"Zhang Min will be fine. Don't worry."

Shen mange said with a gesture.

"Will it be all right? She has so much blood all over her body. "

Song Wenqi is sitting on the bench in despair.

He grasped his hair tightly and kept tugging.

Why are you drunk?

How can Zhang Min face all this alone?

But what's the use of more regret?

Song Wenqi is suffering, and Shen mange is also suffering. She wanted to make a couple of Zhang Min and song Wenqi, but now that Zhang Min is like this, she knows it has nothing to do with her, but she is still suffering.

Bai Zitong didn't know how to comfort them, so he had to wait quietly.

As time went by, the lights in the emergency room finally went out.

Song Wenqi was a little scared.

When Zhong Lei came out, he looked at them and said in a low voice, "the patient's condition is not very good."

"How's it going?"

Song Wenqi asked.

He felt his hands shaking and his heart shaking.

Shen mange also nervously looks at Zhong Lei.

Zhong Lei sighed and said: "the patient has multiple fractures, three broken ribs, and congestion in other places. Fortunately, it was sent in time, otherwise it is likely to bleed and oppress the nerves, resulting in bad consequences. And more importantly, the patient injured the uterus. "

"What did you say?"

Song Wenqi and Shen mange's eyes suddenly widened.

"Elder martial brother, have you been diagnosed?"

Bai Zitong was also at a loss.

Zhong Lei nodded and said with regret: "the other side is too hard. The uterus is the most vulnerable place for women. At present, it takes a long time to recover. Of course, I mean traditional Chinese massage and acupuncture, but western medicine probably doesn't have much effect. As for how long this treatment will take, I'm not sure. Maybe a few months is her, maybe a year and a half, maybe a longer time, maybe her uterus has recovered, has passed the childbearing period. So I need to see the other party's immediate family, and this kind of thing needs the signature of the immediate family. "

Song Wenqi is totally confused.

He knows more than anyone the importance of a womb to a woman.

Zhang Min hasn't got married, has no boyfriend, and her life hasn't started yet, just because he is such a rotten person, she has become what she is now.

He can't turn back the clock because he is sorry and sad.

Song Wenqi's silence makes Shen mange sad.

She took out her mobile phone to look for Zhang Min's phone number, but found that Zhang Min did not leave his immediate family number.

"What's the matter?"

White Zitong see Shen man song's face problem, quickly asked.

Shen mange gestured: "Zhang Min's immediate family contact did not write."

Song Wenqi frowned slightly.

"I'll find out which village Zhang Min is from."

Shen mange gives Zhang Min's information to song Wenqi.

It didn't take long for the report about Zhang Min to be sent.

Song Wenqi looked at the report on the mobile phone, suddenly some speechless.

"What's the matter?"

Shen mange inquirer.

Song Wenqi gave the information to Shen mange.

According to the information, Zhang Min's parents are anti drug heroes. They both died a few years ago, leaving a 15-year-old brother at school. Zhang Min kept the money left by his parents in the bank, saying it was for his brother to marry his daughter-in-law in the future. I now work for my brother to go to school and the living expenses of my brother and sister.

Seeing all this, Shen mange's eyes are moist.

Such a woman should be held in the palm of her hand, but now she has become like this.

Song Wenqi's eyes are sour. He looks at Zhong Lei and says, "I'm her immediate family. I'll be responsible for her everything."


Zhong Lei looks at Bai Zitong and Shen mange with some wonder.

Shen mange was stunned and heard song Wenqi say: "yes, I'm her fiance! I'll take care of the rest of her life. "

With that, he took a look at Shen mange and ran out.

This eye made Shen man's heart ache.

She hopes that song Wenqi and Zhang Min can become a couple, but it's not like this.

"I'll see him."

Shen mange gestured to Bai Zitong and ran out after Song Wenqi.

Song Wenqi didn't run far. He was in the back garden of the hospital.

There are fewer people here. Song Wenqi squats among the flowers, covers his mouth and cries silently.

His shoulders are shaking, and his 185 looks like a helpless child from behind.

Shen mange walked slowly and sat down beside him.

She doesn't know what kind of language she should use to comfort song Wenqi. After all, she feels ashamed of Zhang Min for such a thing.The familiar breath made song Wenqi stop crying.

he touched a handful of tears and looked up at the sky as if he could let the tears flow back.

Shen man Ge reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm fine!"

Song Wenqi's voice is hoarse, but whispers: "Shen mange, I'm afraid I can't continue to love you."

This sentence made song Wenqi burst into tears again.

