"What is this?"

Shen mange has some doubts.

The doctor hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "this is a kind of medicine that I developed to strengthen my physical strength. Once people take it, their physical strength will last for a long time before exhaustion. There are some drawbacks, but I don't understand. I know you're not strong enough to get out of here, but if you take this medicine, you can make sure you have enough time to get out of here, can't you? "

Shen mange frowned slightly.

"Why do you take this medicine with you?"

"Isn't it for research? To be honest, there is a dungeon in this villa. Some people in it are used to test my medicine, so I will take it with me. "

Shen mange was a little angry when he heard what the doctor said.

"You take a living man to test the medicine?"

She couldn't help thinking of mother Zhang.

This family doctor is just as hateful as mother Zhang!

Seeing that Shen mange was angry, the doctor quickly said, "it's not my attention, it's what Xiao Zhang meant. He said that people here are criminals, and there is no forgiveness for their crimes, so..."

"Isn't the prisoner human? What right do you have to treat other people's lives like this? What are the side effects of this medicine? "

"I really don't know. As soon as it's developed, I'm going to have a try. But in theory, the drugs that delay physical strength are overdrawing life and physical strength. I think sequelae should make people weaker. "

Listen to the doctor say so, Shen mange's brow wrinkled deeper.

"Is that your idea? You're going to use me as a druggist, aren't you? How dare you

Shen mange's words made the doctor almost kneel down.

"Mrs. ye, I really don't mean that, but now I have no other way to get you out of here. Your physical condition, not to mention leaving this villa, even if you leave and can't walk out for 100 Li, you will still fall down. No one knows what will happen at that time. "

"If I take this medicine, can I get to city a?"

That is the place where ye Nanxian lost his trace and where song Wenqi had an accident. Shen mange only wants to know this now.

The doctor calculated the distance and said in a low voice, "it's almost OK, but you may be weak when you get there."

"How many bottles of this medicine are there?"

"Don't be confused, Mrs. Ye! It's dangerous enough to overdraw your strength this time. You can't overdraw many times. If you have something in case, I can't tell Xiao Zhang. At that time, Mr. Huang will also take my life. "

When the doctor heard Shen mange's question, he couldn't help worrying.

"Huang Dong? Are you Huang Dong's man? "

"It's all Huang Dong's people here. Huang Dong heard that Mrs. Ye was forced to control by Ye Nanfang, so he asked Xiao Zhang to find Mrs. Ye. I don't know why Xiao Zhang brought Mrs. ye here. It is estimated that Huang Dong wants to protect Mrs. Ye. "

The doctor's words made Shen mange sneer.

"Protect me? Invite me here in this way? It's the first time I've heard that inviting someone will bring you over

Hearing the irony of Shen mange, the doctor didn't know how to answer.

Shen mange doesn't expect to get much useful information from him.

She said to the doctor, "give me the layout and defense here. I promise I won't hurt you, but if you don't cooperate, I won't be polite."

"Well, well, I'll draw it for you."

The doctor was very cooperative and gave the terrain picture to Shen mange, and Shen mange also got the potion from him.

"In order not to disturb you, I offended you."

Voice just fell, Shen man singer from knife fell directly dizzy doctor.

Looking at the small medicine bottle in his hand, Shen mange hesitated.

The consequences of overdraft may be far more than what the doctor said, but what the doctor said is also true. With her current physical strength, not to mention arriving at city a, it is a problem to leave for a certain distance after going out here.

At this time, she really hated her physical condition. She didn't want to be Lin Daiyu, but it happened that she was in Ye's family. When ye Nanxian and song Wenqi needed herself most, she became what she is now.

Do you want a bet?

This is no longer a multiple choice question.

Shen mange looks at the small medicine bottle and thinks of Ye Nanxian and song Wenqi. She seems to be able to think of Ye Nanxian's love for herself.

That man always thinks of her first.

As soon as he thought of the care he had taken for a month after miscarriage, Shen mange raised a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth.

It is enough to have a confidant in life.

Now her confidants and her husband all have an accident in a city, and she will bring them out even if they are broken to pieces.

Thinking of this, Shen mange smiles, resolutely takes off the lid and pours the liquid medicine into his mouth.

The potion has no taste, just like drinking water, but the body is a little hot, as if a stream of energy gathered in the body, and then slowly burning up.Shen mange feels that she has strength all over her body, and she seems to have recovered to the state when she was not sick before.

