"No! Ye Nanxian

The voice of the little poem has changed and emphasized.

Ye Nanxian didn't want to stop, but his headache made him want to get the medicine quickly. Unfortunately, the medicine was tossed by him and flew out directly.

He stepped on the brake at the same time, but the car was too fast to stop, and turned directly under the cliff.


The voice of the little poem rang in his ear.

Ye Nanxian knows that he is finished!

It's too high a cliff to fall down and survive.

All he thinks about is Shen mange.

I don't know if Shen mange can bear his bad news.

He didn't mean it.

He really wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, but he had no chance.

Ye Nanxian's headache quickly split, but he still took out his mobile phone when the car fell and sent a message to Shen mange.

"Mange, remember, I love you!"

This text message after bumping, he edited for a long time, arm rub skin, or reluctant to throw away the phone.

When he saw the success of SMS sending that moment, he laughed, comfortable smile.

He has too much to say, but he has no time.

He knows Shen mange will be strong,.

She will.

She'll be strong for the kids, right?

Ye Nanxian and Xiaoshi fall off the cliff with a smile, but there is a Crystal Teardrop hanging from the corner of his eye.

After Shen mange settles Ye Hong, he hears the phone ring.

She took it up and saw that it was from ye Nanxian.

Seeing the words above, Shen mange smiles slightly.

What's the matter with this man?

She sent a message back to Ye Nanxian, "when will you come back? We're going to eat something delicious. "

But ye Nanxian has not responded.

Shen mange thought he was driving and busy, so he didn't care.

Ye Hong was a little frightened because of this incident, and she didn't sleep very well. Shen mange was always with her.

As time goes by, ye Nanxian still hasn't come back.

Shen mange felt a little uneasy.

Where did he go?

Don't you mean to let him come back early?

And Ye Hong was sent out of the amount of things, how can he rest assured to let her deal with it?

Shen mange once again sent a wechat to Ye Nanxian.

"Where are you? When will you be back? "

But there has been no news from Nanxian.

Shen mange does not give up and continues to call ye Nanxian.

The phone shows no connection.

Can't connect?

Shen mange's heart is a little uneasy.

She found Yang Fan and hoped that he could help find the news about ye Nanxian.

Yang Fan is very happy, and finally Shen mange uses him again.

He took people out to look for it.

When ye Hong wakes up, Shen mange is a little out of his mind, but he orders something to eat with a strong smile, but he has no appetite at all.

It was completely dark outside.

Shen mange got up to pull the curtain, and suddenly felt a pain in her heart. It seemed that she had been torn. She squatted down in pain.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Hong hurriedly came to her and asked with a sign.

"It's OK."

Shen mange responded with a gesture, but his face turned white.

Ye Hong helped her to sit down on the sofa and poured her a cup of hot water.

Shen mange holds the water cup and thinks that ye Nanxian always likes to pour himself hot water, but where is he now?

Why can't I get in touch?

Shen mange feels that his heartache is somewhat unnatural.

She sent a message to LAN ling'er, but she didn't know what to say to LAN ling'er. Finally, she put down her mobile phone.

The waiting time is particularly long.

Shen mange let Ye Hong go to sleep, and he sat on the sofa waiting.

It's getting dark outside, and Shen mange's heart is getting deeper and deeper.

There won't be any accident in Ye Nanxian, will it?

No, it won't!

Shen mange quickly denied the idea.

Ye Nanxian's skill is so good that he can't have an accident.

But thinking of Ye Nanxian's headache, Shen mange is still upset.

She walked back and forth in the living room until the fish bellied white rose in the East. There was still no news from ye Nanxian, and her mobile phone couldn't get through. "

SHEN mange's heart sank a little bit.

When Yang Fan comes back, Shen mange's expression is particularly haggard.She looked at Yang Fan, waiting for the result of Yang Fan.

Yang Fan is a little bit heartless, said: "mother, did not find, perhaps Ye always just lost, we wait."

His eyes twinkled, and he didn't dare to look directly into Shen mange's eyes when he spoke.

Shen man Ge stands up with a rub.

"What about the others? What happened? "

Shen mange asked, typing on his mobile phone. Yang Fan quickly said: "it's really OK. Mr. Ye is so good. He will be OK."

"Yang Fan, don't let me hate you any more."

Shen mange's words were just like a magic spell, which instantly fixed Yang Fan there.

He looked at Shen mange, struggling in his heart. Finally, he couldn't bear Shen mange's eyes and said in a low voice, "there's something wrong with Mr. Ye."

Shen mange's heart clattered for a while. Although he had been psychologically prepared, he still felt that it was dark in front of him, and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Yang Fan helped her.

