"Do you remember the wrong place?"

Seeing that ye Nanxian's face is not very good, Shen mange asks.

"Do you doubt your husband's memory?"

"No, I just think what if you remember wrong? Otherwise, let's go somewhere else. "

Shen mange pulls Ye Nanxian's hand and wants to leave, but it's too late. They were quickly surrounded by noisy footsteps.

The Mou son of blue morning is dark to sink a few minutes, low voice says: "it is the person of dark night."

When she heard the word "dark night", Shen mange felt a little uncomfortable. Although she was nominally the mother of dark night, Fang Qian controlled the whole dark night all the time. It can be seen from Yang Fan's disobedience to her own orders.

Ye Nanxian's eyes are chilly.

"The dark night is a unique team of the Ye family. It's for the service above. Now it's a private team. It's better to disband it."

When Shen mange heard Ye Nanxian say this, he knew that he was really angry.

Also, Fang Qian always challenges Ye Nanxian again and again, and her tolerance meets the bottom line. Does she really think ye Nanxian won't resist? Or do you think how much love is left between mother and son?

"I agree. It's not the dark night of our Ye family. It's better to keep it than to dissolve it. LAN Chen, lean back and find a safe place to stay. We'll call you when we're done

Shen mange takes off his coat.

She hasn't had such a pleasant activity for a long time.

Ye Nanxian held her hand tightly and said, "you can also find a place to stay."

"What do you mean? You look down on me? "

Shen mange feels despised by Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian said with a smile: "it's not necessary to wait for you to do such a little thing. Besides, you are double body now. I'm your man. If you can't do such a little thing well, do I deserve to be your husband? Just step back and protect LAN Chen. At this time, I'm afraid that we will all take part in the war. Someone will take the opportunity. Let's take LAN Chen away. After all, lanchen is our weakness now. "

This sentence is not leaking, so Shen mange didn't know how to refute it.

"Well, you win, but you have to be safe and don't hurt yourself."

"Don't worry."

Ye Nanxian's confident appearance gives Shen mange great courage. Maybe he can be alone?

LAN Chen saw them like this and said in a low voice, "I will try my best to learn the ability of self-protection, and I promise not to drag you back in the future."

"It's better to do that, and step back with the mantra."

Ye Nanxian didn't even see LAN Chen.

Lanchen's calm after losing fangting can only show that this man has great ambition and revenge. Maybe he will really become Shen mange's right arm.

About whether LAN Chen will like Shen mange, ye Nanxian is confident. Besides, Shen mange is also very confident about his feelings.

LAN Chen didn't say anything. She looked at Shen man's song, and the meaning was obvious.

Urged by two men, Shen mange reluctantly takes LAN Chen out of the encirclement.

When people at night see that they are dealing with Ye Nanxian and Shen mange, they are stunned.

"Mr. Ye, we also follow orders."

One of them said respectfully to Ye Nanxian.

But ye Nanxian sneered and said, "do as you are told? Whose orders are you on? Don't you know that ye's mother has changed? Now the person standing in front of you is your new mistress, but you can listen to the order of outsiders to encircle her. In that case, what's the use of keeping you at night? "

The man who just started to speak looked very surprised.

"Mother changed? Why don't we know? "

Although Shen mange is far away, he still hears their conversation. Then he quickly stands up and takes out the ring representing his own identity.

"You see, this is the keepsake! Don't you know this keepsake? "

The man looked at the things in Shen man's singer and said in a low voice, "it says that someone has stolen the keepsake of his mother. Let's not take the keepsake as the standard."

"What else do you say? Do it. Just let me see how much your skills have improved in recent years. You can keep me here. You continue to exist in the dark, but you no longer belong to the Ye family! I'm here to say that Fang Qian has left the Ye family and is no longer a member of the Ye family. If you want to be loyal to him, you don't deserve to be ye's dark night! If I'm lucky enough to win, you'll make your own living. "

Ye Nanxian said it very clearly.

Many people are hesitant, but the man who spoke earlier looked at Ye Nanxian and said in a low voice, "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry. We are also ordered to act. As you know, once the order is issued, it must be completed."

"Come on."

Ye Nanxian didn't bother to talk too much, so he opened his posture directly.Several people looked at Ye Nanxian. Although they hesitated, they still started.

Seeing this scene, Shen mange really thinks that dissolving the dark night is the right choice.

When ye Nanxian was fighting with them, Shen mange noticed the movement around him and said to LAN Chen, "do you think Fang Qian will be around here again?"

"It's impossible. The old woman is terrible. She'll just curl up in her cave and wait for the war to end before she comes out. She'll either sneer or get angry."