He knew that he was like a child, but he couldn't control his emotions.

He said that he would keep Shen mange all his life. He said that even if he had white hair, he would wait for Shen mange.

But now all the vows have become the moon in the mirror, it doesn't count.

his heart aches at the thought of parting ways with Shen mange from now on and thinking that Shen mange is no longer the center of his life.

"I always don't believe in fate. I always feel that as long as I work hard and persist, I will always wait until the day when spring is warm and flowers bloom. Even if you and I are grey, I don't care. But now I know, people in this life really want to pay attention to fate. I love you, but I miss you

Song Wenqi said, again covered his face, lying on the cement floor.

Shen mange has always wanted song Wenqi to let go of her feelings, but she doesn't want to let go in this way.

"Song Wenqi, you know, I always hope you are better than me."

Shen mange said with a gesture.

Song Wenqi said with a bitter smile: "you are not me. How can I know that waiting for you is not my best way of life? But what's the use of saying that now? I was destined to miss you. If there is no Zhang Min, maybe I can continue to insist, but now Zhang Min has become like this, her future, her life should not be like this. It's all because of me. It's because of me. I want to be responsible for her, but Shen mange, if I want to be responsible for Zhang Min, I have to give up my love for you. I can't fail her. If I have you in my heart, it's the biggest insult and injustice to her. I want to try to take back my love for you, to try to love Zhang Min, to try to give her everything a woman should have. But my heart is very painful, really painful. Letting go is not as easy as I think, but it is imperative. Shen mange, let me hold you for the last time. "

He cried like a child, got up from the ground, hugged Shen mange and cried silently.

Scalding tears burn Shen mange's shoulders and penetrate into her heart.

It shouldn't be like this!

Song Wenqi's happiness should not be like this!

She wants to comfort, want to say what, but found that all the language has become pale, all the comfort will become a handful of salt, sprinkle on Song Wenqi's wound, let him more pain.

She always thinks that song Wenqi's saying that she loves her is a joke. She thinks that song Wenqi will forget this relationship after a while, but at this moment, Shen mange finds out the cruelty of fate.

Song Wenqi wants love, she can't give it.

She wanted song Wenqi to be happy, but she became what she is now.

Shen mange reaches out his hand and hugs song Wenqi tightly.

This is her brother. This is her brother. This is her confidant. She knows that from today on, song Wenqi will restrain her feelings and live a life that belongs to him and Zhang min.

The blessing of his, but how all open mouth.

A thousand words stuck in the throat, only into a deep sigh.

Song Wenqi sniffs Shen mange's breath and feels more and more uncomfortable.

This kind of breath he has been familiar with for a long time, so long that he thinks it has been integrated into his own blood and bone, but now at this moment, he wants to get rid of it all.

He was choking with pain, but he couldn't die because he still owed another woman his whole life.

Song Wenqi's crying eyes hurt.

Shen mange's heart is also sour, tears moisten his eyes.

She wants to push away what song Wenqi says, but song Wenqi pushes her away first.

In her tears, she saw song Wenqi's sad and bitter smile.

He said, "goodbye, Shen mange."

"Shen mange, please let me meet you at the right time in my next life," he said

He said, "Shen mange, please bless me."

Shen mange couldn't say a word.

She watched song Wenqi turn around with tears and smile.

She knew that this turn, they completely missed.

In the following years, he was no longer her admirer of Shen mange, no longer the persistent person who was waiting for her all his life.

Shen mange suddenly feels uncomfortable.

They are not love, but better than family.

"Song Wenqi, I wish you happiness."

Shen mange cries in his heart, watching song Wenqi step by step out of his sight, step by step to leave here.Song Wenqi went to the bathroom, washed his face clean, looked at his reflection in the mirror, he laughed a little complicated.

"Song Wenqi, you have to pay the debt. If you owe Zhang Min, you have to spend your whole life to pay it back. "

With that, he made a sign to himself to refuel, and then walked out of the bathroom.

When he came to the ward, Bai Zitong was accompanying Zhang Min in a coma.

Zhang Min's whole body is wrapped with gauze and looks very fragile.

"I'll do it."

Song Wenqi takes the towel from Bai Zitong and goes to the bathroom to get hot water.

Bai Zitong looked at Song Wenqi and asked, "Song Wenqi, do you really want to be with Zhang Min?"

"Zhang Min is very good. She is kind-hearted and straightforward. We will get along well."

"But do you love her? You want to marry Zhang Min unilaterally. Does Zhang Min agree? When she was saving you, she didn't want to ask you to commit yourself. You're not fair to her. "

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