"Mother, don't be sad. The police haven't decided yet."

"The police?"

"Yes, I always fell off the cliff in my car. There was a woman on the car, a little poem. According to the field survey of the tires, it seems that Mr. Ye drove down directly with a fast car. They guess it's martyrdom. "

Yang Fan said carefully.

Dying for love?

Shen man Ge Leng for a moment, knowing that it might be someone else's guess.

If ye Nanxian is going to die with Xiaoshi on the express train, she can't believe it.

Ye Nanxian is not so radical. It's OK to scare Xiaoshi.

Unless there is something unexpected in the process of bluffing, ye Nanxian can't stop the car.

Shen mange thinks of Ye Nanxian's headache.

Her heart aches badly.

"Take me! I'm going to have a look! "

Shen mange is typing on his mobile phone.

Yang Fan some embarrassed said: "mother, there is still looking for, the cliff below is too steep, have not found their figure, just saw the wreckage of the car."

"How do you know it's them if you don't see them?"

Shen mange holds a glimmer of hope.

Yang Fan said in a low voice: "someone saw that it was Ye Zong Xiao Shi who went up the mountain from the scene of the accident on Binjiang Road, so..."

"I don't believe it. I don't see anyone. I don't believe anything I say."

Shen mange pushes Yang Fan away and runs out like crazy.

When ye Hong saw this scene, she felt that it was all her fault. If it were not for her, so many things would not have happened to Ye Nanxian and Shen mange. Now she can't help following Shen mange.

what else Yang Fan wants to say, but Shen mange can't hear.

She got on the car and drove to the position Yang Fan said.

Ye Hong didn't get on the bus and cried.

Looking at her plan to run, Yang Fan said to her, "get in the car, I'll take you."

Ye Hong thought about it and followed Yang Fan into the car.

When Shen mange arrived at the scene of the accident, the yellow line had been drawn up here, and no one was allowed to go in.

She was blocked out.

Shen mange is very worried, but she can't say anything. Just then, she sees the army.

She quickly sent wechat to Dajun.

"Da Jun, the person inside is probably my husband. Can I ask to go in and have a look at the scene?"

When the army received wechat, they looked back and saw Shen mange waiting anxiously outside.

He sighed and said a few words to the people around him. Then Shen mange was put in.

Shen mange looks at the landslide in front of her, her heart is sinking a little bit.

She is a car designer. Naturally, she can see that the car is sliding down because of the speed.

She choked and took out her cell phone to ask the army.

"When did the accident happen?"

"It was more than six o'clock yesterday evening."

Army's words let Shen mange quickly think of Ye Nanxian's last message.

She suddenly took out the mobile phone and saw that the time above was 6:10.

Shen mange's eyes burst into tears in an instant.

At that time, ye Nanxian was facing all this, but she finally sent this message to her, but she didn't know anything.

She also plans to quickly after this thing is over, take ye Nanxian back to Haicheng to relieve the pain of hypnosis, but why?

Why not give her such a little time?

Why should a woman like Xiaoshi deserve her own life?

Little poem, she'll deal with it. Didn't she say that?

Shen mange looked at the cliff and suddenly knelt down on the ground. His tears fell like broken beads.

If he does die, what can she do?Shen mange suddenly discovers that if ye Nanxian is gone, she seems to be unable to find the meaning of living.

She kept thinking about how she got along with Ye Nanxian these days.

He is more likely to meet all her requirements, even if it is unreasonable.

He has been spoiling her, spoiling him in his own way.

Now if ye Nanxian is really gone, who will put her in the palm of his heart in the future?

Ye Nanxian, didn't you mean to accompany me for the rest of my life?

Don't you mean to wait for me all the time and don't let others hurt me any more?

Now what do you want me to do?

Shen mange is crying silently.

She has no voice. She can't cry, and she can't cry out. The feeling of dying of pain seems to be covered with an atmosphere of sadness and depression, which makes people around suddenly want to cry.

When Yang Fan and Ye Hong arrived, they saw this scene.

Yang Fan's heart was torn.

He quickly steps forward and wants to help Shen mange, but Shen mange throws him away.

Straight, she looked at the cliff below, eyes some straight, even eyes also some lax.

Yang Fan's heart jerked.

"Master mother..."

Shen mange didn't seem to hear it. He raised his foot and jumped in front of him.

At this moment, her mind is only Ye Nanxian.

Now that he's gone, what is she doing here?

Didn't he say that if she died, he wouldn't live alone?

So is she.

Shen mange closed her eyes to face the wind. At the moment of taking off, she was caught by Yang Fan, who had been paying attention to her all the time. She hugged Liu Yao and pulled back.

"Mother, you can't die!"

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