shen mange just finished a word, the other side a hand knife, directly cut dizzy Shen mange.

Her body fell slowly.

The other party quickly catches Shen mange, looks left and right, and finds that no one pays attention to this side. Then he picks Shen mange up and throws it directly into the van, and drives out from the other side of the alley.

LAN ling'er could see Shen mange just now. In the blink of an eye, Shen mange disappeared.

She couldn't help but panic.

"Mange! Shen mange! Where are you? "

She remembered scurrying, but there were so many people around that she couldn't move.

As a last resort, LAN ling'er had to shout: "kill! Someone's killed! "

As soon as the words came out, the people around immediately spread.

Taking advantage of this gap, LAN ling'er quickly runs to the position of Shen man Ge just now, but where is the shadow of Shen man Ge?

LAN ling'er immediately cried.

"Song Tao, I can't see the man song. What can I do? I was there just now. Why did I disappear all of a sudden? "

LAN ling'er calls Song Tao.

As soon as Song Tao heard this, he was confused.

"Where is the wife?"

"Come on

Song Tao hears LAN ling'er crying out of breath. He quickly loses his car and runs over. But where is Shen mange's shadow now?

The police also came here at this time.

The scene is more chaotic.

Shen mange's identity is special. Song Tao doesn't care about anything else, so he calls the police chief directly, hoping to call up the nearby surveillance to see Shen mange's whereabouts.

Hearing that ye Nanxian's wife had an accident, the director didn't dare to delay, so he asked several policemen on the scene to help.

But there is a monitoring corner, that is, the alley behind the Crown Club, where there is no monitoring at all.

Song Tao ran over and found the wheel trace of the van on the ground. It seems that he had just left.

"Get in the car!"

Song Tao pulls LAN ling'er into the car. Regardless of the traffic jam or not, he drives directly from the flower bed and chases out along the tire tracks in the alley.

Unfortunately, the intersection is not far away from the alley, and there are no more minibuses. After all, there are too many cars at the intersection, so it is very difficult to find a model.

Song Tao's heart goes directly to his throat.

What to do?

Before he left, Mr. Ye asked him to take care of his wife and young ladies. Now he has lost his wife!

Song Tao is very remorseful and has to call ye Nanxian, but ye's phone is off.

This is something that Song Tao has never experienced. It should be said that since he talked to Ye Nanxian, he has never been unable to contact Ye Nanxian. Now ye Nanxian's mobile phone is turned off.

Song Tao remembers that it is like an ant on a hot pot, while LAN ling'er is constantly blaming himself.

After making more than ten calls in a row, ye Nanxian didn't get through. Song Tao had to call Sunan.

"Su Shao, do you know how to contact our General Manager Ye?"

"I don't know. What's the matter?"

As soon as Sunan came home, he received a phone call from Song Tao before he could speak to Bai Zitong.

At this time, Song Tao naturally did not hide.

"My wife is gone. I call Mr. Ye, but his mobile phone has not been answered. Su Shao, I don't know what you and Mr. Ye are doing, but if you can contact him, would you please contact Mr. Ye? "

Song Tao is about to cry.

Sunan's brows were tightly knit.

"What do you mean your wife is gone? Don't you stay at the Shen's for a long time? "

"Yes, it was good, but Zhong suxue suddenly ran away from Ye's house. Her wife was worried about old lady ye and young master ye, and planned to go back to Ye's house to have a look. There was a traffic jam on the way, and something happened to Crown Club. She went down to see what happened. As a result, there were too many people, so..."

Song Tao blames himself as he talks. He shouldn't let Shen mange and LAN ling'er get off the bus.

But it's about Wei. He doesn't know how to tell Sunan about it.

Hearing this, Sunan grabbed his coat and said, "have you contacted the police?"

"Contact, but there is a dark lane here, which is the dead angle of monitoring, we still lost the clue."

"Don't worry. I'll be right there."

Sunan will leave after he hangs up.

"What's the matter?"White Zitong see his face flustered, can't help but ask.

Sunan told Shen mange all over again. Bai Zitong's face was a little ugly.

"You'd better find Shen mange as soon as possible."

"What's the matter?"

From his wife's tone, Sunan heard a different meaning.

Bai Zitong said in a low voice: "my blood test has come out. Shen mange has a severe bacterial infection in her body, and there are signs of massive bleeding in her uterus. I left some medicine for her before, but I don't know whether she took it or not. If we don't control this period of time, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable. "

Hearing his wife say so, Sunan's eyebrows are more locked.

