"Wow! Steak

Shen Luoluo's excited appearance and ye Rui's frowning form a sharp contrast.

"Miss, young master, this is the steak for you. Please enjoy yourself."

The babysitter like woman brings the newly prepared steak to Shen Luoluo.

Ye Rui directly stops Shen Luoluo, looks at the woman in front of him and says, "we're going out to eat steak. It's medium rare. My sister likes medium rare, and the steak she likes must be airlifted from abroad. "

"Brother Ye Rui, I..."

"Shut up

Ye Rui stares at Shen Luoluo.

Although Shen Luoluo wanted to eat, he stepped back under Ye Rui's gaze, but his eyes were staring at the steak all the time, and his saliva was about to flow out.

Why doesn't Ye Rui want Shen Luoluo to eat? But now they can't eat here.

But the woman didn't get angry. Instead, she said with a smile, "young master, our steak has just been airlifted from abroad. It's very fresh. As for the medium rare steak you said, I'll let them do it again. You wait a moment."

With that, the woman went out with the steak.

"Oh, my steak!"

Shen Luoluo wants to grab the steak from the woman, but he is caught by Ye Rui.

"Brother Ye Rui, my steak!"

"We don't know what happened to Mommy. Now you can only hold them with food. I'll find something to come back."

Ye Rui is a little worried.

The child is heartless, and I don't know if he can hold on to the delivery man.

When Shen Luoluo heard Ye Rui say this, he frowned and said, "what do you mean is that no matter what they bring, I'll say I'm not satisfied. Let them do it again, right?"

"Yes! How clever is Luoluo

Ye Ruisi is not stingy of her praise, but Shen Luoluo praises her face.

"Brother Ye Rui is a bad guy! It's the biggest villain in the world to know people's favorite food and make them deliberately find fault when facing delicious food! Hum

Shen Luoluo's accusations make ye Rui more or less uncomfortable and distressed.

"I promise you, as long as you can resist their temptation for three times, I will ask you to eat KFC and DEX for three times, OK?"

because of Shen's body, no matter Ye Nanxian or Shen mange, she is not allowed to eat these junk food, even if she usually eats it, it is quantitative. Now hear ye Rui say so, Shen Luoluo immediately smile, and stretched out his little finger.

"Hanging on the hook, no change in a hundred years."

Ye Rui looks at the chubby little hand and extends his finger without hesitation.

"Hang on the hook, you can't change for a hundred years. Whoever changes will be the dog!"

When two people's thumbs are together, Shen Luoluo's smile is sweeter, but ye Rui is slightly sour.

Shen Zian is not here, and Mommy doesn't know what happened. He must take Shen Luoluo out of here! Don't let mommy worry.

Ye Rui says in the heart secretly, pacify Shen Luoluo again a few words, this just scared to go out from the window.

Shen Luoluo looked worried and said, "brother Ye Rui, it's so high here. Be careful."

"I see. Go back. Don't let them in until I come back, you know? If you don't want to eat steak again, you can change it into something else and try to delay their time

Ye Rui said it again to Shen Luoluo.

Shen Luo nodded and said, "I know. If I can't see any delicious food, I can resist it."

"Good boy

Ye Rui smiles at Shen Luoluo and climbs out of the window.

There are guards down there.

Ye Rui never knew that ye Nanfang had sent so many people to watch him and Shen Luoluo. Many of them were from the base. Ye Rui met Ye Nanfang when he was specially trained.

He bit his lower lip and went to the kitchen carefully.

The people in the kitchen are busy living. As the woman said, the steaks are all transported by private plane. They are very fresh. At present, the woman is directing others to make the steaks again.

Ye Rui while they don't pay attention to scurry in, quickly hide under the chopping board.

The things on hand brightened his eyes. He secretly packed them in cloth bags, and then tied them with ropes. Using the principle of pulley, he delivered the things to the window of his room and the sinking room.

Shen Luoluo is slightly stunned. He runs to see a rope connecting the other room, and a bag of things hanging in front of the window.

She frowned slightly, opened the window and pulled the bag in with all her strength.

When ye Rui leans out his head to look at it, he just sees Shen Luoluo carrying the bag inside. He smiles happily and makes a very good gesture to Shen Luoluo.

Got Ye Rui's praise, Shen Luoluo immediately came to the spirit, even took off his coat, full of vigor.With Shen Luoluo's help, ye Rui is more confident.

Because he is small and trained in the special training base, he knows how to avoid those people and cameras, like a loach in the back of the kitchen.

Bags of stuff were carried down the rope to their room.

Shen Luoluo soon tired out a sweat, but in her opinion, everything is so fun, so interesting, but more and more strength.

There were footsteps outside.

