"You think this man should be cut to pieces, don't you? But you know what? This person is your Huo family

Shen mange was stunned.

"What did you say?"

"I can't believe it, can I? It is rumored that the Huo family's Erlang is brave for his country. They are all heroes and martyrs. Except for Huo Zhenting, who retired with disability, others died for their country. That's nice. But who knows that your Huo family's Erlang will be ready to rebel and be afraid of death? At the beginning, I thought that you Huo family were shielding him, but in the past five years, I have investigated openly and secretly for a long time. Huo Zhenting and old lady Huo didn't know about it at all, so I didn't attack Huo family. "

Listen to dialect say so, Shen man GE's in the heart quite not taste.

The Huo family is full of loyal people. I didn't expect such scum.

"Maybe there's something in it?"

Hearing Shen mange defend the man, he sneered and said, "secret? What kind of secret need to pay the life of the south? You Huo family owe Ye family a life, do you know? "

Shen mange suddenly doesn't know how to deal with himself.

Ye Nanxian cherishes his brother so much. If he knows that the Huo family has harmed his brother, how will he face her?

I thought the willows were dark and the flowers were bright, and I could live with Ye Nanxian peacefully, but I didn't expect that there was another life between them.

Why are there so many twists and turns between them?

"Does Nanxian know about it?"

"Isn't that nonsense. If he knows, can I still be ye Nanfang? Only Mrs. Ye knows about this. "

The dialect makes Shen mange's eyes widen.

"My mother-in-law?"

"Yes, your mother-in-law. The last person that Nanfang met before she died was Mrs. Ye. It was with Mrs. Ye's help that I had a face lift like this. As ye Nanfang, I went into the dark night to look for clues. If it wasn't for Mrs. ye, I couldn't have been so successful at Ye's house. Maybe in her heart, she also wanted to remember the south through me. Our goal is to find out Huo Zhenxuan. "

"Huo Zhenxuan? That scum of the Huo family? "


Shen mange was suddenly silent.

When Mrs. ye knew that she was a member of the Huo family, she did everything to protect her, even better than Mrs. Huo. Now she remembered, how much sorrow and suffering was there?

The Huo family is her son killing enemy, and she is the Huo family, the daughter-in-law of the Ye family. She is not only not good to her, but also so good to her. Shen mange is very moved for a moment.

Dialect looked at her and asked, "what are you thinking?"

"I think my mother-in-law is very great. She faces me all day. I don't know how hard she feels, but she is so good to me."

"All right? Do you know that this time Mrs. ye and I cooperated to hold you hostage. Do you still think she is OK? "

The dialect made Shen man pause.

She said with a smile, "are you going to force Nanxian to get angry with me and put pressure on kunye in the underground city? In fact, no matter you or my mother-in-law, you don't want to hurt me or my children, do you? "

"Are you so sure we won't hurt you, won't hurt your children?"

Shen mange said with a smile, "no, because they are all children of the Ye family. The only thing you can want to hurt is me. But several times, I was on the verge of life and death. When I was in danger, you and my mother-in-law saved me. Even when I was most sad and helpless, my mother-in-law comforted me. She has never done me any harm. I don't believe that one can disguise so deeply. If she loves Nanxian, she will naturally love what she loves. "

When Shen mange said that, he was relieved.

"You have a conscience. In addition to Huo Zhenxuan, the rest of the Huo family are heroes, which I don't deny. "

"So this time you are deliberately provoking Nanxian against your purpose, aren't you? It's a pity that Nanxian won't do anything to you. What he loves most is your brother. "

Shen mange's words make the dialect slightly bitter.

"If I were really southern, he would not do anything to me, but I am a dialect."

"What do you mean?"

Shen mange is a little surprised.

Dialect wry smile said: "your husband is not an ordinary person, he may be aware of something in the underground city, after coming out, not back, let Song Tao take my hair and his to do paternity test. So I was quickly seized, and even he wanted to put me under house arrest. If it hadn't been for Mrs. Ye's help, I would have been a prisoner now. Then all the next plans can't be implemented. Ye Nanxian was kind to me and kind to me because he thought I was from the south. But now the evidence is solid. I even whipped Ye Rui, his most precious nephew. Ye Rui, who used to treat him as his own son, almost killed you. Do you think he will spare me? Ye Nanxian has never been a soft hearted master. He just doesn't want to. He doesn't want toShen mange thought of all this.

