"AZU? Why are you here? "

Song Wenqi was quite surprised.

AZU is his good friend. He has been in Haicheng all the time. How can he come to such a remote place? Besides, it's the one who issues the dungeon pass.

In Song Wenqi's mind, LAN ling'er was almost insulted in the club a few months ago. It seems that AZU was also present at that time.

He didn't know why he suddenly thought of it. He just subconsciously looked at AZU one more time.

Also some unexpected person is AZU, he saw song Wenqi at the same time, the whole person leng for a while, and then some embarrassed smile said: "Song Shao, how do you come here?"

"Shouldn't I ask you that? If you don't stay in Haicheng, what are you doing here? What's the pass of the underground city? What's the matter? Are you driving this dungeon? "

"Song Shao is joking. How can I have such great ability. I'm just a certifier. "

AZU's smile is more unnatural.

"Who issued the certificate? To whom? Now I'm going to the dungeon. What? What else can I say about our relationship? "

Song Wenqi finished and directly extended his hand to AZU.

AZU hesitated.

"What's the matter? What's in the dungeon that I can't go to? Young master, you don't know what kind of person I am in Haicheng. I just want to see something new. You won't even let me see this, will you

Since AZU appeared here, song Wenqi's mind has been running fast.

Previously, I felt that I almost insulted LAN ling'er for no reason. It was a little strange, but I didn't find any clues after checking for a long time. Besides, he remembers that he didn't call LAN ling'er that day, but he didn't expect that LAN ling'er almost caused uncontrollable trouble because of his call. Now I think that the person who stayed by his side that day was AZU.

Song Wenqi has never doubted AZU. He and AZU are brothers of wine and meat, but they grew up wearing a pair of trousers. No matter what, he always covers AZU, just like AZU's little boss. AZU is also running before and after him, there is no difference. He never thought that the suspect was AZU.

AZU saw that song Wenqi's face was not very good, and his tone was not very good. He had been with him for so many years, and naturally knew song Wenqi's temper. He quickly said, "how can it be? It's just that the people in this underground city are very complicated. I'm afraid you'll get angry when you go in. "

"Young master, am I a man who will swallow his anger? I just go in to watch the fun. If anyone wants to make it up for me, then don't let it go. Don't say so many useless things. Will you give me a pass or not? "

Seeing that song Wenqi had to enter, AZU took out his pass and said in a low voice, "it's better to keep a low profile after you go in. If you just come to see the excitement, you should watch more and talk less, let alone make trouble."

"What are you talking about? Am I a troublemaker? "

Song Wenqi is disgusted with AZU's advice, so that AZU doesn't know what to say.

He gave the pass to song Wenqi and told him the rules inside.

Song Wenqi didn't listen to him. He took the pass and went into the underground city.

Seeing that they both knew each other, the landlady could not help but step forward and said, "master Zu, since you all know each other, can you refund me the money for his pass? You see, you can't see without me, can you? "

"Yes, we really can't see each other without you, so you should be damned. "

AZU's face sank immediately.

The landlady was a little stunned. Before she knew what was going on, she was taken away with her mouth covered.

AZU's eyes narrowed slightly and made a quick call.

"Boss, song Wenqi has just entered the underground city. I don't know if he's coming for ye Nanxian. You can find someone to stare at him. He is a heavy player. Maybe he just came here to watch the fun. And he is very good, not inferior to Ye Nanxian. If he really comes to see the excitement, we'd better not provoke him. If it's for ye Nanxian, then boss, you should pay attention. "

with that, he hung up.

After entering the underground city, song Wenqi pretends to browse around, only to find that someone is following and monitoring herself.

He looked at the camera and couldn't help sneering.

A waiter came to guide song Wenqi, took him into a private room, and gave him good service.

Song Wenqi enjoyed the auction and asked, "how old are these girls? Can I buy it back? Is it hard to keep it? "

"Well, ha ha, many people like different things. Some people like little girls."

The waiter's words were a little obscure, but song Wenqi understood, and her face was somewhat ugly.

Although he's a playboy, he's willing to be with women, and he won't extend his claws to minors. Now hearing such a thing, song Wenqi suddenly feels that she can't accept it."Well, don't get in the way here any more. I'll just stay by myself."

Song Wenqi increasingly feels that the waiter is extremely annoying.

