"Get out of here! Get out of here! You don't have to submit your resignation report. If you don't want to do it, just go away! I tell you, today you left, after want to come back, there is no door

Song Wenqi's angry voice came.

It's the first time Shen mange has seen song Wenqi get so angry.

The office is full of people, but only song Wenqi's position is left.

Song Wenqi sitting in a wheelchair, the original handsome face at this time was a little crooked gas in general.

He sweeps all the documents in front of him to the ground. He is so angry and embarrassed that Shen mange feels a pain in his heart.

"Mr. Song, we have to eat too. We can't go bankrupt with the song group, can't we?"

There is an employee who can't stand song Wenqi's appearance at this time, so he can't help but open his mouth.

"Bankruptcy? Song group will not go bankrupt, absolutely not. "

Song Wenqi's hand held the armrest of the wheelchair tightly.

The word "bankrupt" stabbed into his chest like a dagger.

Even though he knew that there were many people falling down the well in the world, he didn't expect that these people came so fast that he had no power to resist.

"Come on, Mr. Song, it's no fun to hold on. We've been working in the song group for many years. In this respect, I'd like to give Mr. Song a piece of advice. In the future, we have to forgive others. If we should bow down, we should bow down. No one will be superior all his life."

The employee's words made Shen mange's face sink.

"Who said that no one would be high all his life? He can! Even if his leg is broken, he is still song Wenqi, or song Shao, the vigorous and resolute man in the shopping mall. Besides, he has our Ye family behind him. "

Shen mange's words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

When song Wenqi hears Shen mange's voice, he is stunned. He subconsciously turns back, just in line with Shen mange's eyes.

Shen mange's eyes are full of heartache and sadness.

Song Wenqi immediately felt very embarrassed, he wanted to find a crack to drill in.

He doesn't like to be known by Shen mange.

Looking at Ye Nanxian beside Shen mange, song Wenqi's anger goes directly to him.

"You came to see my jokes, too, didn't you? It's all right for you to come by yourself. Is it to let her see me in such a depressed state that you bring mangge with you? "

"Song Wenqi, I'm not in the mood to fight with you. I'm here today just to be a driver for my wife. You don't have to talk to me. "

Ye Nanxian was not angry, just said lightly.

Seeing song Wenqi like this, Shen mange goes forward two steps.

"Song Wenqi!"

"Get out of here! Go away

Song Wenqi is directly angry at those employees.

Originally, the person who came to song Wenqi's office wanted to resign. Now, hearing song Wenqi say so, he quickly turned around and left.

A few people saw that ye Nanxian had come, more or less left an eye on him and said, "Mr. Song, we'd better continue to work. After all, we've been in the song group for such a long time. We want to advance and retreat together with the song group."

"Get out of here!"

Song Wenqi is upset now.

Why is his most embarrassed appearance seen by Shen mange?

When all the people in the office are gone, Shen mange comes to song Wenqi.

"Have you ordered your legs?"

"Are you here to sympathize with me? Or pity me? Or because I broke my leg and took the money to hit me? "

Song Wenqi's tone is not very good.

Shen mange was not angry. He said in a low voice, "I just want to see you, but Nanxian is here to help you."

"Help me? Isn't it a special pleasure to see me now so unlucky? Shouldn't you take advantage of this opportunity to acquire Soong group? This should be ye Shao's style! Yes? Are you still waiting for the song group to drop? "

Song Wenqi's eyes are looking at Ye Nanxian, with complicated emotions.

Ye Nanxian looked at him and said faintly: "if you want to abandon yourself, I can't help it. If you really want me to buy song group, I can do it. Song Wenqi, the case I gave to the Song family, even if it can't immediately restore the glory of the Song family in the past, it won't go bankrupt. What are you pretending to be? "

"What am I pretending to be? I'm willing to save you. I don't need your charity

After all, song Wenqi just can't accept Ye Nanxian's appearance in front of him at this time.

Shen mange is a little angry.

"Song Wenqi, is your face important or is the song group important? If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't go to city A. if you didn't go to city a, you wouldn't be like this now. After all, it's Shen mange who owes you. Why do you have to call the cooperation case given to you by Nanxian charity? Would the case he gave be a small one? If you don't have the strength of song group, will he give it to you? You think we're throwing money at you, don't you? You think our friendship can be ended by a case, don't you? If you think so, well, you can not accept our good intentions, and then wait to see the bankruptcy of Soong group. You'll be down and out and you don't want to see me, do you? You want me to give you money on the street, don't you? "Shen mange's words are a little mean.

Song Wenqi only feels hot on her face.

"What is giving me money on the street?"