"I'll tell him. Don't worry. I'll tell Nanxian to let you go. You do it for the south, too, and he'll understand. "


There are two kinds of dialects.

From the tone of dialect, Shen mange heard his abandonment.

"You don't want to give up your life, do you?"

"Everyone is afraid of death, so am I. You are very strange, I took you hostage, you actually have the mind to care about my life and death? Shouldn't you care if I let you go? You should know that you are not only Ye Nanxian's wife, but also the Huo family. Huo Zhenxuan's most respected person is his elder brother. You are his elder brother's daughter. Do you think that if I leave you as a hostage, I have a better chance of winning? Well

Dialect looked at Shen mange, but there was no fierce color in his eyes.

Shen mange shook his head and said, "I don't know the Huo Zhenxuan you said, and I haven't met my father. Even now I have broken off the relationship with the whole Huo family, so I don't know if your method will work."

"Even if you don't want to admit it, you are still the Huo family after all. You and the Ye family are separated by one life after all. You think clearly, if you tell Ye Nanxian of my identity, then the current relationship between you and ye Nanxian may be blocked. Do you think it's worth giving up the feelings between you for the sake of me who hurt you? "

Listen to put it this way, Shen mange's heart is somewhat painful.

This is the last problem she wants to face, but she also knows that she can't help it if she doesn't want to face it. After all, it has happened, and it's still unknown who is right and who is wrong, isn't it?

"I can't be afraid that Nanxian will let Nanfang die in vain if he knows all this? That's his favorite brother. "

Shen mange's words make the dialect's eyes pass a touch of color.

"Don't think you said that. I'll call you and let you contact Ye Nanxian. When the plan doesn't come to that point, you are still my hostage. I can't give you any way to contact the outside world. So save it, tell you this, just in case. I'm afraid if I don't have the ability to protect you, if you die, you'll be an understanding ghost. "

Then he went out.

Shen mange sat alone at the window, thinking about what dialect had just said.

She is a member of the Huo family, but she really doesn't know much about the Huo family. She doesn't even have the chance to know the Huo family. Now she has to bear something because of her blood relationship.

To tell you the truth, Shen mange has resentment and hatred, and even hopes that he is not the Huo family. Now she only hopes that ye Nanxian can bear all this.

He doesn't know anything. Now he must hate Mrs. ye and worry about himself. If once he understands the truth, the person he cherishes is his enemy's niece, how can he be embarrassed?

Shen mange is heartbroken, but he can't help it.

How she hoped that Huo Zhenxuan was innocent, but the dialect was so definite. What can she do?

Shen mange suddenly felt that her heart seemed to be blocked by a big stone. It was so heavy that she was almost out of breath.

Ye Nanxian didn't get the news from Kun. His face was gloomy and terrible. Even the people around him felt a chill.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry. Mr. Kun will have news soon."

The people around him were a little nervous.

Ye Nanxian said nothing and just sat there, but he was very upset.

"I'll go out."

He stood up abruptly, but was stopped.

"Mr. Ye, you'd better wait for the news here."

"Get out of here."

Ye Nanxian was already full of fire, but now someone stopped him. His anger rubbed upward, and his face became more and more gloomy.

Some of the visitors were embarrassed and said: "Mr. Ye, after all, this is Lord Kun's territory. You still..."

"His chassis? I have to make him a bully here. Previously, I came here alone. You trapped me here. Why? Think you can still hold me today? You can choose by sea, land and air. I'd like to see if it's your God Kun or mine. Besides, I'm not afraid to tell you that I'll go to the king of hell. Tell Kun that I can't see my wife in three hours, and he will never see his wife in his life. "

With that, ye Nanxian kicked the man in front of him and walked out quickly.

Everyone was stunned.

Lord Kun's wife?

Does Lord Kun have a wife?

No one knows the relationship between lord Kun and King Saiyan. If it wasn't for Bai Zitong, ye Nanxian didn't know either.

He can see that Lord Kun is not unable to put saiyama's Hospital into the sphere of influence of the underground city, but he can't bear it.

Since we can't bear it, we still have feelings. Since we have feelings and debts, we can become the capital of negotiation for such a long time.When ye Nanxian quickly walked out of the underground city, Kun's people also told him his words for the first time.

Kun Ye Leng for a while, although I don't know where ye Nanxian learned about his relationship with the king of hell, but at this moment, he is really like an ant on a hot pot, very anxious.

Ye Nanfang forced him, and ye Nanxian forced him. What should he do? Do you really want to ask with the above?

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