"I guessed right, didn't I? What you want is not only the notebook in my mother's hand, but also the things in Ye Nanxian's hand, right? "

Shen mange's words made Xiao AI a little stunned, but ye Zhiqiu said with a smile: "Shen mange, you are very smart, but sometimes people are too smart

"It's useless for you to say less. Although my father has developed that set of data, the premise is to complement the data of the Ye family. So you said that the person who used me to coerce arranged Ye Nanxian. I didn't know why before, but now I do. Ye Zhiqiu, I don't understand. Even if you create a genetic miracle, what if you really research human beings? Can you live forever? Or can you have so many children and grandchildren? You don't even want your own closest daughter. How can you make so many genetic reprogrammes? You can make sure that everyone will listen to you? "

Shen mange's words make ye Zhiqiu's face a little ugly.

"You're not in charge of what I'm going to do."

"I can ignore it, but don't involve the people I care about the most. Even if you create a new world, I can't manage it. But I warn you, if you dare to let my relatives suffer a little bit of damage, I promise you that you will be overwhelmed."

"Well, a prisoner, do you think you have the right to say that to me?"

Ye Zhiqiu left with a cold hum.

Xiao AI had been thinking about something. Seeing that ye Zhiqiu had left, she whispered, "I never thought why he did it."

"Mom, I know your wish is to see Dad, but how do you know he really has dad's body in his hand? Sometimes love makes people blind. Now you really are... "

Xiao AI shook his head with a smile and said, "it doesn't matter. I've been very unhappy all my life! I want to do things can not be done, I want to love people love but not, do not want to love people because I hurt. I have two children in my life, but I owe them both. Now that I'm dying, I don't want to wash myself, I just want to do what I want to do most. You can rest assured, notebook I will not give him, I will try to protect your safety. Man song, I'll help my mother. Instead of waiting to die at home, I'm not as good as coming here. At least I have something to look forward to. Maybe God will really help me when he sees my pity? "

Shen mange doesn't know what else she can say about Xiao AI's words. Xiao AI she knows doesn't seem to be like this, but it can't be refuted. Everyone has a weakness in his heart that he doesn't want to be touched by others.

And her weakness is Huo Zhenfeng.

Shen mange doesn't speak any more. She leans on Xiao AI's chest and listens to Xiao AI's heartbeat silently. It's so powerful, but with a trace of stillness.

She couldn't help thinking of Ye Nanxian.

It's a few hours since she disappeared. Ye Nanxian is expected to be very anxious.

That man, always because of his ups and downs.

Shen mange touched his body, but his mobile phone was still there, but there was no signal at all.

This is the sea area. There can't be no signal. The only explanation is that ye Zhiqiu has blocked the signal, so he can safely let himself own a mobile phone.

Shen mange opened the album. Many of them are photos of Ye Zian and yeluoluo. Later, there are more photos of Ye Rui, but few of them are of Ye Nanxian.

She is not a photographer. She always wants to leave some good memories in front of children, but she forgets that sometimes she needs to record some good moments in the adult world.

Shen mange looks at it and is satisfied and happy because of the children's growing up.

Xiao AI can't help but feel relieved to see that Shen mange can take things as they please.

Life at sea is so boring.

Ye Zhiqiu never saw them again after seeing them. Maybe she didn't want to see them. Maybe it was because the security here was too strict and she didn't want to run away. Shen mange knew that Xiao AI would not leave, and if Xiao AI didn't leave, she couldn't go.

Time goes by day on the sea, and there are also patrol fleets. But before Shen mange can ask for help, ye Zhiqiu has directly dealt with him.

Sometimes people's desire for survival will be worn away.

Shen mange saw Xiao AI stop her from leaving again and again, and finally she had to give up.

Forget it, since Xiao AI wants to see Huo Zhenfeng's body before she dies, she's also the obligation to be a son and help her.

The ship finally landed after five days at sea.

Shen mange and Xiao AI were not used to it when they first came ashore, especially Shen mange. I don't know if it was because of seasickness or something. They began to vomit when they came ashore. It was like the whole stomach was going to vomit.

Xiao AI looked at her with some heartache.

Ye Zhiqiu gave her a pill to take. Shen mange didn't dare to take it, so he heard Ye Zhiqiu say: "don't worry, this medicine has no effect on your body, and it won't affect your baby."

