"Who is that?"

Seeing that she was a strange girl, Shen mange couldn't help asking.

Liu Mei also looks at Ye Nanxian with some doubts.

Ye Nanxian brought the girl in, and then motioned to the girl to say.

The girl was a little shy, but when she saw Shen mange and Liu Mei, she whispered, "I'm Zhang Liu's daughter. My mom's gone. "

"Who is Zhang Liu?"

Shen mange subconsciously looks at Liu Mei.

Liu Mei quickly explained, "Zhang Liu is our nanny. She said that her daughter was ill and left after spending some money with me. What do you mean your mother is gone now? "

The girl bit her lower lip, pondered for a while and said, "my name is Han Han. Zhang Liu is my stepmother, not my own mother. She has been bad to me since she was a child. When I was sick, I drank ginger sugar water and carried it over. I seldom went to the hospital. Yesterday, a man came to see her. She went out for a while and didn't pay much attention to me when she came back. This morning, she went out and never came back. It wasn't until this uncle came to me that I found that my family's passbook and account book were gone. "


Liu Mei was very surprised.

"When I first asked Zhang Liu to be a nanny, the agency said she was very family oriented and very good."

Han Han said in a low voice: "my father left a sum of money after he died in a car accident. In order to avoid being told that she treated me harshly, she treated me very well outside and even became a good person, but I was miserable when there was no one at home. My father left me the money, but it's gone now. My mother may have run away with someone. I know the man who is looking for her. She used to watch in a bar. "

Now hearing this, Shen mange and Liu Mei still think that this fall is an accident. That would be naive.

"Who on earth is so hostile to our family?"

Liu Mei has been in the sanatorium for so many years, but she really doesn't know how dangerous people are. Now when she hears such things, she can't help feeling sad.

Shen mange looked at Han Han and asked, "do you know that man?"

"I know. After my father died, he came to our house several times, but I don't like it very much. My mother told me that we might live together in the future, but I really don't want to. This time I should have run with this man. "

"What's the name of this man?"

"I'm not sure, but everyone calls him brother Xiang."

Han Han's words make Shen mange's eyebrows wrinkle gently.

Ye Nanxian just opened his mouth.

"I checked. Brother Xiang's original name is Fang Yixiang. Coincidentally, he is Mrs. song's younger brother

"Mrs. song? Which Mrs. song? "

Shen mange couldn't react for a moment.

When ye Nanxian looks at Liu Mei, Shen mange suddenly understands, but he also feels embarrassed.

Liu Mei also understood, said with a wry smile: "now she calls herself Mrs. song?"

"Auntie, don't be a stranger. You know, song Haitao..."

After Shen mange knew that Liu Mei was her aunt, she changed her name although she was a bit awkward.

Liu Mei is very pleased, but still sad to say: "I know, so many years, I have been in the sanatorium, holding the feelings that used to be with song Haitao, so many years have occupied the position of Mrs. song, not worthy of the name, it is really time to make room for her."

"No, Aunt Liu, you may not understand me. Brother Xiang is the younger brother of song's wife Fang Juan. His brother knows your nanny Zhang Liu. And the reason why you can fall is because someone intentionally spilled food oil on the corridor, making you fall on purpose. If my guess is right, they are going to let you fall down the stairs by accident, cause a fracture, or a fall or something, or even worse, maybe they want to kill you without knowing it. So I think you should talk to Mr. song about this. I don't believe it. Without Fang Juan's advice, her brother dares to do so. "

Ye Nanxian's words are very straightforward.

Shen mange knows that ye Nanxian is a real brother to song Wenqi, so he doesn't want Liu Mei to get hurt. Now this situation really makes Shen mange sad.

"Nanxian, I just know one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"Aunt Liu and my mother Xiao AI are sisters. They are sisters, but they have the same surname as their mother and their father."

Shen mange's words made Ye Nanxian feel stunned for a while, and then he was happy.

"Good aunt."

He is very clever called an aunt.

Liu Mei looked at him a little depressed and said, "don't think I don't know what you are enjoying. Do you think I'm man GE's aunt? Wen Qi and man Ge are cousins, so there's no chance. You're completely relieved, aren't you? "

Ye Nanxian laughs, obviously Liu Mei guesses his mind.

Shen mange is also convinced.

After so many years and experiences, why is Ye Nanxian still so careful?All said she and song Wenqi is not that kind of sentiment, how or uneasy?

Looking at Shen mange's eyes, ye Nanxian didn't dodge either, and said with a smile, "now I put my heart in my stomach."

"You really are..."

