Bai Zitong suddenly sympathizes with song Wenqi.

Outsiders think that he has no heart, but no one knows that his feelings for Shen mange are so persistent, but he is not his lover after all, he is doomed to a lonely ending.

"Song Wenqi, you..."

"I promise. After a while, I'll go to find Ye Nanxian. "

Song Wenqi suddenly opened his mouth.

Bai Zitong knew that song Wenqi could say that it was not easy to make such a decision.

"You can think about it. You really are..."

"Don't leave the ink. I'll go to see mange and start right away. Don't tell her about it. She will know when ye Nanxian comes back. "

With that, song Wenqi goes out from Bai Zitong.

Bai Zitong looked at his back and sighed.

When song Wenqi comes to Shen mange's room, ye Rui sits quietly and stares at Shen mange for fear that she will suddenly open her eyes and miss it.

Seeing him like this, song Wenqi touched his head and said, "don't worry, your mommy will be OK."


Ye Rui raised his head, looked at Song Wenqi, and said with some worry: "you adults always like to cheat our children that we don't know anything, but we all know it. Don't think Luoluo really thinks that mommy is just tired. She just doesn't say it. She is used to using simplicity to make you feel at ease. I don't seem to be in good shape, either. You're all cheating on us, aren't you? "

"What a lie!"

Song Wenqi pats Ye Rui on the shoulder, but under Ye Rui's simple gaze, he can't maintain his strong smile after all.

"Your mommy is really not very good."

"Can you tell me what happened to her? Will my mommy die? "

Ye Rui has experienced the death of his own mother, so he is so sensitive to the word death that when he says it, his voice is trembling.

Song Wenqi thinks that he has no heart, except for Shen mange, he never cares about other people, but now he has a little heartache for ye Rui.

"No. Your mother has a long life. But there's something wrong with the body. I'm not optimistic. Don't worry. I'll make your mommy better. "

Song Wenqi's words inexplicably let Ye Rui some believe.

"If Mommy is really good, I'll take you as my teacher. Zi'an once said to me that I will treat you like my father if I am a teacher one day and a father all my life. "

Ye Rui said this. Song Wenqi didn't know what he was feeling.

There is one more son, but he doesn't reject it. Maybe I know that there is no hope of getting married in my life, and I may not have my own children, so the more I look at Ye Rui, the more I like him.

"Yes, you said that. Although you're a child, you're a man. Don't fool me with your words. "

"Don't fool you, let's hook up!"

Ye Rui said and stretched out his little finger, completely serious appearance.

Song Wenqi can't remember how many years she hasn't done such a childish thing. She can't help laughing, but she also sticks out her little finger to hook up with Ye Rui.

"I promise I'll make your mommy OK. I'll make your mommy happy, too. As long as she's happy, I'll be all right. "

Song Wenqi's words are incomprehensible to Ye Rui, but he knows it's for the sake of Mommy. He says with a smile, "I'll wait to call you master."

"Good boy! Now go and accompany Luoluo. I want to be alone with your mother, OK? "

Song Wenqi would ask for a child's advice. He thinks it strange, but ye Rui is the half son he is going to have, so he doesn't care.

Ye Rui more or less hesitated, but still nodded and said: "if Mommy wakes up, you should inform me in time."

"I see. Let's go. Don't let me talk to your mother again. "

Song Wenqi's impropriety makes Ye Rui frown slightly.

"Love talk is between uncle and Mommy. Although uncle hasn't come back yet, you can't take advantage of it."

"Smelly boy knows a lot of words. Get out of here."

Song Wenqi slaps his ass, and then lets Ye Rui leave.

When only song Wenqi and Shen mange are left in the room, the smile on Song Wenqi's face converges.

He looked at Shen mange, who was lying on the bed with no blood on his face, and said in a low voice, "why don't you always know how to take good care of yourself? Knowing that your body can't be so tossed, can't you ignore the Ye family's affairs? As long as you open your mouth, I'll take you to the ends of the earth. Why stay here and suffer from this coward? "

Shen mange didn't respond.

Song Wenqi took a look and said with a bitter smile: "I always thought I could find you, and then hold your life in my hand to give you a lifetime of happiness, but I didn't expect that when I found you, you would become someone else's wife. Looking at the misunderstanding between you and ye Nanxian, I want to replace it, but why is he the only one in your heart? ""If you don't have ye Nanxian, I can give you the best now. As long as you want, even the stars in the sky, I can pick them for you. Shen mange, why don't you give me a chance? What's good about ye Nanxian? Let you follow him like this? Even if his life and death are uncertain and his whereabouts are unknown, you still hold up everything of the Ye family for him. Why do you suffer? "

Shen mange still has no response.

