"I'm free to think about this matter. You are weak. Don't fight ye Nanxian. I'm responsible for this matter. When you get back to Haicheng, Lingyu, you'd better find another job. I'm afraid he will attack you."

This is what Shen mange is worried about.

blue rain rain smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of him. I can't give him this life. This Haicheng is not really his has the final say."

Seeing that Lan Lingyu doesn't care, Shen mange is still worried, but LAN Lingyu doesn't let her say it.

"Well, what's the relationship between us? I didn't know where to work if you didn't help me when I was in college. Without you, there would be no me today. Don't say anything. I know what I'm doing. Well, I'm fine. "

Shen mange was immediately moved.

At the beginning, she was still a famous lady in the Shen family. At the beginning, it was just to see LAN Lingyu's life was too difficult to help her, but she didn't expect to get the best friend in her life.

If it wasn't for her falling in love with Ye Nanxian, or if it wasn't for the scandal eight years ago that made their Shen family lose face, she wouldn't be expelled by the Shen family, and she wouldn't be so lonely after she married into the Ye family.

It's too late to say anything now.

The Shen family has no place for her.

The fire five years ago broke all the ties between her and the Shen family. Now when I think about it, Shen mange is very sad.

She once abandoned everything for love, but now she has nothing and lost the children's health. She really regretted her death.

LAN Lingyu held her hand tightly and said in a low voice, "don't be sad. I know you are thinking about the Shen family. In fact, your parents are not so cold-blooded. Five years ago, the whole Haicheng City was shocked by the fire, but the most broadcast was the news that you attempted to elope with other men and died in the fire. Although your father broke off the relationship with your father and son in the newspaper, they often went to the cemetery in recent years. I heard that your mother bought a cemetery and set up a clothes tomb for you, and she will worship you every year. In recent years, they are getting older. If you have a chance, go and see them. "

Shen mange's tears can no longer be stopped.

In the past five years abroad, her most helpless five years, in fact, she thought most about her mother.

She used to be the eldest lady of the Shen family. She was spoiled by her parents and grew up. However, because she had a relationship with Ye Nanxian at the banquet, she was exposed by the media and never got close again.

Shen family is a famous family and a scholarly family. They can't tolerate such things. She can understand her parents, but she can't make time go back.

If she can know the end of her love, she will not marry into the Ye family.

Now all the remorse can't make up for the harm to their parents.

Shen mange can't help crying with LAN Lingyu in her arms.

"Lingyu, I miss them. I really miss them. But look at me now. Even if I stand in front of them, they can't recognize me. I am an unfilial daughter. My parents are just like me, but I let them suffer from the pain of white hair people sending black hair people. People like me don't deserve to be children at all. "

"Don't say that, mange. You still have a chance. Aren't you back now? Even if you can't take care of them as Shen mange, you can take care of them as Catherine and as Shen mange's friend, can't you? "

LAN Lingyu comforts Shen mange.

Shen mange can only nod, but he can't speak any more.

When Shen Zian brings Shen mange to find LAN Lingyu, he is called away by Yan Zhen. It is said that there is still a training project unfinished, so that he doesn't see Shen mange crying now. Otherwise, the boy doesn't know what to do.

Shen mange cried for a while with LAN Lingyu in his arms, and then he calmed down.

LAN Lingyu patted the back of her hand and said, "everything will be OK."

"Well, I'll take some pictures for zi'an and send them to Luo Luo. She may be in a hurry these days. At Ye's home, I dare not talk to Luo Luo for fear that ye Nanxian will discover Luo Luo's existence. The falling body can't bear any action of Ye Nanxian. "

It's so hard to listen to Shen man's song that Lan Lingyu hates Ye Nanxian even more.

Two people went to the camp.

Shen Zian is training.

Shen mange thought that ye Rui would rest after being beaten by Shen Zian, but he was also there, and he was very strict in training behind Shen Zian.

To Ye Rui, Shen mange really doesn't know what to say.

LAN Lingyu looked into Shen mange's eyes and said in a low voice, "Ye Rui is different from ye Nanxian. This child has been observing since I entered the kindergarten. He is very kind, but he is a little lonely. Not everyone can be friends. And I've seen it. The child is very smart, but he doesn't have ye Nanxian's genius gene. I don't know if it's because his mother has lowered his IQ, but he's very diligent, which all teachers see in their eyes. He doesn't think that he is the successor of the Ye family, so he is proud of them. When zi'an comes, they have a very good relationship. Even if zi'an repels him, he doesn't care. He is still leaning up. I don't know if it's a blood relationship. "Shen mange can't explain it, but he can't really hate the child.