But the waiter said with a smile: "Sir, you are a VIP customer. Our rule is that every VIP customer should have a special waiter to serve 24 hours. I'm your waiter. My name is..."

"I said get out of here, can't you hear me? What do I have to do? I don't care about your rules. I just don't like being watched. What's the matter? Do you have a problem? If you have an opinion, call your boss. I'll make a theory with him. "

Song Wenqi's voice suddenly raised.

But the waiter was not surprised, still good temper said: "Sir, our boss is not in, you can tell me, I will serve you all the way."

"Shit, that means you have to watch me here, right?"

"Sir, I'm joking. How can this be surveillance? It's just my job. "

As soon as the waiter finished, song Wenqi's fist had arrived. Before he could Dodge, the whole person was sent to song Wenqi and punched out.

"What a shame! You don't know who I am unless I hit you. "

After playing, song Wenqi shakes her arm and closes the door of the private room.

The waiter was in great pain, but he didn't dare to say anything. He could only make a gesture to the camera in the corridor.

Immediately someone looked at Song Wenqi from the monitoring system.

Song Wenqi can feel the gaze of others, but he continues to stare at the auction as if he didn't know.

Song Wenqi's eyes suddenly narrowed when a girl who looked like she was only seven or eight years old was brought up.

The little girl was wearing the clothes of shooting club. She was obviously a member of the club.

Is it the one who was taken out to sell by the aunt who was dealing with the garbage?

Everyone thought that person was Shen Zian, but unexpectedly it was a girl.

Ye Rui murmurs in his heart and hears the introducer say: "this girl is nine years old and healthy, but she is mute. But dumb is better, can't call, also save let you worry, isn't it? Look at this little face, look at this eyebrow, you must be a beauty when you grow up. "

Girls are judged as goods.

Song Wenqi can see that the girl is very humiliated, tears in her eyes, but he is stubborn without tears.

For a moment, he seemed to see the shadow of Shen mange from the girl.

"I'll give you a million!"

Song Wenqi opened her mouth.

AZU didn't know when he came in. When he saw song Wenqi bidding, he was relieved.

It seems that song Wenqi really came here to join in the fun.

While his heart is down, others are watching song Wenqi closely.

Song Wenqi has nothing to look into. He looks at the little girl in front of him. He just doesn't want her life to be ruined. If he can, he wants to give her freedom and let her live her own life.

After Song Wenqi bid, others also began to bid.

The price soared all the way. Song Wenqi chased after her and finally photographed the little girl at 5.6 million yuan.

The little girl looks at Song Wenqi with despair on her face.

When the staff handed the little girl over to song Wenqi, song Wenqi found that her body was scarred, her hands were handcuffed, and her eyes were staring at him, full of hatred and despair.

Song Wenqi suddenly laughed.

"What's the matter? I bought you, and you were wronged? "

The little girl couldn't speak, but she didn't resist.

Song Wenqi said in a low voice, "are you sold from Haicheng? Don't worry, I'll take you back to Haicheng. As long as you don't make trouble for me, I will guarantee you to return to Haicheng safely. The club you used to be in has been taken by the police. No one can threaten you

When the little girl heard this, she was flustered. She said something, but song Wenqi didn't understand it.

"Well, I know you have to thank me, and I'm not here to save you. Let's wait until we get back to Haicheng. "

Song Wenqi is also interested in the little girl. He doesn't participate in other people's auctions.

AZU and some people see song Wenqi did not mean to make trouble, also relaxed to his vigilance.

Song Wenqi looked around and said to the little girl, "Hey, whether you like it or not, I'm not here for you. I have someone to save. Do you know the topographic map here? As long as you are willing to tell me the topographic map here, I will not buy your 5.6 million. Back in Haicheng, I'll let you go. You can go wherever you like. Even I can give you a sum of money to live a good life, OK? "

Don't know song Wenqi that sentence moved the little girl, she quickly nodded.

Song Wenqi takes the little girl to leave the private room. It seems that she is going around. In fact, she is taken to the depth of the underground city by the little girl."There are so many twists and turns here. If you didn't lead me, I really don't know if I could get in."

Song Wenqi is making a mark while walking, for fear that she can't find her way back.

Just as they turn around the stairway and plan to go deeper, they suddenly grab song Wenqi with a pair of arms and drag him directly.

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