Maybe it's not to get Shen mange's reaction, just to say what he wants to say.

Song Wenqi looked at Shen mange and said in a low voice, "if I recognized you five years ago, would it be different between us? It's a pity that I'm a bit late after all. To tell you the truth, I don't like Ye Nanxian, and I don't want to see you together, but seeing you so miserable and worried about him, I'm not only jealous, but also full of heartache. Zitong Department of gynaecology told you that she could not survive. If it was me before, I would let you see me before you die, only me in your eyes. But now I don't know how, I just can't see you unhappy. Shen mange, what medicine did you give me? So I can't let you go, even for you to change my original intention? "

He took a deep breath, and there was crystal liquid under his eyes.

"Shen mange, do you know that? I hate Ye Nanxian. I hate that he got you. I'm even jealous. I wish he would disappear from this world. But you change your mood because of his joys and sorrows. I really can't see that you are not happy. Hello, I'll find Ye Nanxian for you. As long as you can do it well, even if it is impossible for me and you in my life, I will do it. Did you hear that? I just hope you can have my song Wenqi corner in your heart, even a little bit of position. Can you do that? "

Shen mange on the bed still has no reaction.

Song Wenqi said with a self mocking smile: "I'm stupid too. You're all like this. How can you answer me? I don't need you to remember my good, as long as you have a happy life is the best reward for me. After this, I may leave Haicheng and your sight. Although the days without you will make me very sad, but without me in front of you, you may have a better life, right? Someone told me that letting go is also a kind of love. I can't understand it. I just want to stay away and try to forget you. Shen mange, I'm going to forget you. This is the last thing I do for you. Do you hear me? "

His tears suddenly fell without warning.

Never know what is called Heart splitting, now finally know, even if there is no hysteria, even if there is no dynamism, this feeling is still uncomfortable suffocating. It's like a big hole torn open in the chest, bloody and painful.

"Shen mange, you really should be lucky. Song Wenqi hasn't shed tears for any woman in my life. Besides my mother, you are the only one. I gave my heart to you. Maybe I can't find this feeling in the future. Don't you love me? Don't you open your eyes and look at me before I leave? "

Song Wenqi's voice is shaking.

He is a popular song Shao in Haicheng for a time. He lingers in the flowers, but now he cries like a child in front of Shen mange.

"Why did you save me as a child? Why can't I find you after saving me? You should be mine! Shen mange, you motherfucker! You're worse than me, don't you know? "

He didn't know what he was saying, but he felt wronged in his heart, which made him unable to explain clearly.

Shen mange's fingers moved for a moment, but his eyes seemed to weigh a thousand jin. He couldn't open them.

Song Wenqi didn't find this. He looked at Shen mange's face and said in a low voice: "I can surpass any woman in my life, but I'm very careful with you. I dare not touch, dare not say, and even dare not express myself. Now that you're asleep, let me be willful once. Just once, OK? Shen mange, I really love you more than ye Nanxian, but why can't you hold me in your heart? "

He slowly got up and looked at Shen mange's face and gradually bent down.

Slightly cool thin lips gently close to the cherry lips of Shen mange, but stop when it is about to fall.

"If I kiss you, will you hate me all your life?"

Song Wenqi's words naturally no one answered him.

He gave a bitter smile, and finally put his lips on Shen mange's forehead. A drop of crystal clear tears fell on Shen mange's eyes.

Warm, warm, with a trace of bitterness.

"Come on, mange. I know what you want. Wait for me and I'll send him to you safely. "

Song Wenqi then straightened up.

He looked at his beloved woman again, raised his head, dried his tears, and then said with a smile, "without you, I'm still that handsome song Shao. My life can still be wonderful, right? Wait for me to come back

With that, he turned to leave, but the feeling of heartache accompanied by the pace more and more painful, more and more uncomfortable.I want to cry.

But he is song Wenqi!

Today's weakness can only happen once. How can it be seen by others?

Song Wenqi tries her best to endure and repress, but doesn't find Shen mange's fingers move again.

She was struggling to wake up, but she couldn't.

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