"At this time, I can only use all my strength to find Shen mange, but what should I say about ye Nanxian?"

Sunan sighed and turned to leave.

When Song Tao is waiting for Sunan to come, he also starts to look for Shen mange through the relationship between the Ye family, but there is no news at all.

When Sunan arrived, he brought some special people. After surveying the dark lane, they quickly found the trace of the van.

"Keep up!"

They followed the clues and finally stopped at the seaside.

In other words, the clue is broken here.

Is Shen mange thrown into the sea?

This kind of speculation makes LAN ling'er almost unbearable.

"No, the other party must have a plan to kidnap Shen mange at this time. They won't hurt Shen mange. It may be just a cover up. We've been fooled. "

Sunan reacted quickly.

Only when they rushed back to the alley again, the crowd had dispersed. After the stampede of the crowd, the clues around were almost disappeared.

"Try to find Zhong suxue's whereabouts!"

Sunan now can only hope that Shen mange is not taken away by Zhong suxue.

On the other hand, ye Nanxian is now suffering from inhuman torture.

He only drank two or three glasses of wine, and the dosage almost killed him.

Ye Nanxian was tied to the bed. When he was addicted to drugs, his face was ferocious and terrible. He even wanted to kill all the people.

"Give it to me! Give it to me quickly

Ye Nanxian yelled, scarlet eyes make people retreat, just like an angry lion, eager to destroy everything.

But the rope that tied him was specially made, and no one around dared to get close. He was locked in an iron cage like an animal, shouting.

Who would have thought that ye Nanxian, the young master of the Ye family, would have such a miserable day.

When the mind is buffered, ye Nanxian is glad that Shen mange doesn't know her current situation, otherwise she can't die of heartache?

Shen mange sees him in such a mess that he can't pass his own level.

The feeling of dizziness, the desire for that kind of thing, is like a dagger with poison, which completely stimulates the evil in his body.

Until exhausted, until this round of torture passed, ye Nanxian lay there all wet. Looking at the ceiling in the air, he felt as if he had woken up from hell.

He gasped like a fish out of the water.

He didn't know how long he had spent in this round, but he knew that it was only the beginning, and the rest of the time might be more difficult.

The moment he lost his mind, he thought that there were only Shen mange and the children's smiling faces in his mind, but he couldn't help it.

"Do me a favor."

Ye Nanxian's voice is almost collapse, collapse to ordinary people can't hear his voice, but still someone quickly appeared in his sight.

"Ye Shao, what's the matter?"

"Develop a picture of my wife in my mobile phone and stick it around the cage."

His voice is weak, is in the accumulation of strength, in order to meet the next round of life and death torture.

As soon as I turned on the phone, I saw that there were more than ten or twenty missed calls, and they were all called by a person named Song Tao.

The visitor just wanted to Tell ye Nanxian about it, but suddenly he received a call from Sunan.

"How is Ye Nanxian?"

"Just after the first time, if you can rest for about ten minutes, you will meet the second time. I said I wanted to give ye Shao injection of medicine for labor pain, but ye Shao didn't agree. "

The man responded in a low voice.

Sunan's eyebrows never let go.

"It's good not to inject drugs. He's not an ordinary person. It's best for him to quit without drugs. But there's one thing you can't tell him now. "

"What's the matter?"

"No matter how many calls he has made on his mobile phone, he can't be let know at this time, and he can't be let off his mobile phone, you know? This kind of toxicity is too strong. Once it starts, it can't stop. If it stops halfway, he will be useless in his life! No matter what happens here, I will try my best to solve it, but now no matter who it is, I can't disturb him, understand? "Sunan's voice is very cold. It's not like a doctor.

The man suddenly understood.

"Yes, Su Shao, I know."

The man quickly deleted Song Tao's Caller ID, and then according to Ye Nanxian's instructions, found Shen mange's photo from his mobile phone, and quickly printed it and pasted it around the iron cage.

Looking at the photo of Shen mange, ye Nanxian smiles weakly.

As if only in this way, he could feel Shen mange beside him.

He must make it!

Mange, wait for me!

When I go back, I'll tell you everything, I won't hide anything from you!

Ye Nanxian said secretly in his heart that he couldn't help but welcome the second round of cruel struggle. Now he doesn't know what happened to Shen mange, let alone how much Shen mange wants him to appear.

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