"Let zi'an and ye Ruishun develop this. After all, Zian is too old to have the same playmate together, although I don't know how long I can be together. "

Shen mange is powerless.

Two people's hearts are somewhat heavy.

Shen mange quickly took several photos of Shen Zian's bravery, and then sent them to Luoluo.

At this time, Luoluo doesn't know if he has woken up.

Soon, Luoluo got a reply.

"Mommy, my brother is so handsome! When can I be as handsome as my brother? "

Shen Luoluo is extremely envious, but Shen mange's heart is like a knife.

"Soon, my good daughter will have such a day!"

Shen mange comforts Shen Luoluo, his eyes are sad.

Shen Luoluo is at the other end, with a small mouth and a disappointed face, but he replies to Shen mange with a smile.

"Well, I believe there will be such a day when I will ask mommy to take pictures of me. I want to run like my brother in the sun. Mommy, you haven't contacted me these days. I miss you so much. When will you and your brother come back? "

In fact, falling is lonely.

She's like a canary in a canary cage.

She knows that because of her body, Godfather and Mommy are for her good, but she really envies her peers who run in the sun.

Unfortunately, she can't.

She would pant for a few steps, then get on the ventilator, and make Mommy and brother and Godfather worried.

Shen Luoluo doesn't want mommy and her brother to worry, but her body can't help it.

She looked out of the window and didn't tell Shen mange that she almost got off the operating table yesterday.

I can't count the knife edges on my body.

It seems that from the beginning of memory, the hospital is her home. She also ran out willfully. As a result, Mommy cried for a day and a night, and her brother didn't speak for three days. Everyone stood in front of her bed and didn't dare blink for fear that she would suddenly leave the world.

Shen Luoluo knows that he is dragging this sick and weak body for the sake of mummy and brother, so that they will not be sad.

But she's in pain!

I can't sleep in the middle of the night. I want to find Mommy's arms. I want to die like this.

But she can't!

Godfather said to her, Mommy spent a lot of effort, almost lost her life to let her come to this world, her life is Mommy's, she can't be willful.

So she had to endure.

Endure life into the last moment, endure no longer able to accompany mommy and brother.

The eyes are full of tears.

Her body hurts again, but she can't cry. She has to be a ninja, or Mommy will worry.

A smiling face pale terrible, a pair of small hands tightly grabbed the sheet, palms are cold sweat, but she is smiling, smile so bright, smile so happy.

Shen mange looks at her daughter's brilliant smile in the video and thinks that no matter what she has experienced, everything is worth it.

"Luoluo, Mommy wants you too. These days, mommy has something to do with delay. I can't make a video call with you. I'm sorry. "

"No, mommy has her own business to do. Godfather said that mummy went to Haicheng for the sake of falling ill. I know mommy is very hard and won't disturb her. But Mommy, can you send me a video in your spare time to let me know if you and your brother are good? "

"Well, Mommy will try to find time and video."

Shen mange can't hold back his tears again.

But she couldn't cry.

Luoluo is a very sensible child.

Sometimes she really thanks God for giving her such two sensible children, but the more sensible they are, the more distressed Shen mange is.

When she was supposed to be naughty, when she was supposed to enjoy her childhood, her two children turned into a little adult and a patient. How could she feel at ease as a mother?

And ye Nanxian, the culprit of all this, how can she make him live in peace?

After talking with Shen Luoluo for a while, Shen mange hangs up and sees that Shen Zian and Shen Zian have finished class.

Shen Zian pounces on Shen mange like a bird.

"Mommy! Am I handsome? "

After coming here, Shen Zian seems to have made up for all his lost innocence. Less of that mature, more of a childlike innocence.

Shen mange pinched his small face and said, "cool, cool. My son is so wonderful

"That's it!"

Shen Zian boasted with pride.

Ye Rui some lonely came to them, want to say something, but it is very awkward, for a time let Shen mange some heartache."Ye Rui is also great. I can see that you work hard. Go on, you will surpass zi'an one day. "

"Really? Can I really? "

Ye Rui's eyes suddenly lit up, and his shining expression was just like the stars in the sky. Suddenly, the color bloomed, which made people feel better.

"Of course!"

Shen mange touched his head, ye Rui actually red eyes.

"Thank you, auntie. Auntie, it's very kind of you. If only you were my mommy. "

Ye Rui turns and runs away, but Shen mange sees the tears in his eyes.

The child is badly in need of love!

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