"Would you be so kind?""I just don't want anything to happen to you. "

it's really ironic for ye Zhiqiu to say this.

Shen mange looks at him and sneers.

Ye Zhiqiu also did not explain, but said faintly: "if you love to eat or not, if you don't eat, if you collapse to death, I won't be responsible for burying you."

Then he lifted his feet and left.

Along the way, ye Zhiqiu was a little insipid, not as loud as he was in Haicheng, not as cold as he was in Haicheng. At this time, ye Zhiqiu seemed to be a different person, with a trace of joy all over him. No matter how well he hid, Shen mange still felt it.

Xiao AI frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "can you still persist?"

"It should be."

Shen mange throws the pill away.

For the sake of her baby and herself, she didn't dare to try.

Xiao AI didn't stop him either. He just couldn't bear to look at Shen mange's pain.

"I'll see if there's any other medicine for you later."


With the help of Xiao AI, Shen mange goes ashore with Ye Zhiqiu.

It seems that this is an unknown island. If he didn't come here with Ye Zhiqiu, Shen mange didn't know that there would be such an island in the middle of the sea.

The means of transportation here is boats, surrounded by the sea.

The size of the island is not big, at best the size of a county, but the security here is very strict, just like an independent small country.

The moment Ye Zhiqiu took them to the island, there were countless armed police with submachine guns at them.

"Chief, are you back?"

When the leaders saw Ye Zhiqiu, they respected him very much.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded and said in a low voice, "keep alert. If there is anything, please report to me at any time."


The other side gave a military salute.

Shen mange carefully checks and finds out that these people are good at skills, even better than herself. Now that she is pregnant, her skills are not as good as before. It's hard for her to break out from here.

Ye Zhiqiu is not afraid of her, but coldly said: "the only way out here is where we come from. If you want to die, try as much as you can. I promise others will not even find the body.",. But if you will listen to me, I will guarantee your personal safety

"I believe you Baba."

Shen mange went back directly.

Ye Zhiqiu frowned at Shen mange's words, but said nothing more.

"Ah Hu, take them down to have a rest. I'll let you know when we need them."

Ye Zhiqiu said and left quickly.

Shen mange doesn't know where he's going, but seeing ye Zhiqiu's cheerful steps, she suddenly has a feeling that ye Zhiqiu seems to be going to meet the person she likes.

Who do you like?

Does a man like Ye Zhiqiu have someone to like?

Shen mange thinks he's funny.

All his life, he has been searching for the data and experiments of genetic modification. How can such a person like him have someone he likes?

If someone really likes him, how can he do such crazy things?

Shen mange shakes her head and enters the island with the help of Xiao AI. The more she goes inside, the more surprised she is.

The defense here is just too large-scale. Let alone her, even if ye Nanxian and they all come, they will not retreat here.

Previously, Shen mange hoped that ye Nanxian would come to visit her. Now she doesn't want them at all.

Ah Hu took them to the island. Under the detection of various scientific and technological instruments, they finally passed all kinds of barriers and came to the place where they lived. ,

the living environment here is very beautiful, even a bit of paradise.

When she saw the whole lavender garden, she didn't know how much money it was.

"Ma, are there any women on this island? A woman whom ye Zhiqiu loves

Shen mange suddenly opens his mouth.

Xiao AI Leng for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know. I've never heard of any woman Ye Zhiqiu likes. His generation is looking for genetic transformation and regeneration like a madman. It's like a medical freak. Can such a person have a beloved woman? If so, how could he do so many unreasonable things? Once a person is used to the beauty of love, he will not separate others. "

"It is not necessarily that there is another kind of person who will be desperate for the love in his heart, even if he is against the whole world."

Shen mange doesn't know why he said such a thing, but after saying it, he doesn't feel contradictory.

But will people like Ye Zhiqiu really?If so, who is the woman that ye Zhiqiu holds in her hand?

This piece of lavender is really good-looking. She doesn't believe it's just a kind of boring research by Ye Zhiqiu. So which woman is so painstaking?

Is that violet's mother?

Shen mange thinks constantly in her heart, but she can't get any answers.

They were arranged by AHU to live in the side hall.

Ah Hu looked at them before he left, and said in a low voice, "I give you a piece of advice. Try to have a rest and activity here as much as possible. Never enter the main hall."


Shen mange asked casually, and saw that ah Hu's face had changed a little.

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