LAN Chen sees Fang Qian thoroughly.

Shen mange frowned when he saw that Lan Chen's blood was still there.

"Is there any medicine to stop bleeding? You're going to bleed like this

"I forgot to bring it."

When Shen mange heard what LAN Chen said, he knew where Fang's family put the medicine, but he didn't care.

Thinking of the feelings between him and Fang Ting, Shen mange suddenly sighs.

People in this life is really too fragile, you never know happiness and accident to which one comes first, so take advantage of the time quiet good, take advantage of your love I have righteousness, cherish the time together with the beloved again.

Shen mange looks at Ye Nanxian again.

Although Ye Nanxian is surrounded by so many people, although he can't win quickly, Shen mange is still sensitive to realize that ye Nanxian's skill is improved again.

When does this man practice?

He is so busy every day. He worries about the company, the Ye family and the children. How can he still have time to practice?

For this, Shen mange is somewhat jealous.

When LAN Chen looks at Shen mange, the shadow of Ye Nanxian's forehead is everywhere. She remembers that Fang Ting would rather suffer than bleed.

At that time, Fang Ting's eyes were full of the shadow of his blue morning forehead, as if he was her day and all of her. The brilliance under her eyes is like the most beautiful star in the sky, shining on LAN Chen's whole heart and his whole life.

It was Fang Ting who told him that he had many other possibilities besides being a pharmacist of the Fang family. It's Fang Ting who tells him what warmth is in the world. But why did such a kind and innocent girl leave so early?

LAN Chen looks at the sky. He hears that good people will be angels when they die. He really hopes that Fang Ting can become an angel, and then live a carefree life, no longer have to bear such human ugliness and family rage.

And he will stay in the world to be a murderer in his whole life. For her, he can choose a road that is doomed. He only hopes that from now on he will be able to protect the people he wants to protect, and he will never be so incompetent and powerless again.

Shen mange naturally doesn't know what LAN Chen is thinking now. She just looks at Ye Nanxian's valiant appearance in the field and feels cool and cool. Her eyes are full of pink stars.

Ye Nanxian's fight is extremely hard. Even though his skill has been improved, he still feels a little hard in the face of so many people's siege. But behind him is Shen mange and lanchen. If he falls down, what will they do?

This belief makes Ye Nanxian more and more brave, and also makes other people really see ye Nanxian's strength.

Some of the people who didn't agree before are now unable to cope.

at the end of the fight, everyone knows that either they are defeated or they are abused by Ye Nanxian. Now it seems that it is more likely that they will be abused.

Seeing this scene, Shen mange couldn't help cheering like a child.

"Ye Nanxian, come on!"

Ye Nanxian's heart almost stopped beating when he saw her jump up.

"My aunt, don't jump! You're pregnant with a baby now. "

Ye Nanxian was so careless that he was directly beaten.

Shen mange's heart aches.

"Lying trough, you are too bullying people. Do you really think we have no one

Shen mange said and rolled his sleeve to go on the stage, but he was stopped by LAN Chen.

"What are you doing?"

"Ye Nanxian said you can't go out, you have to protect me."

LAN Chen's righteous words make Shen mange a little depressed.

"Please, you old man, as long as you hide well, you don't need my protection."

"That's no good. In case of a sneak attack, you have to stay and protect me. Besides, ye Nanxian doesn't need your help at all. Just don't make trouble."

The words of LAN Chen made Shen mange feel depressed.

"What's wrong with me?"

"If you don't shout that voice, ye Nanxian won't be beaten at all. Can't you see that? In less than five minutes, these people are going to fall. "

Hearing what LAN Chen said, Shen mange immediately looks to Ye Nanxian, not to mention that ye Nanxian obviously has an advantage over them.

In less than three minutes, all the people here fell down, but ye Nanxian was still standing there, with no other symptoms except slight breathing.Shen mange worships Ye Nanxian too much.

She saw the end of the fight, quickly pulled out of the blue morning.

"Nanxian, you're great!"

Shen mange's praise is very helpful to Ye Nanxian.

With a faint smile, he drew Shen mange's hand closer to his own.

"From today on, when you are not in the dark night of the Tuye family, I announce that the dark night team has been disbanded, and I will ask for instructions from the above when I come back. As for who you will follow in the future, it has nothing to do with our Ye family, but if you still want to hurt my wife and children, even if the Ye family goes out, you will pay a heavy price! "

With that, ye Nan Xian pulls Shen man Ge and LAN Chen to leave. At this time, a familiar voice suddenly stops them from leaving.

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