After seeing the doctor, Shen mange remembers what he said and takes away all the medicine left by the doctor.

The topographic map given by the doctor is still very clear. "

SHEN mange found that there were some air vents marked here.

If she can get rid of the bodyguard in front of the vent, she can get out of the vent.

After thinking about the countermeasures, Shen mange quickly climbs out of the window and finds the location of the vent according to the location of the topographic map.

There are four bodyguards in front of the vent.

Shen mange was a little scared when she saw their fierce appearance, but she felt a lot more courage when she thought of Ye Nanxian.

I learned some fighting skills before, and later Ye Nanxian taught me. Although these four bodyguards have some difficulties to deal with, they can't say they have no chance of winning.

Shen mange moves his joints and rushes in through the window.


The bodyguard found the sound, turned around the moment, Shen mange a left back swept over, directly kicked a bodyguard out. Then she turned in the air and kicked another bodyguard in the chest.

When the other two bodyguards see this, they want to inform others. Shen mange's eyes are slightly narrowed. He grabs the flowerpot and throws it at them.

Her action is fast and accurate, and the accuracy is very high. Before the two bodyguards came to the police, they were hit on the forehead by the vase, and the whole person stepped back a few steps dizzily.

Taking advantage of this gap, Shen mange directly kicked them to kneel on the ground. She raised her hand and hit their back neck directly. The two bodyguards fainted instantly.

When the other two bodyguards come forward to attack, Shen mange takes no time and knocks them down.

The four bodyguards fainted in less than five minutes among Shen man's singers.

She looked at the watch on her wrist and raised her lips slightly.

It's a great feeling of health.

I wish I had no health problems.

She's a little sad, but she doesn't have time for that. Looking around, I found what I had prepared.

Shen mange is a little happy. It seems that God is helping her.

She picked up her things, opened the vent, and left the villa directly through the vent.

It goes straight to the garage.

Shen mange doesn't have the key to the car, but he uses the evil way he learned from Song Wenqi to open the car and start it.

If song Wenqi is here, he will show off his technology again.

When Shen mange thought of this, he was more or less divine.

This song Wenqi is actually quite lovely. It's a pity that Shen mange can't afford what he wants.

Shaking his head, he shakes his unnecessary emotions out of his mind, and Shen mange drives out directly.

The sound of the car's engine startled other people, but when they saw that it was Xiao Zhang's car coming out, it was slightly flurried, but they didn't stop it.

Shen mange takes advantage of their unresponsive time to drive out quickly.

After the car left the villa, Shen mange turned on the mobile phone he had snatched from the doctor, called out the navigation, and drove directly to city a with the navigation.

Xiao Zhang was informed a long time later that Shen mange left the villa.

Yan, however, could not imagine how many women could leave him.

He quickly told Huang Dong about it, but the news he got was that he didn't care about Shen mange any more.

Xiao Zhang didn't quite understand what Huang Dong meant, but he didn't ask.

Shen mange drove the car out for a long time. She was worried that someone would come after her. But she could drive for more than 20 kilometers. There was no news behind her. She was relieved.

It seems that she is lucky.

All the way along Ye Nanxian and song Wenqi's road, Shen mange's face is more and more ugly.

The signs of being sniped and chased along the way are too obvious.

Her heart was clenched tightly.

If ye Nanxian and song Wenqi were not good at it, they would not have persisted for so long.

Is it really Ye Nanfang who can do this to them?

They were born of the same root, so it's too urgent to fry each other.

Shen mange doesn't know how deep Ye NanFang's hatred is, so deep that he can fight against his twin brother?

She gently shook her head and quickly came to a city.

After arriving at a city, Shen mange found that his physical strength was a little weak.

Along the way, there are two or three hundred kilometers. Without this medicine, I would have been tired.

Even so, she was exhausted.Looking around, it's very remote and not too busy. Shen mange sees the emperor hotel not far away.

This is a five-star hotel. The decoration is gorgeous and luxurious, but Shen mange hesitates.

You can't go in here.

From the news that Yang Fan came back, they disappeared here.

The small town looks ordinary. It can make people like Ye Nanxian and song Wenqi fold here. It can't be underestimated.

Shen mange hesitates for a moment, goes through the Emperor Hotel and comes to a hotel far away from it.

And this hotel is exactly the one song Wenqi stayed in when he first arrived in a city!

Shen mange goes in and sees a chubby landlady playing with her mobile phone, but the phone looks familiar.

It seems to be song Wenqi's!

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