"You have become a beggar. I don't give you money in the street. Should I be under the overpass?"

Shen mange's words make song Wenqi's mouth smoke.

"I'm not as bad as you say, am I? Even if the company really closed down, I go out to work, I will not go begging

"Come on, you are arrogant and domineering all these years. Who company do you go to and how dare others want you? No one can stand your living ancestor in the past. You still point to work to earn money. I don't think it will take you a month to starve to death. "

"Shen mange, what do you mean? You're here to stimulate me and see my jokes, aren't you

Song Wenqi was a little annoyed.

In Shen mange's heart, is he only worthy of begging?

It made him so angry.

Shen mange said, "are you still angry? Don't you just want me to see you feel guilty now? Don't you just want me to live a life of guilt? Do you want me to smoke myself when I think of you, song Wenqi? "

"I don't think so."

"What do you think? Is it that difficult to accept Nanxian's help? If you have the ability, you will stand on the same height as him again, and be arrogant again. Or are you afraid? A broken leg, your courage and courage are also broken, so you dare not take it, because you are afraid that you have no strength, which makes me and Nanxian look down on you, right

Shen mange's words are more and more important.

Song Wenqi can't bear it.

"I'm not as useless as you say. Even without the help of the Ye family, I can stand up and make the song group brilliant again. "

"Prove it to me! Now the Ye family's case is not charity. The Ye family won't do good with hundreds of millions of contracts. If you don't have the ability, Nanxian will still give the case to others. For you, this is an opportunity. It's up to you whether you want to seize it or not. Don't worry. I'll remember what I owe you. I don't care to use money to repay your friendship. You look down on yourself and me when you think so. "

With these words, Shen mange directly turned around, took Ye Nanxian's arm, and said in a low voice, "let's go. If he wants to end the song group, why do we have to stick a hot face to someone else's cold ass?"

Ye Nanxian's lips slightly up.

He didn't know that Shen mange was so cute.

At this time, Shen mange really fascinates Ye Nanxian.

Seeing that Shen mange was angry, song Wenqi quickly said, "Shen mange, I'm all like this. You still come to bully me. Won't your conscience hurt?"

"What's the matter with you? Can't you walk on one leg? Yes? Can't be cured? I still bully you? It's really funny that song Shaoneng, who is so handsome, was bullied by a weak woman of mine. Besides, I have no conscience. I don't have any pain. "


Song Wenqi felt her heart hurt again.

This woman is really not scrupulous when she is cruel to him.

Ye Nanxian said with a smile: "two days when my legs were healthy, I couldn't compete with you. Now I'm disabled, and I want to give up my identity as a noble childe. What capital do you have to fight with me? You don't want mange to suffer with you? "

"Ye Nanxian!"

Shen mange thinks that there is something wrong with Ye Nanxian's words. He just wants to say something, but he is stopped by Ye Nanxian's eyes.

"A man can't give a woman the most basic material security. What else can he talk about love? What's the difference between empty talk and love swindler? Anyway, I'll give you a chance. Do you like it or not. On the contrary, I hope you have always been so strong, and I also hope you can auction song's group in person. At that time, I will definitely not be soft handed and will buy it for mange. If that's what you want

The more Ye Nanxian said, the more angry song Wenqi was.

"Shut up. You're a billion dollar case. I'll take it! I really don't believe it. How much stronger can ye Nanxian be than me? "

"Yes, I'll sign the contract this afternoon. I'll wait for you at home."

Ye Nanxian said, holding Shen mange's hand and saying, "let's go. Song Shao probably doesn't want to see us now."

Shen man Ge pauses for a moment, takes out a bottle of medicine from his pocket and passes it over.

"This medicine will help your legs more or less. I still mind if you go to Sunan to have a look, don't really delay the treatment time at that time. "

"I see."

Song Wenqi looks at Shen mange, suddenly some eyes are moist.

"I didn't do well what you told me. I'm sorry

Song Wenqi's sudden apology confused Shen mange.

"Why apologize?"

"You asked me to take care of zi'an, Luoluo and ye Rui. When I came back, ye Rui had already left. Later, I heard that in order to save you, he voluntarily agreed to be the apprentice of saiyama for ten years. When I learned about it, it was too late, so I'm really sorry. ""What did you say? What do you think happened to Ye Rui? "

Shen mange suddenly turns back and looks surprised.

Ye Nanxian really wants to cut song Wenqi's tongue. How can he not hurt his mouth? He tried every means to hide things from Shen mange, so he was directly shaken out.

"You don't know?"

Song Wenqi is aware of something later, but he looks directly at Ye Nanxian's murderous eyes. For a moment, his back is chilly.

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