Shen Luoluo quickly held his breath.

There was a knock on the door and a woman's voice came from outside.

"Miss, master, the steak is ready."

"I suddenly found out that I don't want to eat steak again. I want to eat egg tarts. Go and make them for me."

Shen Luoluo spoke quickly.

The woman frowned slightly, but still said respectfully: "what about the young master? The young master's steak is ready, too. "

"Brother Ye Rui doesn't want to eat any more, does he? Brother Ye Rui. "

With that, Shen Luoluo pretends to be ye Rui's voice.

Seeing this, the woman respectfully said, "well, I'll let them make egg tarts for young master and young lady."

"Go on, go on, I want to eat mousse cake. You'd better buy me some delicious fruit."

"All right."

The footsteps left again.

Shen Luoluo turns around in the same place, gives himself a special praise gesture, and then says to himself, "Shen Luoluo. How good are you! You can be an actor in the future! Ouye

After some entertainment, ye Zirui has come back.

"Brother Ye Rui, are you back? I tell you, I sent that woman away. I pretended to be your voice and deceived her. I... "

"Shh -"

Ye Rui, seeing that Shen Luoluo's voice was getting louder and louder, couldn't help but make her shut up, then opened the door and looked out.

There are four big men guarding the door of the room. The living room below is very big, and there are more than ten bodyguards in all.

Ye Rui's brow slightly wrinkled.

"Brother Ye Rui, what are you looking at? I want to see it, too. "

Shen Luoluo drags Ye Rui's clothes anxiously.

Ye Rui looked at the following, thought about it and said, "Luoluo, can you skate?"

"Yes! My brother taught me. When I was in the hospital, I was very bored and had no fun. My mom and Godfather didn't allow me to take part in activities. My brother set up a game for me, which is figure skating. It's very beautiful. "

Shen Luoluo's words make ye Rui smoke a little.

"I'm not talking about games, I'm talking about reality. Have you ever played? "

"No, but I have a good balance. I used to walk on the horizontal bar in the backyard of the hospital, but mom and brother don't know about it. You can't tell them. It's a little secret between us

"Good. Shall we skate now? "

Ye Rui's proposal brightens Shen's eyes.

"How to play?"

"You listen to me and do as I teach you, OK?"

Ye Rui looks at Shen Luoluo, more or less worried, but they have no time.

But Shen Luoluo said happily, "good! I promise to be obedient

Seeing that she is in such a high mood, ye Rui feels a little bit agitated. He doesn't know whether he is doing it right or not, but he can't take care of it.

"You pretend to have a stomachache. When I open the door, you hold my hand. Don't let it go, you know?"

"I see!"

At this time, Shen Luoluo doesn't care about the principle of not lying. He just thinks about how to play with Ye Rui for a while.

Ye Rui nods to her, and Shen Luoluo immediately holds her stomach and wails.

"Ouch, ouch, I have a stomachache. I'm dying! Come on! Come on! I'm going to the hospital! "

Shen Luoluo cries in tears. If ye Rui doesn't know, he really thinks she has a stomachache.

People outside are hesitant to hear Shen Luoluo's cry. At this moment, ye Rui is crying.

"Luoluo, what's the matter with you? Why do you have purple lips? Come on

He said with his feet holding the door, a very fast.

The bodyguards outside are not calm at last.

The people inside are the boss's own sons and nieces. If something really happens, they can't afford it.

Thinking of this, the bodyguard quickly opened the door.

At this time, ye Rui directly poured out the peanut oil prepared in advance.

"Luoluo, hold on to my hand, I'll take you skating."

At the same time, ye Rui reaches out his little hand to Shen Luoluo.

Shen Luoluo didn't know, so he cooperated very well. He handed his hand to him.When their hands just met, ye Rui dragged her forward and stepped on the peanut oil directly. The bodyguard who comes in is unprepared and splashed with peanut oil. He can't stand still. When he is looking for the balance bar, ye Rui is like a flexible fish, dragging Shen Luoluo to shuttle between them.

"Wow! How exciting

Shen Luoluo experienced the feeling of skating for the first time. She couldn't control herself. She screamed happily and immediately attracted the attention of other bodyguards.

"Come on! Get them

The leader of the team immediately panicked when he saw this scene.

Ye Rui shows his superb skating skills. He quickly flashes past with a deep fall, and then detonates the things that were arranged in the windows of other rooms not long ago.

"Bang" sound, the fire is surging, a heat wave hit, ye Rui quickly hugged Shen Luoluo, ran directly to the stair handrail, and slid down the stair handrail.

Shen Luoluo was frightened by the explosion and asked: "brother Ye Rui, is that a bomb? You have a bomb? "

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