Shen mange can hardly find the right words to describe Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian didn't care, but looked at Liu Mei and said, "Auntie, how do you deal with this? After all, it's a private matter of your family. It's not appropriate for me to intervene. "

"What's wrong? Aren't you my nephew now? What's the matter? Now I want to be out of touch? "

Liu Mei's words made Ye Nanxian quickly say: "no, no, I just think President song may have an opinion on me. After all, his other son is my special assistant and vice president. "

Speaking of Song Tao, ye Nanxian is also in a bit of a dilemma.

After all, Fang Juan is Song Tao's own mother, and now Liu Mei is Shen mange's own aunt. The relationship is so complicated that he really doesn't know how to deal with it.

Liu Mei heard that song Haitao had a son. Although song Wenqi had told her, she was still a little sad at this time.

"I heard that Song Tao and Wen Qi are about the same age?"

"Well, one year away. Song Tao is one year younger. "

When ye Nanxian finished, Shen mange glared at him.

He couldn't help feeling that he was wronged. He was telling the truth. Besides, I can't hide it even if I want to.

Han Han was at a loss when he saw what they said.

"Me, can I go now?"

"Are you alone at home now?"

Seeing that she was alone, Shen mange couldn't help asking.

Han Han nodded.

"I know my mother and brother Xiang have a date place. I don't know if they are still there. If you want to find them, I can take you with me, but I hope you can grasp the money left by my father and help me get back, OK?"

Han Han is not a child who doesn't know anything, and even has requirements, which makes Shen mange a little surprised. However, he can understand that a child who has lost his own father is oppressed by his stepmother, and his later life is really a problem.

Ye Nanxian nodded.

"Well, I'll go with you."

"What about us?"

Shen mange looks at Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian said with a smile: "isn't it sprained and need rest? You can stay here with my aunt. I'll take care of things outside. "

"I'd better call Wenqi. The child didn't know where he was today, and no one answered the phone. You go and get him. Let him take care of me here. I've heard about mange's health. It's not very good. Go back and have a rest. "

Liu Mei's words made Shen mange and ye Nanxian pause for a while. Then Shen mange pondered for a while and said, "aunt, there's something I need to tell you. Don't blame Wen Qi."

"What happened to Wenqi? What happened to him? "

Liu Mei suddenly became nervous.

Over the years, song Wenqi has been Liu Mei's all. She can not be Mrs. song, can not be with song Haitao, but can not be without song Wenqi.

Seeing that she was so nervous, Shen mange quickly said, "no, there is nothing wrong with song Wenqi. To be exact, there should be something wrong with Zhang min."

"Zhang Min? The woman who claimed to be Wenqi's girlfriend? Didn't she run away? What's the matter? Where's Wenqi? "

Liu Mei's face is not very good.

I don't know why. She just doesn't like Zhang Min very much. Even though Zhang Min has been flattering her, it's good for her, but she just feels uncomfortable watching Zhang min.

Seeing Liu Mei's reaction, Shen mange hesitates for a moment to say that ye Nanxian has already opened her mouth.

"Auntie, it's like this. We found Zhang Min in the landfill. She was put into a garbage bag and thrown into the landfill. If we go half an hour late, it is estimated that she will be thrown into the landfill as garbage. As the filling material of the garbage dump, generally the garbage is directly compressed by the machine and then thrown in. When we went there, Zhang Min's bones were broken, and there was no intact place. Even if he was rescued in his life, it was useless. After all, Wenqi still has feelings for her. We sent her to the hospital, where Wenqi was waiting. As for the news of your fall, we didn't dare to tell Wen Qi. We were afraid that he would not care about it, so... "

Hear ye Nanxian say so, Liu Mei's brow tightly knit together.

"Who is so cruel? Even if Zhang Min is a heinous man, he can't do it so absolutely! How painful it must be for a good person to be broken all the bones, and how much hatred it must be to become like this? Although I don't like that girl, I can see that her heart is still kind, but she is too deep-seated to like a simple person like me. In fact, I think when she took me out of the sanatorium, it was out of kindness. "Liu Mei's words make ye Nanxian and Shen mange stunned.

"Auntie, didn't she kidnap you from the sanatorium?"

Liu Mei shook her head.

"You don't know that when Zhang Min came to me, a wave of people came to me. I don't know those people. They ask me where I am as soon as they come in. They are very strong. My special care unit tried to take me away, but the back door was blocked. At this time, Zhang Min came in, pushed me to go, and told me that Wenqi asked her to pick me up. At that time, I thought it was true, but now I think there should be something we don't know. "

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